Bartholin Cyst – Treatment & Best 17 Homeopathic Medicines

Bartholin Cyst - Treatment and Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

Bartholin cyst is a common skin disease, that presents in female patients. Bartholin cyst is a fluid-filled swelling that appears in the female private part. 

Bartholin is glands present near female private part openings. They secret a fluid that lubricates the female private part during intercourse. Bartholin’s glands secrets mucus-like fluid into the female private part through ducts. 

Any bacterial infection like E Coli and injury to the female private part, make the patient susceptible to Bartholin Cyst. 

Most of the time, this swelling is non-tender and asymptomatic. Sometimes infections make it worse, it leads to an abscess. 

A patient needs local treatment and rarely an antibiotic course for a complete cure.

Table of Contents

Types of Bartholin Cyst: 

Depending on the symptoms and infection, the Bartholin cyst can be divided into Simple Bartholin Cyst and Infected Bartholin Cyst.

1. Simple Bartholin Cyst:

It is a common type of Bartholin cyst. It is an asymptomatic swelling near a female private part. A patient can feel swelling but no pain and itching. 

When there is any obstruction for mucus discharge from the Bartholin’s gland, the sac is filled with air or fluid. A patient complains of swelling in the female private part region but without any symptoms.

It may cause discomfort during intercourse, walking, and urination. If it is not infected, then it is harmless. Local treatment with homeopathy medicine can help you to overcome the Bartholin cyst. 

2. Infected Bartholin Cyst:

Sometimes Bartholin cyst proceeds towards the abscess after an infection. Commonly sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, and chlamydia can cause infection of Bartholin cyst. Sometimes bacteria present on the skin and intestinal bacteria like E. Coli can infect Bartholin cyst. 

An abscess is the collection of pus in a cyst. A patient complains of redness and swelling with pain in the female private part region. 

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a patient may need the help of a doctor to drain pus from the swelling and homeopathy medicines to heal it quickly without any new complications.

Bartholin Cyst Causes:

Bartholin cyst is not a complicated condition. Injury to the female private part during childbirth or sexually transmitted diseases may be causative factors for Bartholin cyst.


Bacteria present on the outer skin of the female private part region and Intestinal bacteria like E Coli may infect the Bartholin gland and leads to an abscess of Bartholin’s cyst.

A patient who is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea and chlamydia is more susceptible to Bartholin’s cyst infection.


Women are susceptible to Bartholin’s cyst after mechanical injury to the female private part and during childbirth.

Women who are in their 20s are likely to develop Bartholin’s cyst. 

Miscellaneous causes: 

Most of the time, the Bartholin cyst cause is unknown. Sometimes Bartholin’s glands get blocked without known reasons. A patient may complain of asymptomatic swelling in the female private part region.

Bartholin Cyst Symptoms: 

As the name suggests, it is a cyst of Bartholin glands in the female private part region. Women are affected by this condition. Women who are in their 20s are likely to form Bartholin cysts. But as age progresses risk for Bartholin cyst is decreased.

In the primary stage, the Bartholin cyst is asymptomatic but slowly it leads to the Bartholin cyst infection. 

Most of the time, it is an asymptomatic cyst. A patient complains of swelling in the female private part region without pain. She may feel discomfort during intercourse and while walking. 

Females who are suffering from sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, and HIV are susceptible to Bartholin cyst infection.

Skin bacteria and intestinal bacteria like E Coli produce abscesses in Bartholin cyst. A patient complains of swelling, redness, and pain near a female private part.

Sometimes patient complains of fever with chills and drainage of fluid from the abscess. The patient feels swelling in the female private part area which makes it hard to walk. 

Risk Factors for Bartholin Cyst:

Age, infections, injury, and hygienic conditions are risk factors for Bartholin cyst.


Young women have a high risk for Bartholin cyst than old women. As age progresses, the risk of Bartholin cyst is decreased.


A woman who has mechanical injury during childbirth shows a higher risk for Bartholin cyst.


Bacterial infections like E Coli and sexually transmitted diseases increase the risk for Bartholin cyst. 


Women who have low immunity levels because of chronic diseases are prone to infections. Infections increase the risk for Bartholin cyst abscess. 


Bartholin cyst is a common condition that appears in women. Diagnosis depends on the present complaints of a patient, medical history, and pelvic examination. 

