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Homeopathic Remedies for a Dry Cough, Mucus Cough, Chronic Cough

This blog explains homeopathic remedies for a dry cough, mucus cough, chronic cough, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & complete cure.

This article will cover the homeopathic remedies for a dry cough, mucus cough, chronic cough, its causes, types, symptoms, risk factors, management & the best treatment.

Cough is the most peculiar sign of respiratory disease and it is caused by the mucus of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi.

A Cough is a sudden discharge of mucous or fluid caused by irritants, foreign particles, and microbes. Cough is expelled out through air from large breathing passages.

It is common in chain smokers and people who use hard perfumes.

According to the severity it occurs in different sounds which can be normal as well as harmful also.

Cough Types

Cough is classified into the following types:-

1. Dry Cough

Dry cough is the most common type of cough. It is usually caused by cold and flu.

Ex: – Cough in case of asthma where there is shortness of breath and low oxygen level.

Cough in case of GERD where acid moves to the throat. Cough in case of lung cancer where cough is mixed with mucus and blood.

This type of cough can be easily treated by drinking more amount of water and cough syrup.

2. Mucus Cough

In this type of cough, a person splits out a cough along with phlegm and yellowish mucus.

Sometimes the cough may be of bright red or coffee-ground in color. A wet cough can be chronic.

Ex: – Cough in case of Bronchiectasis.

Cough in case of Pneumonia which causes bacterial infection on the lungs that get inflamed. Cough in case of COPD which stands for a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that causes shortness of breath. It is caused by antibiotics.

3. Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is known as Pertussis. It is a bacterial infection.

The patient suffers from cold cough flu with terrible breathing. Taking a normal dose of antibiotics can cure whooping cough.

4. Chronic Cough

Chronic cough that arises from childhood can go to adult and old age. It is common in children who are young under 5 years of age. 

It is caused by the untreated infection of any microbes.

Cough Causes

Several factors cause cough. Some of them are as follows –

1. Microbes

These are the most common and important causes of cough. Cough is generally caused by microbes such as bacteria, viruses, etc.

Cold and flu are the most common cause that irritates the throat and causes coughing.

Microbes generally cause dry coughing.

2. Allergies

Allergies also play important role in causing cough.

Some people are very sensitive that they are highly allergic to substances such as perfume, scent flowers, etc.

3. Irritants

Irritants such as cigarettes, smoking, strong perfumes, and coal smoke also irritate the larynx and cause cough.

4. Respiratory Disease

Coughing also occurs in the case of asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, and other chronic diseases such as COPD, etc.

5. General causes

People who have a sedentary lifestyle and who suffer from chronic respiratory disease may have a cough. Irregular sleeping habits. 

Lung Inflammation. Sleep apnea.

Cough Symptoms

Cough can be of two ways: – 

A. Acute Cough

Acute cough normally starts suddenly and only for a short duration just for less than three weeks.

B. Chronic Cough

Chronic cough lasts for more than four weeks.

This type of cough generally occurs in children who are below 5 years of age.

Depending upon the two ways of cough. It has the following symptoms which are described below:- 

• Patient has a runny and stuffy nose.

• Frequent cleaning of throat

• Sore throat

• Hoarseness invoice

• Breathlessness

• Wheezing sound while coughing

• Patient feels heartburn and sore taste in the mouth

• Bleeding while coughing

• Headache

• Pyrexia 

Coughing In Children 

Parents or Guardians need to be very careful in case of coughing in children.

Coughing in children can be shifted to chronic cough.

Children may also develop the same cough as adults.

A painful barking cough may also cause croup in children who are below 2 years of age.

Parents and doctors should be very careful while examining and taking care of children.

Children show the following symptoms for coughing such as:

• Child turns blue while coughing.

• Severe pain in the chest region.

• Crying loudly while coughing.

• Difficulty in breathing.

• Fever below 104° F.

Children who suffer from terrible coughs should seek a physician immediately.

