Tellurium Metallicum is a well-known non-metallic element. Tellurium is used to make medicine in the Homeopathy system and helps in curing many skin disorders.
It is also used in treating various kinds of pain in the body and offensive discharge.
In India, many homeopathic physicians use this element as a medicine.
The remedy is made by potentizing the Tellurium metal.
Its mother tincture is made from a dynamization process and then it is used as a homeopathic medicine by arousing its therapeutics value, to cure various other diseases such as various gastric disorders, skin troubles perspiration, stomach disorder, diarrhea, sweating issues, etc.
Tellurium also helps in curing herpes, eczema, spinal symptoms, etc.
The patient of Tellurium has a very sensitive back and pain all over the body.
Its mother tincture is highly potentized by homeopathic rules written in pharmacopeia which is nowadays very useful in case of various kinds of hair problems, Gastrointestinal issues, etc.
Metals effects directly on human physiology and physiognomy.
Metals are used for chemoprophylaxis and also in curing many skin problems.

Table of Contents
ToggleTellurium Metallicum Constitution/Personality
Tellurium is highly suited to a person who is fat and overweight with dark hair, a person with lax skin and muscles, and low in every action to do some work actively.
It is highly suited to a person who is sluggish, weak memory is mistrustful, and is betrayed.
It is one of the best remedies in case of skin troubles.
A person who has a weak immune system and a nervous temperament.
A person with delusion, irritability, and melancholy condition.
Guiding symptoms of Tellurium Metallicum
Tellurium Metallicum occurs in a native state alongside gold, silver, lead, and antimony. It shares characteristics with Sulphur and Selenium, particularly regarding chemical reactions.
Homeopathic practitioners use Tellurium for various ailments, particularly those affecting the eyes and ears. It is effective for skin irritations, including conditions involving the eyes, eyelids, and ears. This remedy is especially noted for treating ringworm, particularly on the face and body.
Patients using Tellurium may notice a very offensive, garlic-like odor from their sweat, and ear discharge can resemble the smell of fish brine. The discharge from Tellurium is acrid and can irritate the skin upon contact.
This remedy is indicated for otorrhea and otitis media. Patients often report itching in the rectum after bowel movements, which can be linked to the presence of threadworms. The offensiveness associated with this remedy can manifest in bad breath and flatulence, and it is known for being effective against offensive foot sweat.
Tellurium is also prescribed for pain and inflammation in the eyes. The hallmark symptom of this remedy is the sudden onset and disappearance of pain. Patients may experience sudden blood rushes to the head and heightened sensitivity to touch.
Neuralgic hyperaesthesia, particularly in the spine, is another indication for this remedy. Patients often feel drowsy and yawn frequently. There may also be a fear of touch in sensitive areas, and certain symptoms of Tellurium exhibit periodicity.
Headaches resembling a sensation of the brain being beaten are commonly reported, with many symptoms appearing more prominently on the left side of the body than the right.
Tellurium Metallicum Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind symptoms
The Tellurium patient is very much forgetful and neglectful.
It is indicated when the patient has fear of being touched especially in the sensitive parts of the body.
It helps in curing headaches as the patient complains of headaches as the brain is beaten up by something, The pain is on the left side of the head and forehead.
The patient gets easily excited and depressed at the same time.
Head symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum is indicated for headaches characterized by a sensation as if the head is being beaten, particularly on the left side, including the forehead above the left eye. It is effective for congestion in the head and at the nape of the neck.
The remedy addresses weakness and faintness accompanying headaches. Additionally, it is useful for excessive itching of the scalp, which may be accompanied by red spots.
Eyes symptoms
Tellurium is a remedy in homeopathy for various eye affections, particularly eye strain, irritation of the eye muscles, and burning sensations accompanied by discharge from the eyes. Patients may experience thickening, inflammation, and itching of the eyelids (blepharitis).
This remedy is effective for pustular conjunctivitis, cataracts, and conditions affecting the iris and choroid. Symptoms can include a chalky deposition at the corners of the eyes on the anterior surface of the lens, as well as palpebral swelling of the upper eyelids and ulceration of the outer eyelid surface.
Additionally, patients may report lachrymation, itching, and pressure on both eyelids.
Ears symptoms
Tellurium is a remedy in homeopathy for eczema behind the ears, otitis media, and otorrhea. The discharge from the ear is offensive, acrid, and has a fish pickle-like odor.
Patients may experience itching, burning, and swelling, along with throbbing pain in the ear canal.
This remedy is indicated for cases of deafness and is particularly effective when the Eustachian tubes are damaged, leading to pus discharge for about 2-3 days accompanied by severe pain.
Nose symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum is a remedy for coryza, lachrymation, and hoarseness. It is indicated for yellowish, salty phlegm hawked from the posterior nares, especially in the morning.
