Best Homeopathic Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis

Homeopathic Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis

This blog explains the best homeopathic medicine for allergic rhinitis, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management, diagnosis & complete treatment.

Allergic rhinitis is the seasonal fever which is also known as viral fever. The other name of allergic rhinitis is Hay fever. This occurs more commonly in spring and summer.

In allergic rhinitis, the immune system is mainly affected by the pollen grains present in the surroundings.

Environmental factors play the most important role in case of allergic rhinitis such as dust, pollen, pet hairs etc.

It is typically a kind of allergy through most of the people are affected. It is most commonly affected in age groups between 20 – 30 years.

People who suffer from asthma or any skin disease are more likely to have hay fever.

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that causes congestion, sneezing, itching in the nose, sore throat, cough and cold etc.

Immunoglobulin (IgE) is used to detect the allergic condition of the patient through a blood sample.

Allergic Rhinitis Types

According to the famous British Immunologist Coomb and Gell, there are four important types of allergic reaction are classified

1. Type I- Immediate Hypersensitivity Reaction

This immediate Hypersensitivity reaction occurs within a few seconds to 24 hours after the exposure of allergens.

This is further classified into two main types

a. Anaphylactic Reaction

This is the most dangerous type of allergic reaction.

This type of reaction occurs from a few seconds to minutes after the exposure of allergens.

This is a severe form of reaction and may be life-threatening.

b. Anaphylaxis Reaction

Anaphylaxis reaction is again a life-threatening and systemic allergic condition of the patient which may cause bronchospasm, circulatory collapse, urticaria, asthma etc.

The Patriots have the following symptoms such as itching on the skin, low blood pressure, weak and rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting feeling, etc.

2. Type II- Cytotoxic Reaction

In cytotoxic reaction, symptom develops after a few minutes to hours.

IgG and IgM damage the cell of the immune system by activating them.

Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia, good pasture’s syndrome, thrombocytopenia etc.

3. Type III – Immune Complex Mediated Reaction

In this reaction, symptoms start after a few hours.

IgG and IgM react with antigen to form an antigen-antibody complex.

Few diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, serum sickness etc.

4. Type IV- Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction

Symptom starts to set after a few hours to a few days.

In this reaction, long term cases are always seen.

Such as Tuberculosis, fungal infection, Type 1 diabetes etc.

Allergic Rhinitis Causes

There are several causes for allergic rhinitis. A few main causes are mentioned below 

1. Anaphylaxis

IgE mediated mast cell

a. Food

Food items or products that include peanuts, milk, egg, fish and soy products are the main cause of allergic rhinitis.

Food allergy can be life-threatening because it directly affects on nose and throat and causes inflammation. 

b. Insect bite

In case of insect bites such as bee venom may also cause allergy to the patient.

Bee or bug sting cause skin eruptions such as itching and swelling on the affected parts of the patient.

c. Chemical / Drug

Penicillin is the common cause of allergic reactions.

Intravenous anaesthesia agents also cause allergies.

2. Anaphylactoid

Non-IgE mediated mast cell

  1. Drug

Excess use of drugs such as aspirin and NSAIDs causes allergy.

  1. Lack of physical exercise causes a reaction.
  2. Some causes are again idiopathic, especially in 20% of cases.

A few common causes of Allergic Rhinitis are:-

1. House Mites

The unclean home area may infect the human body and cause a reaction.

House mites were especially seen in cold weather.

2. Pollen

Tress that shed from mid-spring may cause a respiratory allergic reaction, especially in an asthmatic patient.

3. Work-Related Allergies

Some patients get affected by their work-related surrounding environment.

People who work in coal mines, wood dust, floor dust etc. get easily affected.

Allergic Rhinitis Symptom

Allergic rhinitis is an infections disease caused by an unhealthy environment or surroundings.

Many signs and symptoms are present in the patient such as

1. Nasal congestion and sneezing from the nose.

2. Itchy and runny nose.

3. Headache and pain around the eyes.

4. Dizziness and Fatigue.

5. Sore throat.

6. Wheezing and coughing all day.

7. Difficulty in breathing.

8. Watery and itching in the eyes.

9. Nausea and Vomiting.

10. Discomfort in stomach and bloating.

11. Skin is itchy and rashes are present.

12. Affected part is painful and swollen.

13. The patient complains of stomach cramps.

14. In females, uterine cramps also occur.

Stages of Allergic Rhinitis

The immune system plays an important role in allergic rhinitis.

Further, these allergic reactions are caused by the hypersensitive immune systems which are of four types.

Here there are three main stages of allergic reactions

1. Stage I – Sensitization

In this process of sensitization, when a patient comes in contact with any allergic item, no allergic reaction occurs for the first time.

This stage produces specific antibodies from specific antigens in the immune system.

2. Stage II – Early Phase

In this stage, most of the patients experience many symptoms of allergic reactions.