Ask patients to have plenty of warm water and take a rest.

Taking antibiotics and proper medication is necessary under physician observation.

Covid Cough V/S Normal Cough

Covid cough is not a type of cough but generally, it has a few more symptoms than a normal cough.

Covid cough is continuous and the patient coughs a lot for more than 2 hours or even more than 3 days.

The main symptoms of covid 19 are as follows:- 

• High-grade fever

• Dizziness

• Breathlessness

• Dry cough especially with phlegm

• Loss of taste and even person cannot smell

• Tiredness and Fatigue

• Sore throat

• Headache

• Diarrhoea

• Difficulty in breathing

• Low oxygen level

• Chest pain

Few Emergency Symptoms also arise which should not be neglected:- 

• Difficult breathing

• Person lips and face turns bluish

• Pain on the chest

• Patient feels pressure on the chest

Control Over Cough

Due to so much pollution cough can now be treated in a variety of ways.

Keep yourself hydrated 

Have lukewarm water daily 

Intake of liquid diet which helps in thinning of mucus from throat and relief from irritation

Gargling with warm water and a pinch of salt to remove mucus

Rush for medical medication if you have serious symptoms of covid 19

For mild symptoms, it can be treated at home with proper diet and fluids.

Risk Factors of Cough

Cough is normal but if it is for so long it can be dangerous.

There are several risk factors which are mentioned below:- 

1. Short Term Cough

This includes risk factors of cigarette smoking, bacterial infection, breathing irritants, exposure to perfumes, and allergies from hay fever.

2. Long Term Cough

This occurs in a person who is suffering from chronic cough.

This includes COPD, Asthma, Lung cancer, blood clot in the lungs, lung collapse, and chronic lung infection.


Nowadays pollution level is at its peak and therefore it is very important to know how the disease arises.

There is a simple diagnosis for cough.

Blood test

Sputum test


CT scan

Disease Management

Cough can be managed by the following points:-

1. Excessive Fluid Intake

The patient should daily take a fluid diet to avoid dry cough.

2. Drink lukewarm water to make the mucus thin.

3. Avoid smoking

4. Avoid tobacco

5. Take proper antibiotics 

6. Inhaled asthma drugs

7. Use of nebulizer

Best Homeopathic Remedies For a Dry Cough, Mucus Cough & Chronic Cough

The Homeopathic System of medicine treats the patient as a whole. It is the holistic system of treating the patient suffering from head to toe.

So we cannot prescribe a single remedy for a particular disease.

It is a holistic concept and requires proper case taking before prescribing any remedy to the patient. And therefore we cannot say that one single remedy can work. It depends on the totality of symptoms given by the patient.

Some of the best homeopathic remedies are mentioned below.

• Aconite Napellus 

• Arsenicum Album

• Antimonium Tartaricum

• Argentum Nitricum 

• Allium Cepa 

• Belladona 

• Bryonia Alba

• Chamomilla 

• Drosera

• Ferrum Phosphoricum

• Ipeacae 

• Kali Sulphuricum 

• Nux Vomica 

• Phosphorus

• Pulsatilla Nigricans

• Rumex Crispus

• Spongia Tosta

• Sulphur

• Staphisagria

• Sticta Pulmonaria

1. ACONITE NAPELLUS – For Cough Comes Suddenly And Violently

This remedy is given when the cough comes suddenly and violently with extreme force.

It is also given in the early stages of asthma and croup.

The cough is dry, short, and sharp. 

2. ARSENICUM ALBUM – For Asthmatic Cough

Arsenic album is given in cases of asthma. The asthma attack comes usually at night.

The patient has constricted chest and extreme pain.

3. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM – for rattling cough with mucus

Antimonium tart is the best remedy for rattling sounds during coughing.

The patient cannot sleep at night when there is a cough in the chest and it is unable to come out.

The person feels very much exhausted.

4. ARGENTUM NITRICUM – for singers

Argentum nitricum is the best suited remedy for high note singers.