If a patient is suffering from discharge from a Bartholin cyst, then lab tests are required. Collect and send the discharge fluid to the lab to find out any sexually transmitted disease. 

Take a mass from the female private part and send it for biopsy to rule out cancer in aged women. 

 A patient complains of pain and swelling in the female private part region. She has a fever with chills and discharges at the female private part. Patient visits hospital after infection of Bartholin cyst. 

If a woman is suffering from recurrent Bartholin cyst condition, then medical history will help to diagnose the chronicity of a condition. During the medical history, a patient may explain to you any injury to the female private part, recent childbirth history, or non-protected intercourse with a partner. Medical history help to diagnose the causative factor of reappearing Bartholin cyst.

A pelvic examination can show swelling of the female private part, redness, and tenderness in the area. The pelvic examination helps to differentiate sexually transmitted disease infection and cancer condition from the common Bartholin cyst. 

Bartholin Cyst Management:

Management of Bartholin cyst depends on the severity of symptoms. If a patient complains of swelling, no pain, no fever, or primary stage of Bartholin cyst, then only local application or hot bath are useful to treat the condition. 

A Sitz bath is a good option. Sit in a hot water tub, three to four times per day for 4-5 days. It helps to reduce the local swelling of the Bartholin cyst.

If a patient complains of discharge and tenderness in the female private part associated with fever and chills, then a biopsy and examination of discharge are necessary.

If a patient is suffering from any infections, an antibiotic course is necessary along with the removal of discharge and swelling. 

Surgical drainage and marsupialization are treatment options for large Bartholin abscesses and recurrent Bartholin cysts respectively. 

Surgical drainage is performed after cutting the cyst, place the catheter at the opening of discharge to drain the fluid. A catheter is placed for 6 weeks. Along with it, a patient needs to take pain medications.

Marsupialization is a small procedure that helps to drain out fluid and reduce the recurrence of the Bartholin cyst. During the process, the doctor cut the cyst and stitches the skin around it to form a pouch that collects fluid from the cyst. A doctor performs the dressing after soaking fluid and blood with help of special gauze.

In rare conditions, where a patient feels no improvement in her condition, a doctor may recommend the option of total removal of Bartholin’s glands.  

Keeping good hygiene of the female private part region and protected intercourse can reduce the risk of Bartholin cyst. 

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Bartholin Cyst:

Homeopathy remedies are useful to treat Bartholin cysts in the primary stage and for abscesses also. 

Bartholin cyst is a common condition in women. Homeopathy management requires personal history, medical history, and characteristic symptoms. Diagnosis of Bartholin cyst depends on medical history and pelvic examination of a patient.

The selection of homeopathy remedies is unique for every patient. It depends on the individual symptoms of a patient. Vary fewer medicines are there like Arnica, Calendula can be used as a generalized medicine. 

Homeopathy offers a great service to treat Bartholin cysts and abscesses without any complications and side effects. Homeopathy is the best solution for a tendency of a recurrent Bartholin cyst. 

Homeopathy medicines act on immunity and the root cause of disease; therefore, it helps to reduce tendency in patients. For this reason, you should visit a good homeopath and take treatment. Do not use over-the-counter medicine, to treat any chronic tendencies.

Take homeopathy medicines under the guidance of a Homeopathy physician. It increases the chances of rapid and permanent cure of the Bartholin cyst.  

There are some remedies like Silicea and Calcarea flur which help to treat primary asymptomatic Bartholin cyst along with Sitz bath.

Most patients require individual characteristic remedies for a long duration to treat the root cause of Bartholin cyst, after treatment of Bartholin cyst infection. 

Here are some remedies which are commonly used to treat Bartholin cyst:

Apis mellifica



Calcarea carb






Nitric acid


Phos acid





1. Apis mellifica: Acute remedy for infection of Bartholin cyst.

Apis is a female remedy. It is suitable for swelling, redness, and burning pain in the affected area. It is a good remedy for infection of Bartholin cyst. 

A patient has swelling of the labia with burning pain. Pain is relieved by the application of cold water.

Dose and Potency:  

Apis Mel is useful in 30 potencies and mother tincture form. Give 2 globules 3-4 times per day for 4 days or 5 drops 3 times a day for 8 days. 