Symptom such as runny nose, cough, itchy eyes etc

3. Stage III – Late Phase

This condition occurs after 24 hours to 2 days after the exposure of allergic response.

The late phase mainly has symptoms regarding congestion in the nose and mucus production.

Risk Factors for Allergic Rhinitis

Few risk factors that may cause human life miserable are as follows

1. Asthma

2. Allergic conjunctivitis

3. Dermatitis

4. Eczema

5. Food poisoning


Firstly diagnosis is generally based on the symptom and signs that the patient shows.

But furthermore, after the sign and symptoms, we have the following criteria to diagnose disease such as

1. Skin Pricking Test

This is the most common and generally used diagnostic test.

It is very cheap and easy to use.

It is just a normal prick of skin from the ring finger and only a small amount of blood is taken to detect the allergens.

If after this process, the patient suffers from low-grade fever, nausea, skin rash, shorting of breath then immediate consultation from the physician is necessary.

2. Intradermal Test

A blood sample is taken from the dermis or skin and a test is done 

3. Patch Test

This is another form of test which is done on the skin, to detect allergens.

4. Blood test by taking samples for a specific antigen.

5. Serum IgE especially for false-positive cases.

Allergic Rhinitis Management

As nowadays population is increasing so as pollution.

We need to stay neat and clean and maintain our hygiene regarding the food we eat or the place we live.

So here are a few points for managing allergic rhinitis cases.

1. Avoid dirty and sand areas.

2. Avoid places where allergens are more active.

3. Avoid exposure to animals.

4. Eat healthily and stay healthy. 

5. Take a Bath daily to avoid infection and allergy.

6. If needed, have antigen-specific immunotherapy.

Best Homeopathic Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis

There are so many medicines according to symptom similarity, and it is very difficult to find out so here are, the best homoeopathic remedies which are mentioned below.

• Arsenicum Album

• Allium Cepa 

• Apis Mellifica 

• Baryta Carbonica

• Bryonia Alba

• Cannabis Sativa 

• Dulcamara

• Euphrasia

• Ferrum Phosphoricum

• Gelsemium

1. ARSENICUM ALBUM – For burning watery and runny nose

Arsenic Album is the most important remedy for burning a watery and runny nose with a stuffy feeling at the time of the entry of allergens.

There is swelling below the eyes and a d wheezing cough.

The patient feels chilly, restless and tired.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Arsenic is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

2. ALLIUM CEPA – for watery eyes and nasal discharge

Allium cepa is given in case of watery eyes and nasal discharge that irritates and excoriates upper lips.

The patient sneezes all the time and their face becomes red.

The patient is usually thirsty and craves fresh air.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Allium cepa is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

3. APIS MELLIFICA – for nasal congestion

Apis mellifica is the best remedy for congestion in the nose.

It is also given in case of stinging pain in the nasal area and throat.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Apis is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

4. BARYTA CARBONICA – for swollen gland 

Baryta carb is given in allergic cases when the glands are enlarged and swollen due to any chronic allergen.

Frequently bleeding from the nose.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Bartya is given 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

5. BRYONIA ALBA – for dryness in the nose due to allergy.

Nose bleeds at the time of menses.

Dryness of the nose especially at the time of sneezing and thus causes loss of smell.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Bryonia is given 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

6. CANNABIS SATIVA – for asthma and bronchitis

There is the sensation of heavy weight on the chest.

Rattling and wheezing sound from the chest when the person is more susceptible to allergy.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Cannabis is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

7. DULCAMARA – for dry coryza

This is the best medicine given in case of catarrhal condition of nose, especially in case of mucus membrane.

It is also given in dry cough and coryza.

Discharge is thick, yellow and profuse.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Dulcamara is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

8. EUPHRASIA – for bland discharge and acrid lachrymation

This remedy is helpful in the case of bland coryza and acrid lachrymation profusely. 

The patient has a cough in the daytime and no cough at night.

The eyes have water all time.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Euphrasia is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

9. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM – for stages of inflammation in case of allergies.

This is the most important thing in case of inflammation.

The patient is asked to take this medicine when the symptom arises to stop the allergic reaction.

Symptoms include a runny and watery nose, trickling cough, low breath etc.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Ferrum Phos is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

10. GELSEMIUM – for trembling face and droopy feeling at the time of allergy.

This is given in case the patient is very tired and has a droopy face during allergy.

The sensation of dryness in the nose.

Dose and Potency: In Adults, Gelsemium is given as 15 – 20 drops on the tongue or a teaspoon with water 3 times a day such as morning, afternoon and evening.

In Children below 12 years of age, it is prescribed as ½ dose of adults such as 5 – 10 drops on the tongue or teaspoon with water 3 times such as morning, afternoon and evening.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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1 thought on “Best Homeopathic Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis”

  1. Mam mujhe sinus ki problem hai mere sir mein bhi Dard hota hai aankhon mein se Pani bhi aata hai theek hai aati hai बार-बार

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