This blog explains the homeopathy for nausea, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & best medicines for complete cure.
Nausea is a commonly observed symptom that causes discomfort in your gastric system and troubles people of all age groups and gender.
Nausea is the act of expelling anything from the mouth with a strong urge in the form of continuous retching or vomiting.
During the process of nausea, there are continuous spasms of abdominal muscles and muscles of food pipe and a feeling of expelling something from the stomach.
It may be or may not be accompanied by vomiting.
Table of Contents
ToggleNausea Types
- Motion sickness:-Nausea is a common occurrence in people who suffer from motion sickness when riding in a car, bus, or boat.
The person is well aware of this type of nausea from motion sickness, so they usually carry the medication with them whenever traveling as they know that it will trigger nausea.
It is formed as a response to recurrent gastric disease, acidity, GERD-Gastro-esophageal reflux disorders, pancreatitis, liver disorders, acid-peptic disorders, kidney or gall bladder stones, large with very few warning symptoms.
- Female related:-
Nausea is a common symptom in females, related to their monthly periods.
Menstruation is a process commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, low blood pressure, cramping pain, loss of appetite, bloating, and mood swings.
Pregnancy leads to nausea in fifty percent of females, it is commonly called morning -sickness, one needs to be careful when taking medicines for it, in such a situation homeopathic medicines offer a good alternative, with negligible side effects.
Psychological trauma:-
Nausea is commonly observed in individuals who undergo major psychological shock or trauma, it is a common occurrence on seeing certain disturbing sights or smelling some nauseating odor.
Nausea Causes
Nausea often has no definite, single cause, several factors may lead to nausea
1)Certain diseases:-
Diseases like Diabetes and some metabolic disorders, malabsorption, gastric diseases, acidity, GERD-Gastro-esophageal reflux disorders, pancreatitis, liver disorders, acid-peptic disorders, kidney or gall bladder stones, and some psychological trauma.
2)Gender factors:-
Nausea is commonly occurring in women or young girls during menstruation. It is seen in fifty percent of pregnant women in the form of morning sickness.
3)Motion sickness:-
Some People have got the tendency for developing nausea when a riding car, bus, on a boat, near a seashore, or riding on high hills, this is due to motion sickness which occurs due to traveling in vehicles.
4)Certain medications:-
It has been concluded from clinical data that people with certain medications taken for a long time like Oral Contraceptive pills, high doses of antibiotics, few taking medications for any psychological disorders tend to develop nausea, in such cases, the quantity of dose can be reduced, or medication can be changed by your doctor.

Nausea Symptoms
In Nausea the common attending symptom is vomiting.
Other symptoms that can occur with nausea include:
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Diarrhea
- abdominal pain
- fever
Other signs and symptoms:
- Dizziness
- Loss of appetite
- Bloating of abdomen
- Mood swings
- Confusion
Pain caused by frequent nausea changes or increases in intensity depending on the underlying disease condition
In such cases the common symptoms are:
- Bloating of the abdomen is related to abdominal pain, and cramps.
- There can be burning in the stomach.
Serious signs and symptoms of nausea can be
- Increased frequency of Nausea and vomiting for more than a weak
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dark or decreased urine
- Weight reduction
Complications of Nausea
One should visit a doctor, on suffering from any signs and symptoms that worry you.
A common complication of nausea and vomiting is
- Dehydration and
- Loss of body electrolytes
- Dry mouth
- Decreased/dark urine
- Headache
- Confusion.
One should note that nausea and vomiting for more than 12 hours that contains blood and when attended with a stiffness of the neck is an emergency and needs immediate medical treatment.
Immediate medical attention is needed if one experiences:
- Pain in the abdomen and back with nausea and vomiting
- Pain along with fever and chills
- The passing of urine becomes difficult
Risk Factors For Nausea
Factors that promote the risk of developing nausea are:
- Triggers:-
Factors like traveling or riding in the car, bus, or boat can lead to nausea these are triggers of motion sickness and sea sickness.
Also, stomach infection and food poisoning are the triggering factors for nausea.
- Decreased intake of water:-
If one doesn’t drink enough water every day, this habit can increase the risk of nausea due to dryness of the throat and mouth.
People who live in warm, dry climates and those who sweat more are at a higher risk than others to develop nausea problems, so drinking water in adequate quantity is useful.
- Digestive disorders and surgery:-
People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery or have GERD -Gastroesophageal reflux disorder, liver inflammation, pancreatitis, acid peptic disorders can develop a few changes in the digestive process and this leads to nausea.
- Certain diet foods:-
Eating leftover meals, and stale food the next day that is spoilt can lead to nausea and vomiting.
Certain food allergens like groundnut, wheat proteins, and refined flour foods like pasta, pizza, and fried foods in the diet increase the chances of getting complaints of nausea and vomiting.