2. Asarum europaeum: Offensive discharge from the Bartholin cyst. 

It is indicated for mucus discharge from the female private part with weakness and lower back pain. A patient complains of low energy in her legs. A patient has a history of early menses. The patient feels better after washing her face with cold water.

Dose and Potency:  

Asarum is useful in 3X and 6C potencies. Take 4 globules of an Asarum, 3 times a day for 7 days.

3. Belladonna: Acute remedy for Bartholin cyst with fever and chills.

Especially indicated for Bartholin cyst infection condition. A patient complains of fever with chills. A patient complains of heaviness, weight, pressure, and burning pain in the female private part region.

A patient has dryness and heat sensation in the female private part. She feels that profuse flooding of everything would come out of the female private part. 

Dose and Potency:

Belladonna is useful in 30 and 200 potencies. Give 4 globules of belladonna 3 to 4 hourly per day for 5-7 days depending on the severity of symptoms.

4. Calcarea Carbonica: Constitutional remedy to reduce Bartholin cyst tendency.

This is a constitutional remedy. It is indicated for the tendency of recurrence of Bartholin cyst. A patient complains of constant aching in the female private part region.

A patient has a history of early and profuse menses with excessive back pain during menses. Patient states oversensitivity to cold air and physical exertion. 

Dose and Potency:

Calcarea carb 30 is useful potency. Take 4 globules 2 times a day for 15 days.

5. Carbo veg: Acute remedy for Bartholin cyst abscess with offensive discharge. 

Carbo veg is useful for Bartholin cyst abscess with offensive discharge. A patient complains of a female private part fistula with burning pain. A patient complains of redness, rawness, and soreness around the female private part region.

Dose and Potency:

Carbo veg is useful in 30 potencies. Give four globules of Carbo veg 3 times per day for 15 days. 

6. Caulophyllum: For acute irritation of the female private part with pain. 

It is indicated for irritation of the female private part region. A patient complains of irritation and spasmodic pain in the female private part region. 

It is useful for the primary stage of Bartholin cyst after childbirth or any injury to the female private part. 

Dose and Potency: 

Caulophyllum is useful in 3x and mother tincture forms. 5 drops of Caulophyllum mother tincture 3 times a day for 15 days. 

7. Cimicifuga: Infection of Bartholin cyst with intolerable pain.

It is useful for infection of Bartholin cyst. A patient complains of heaviness in a uterine region with pains. She complains of pain that radiates towards the thigh region.

A patient complains of intolerable pain. 

Dose and Potency:

Cimicifuga is useful in 3X potencies. Take 4 globules of cimicifuga, 3 times a day for 8-10 days.

8. Lachesis: Recurrent Bartholin cyst in Menopausal females. 

Lachesis remedy is useful for the climacteric age of a woman. It is a constitutional remedy. It is useful for recurrent Bartholin cyst tendency. 

A patient complains of a short duration of menses with leucorrhea. She complains of palpitation, flashes of heat, and headaches. Complaints are aggravated by the pressure of clothes also. 

Dose and Potency:

Lachesis is useful in 30 potencies. Give 4 globules of Lachesis, once a day for 15 days. 

9. Lycopodium: Constitutional medicine for Bartholin cyst.

Lycopodium is useful for the primary stage of the Bartholin cyst. A patient complains of a dry female private part.

A patient complains of burning pain during and after intercourse. A patient complains of depression and indigestion before menses.

This remedy is useful for abscess of Bartholin glands. A patient complains of itching, dryness, and induration in the female private part region with violent pain. 

Dose and Potency:

Lycopodium 30 is useful potency. Take 4 globules of Lycopodium 30, 4 times a day for 5 days.

10. Mercurius: Acute remedy for Bartholin cyst abscess with dryness of female private part.  

It works best for Bartholin cyst abscess conditions. A patient complains of dryness of the female private part. A patient complains of swelling of the female private part with pain and redness during pregnancy. 

A patient complains of burning pain in the female private part after intercourse. It acts as the best palliative medicine along with other treatments.

Dose and Potency:

Merc is useful in 6c and 30c potencies. Give 4 globules of Merc, 3 times a day for 5-7 days depending on the severity of symptoms. 

11. Natrum Mur: Constitutional remedy to reduce the tendency of Bartholin cyst. 

Natrum Mur is indicated for young girls who complain of dryness of the female private part with itching. 

This is a constitutional remedy, which is helpful to avoid the recurrence of Bartholin cyst in young females.