The patient complains of dry cough while sitting and tickling sounds from the larynx. 

There is a hacking sound from coughing scraping scratching.

5. ALLIUM CEPA – for asthma and bronchitis

Its mother tincture is used for clear nasal discharge.

This also helps in sneezing and tickling cough. 

6. BELLADONNA – the sensation of heat in the throat

Belladonna is given in cases of sudden and violent heat and bursting sensation of throat.

The cough is very intense and nagging in nature.  

7. BRYONIA ALBA – dry and painful cough

Bryonia relieves dry and painful cough.

The patient suffers from a dry throat and intense thirst.

Pain is relieved by applying pressure.

8. CHAMOMILLA – for a hard and irritating cough

Chamomilla has a hard, dry, and irritating cough that occurs due to excitement or anger.

This remedy is useful in cases of asthma.

9. DROSERA – for dry cough

Drosera helps in curing dry cough which is aggravated especially at night.

10. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM – for early attacks of cough

Ferrum phos is an excellent remedy and is best suited in case of early attacks of cough.

The cough is short-duration and painful.

This can also be given in inflammatory conditions of cough.

The patient feels pyrexia and flushed cheeks.

11. IPEACAE – for dry cough

This is the best remedy for dry cough after Bryonia.

The patient feels fatigued decisive salivation from the mouth.

12. KALI SULPHURICUM –  for wet cough

Kali sulp is an important remedy for wet cough.

It can be prescribed even in cases of nasal congestion.

There is a tickling sensation in the throat.

The cough is yellowish in color.

13. NUX VOMICA – for the dry hacking cough

This remedy indicates only in cases of dry and hacking type of cough.

Regular coughing may also cause pain in the stomach.

14. PHOSPHORUS – for hoarseness in voice

This is the important remedy in case of hoarseness in voice when the patient is having difficulty in speaking and breathing.

The cough is aggravated by speaking, talking, shouting, etc.

It is also given in case of laryngitis.

15. PULSATILLA  NIGRICANS – for yellowish mucus

Pulsatilla cures wet cough.

It also helps in curing yellowish phlegm which is aggravated by lying down on the bed.

Soreness in the mouth and throat.

16. RUMEX CRISPUS – for dry cough

Rumex helps in curing dry cough which triggers by inhaling cold air.

The patient feels scratching near the two collar bones.

17. SPONGIA TOSTA – for croupy cough

Spongia Tosta cures croupy cough which is generally present in children who are younger than 5 years of age.

This becomes worse by lying down on the bed.

It is also prescribed in case of barking cough.

18. SULPHUR – for an irritating cough

Sulphur is the best medicine for curing irritation in the throat 

It also cures a burning sensation in the chest.

Best suited in case of breathing problem, especially at night.

19. STAPHISAGRIA – for dry cough

The patient suffers from a dry croupy cough.

Cough occurs during day type or after dinner.

Cough is aggravated by cleaning of mouth and by eating tobacco.

20. STICTA PULMONARIA – for dry cough

Sticta helps in curing dry cough.

The cough is dry all the time except in the morning.

Cures cough after a patient suffers from malaria.

There is a continuous dropping of mucus from the mouth.

Dosage and Potency: So now let’s come to the final point of dose and potency.

In the homeopathy system of medicine, there are several ways to cure the patient.

It depends upon how the physician observes according to their case taking.

It is different from one physician to another because all have their own set of thought. 

So dose and potency depend on the severity of the age, the severity of disease, mode of heart occurred, and most importantly totality of symptoms.

Potency can be from 30th to 200th depending upon the case and physician.

Remedies can be prescribed in 30th potency, in 30th potent, it can be given in acute cases of cough. This can be used as first aid in all cases of cough and cold.

In the 200th potency, it is better to give in globules for 3 times 6 pills in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Even in 200th percent dilution can also be given but one 1 time a day, because it has high.

Try not to take medicines according to your convenience, your doctor will advise you to have these remedies according to time or days.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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