Certain supplements: –Â
Excess whey protein powders, health supplements, and dietary supplements tend to increase the risk of nausea.
- Obesity:-
High body mass index (BMI), large waist size, and weight gain have been always associated with the increased risk of gastric disorders and thus increase the frequency of nausea and vomiting.
Diagnosis of Nausea
When a doctor suspects that one has a kidney stone, he may advise diagnostic tests and procedures, like:
- Urine testing:-
The 24-hour urine collection is done in this test, it may show the complete uric acids in urine if pus cells are found it will help in treating urinary tract infection, and kidney stones, that lead to nausea.
For this test, the doctor may request that you perform two urine collections for two consecutive days.
A urine test for pregnancy will help to know that nausea and vomiting are due to pregnancy and further changes in medications can be done.
- Blood testing for food allergies:-
Blood tests may reveal too many histamines, Igg antibodies that point towards allergies as the cause of nausea
Blood test results help monitor the health disorders that may lead your doctor to other medical conditions if present.
- Imaging:-
Imaging tests may show the exact location of Kidney stones, and gall stones that cause nausea.
Ultrasound-sonography of the abdomen is a noninvasive test, that is quick and easy to perform, compared to other imaging options
- Endoscopy:-
The patient may be asked to get an endoscopy done to find peptic ulcers or any cancerous growths in the gastric tract, it will help to know which gastric disorder is causing nausea and vomiting and help in the further treatment.
The doctor will use this information to identify what is causing nausea and vomiting and form a proper treatment plan to prevent it.
Nausea Management
Treatment for nausea and vomiting irrespective of age or cause usually includes:
- One should avoid eating solid food until the vomiting episode has passed
- Pregnant women who commonly experience nausea and vomiting can eat some crackers or biscuits before getting out of bed or eat a high-protein snack before going to bed.
- Drinking:-
The doctor will advise you to drink as much as 1.8 to 3.6 liters of water a day as it will keep the acids dilute and may prevent nausea from occurring.
Drinking water or gradually larger amounts of clear liquids like juices, various liquid food, soups, etc
Drinking enough water is very useful to produce clear or nearly clear urine and keep the kidneys healthy or toxin-free.
- Electrolyte therapy:- If vomiting and diarrhea are lasting for more than 24 hours, then an oral rehydrating solution such as Pedialyte or WHO ORS, should be used to prevent and treat dehydration if, symptoms do not improve, one should immediately visit your doctor.
- Pain relievers:- Stomach cramps on frequent nausea and vomiting can lead to mild pain, the doctor may recommend pain relievers such as ibuprofen -Advil, or naproxen sodium -Aleve.
The type of medication your doctor prescribes will be based on the condition that leads to nausea and vomiting.
Vomiting associated with cancer treatments can often be treated with another type of drug therapy.
There are also prescription and nonprescription drugs that can be used to control vomiting associated with pregnancy, motion sickness, sea sickness, and some forms of dizziness.
However, one should consult with a doctor before using any of these treatments.
Lifestyle and home remedies
A combination of lifestyle changes and medications is useful, there are several ways to try and prevent nausea from developing:
- The eating of small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals has been proved to be helpful.
- Consume foods that are cold or at room temperature if one is nauseated by the smell of hot or warm foods.
- Avoid hard-to-digest foods, as they can trigger nausea
- Eat slowly, chewing food gradually is of aid.
- Drinking liquids between meals rather than during meals is useful.
- Resting after eating with the head elevated to about 12 inches above the foot level is helpful.
- Try to eat when there is a less nauseated feeling. When one begins to feel nauseated, one may be able to prevent vomiting by drinking small amounts of clear, sweetened liquids such as edible soda or fruit juices.
One can prevent nausea and vomiting in children:
- To treat motion sickness in a car, seat your child so they face the front windshield as watching fast movement out the side windows can make nausea worse.
- Also, reading or playing video games in the car could cause motion sickness so avoid doing it.
- Don’t let kids eat and play at the same time as it can lead to nausea and vomiting.
- Good habits like washing hands before eating meals and after going to the washroom should be inculcated from childhood only.
Homeopathy for Nausea – Best Medicines
1. IPECACUANHA-Nausea with clean tongue
This is a great remedy for nausea and is used more frequently when nausea and vomiting can be from food, mucus, or even bile or blood, but it is indicated when the tongue is clear.
Other symptoms that may occur alongside nausea and vomiting are belching, as well as diarrhea indicating some gastric derangement.
It is indicated that along with nausea, there is often profuse salivation, the nausea is constant and when vomiting occurs, there is no relief.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
2)ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM -Nausea relieved by vomiting
This is a wonderful remedy for nausea that is not persistent although it is intense.
