Apis Mellifica 30, 200, 1M – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Apis Mellifica 30, 200, 1M - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Apis Mellifica is one of the remedies in homeopathy useful in treating a variety of diseases, is an indispensable remedy, proved and incorporated in Homeopathy by Brauns.

Apis Mellifica is commonly known as Apium Virus

It is prepared from the poison of honey bee with a few more active principles that are present in it and possess medicinal properties.

It belongs to the family Insecta.

The crude substance for preparation is made by the poison of honeybee found inside the honeybee. The poison of the honeybee is taken and mixed with alcohol, to form the tincture only then its dynamic curative power is aroused by homeopathy.

Apis Mellifica of great homeopathically important, remedy in treating, Apoplexy, Asthma, Cancerous conditions, Gangrene, Hydrocephalus, Kidney affections, and urinary troubles.

Apis Mellifica Constitution/ Personality 

Apis Mellifica is suited to persons who are of the strumous constitution, and who have a bag-like swelling under lower eyelids and with pale eyes.

It is suited to persons who have the general oedematous condition of the body, the face is pale waxy, and swollen.

It is suited to people with irritable temperament and in general scrofulous diathesis, the gland is swollen inflamed, and in the initial stages of inflammation.

Guiding symptoms of Apis Mellifica

Apis Mellifica is used by homeopaths to treat symptoms of hydrocephalus, characterized by an enlarged cranium and a noticeably big head. This remedy addresses edema of the skin and mucous membranes, where the affected skin appears with a red rose hue and puffiness, exhibiting sensitivity to touch.

It is effective for treating prickly heat throughout the body, particularly aggravated during summer. Symptoms often progress from right to left, indicating its right-sided affinity.

Apis Mellifica is known for its pain-relieving properties, characterized by burning, stinging, and soreness, with pain that migrates suddenly from one part of the body to another.

In urinary complaints, this remedy is indicated when there is complete thirstlessness and significant incontinence of urine, often associated with urinary tract infections.

The patient may experience sudden urging and scalding sensations while passing urine. It is also effective for inflammation of the kidneys, which can lead to edema or anasarca, typically starting with the right kidney.

Apis Mellifica is utilized in treating general or localized edema, including bag-like puffy swelling under the eyes. In cases of diabetes, it addresses scanty, frequent, and painful urination that causes irritation and burning sensations.

This remedy is helpful for gangrenous ulcers of the skin and diabetic ulceration on the feet or toes, where edema, redness, swelling, and burning occur in the affected areas. It can neutralize the poison from sudden insect bites that cause red rashes.

Apis Mellifica is indicated for asthma when the patient feels suffocated, as if every breath could be their last, often accompanied by dropsical conditions in the chest. In gastric conditions, it is associated with cravings for cold items, particularly cold milk, as well as sour foods.

Finally, it is a notable remedy for meningitis and brain fevers, presenting with irritability, stupor, and sharp, sudden pain that is so severe that the patient may cry out until the pain is alleviated.

Apis Mellifica Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

Apis Mellifica is indicated for patients who exhibit awkwardness, frequently dropping things while handling them. These individuals may display significant irritability, nervousness, fidgetiness, and difficulty in being pleased.

This remedy is effective in the later stages of depression, characterized by apathy, indifference, and a lack of awareness of their surroundings. It addresses depression and brain affections when individuals feel listless and struggle to concentrate on reading or studying.

Patients may experience weeping spells, finding themselves unable to stop crying, and they can be easily discouraged.

The mental state of these patients tends to worsen in warm conditions but improves in cooler environments.

Apis Mellifica is also useful for depression that arises from feelings of jealousy in women, as well as emotional responses to fright, rage, anger, vexation, and bad news.

Head symptoms 

Apis Mellifica is indicated in treating meningitis and hydrocephalus, indicated when there are sudden, shrill piercing screams of the child while waking or sleeping.

The child lies in stuporous condition on one side of the body twitching, the other side of the body, is motionless. The child is rolling his head from one side to another the head is drawn back rigidly.

The child is lying with eyes half open and benumbed, the pupils are contracted and dilated eyes are very red, and the face is flushed.

The child kicks off the coverings and the heat in the room worsens the complaints.

There is heaviness and fullness in the head along with a great thirst for water.

There is a beating headache; worse on moving the head, and headache with vertigo is usually related to an increase in blood sugar levels. There is increased weakness and fatigue also causing confusion, better by lying down.