Patients often experience frequent coryza, becoming hot while coughing, and profuse lachrymation from the eyes during coughing.
Mouth symptoms
The patient of Tellurium has a swollen tongue, gums bleed easily and profusely.
The breath of a person of Tellurium is like of odor of garlic.
There is extreme coldness of the mouth, pharynx, and larynx with copious salivation.
Tenacious mucus runs from the mouth, with profuse salivation and a metallic taste of the mouth.
Face symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum has hot flushes on his face with excessive redness and burning, especially while sitting.
There is twitching in the facial muscles especially at the corner of the mouth while talking.
The patient complains of burning lips, ringworm, and pimples on the face.
Tellurium Metallicum is also a useful remedy for barbers’ itch.
Throat symptoms
Tellurium is used for painful dryness and a hawking cough in the morning.
The patient complains of yellowish reddish phlegm that comes back from the nose in the morning which smells like salt.
Throat feels sore while swallowing with rough sensation pain in the morning and evening.
There is extreme pain in the throat that extends into the ears.
Chest symptom
Tellurium is indicated for pain in the middle of the chest and clavicle region. It is useful for shooting pain in the chest at the fifth rib behind the sternum.
The patient may experience pressure pain in the middle lobe of the lung, with a sensation of fluid discharge.
Complaints may include cutting pain around the nipple that radiates through the scapula, along with eruptions in the nipple area.
Heart symptoms
Tellurium is useful when there is dull aching pain in the left region of the heart, especially while lying on the left side of the body.
The patient feels palpitation of the heart with a full pulse.
There is throbbing pain in the heart and then in the whole body, which is followed by sweat.
Stomach symptoms
The person requiring Tellurium experiences an empty and weak feeling in the stomach and exhibits various gastric disorders.
The patient may feel hungry at night and has cravings for apples. There is a notable drowsiness after meals, alongside a weak sensation and heartburn in the stomach.
Patients often report extreme weakness and faintness, particularly after dinner, and may feel fullness in the pit of the stomach, leading to a desire to lie down immediately after eating.
Abdomen and Rectum symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum is indicated for weakness, faintness, and fullness in the hypogastrium. The patient may experience heaviness and oppression in this region, which can lead to discomfort in clothing.
It is effective for pinching and spasmodic pain in the abdomen, with complaints of throbbing pain on the right side of the ribs while lying on the left side. Frequent spasmodic pain in the bowel, especially between 5 and 9 PM, may occur.
The remedy addresses passing offensive flatus during stool and is also indicated for hemorrhoids and fissures.
The stool is copious, accompanied by a sensation of flatulence in the bowel, and there may be itching in the rectum and anus, particularly after stool. The stools are offensive and may contain a significant number of threadworms.
Urinary symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum is indicated for patients experiencing sudden severe pain in the bladder, particularly during urination.
There may be shooting pain and soreness in the kidneys. The remedy is effective for burning sensations in the urethra, accompanied by increased urination and excessive sweating.
It addresses issues related to high-colored, acidic urine and is indicated when urine is scanty, with uric acid present, alongside increased frequency of urination.
Male symptoms
Tellurium is indicated for treating the second stage of gonorrhea and herpes eruptions on the scrotum. It is effective for spermatorrhea and nocturnal erections accompanied by increased sexual desire.
Patients may report the presence of viscous fluid that glues to their garments.
Female symptoms
Tellurium is effective for addressing issues related to female genitalia, particularly in treating early menses during the climacteric years.
It is indicated for deep shooting pain in the pelvis and is clinically used for girls or women experiencing irritability in the morning upon waking.
Additionally, it helps alleviate pain and soreness in the kidney region, which may radiate down to the heels.
Hand and Leg symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum is effective for managing offensive sweat in the armpits, which has a garlic-like odor. It addresses pain in the left axilla that occurs from pressure or motion and is useful for rheumatism in the right hand, specifically in the little finger.
The remedy also helps relieve sharp, throbbing pain in the lower body and alleviates sciatica pain along with sensitivity of the vertebral column. It is beneficial for long-standing tonic muscular contractions and addresses bruised feelings and pain in the hip joint after walking.
Additionally, it provides relief from sharp, cutting pain in the elbow, ankles, and other areas on the left side, particularly when lying on the right side.
Back symptoms
Tellurium is indicated to treat all kinds of pains. It cures pain in the sacrum, sciatica pain, and pain from the nape of the neck to the occipital region.
There is pressing pain in the right scapula then in the left.
There is a painful sensitiveness of the spine from the last cervical to the sixth dorsal vertebrae.
The pain aggravates by touch and lying on the right side and is relieved by pressure, coughing, and laughing.