It is indicated when there is a relief after vomiting, and there is a thirst for cold water but just little amounts of drinking water are giving relief.
It is indicated when there is clammy or sweaty skin and there is the feeling of cold and drowsiness and the person feels so weak.
Potency & dosage
200 CH Potency,4-8 globules daily ones are used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
3) ARSENICUM ALBUM-Nausea due to food poisoning
It is useful when there is nausea due to suspected food poisoning, there is severe gastric derangement with burning and soreness in the stomach, and thirst for a small quantity of water at small intervals.
Arsenicum album is the first aid in treating nausea and vomiting together with diarrhea
Drinking, especially cold drinks, will aggravate nausea, if there is nausea and vomiting with mental restlessness, and all these symptoms are worse after midnight, this can be another indication for the use of Arsenicum album.
It is indicated when the burning pain or sensations in the stomach are with intense weakness and the person tends to feel chilly and anxious.
When there is nausea and vomiting, they may feel fearful as if he is going to die.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
4) COCCULUS INDICUS:-Nausea from motion sickness
Cocculus indicus is a great travel sickness remedy, when there is nausea and vomiting which is triggered by motion, it can be riding in a car or boat, or flying in a plane.
It is indicated when there is a headache from traveling, which leads to the desire to frequent vomiting.
It is useful to the person who experiences a great weakness, with a hollow or gone feeling in the stomach.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
5) NUX VOMICA-For persistent Nausea due to alcohol
Nux vomica is useful remedy for nausea that occurs in people with a sedentary lifestyle, who are addicted to alcohol or smoking.
Nux vomica is a popular remedy that has a great affinity for the gastrointestinal system, including the stomach, living, and bowels there is an ineffectual desire for nausea and vomiting.
It is indicated when nausea and vomiting are better, in the morning and after eating.
It is indicated when there is a loss of appetite and stomach ache with the contractive type of pain.
It is indicated when there is constipation, and only a small amount of stool is passing.
There is bloating and tenderness of the abdomen.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
6) VERATRUM ALBUM-Continuous nausea with diarrhea
Veratrum Album is an indicated remedy for nausea and vomiting attended with diarrhea.
It is indicated when vomiting is accompanied by continuous nausea, retching, and severe weakness.
It is indicated when the vomiting is copious and forcible, of bile or food and drink, the vomiting and diarrhea are usually attended with cold sweat, especially on the forehead.
It is a great remedy when the stool is frequent, watery, gushing with abdominal cramps, or severe pinching colic.
There is a pain in the calves and feet, during stool, the person feels chilly and may shiver.
It is indicated in the episodes of fainting that may appear with the above features.
Veratrum Album is the homeopathic first aid medicine for treating cholera infection with nausea vomiting and dehydration.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
7) COLOCYNTHIS:-Nausea and vomiting with abdominal pain
It is prescribed when nausea is accompanied by abdominal pain relieved by vomiting and bending double.
There is severe vomiting may be of food or yellow-green substance, the abdominal pain tends to get relieved by bending over double or applying pressure.
It is a wonderful remedy for pain with nausea and vomiting there are cramps in the abdomen at times, colic, cutting, or griping in nature, and is most marked around the navel region of the abdomen.
Obstructed flatus is present with the above symptoms and the person may experience watery stool.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.
8)CHELIDONIUM -Nausea and vomiting in liver and gall-bladder diseases
It is indicated when there is intense colic pain along with nausea and vomiting in cases of liver and gallbladder diseases.
It is a wonderful remedy for vomiting of bilious, sour, greenish matter, associated with inflammation of the liver due to excess alcohol and gallstones that occur from excess intake of fatty food.
It is indicated when the person is unable to retain anything, vomits out and most times is attended to with giddiness and nausea.
There is Pain in the region of the liver and gallbladder and it is more evident.
Potency & dosage
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. External application of ointment along with internal medicine is advisable.
9) PULSATILLA -Nausea after eating fatty food
It is another very effective homeopathic medicine for kidney stones, used when there is shooting pain radiating from a point
It is helpful for cases of nausea and vomiting with stomach derangement from eating an excess of fatty food like creams, pastries, and ice creams. There is severe abdominal colic, there is loose stool, and nausea appears with vomiting there is chilliness and paleness of the face along with the above complaints.
Potency & dosage
Usually, mother tincture,10 drops, three times a day, is useful.
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used.
Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s
10) PHOSPHORUS-For Vomiting with blood
It is used in cases of nausea preceding vomiting and there is blood in it also called hematemesis.
It is indicated in vomiting that may contain pure bright or brown blood-like matter in it, the blood may be mixed with bile and mucus.
Potency & dosage
Usually, mother tincture,10 drops, three times a day, is useful.
30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used.
Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s.
Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.