Eyes symptoms

Apis Mellifica is effective in treating various eye affections, particularly conjunctivitis, where the conjunctiva appears bright red and puffy.

Patients may experience burning sensations along the margins of the eyelids, along with heat and discomfort in the eyes. Lachrymation tends to be hot, and there may be fluid exudation accompanied by edema and sharp pains.

This remedy is useful for photophobia, where patients cannot tolerate light. It is also indicated for keratitis, characterized by intense chemosis of the ocular conjunctiva.

Apis Mellifica can be beneficial in cases of staphyloma of the cornea that follow suppurative inflammation. Additionally, it is helpful in treating styes and preventing their recurrence.

Ears symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful remedy for otitis media it is indicated when there are degenerative changes in the ears leading to early infection in the ears with bleeding from ears, severe itching, and burning sensation in the ear.

Nose symptoms 

Apis Mellifica is effective for allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion, presenting with stuffiness and coldness at the tips of the nose.

The nose may appear red, swollen, and inflamed, accompanied by sharp pain during breathing.

Mouth symptoms 

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for gingivitis characterized by swollen gums with constant pain and burning, accompanied by bright red bleeding from the gums.

It is indicated for stomatitis, where the tongue appears fiery red, swollen, sore, and raw with vesicles, feeling scalded and trembling.

Additionally, it addresses cancer of the tongue with severe soreness in the mouth, presenting with burning and stinging pain in the tongue without thirst. The symptoms improve with the intake of cold liquids, such as cold milk.

Face symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a great remedy for oedematous face condition, with a bag-like puffiness swelling under the lower eyelids.

The face is pale, waxy, and oedematous, indicative of underlying inflammation of the kidneys.

It is indicated for Erysipelas with stinging burning edema of the face, the edema extends from right to left.

Throat symptom

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for pharyngitis or sore throat characterized by a constricted throat with stinging pains.

It is indicated when the uvula is swollen and appears sac-like upon examination.

This remedy is also effective when the throat is swollen both internally and externally.

In cases of tonsillitis, the tonsils appear swollen, puffy, and fiery red, with ulcers on the tonsils and fiery red margins around the leathery membrane, creating a sensation of a fishbone in the throat.

Chest symptom

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for asthma when it is accompanied by severe chest pain during breathing.

It is indicated in cases of hurried and difficult breathing, where the patient feels suffocated and as if each breath could be their last, along with a dropsical condition of the chest.

This remedy is effective for dyspnea that improves with sitting up, being in the open air, uncovering, walking, or changing position.

It is indicated when there is edema of the larynx, leading to the sensation of being unable to take another breath, along with short coughing.

Heart symptoms

Apis Mellifica is indicated in other heart complications that occur due to long-standing variations in blood sugar levels or are associated with Bright’s disease, inflammation of kidneys.

It is indicated when there is severe palpitation in the heart with excess sweating, irregular heartbeat, and increased and prominent pulse rate.

Stomach symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for gastric disorders, characterized by a complete loss of appetite and no thirst.

It is indicated when there is a lack of thirst for water or craving for alcohol.

This remedy is effective for peptic ulcers, especially when there is severe burning, pain, and heat in the stomach region, with acidity causing water to fill the throat and resulting in vomiting from food intake.

It is indicated when there is a craving for cold milk due to a sore feeling in the stomach.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for ascites that occurs without thirst, characterized by peritonitis, a swollen, edematous abdomen, and puffiness.

It is indicated for diarrhea of individuals with alcohol dependence and for eruptive diseases, especially when the eruption is suppressed.

This remedy is effective when there are watery stools that are greenish, yellowish, slimy, contain mucus, and are offensive and painless, resulting in involuntary stools as if the anus were wide open.

It is suitable for cholera when there is constant oozing from the anus, with the patient being unconscious and unaware of their surroundings.

Apis Mellifica is indicated when there is significant rumbling of flatus, sudden darting pain in the rectum, and severe urging during stools, accompanied by griping pain in the abdomen, rawness, and soreness in the anus, with a sensation of being plugged, tenesmus, and passage of blood, leading to feelings of faintness and exhaustion.

This remedy is useful for abdominal disorders that present with no appetite, little or no thirst, or a sore, bruised feeling in the abdomen.