Skin symptoms
Tellurium Metallicum patient has herpetic eruptions, ringworm appearance, barber’s itch, etc.
The patient complains of offensive foot sweat which smells like garlic.
There are small red pimples that are very bright and sharply defined, this appears first on the lower limbs than the upper limbs. the left side and then on the whole body.
The body is covered with elevated rings of herpes, psoriasis, eczema circinate, etc.
The patient complains of intense itching of his hands and feet.
Fever symptoms
Tellurium fever comes with chill and pain. The skin is hot and dry and feels as if bruised.
The patient complains of excessive sweating on the face during fever with red spots and hot flashes on the face.
There is profuse sweat on the face and the body with intense itching.
The patient complains of throbbing pain in the whole body, generally, the patient feels warm even while sitting in a cold breeze.
Sleep Symptoms
The patient always feels drowsy, belching, and yawning the whole day and night.
The Tellurium patient is very much sleepy just after having dinner.
At night, there is intense pain in the whole body while sleeping.
While going to sleep, he/she feels in the air and gets awakened from sleep.
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By
The problems of Tellurium Metallicum are aggravated while resting, at night, from cold weather, lying on the painful side, from touch, friction, coughing, and laughing.
Amelioration By
The problems of Metallicum are better lying on the opposite side of aggravation.
Relationship with Other Medicine
Complementary Medicines
Complementary medicines are also known as alternative medicine, they can be used together with conventional medicine for the process of treating patients.
The remedy that is complementary to Tellurium Metallicum is Selenium Metallicum.
Similar Medicines
These medicines have many similarities in action and reaction but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is different according to our homeopathic pharmacopeia rules and regulations according to the Potency.
So, The Remedies which are similar to Tellurium are Sulphur, Psorinum Thuja, etc.
These are the medicines that can be suitable to be used as together.
Tellurium Metallicum is compatible with Sepia, Arsenicum Album, Rhus tox, Pulsatilla, and Belladonna.
Antidoted by
Tellurium Metallicum has its bad effects which are antidoted by Nux Vomica.
It antidotes
It antidotes the effects of Coffea cruda.
Tellurium Metallicum Dosage & Potencies
The dosage and potency of the medicine or remedy depend upon the individual case and the case taken by the homeopathic physician.
Tellurium Metallicum 30 Uses
In Tellurium Metallicum, Lower potency is given to the person at a time when very few symptoms match with the medicine and this helps the physician to diagnose the disease condition carefully.
It is useful in treating all kinds of gastric disorders along with skin troubles and rheumatism.
This low potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected recovery is seen.
Tellurium Metallicum 200 Uses
In Tellurium Metallicum a 200 potency is considered a higher potency; it is given when the majority of mental and physical symptoms of any remedy match with the diseased person. It is useful for psoriasis and eczema.
Higher potency is not advisable to be repeated very frequently; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose or the repetition is done after every 8-days or every 15-days once.
Tellurium Metallicum 1M Uses
In Tellurium Metallicum a 1M is also a very high potency.
The physician should give the medicine only after taking case taking, where all medicinal symptoms of Metallicum and that given by the patient is perfectly matched by the physician and its medicine.
It is useful in cases of otitis media, orchitis, and male and female disorders.
The physician should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given only once in 30 days and waiting for symptoms to disappear.
It is also said that for skin treatment, it is better to start with Sulphur.
Tellurium Metallicum Q (Mother Tincture) Uses
The mother tincture of Tellurium is used by many homeopathic physicians to treat skin troubles and ear and eye affections by diluting in water.
Take 10-15 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the person gets cured completely by the medicine.
Tellurium Metallicum 3X/6X Uses
This lower potency of Tellurium works well to treat the conditions like Eczema, mouth ulcers, gastric troubles, etc.
Take 5-8 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 4-5 months.
Clinical Indication of Tellurium Metallicum
- Alcoholism
- Asthma
- Asthenopia
- Bronchitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Coryza
- Diarrhea
- Ears-affections
- Entropion
- Foot sweat
- Facial Palsy
- Gastric disorders
- Heart Burns
- Hemorrhoids
- Inflammation of eyes
- Leucorrhoea
- Liver-affections
- Mouth-sore
- Otorrhea
- Otitis Media
- Perspiration
- Rectum prolapses
- Scalds
- Taste-disordered
- Throat-sore
- Tongue- affections
- Ulcers
- Uterus disorders
Side Effects of Tellurium Metallicum
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by the process of potentization and cause no side effects to the body, and where the dynamic curative power of the medication arises there also, homeopathic medicines produce zero side effects.
If any side effects of Tellurium are seen, then it can be antidoted by Sulphur and Nux Vomica.
Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.