Dose and Potency:

Natrum Mur is Useful in 30 and 200 potencies. Take 4 globules of Natrum Mur once a day for 7 days and wait and watch for the next 15 days.

12. Nitric acid: Acute remedy for Bartholin cyst infection with pain and swelling in the female private part.

Nitric acid is indicated for infection of Bartholin cyst. A patient complains of swelling, dryness, itching, and pain in the female private part region.

It is a good remedy for Bartholin cyst after an injury to the female private part. It helps to reduce the recurrence of old Bartholin cysts. 

Dose and Potency:

Nitric acid is useful in 6C potencies. Take 4 globules of Nitric acid 3 times a day for 7-8 days.

13. Petroleum: Useful for primary stage of Bartholin cyst with burning pain.

Petroleum is useful for burning moist genital in women. It is useful for Bartholin cyst primary stage. A patient complains of irritation and dryness of the female private part.

A patient has skin complaints in the winter season. She feels good in the summer season. 

Dose and Potency:

It is useful in 30 potencies and petroleum ointment is useful for external applications. 4 globules of Petroleum 30, 3 times a day for 5-6 days.

14. Phosphoric acid: Good for Bartholin cyst abscess with offensive discharge. 

Phosphoric acid is useful for Bartholin cyst abscess conditions. A patient complains of offensive discharge with pain.

A patient has a fever with chills along with an infection of Bartholin cyst.

Dose and Potency:

Phosphoric acid is useful in 6C potency. Take four globules of Phosphoric acid, 3 times a day for 7 days. 

15. Pyrogenium: Remedy for the septic condition of Bartholin cyst after childbirth. 

Pyrogenium is useful for septic conditions. It is indicated for infection of Bartholin cyst after pregnancy or following abortion. 

A patient complains of fever with chills. A patient has an offensive discharge from the female private part. 

Dose and Potency:

Pyrogenium is useful in 6C, 12C, and 30C potencies. Take four globules of Pyrogenium, 2 times a day for 5 days.

16. Psorinum: Constitutional remedy to reduce the tendency of Bartholin cyst.

Psorinum is a constitutional and anti-miasmatic remedy. It helps to reduce the tendency of recurrence of Bartholin cyst in a patient.

It is indicated for unhealthy skin. A patient complains of skin problems in winter only. A patient has an old skin disease that reappears every winter. 

Dose and Potency:

Psorinum 30 is useful potency. Take 4 globules of Psorinum, once a week under the guidance of a Homeopathy physician only. 

17. Silicea: Good remedy for Bartholin cyst and abscess.

Silicea is useful for Bartholin cysts and abscesses of the female private part. A patient complains of a serous cyst in the female private part with thick and curdy discharge.

A patient complains of an abscess of the vulva and pain in the female private part region.

Dose and Potency:

Silicea is useful in 200 potencies. Take 4 globules of Silicea, 2 times a day for 5 to 7 days depending on the severity of symptoms.

18. Thuja: Anti-sycotic remedy to reduce Bartholin cyst recurrence.  

Thuja is useful for Bartholin cyst recurrence conditions. It is an anti-sycotic remedy.

Thuja helps to reduce the cyst tendency of a patient. A patient complains of a fistula in the female private part region. She has a very sensitive female private part. 

Dose and Potency:

Thuja is useful in 30 potencies. Take four globules of Thuja, once a day for 5 days.


Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

3 thoughts on “Bartholin Cyst – Treatment & Best 17 Homeopathic Medicines”

    1. 8th no medicine
      Lachesis: Recurrent Bartholin cyst in Menopausal females.
      Lachesis remedy is useful for the climacteric age of a woman. It is a constitutional remedy. It is useful for recurrent Bartholin cyst tendency.

      A patient complains of a short duration of menses with leucorrhea. She complains of palpitation, flashes of heat, and headaches. Complaints are aggravated by the pressure of clothes also.

      Dose and Potency:

      Lachesis is useful in 30 potencies. Give 4 globules of Lachesis, once a day for 15 days.

  1. Myristica 200.
    Graphics 200.
    Next 1M
    Both alternative
    Next 10M one dose each
    Silcia 10M one dose.
    I am homoeopathy medical practitioner at Bangurigaon kakatpur Puri Orissa from Panskura Purba Medinipur West Bengal

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