Urinary symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for kidney affections, particularly when there is inflammation of the kidneys causing edema and anasarca.

It is indicated for urinary tract infections characterized by scanty urine and scalding sensations in the surrounding area during urination.

This remedy addresses urinary disorders, especially frequent micturition, particularly at night, where the patient experiences a sudden urge to urinate.

It acts effectively when large quantities of colorless urine are passed; it is advised not to change the prescription during this time.

Apis Mellifica is suitable for frequent urinary tract infections with severe burning and scalding in the urethra during micturition, accompanied by mucus and pus in the urine, and occasionally blood; the affected areas may be sore.

This remedy is also indicated for hydrocephalus and right-sided hydrocele in developing children, presenting with involuntary nocturnal enuresis, thirstlessness, and symptoms that worsen from uncovering.

Male symptoms

Apis Mellifica has action on the male genital tract, it is highly useful in treating, hydrocele conditions in kids, during early developmental stages.

There is an affection of right testicles with swelling and edema of the right side scrotum.

The patient suffers from frequent genital skin Infections due to summer heat.

There is itching and burning of the genitals when covered with a frequent tendency to Urination and scald the area of the penis when passing urine.

Female symptoms 

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for female genital conditions, particularly for treating edema of the labia, which may be relieved by cold water.

It is effective for ovaritis and oophoritis, characterized by burning and stinging pains, primarily affecting the right ovary.

This remedy is suitable for metrorrhagia with profuse blood flow, accompanied by a sense of heaviness in the abdomen, faintness, stinging pains, and a feeling of tightness in the abdomen, along with a bearing down sensation as if menstruation will begin imminently.

Apis Mellifica is indicated for irregular periods, especially in cases of PCOD that lead to increased weight gain and puffiness.

It is effective for dysmenorrhea, presenting with severe pain, primarily affecting the right ovary.

This remedy is also indicated for great soreness, burning, and itching in the vagina and surrounding area, which may lead to urinary tract infections.

Additionally, it is relevant for ovarian tumors, associated with heaviness and tenderness in the abdominal and uterine regions.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy used for the later stages of rheumatism, where the knees and ankles are swollen, shiny, sensitive, and sore, accompanied by stinging and burning pains. The feet may also be swollen and stiff.

It is indicated for synovitis, which may start with a felon followed by swelling, resulting in a sensation that the feet feel too large. The patient experiences rheumatic pain in the limbs, feeling tired and bruised, with a stinging type of pain during swelling.

This remedy is applicable for paralysis of the limbs, characterized by numbness in the hands and tips of the fingers.

Apis Mellifica is also indicated for hives, presenting with intolerable itching, edematous swellings, and puffiness.

It is effective for hand tremors, accompanied by tingling sensations in the hands and feet.

Back symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy used for muscle aches in the back, indicative of rheumatic pain that extends to the limbs.

It is indicated when the patient experiences a sensation of fatigue and a bruised feeling in the back, neck, and shoulders.

Skin symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a remedy for treating urticaria, characterized by severe itching resembling a bee sting or stings from other poisonous insects. The body may be covered with large, elevated white wheals that cause stinging, burning, pricking, or itching.

Symptoms of urticaria are aggravated by covering, at night, the application of heat, or in a warm room, and are relieved in cold and open air.

This remedy is also effective for skin conditions such as boils and carbuncles, presenting with red hues, edema, sensitivity to touch, and aggravation from heat or covering, while improving in cold and open air.

In cases of skin cancer, the affected area may exhibit burning and stinging sensations, with extreme sensitivity to touch and general soreness.

Metastasis of cancer can occur in cellular tissues such as the lungs, synovial joints, and mucous membranes, leading to effusion.

Fever symptoms

Apis Mellifica is a great remedy for meningitis fever in the afternoon with chill, with thirst during the heat stage worse on motion and heat.

During the heat stage, there is external heat, with a smothering feeling as if every breath will suffocate.

During the sweating stage, there is slight perspiration with sleepiness.

The Perspiration breaks out and dries up frequently, worse in the warm room.

After perspiration, nettle rash, also with shuddering and there is no thirst in the sweating stage.

The Apis Mellifica patient usually has a low-grade type of fever with diabetic nephropathy, and kidney affection and sleeps after the fever paroxysm.

Apis Mellifica Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The condition of Apis Mellifica is worse, after sleep, in closed rooms, warm and heated rooms.

