Hair fall, Dry Scalp, Hair Thinning, Scalp Infection, Alopacea Areata, Baldness, Male Pattern Hair loss etc
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More than 50 thousand patients has been treated in plank homeopathy over the span of 10 years.
More than 200 types of diseases has been treated by plank homeopathy
More than 50 experienced doctors are available for the consultation.
Patients from more than 30 countries has been consulted with plank homeopathy for their various health issues.
Once you register, Our experienced doctor will call you within 24 hours and provide you a free consultation.
Doctor will discuss all your problems and provide the complete diagnostic and estimated time it may take to cure.
After doctor consultation, you can order your Customised Homeopathic Medicines only in 799/- for 1 month along with FREE shipping across India.
The Customised Homeopathic Medicines are prepared and delivered to your home by the courier in 5-6 days.
Our doctor will follow up your case to provide you complete treatment and these followup calls will be completely free.