Symptoms are worse from getting wet, touching, or under pressure.

There is time aggravation of symptoms, mostly in the afternoon, at 3:00 pm, and on the right side.

Amelioration By

The conditions of Apis Mellifica are better in the open air, by uncovering in case of skin disorders, and cold bathing.

Pains are better by coughing, walking, or changing position when sitting erect.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedies complementary to Apis Mellifica are Natrum Muriaticum.

Similar Medicines

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Remedies similar to Apis Mellifica are Lachesis; Kali. Bichrome.


These are the remedies that are suitable to be used together.

It is compatible with Belladonna, and Hepar Sulph.

Incompatible to

Apis Mellifica is incompatible with Rhus tox in eruptive diseases.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Apis Mellifica are antidoted by Cantharis, China, Iodum, and Digitalis.

It antidotes

It antidotes the effects of insect bites.

Apis Mellifica Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Apis Mellifica 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. It is used in treating edema, and puffiness of the skin.

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Apis Mellifica 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Apis Mellifica match.

It is useful in Hydrocephalus, Kidney diseases, and Rheumatism.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

Apis Mellifica 1M Uses

This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Apis Mellifica and that given by the patient match perfectly. It is useful in cases of Bright’s disease, Delirium, Asthama, and Menstrual troubles.

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Apis Mellifica (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Apis Mellifica is used to treat insect bites, which needs frequent repetition.

Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs. 

Apis Mellifica 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Apis Mellifica works well to treat the conditions like burning in the feet due to diabetes, acne Rosaceae, and gangrene ulcers on the skin.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.

Clinical Indication of Apis Mellifica

  • Abcess
  • Apoplexy
  • Asthma
  • Bright’s Disease
  • Carbuncle
  • Constipation
  • Cancerous affections
  • Diarrhea
  • Dropsy
  • Eye troubles
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Intermittent fever
  • Kidney affections
  • Meningitis
  • Menstrual troubles
  • Rheumatism
  • Skin affections
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Urinary troubles
  • Skin affections-prickly heat, allergy rash insect bite
  • Gangrene
  • Tumors

Side Effects of Apis Mellifica

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Apis Mellifica like weakness and fatigue are seen, then it can be antidoted by Cantharis, China, Iodum, and Digitalis.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized  treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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9 thoughts on “Apis Mellifica 30, 200, 1M – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Pingback: Circinate Balanitis - Causes & Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines

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  3. Pingback: Vipera 30, 200, 1M, Q - Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

  4. Hello, thanks for your helpful info. I have puffy eyes and it’s getting worse. IM 73 yrs old. Shall I take the lower dose 30 of Apis Mellifica instead of 200?
    Thanks again, kind regards

    1. राजेंद्र कुमार

      नमस्ते, आपकी उपयोगी जानकारी के लिए धन्यवाद। मेरी दाईं साइड में इंफेक्शन हो गया है डॉक्टर ने बताया है मेरी आँखें सूजी हुई हैं और यह बदतर होती जा रही है। मैं 42 साल का हूँ. क्या मुझे एपिस मेलिफ़िका की निचली खुराक 200 के बजाय 30 लेनी चाहिए कृपया करें प्लीज
      पुनः धन्यवाद, राजेंद्र कुमार ।

  5. This information on Apis is very helpful. I’ve taken Apis 30c before for the edema in my arm but I didn’t know I should take it 3 or 4 times a day. I’ll give that a try. Many thanks!

  6. I am taking a remedy for a Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst. 1st dosage apis 1m, after 1 day apis 10m and after 20 days apis 10m again. after a few days from the second dosage my period came about 6 days delayed (I am always on time) and I experienced a very painful and heavy period, I felt like fainting, I had nausea and I was generally super fatigued. A few days later I woke up during the night due to a terrible headache and felt like I was having a panic attack. I had to take a tranquillizer so I could calm down and go back to sleep after 4 hours in that state. 20 days later I am taking the last dosage of apis and I am experiencing again headaches and fatigue during the day. Is all of this normal? Is it part of the side effects that indicate that the remedy is working?

    1. When you take 1 m wait for 30 days you obeserve medcine will work. Otherwise if you not wait 30 days and take 10m or 1 m again . This will aggravate your symptoms and serious medical problem. If you take 1 m wait for 1 one month is necessary. I you take 10 m wait for three months. 10 m is very hight dose.

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