Anas Barbariae, is one of the remedies in homeopathy useful in treating a variety of diseases, is an indispensable remedy, proved and incorporated in Homeopathy and discovered by Dr.Joseph Roy.
Anas Barbariae is commonly known as Oscillococcinum.
It belongs to the family of Sarcodes, healthy extracts of animals.
Influenza is a highly infectious viral disease that is particularly common in the winter months. Oscillococcinum or anas barbariae is a patented homeopathic medicine that is made from a 1% solution of wild duck heart and liver extract.
Which is then diluted 200 times with water and alcohol and is diluted repeatedly until there are no molecules of duck heart or liver are found in the actual pill.
Then only after the process of dynamization, curative power is aroused and it can be used as homeopathic curative medicine.
It is one of the top-ranking remedies for What is Anas Barbariae?
Anas barbariae or Oscillococcinum is used to treat and prevent seasonal colds and airway inflammatory affections, improve symptom control and reduce the frequency of respiratory tract infection
Table of Contents
ToggleAnas Barbariae constitution
Anas barbariae is a top-ranking medicine, especially for people who tend to suffer from frequent cough and cold, sinus, bronchitis, and upper respiratory tract infections, all of these express the condition calling for this remedy.
It is suitable for people with tuberculosis in the background and is very sensitive to cold climates.
It is suitable for luetic people who have fixed and obsessive ideas.
It is a remedy suitable for persons who are mentally and physically restless and feeling weak.
It is suited to people in whom the Complaints come on due to cold food and in affections due to cold wind and when there is a thunderstorm.
Guiding symptoms of Anas Barbariae
Anas barbariae is a great remedy in homeopathy thought of in giving very prompt relief from cold and flu symptoms that occur during the cold and humid climate.
It is a principal remedy thought for in treating influenza or flu associated with, headache and body ache.
It is a wonderful remedy used in controlling profuse expectoration of thin watery discharge, coryza, and irritative cough.
It is a great remedy to overcome physical and mental restlessness and feeling of weakness, Anas Barbariae is useful for prompt relief from cold & flu.
It is a great remedy used by many homeopaths for treating seasonal colds and airway inflammatory affections
When it is prescribed it gives a sense of well-being on regular intake during the episode of cold and flu.
It is a great remedy for Tuberculosis patients sensitive to chilling.
General symptoms:
It is adapted to people who are lean, pale, have chronic invalidity, weakness, and need for fresh air even when afraid of cold.
When there is exposure to cold there is stiffness, shivering, feeling of being too hot, the patient has headache, weakness, and repeating shakes descending the body.
There is a feeling of an electric current running through the diseased part.
There are Bitter and grayish secretions, on coughing.
Aggravation of symptoms is seen when a patient thinks about it, by moisture, fog, changes of weather, the night, when resting, after eating eggs or drinking milk.
The symptoms show improvement in free air, at the seaside, by heat, when resting, and after evacuations.
It is a wonderful remedy for latent anxiety, especially when someone doesn’t return on time, there is fear, and unquietness without a clear cause.
It is a great remedy for very impatient people and it improves when one is busy.
Sense of futility, tendency to be maniacal with pettiness.
It is a great remedy for obsessive-compulsive disorders, the patient can’t stand disorder, fear of dirt, and pollution. There is a frequent urge to often wash hands.
The patient is afraid to shake hands for fear of contagion. It is suitable for stubborn people.
It is useful in treating people who are depressed and often think back to their past fear of thunderstorms.
It is a wonderful remedy for treating flu-like symptoms with violent needle-like pain in the ears, there is a flu-like state along with a runny nose;
The eyes turn yellowish with yellow conjunctiva there is a dry painful cough; at times the patient may experience a wet cough with mucopurulent expectoration usually bitter less in quantity and greyish.
It is used by many homeopaths in treating varicose veins, usually developed in varicose veins; feelings of electric shocks in the lower leg.
It is a great remedy for treating the female complaints of yellowish leucorrhoea.
Anas Barbariae Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a great remedy in homeopathy to help diabetics patients who get scared during a thunderstorm or when their husbands get late during coming home. Such patients have a feeling of electric currents through the varicose veined legs.
There is an itch anal and an itch on the wrist. They keep trying to wash off maniacally, especially when they have a runny nose. They stubbornly resist advice when someone suggests not to worry.
It is a wonderful remedy for latent anxiety, especially when someone doesn’t return on time, there is fear, and unquietness without a clear cause.
It is a great remedy for very impatient people and it improves when one is busy.
Sense of futility, the tendency to be maniacal with pettiness.
It is a great remedy for obsessive-compulsive disorders, the patient can’t stand disorder, or fear of dirt, and pollution. There is a frequent urge to often wash hands.
The patient is afraid to shake hands for fear of contagion. It is suitable for stubborn people.
It is useful in treating people who are depressed and often think back to their past fear of thunderstorms.
Head symptoms
Anas Barbariae is indicated in treating sick headaches with a heavy feeling in the head. There is a sudden feeling of decoupling in the head.
It is a great remedy for headaches in the front of the head, also occipital, worse in the morning than in the evening, and better when one blows the nose.
It is a great remedy for headaches, with bruised, and soreness in
It is indicated as headaches with vertigo in elderly people, during vertigo there is a clouding of the senses and sometimes there is sudden vertigo.
In vertigo condition, there is head pain in the right of the head, with repeated shaking.
Eyes symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a great remedy in homeopathy for the eyes when the patient suffers from conjunctivitis, redness of eyes itching eyes, the patient has an irritating running nose.
It is a great remedy for iritis and retinal hemorrhages that occur in diabetic retinopathy. The conjunctiva turns red and then yellowish.
Ears symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for violent needle-like pain in the ears during the flu-like state; there is a runny nose; eyes turn to yellow conjunctiva.
There is a dry painful cough, at times wet cough with mucopurulent expectoration, and itching in the ear canal.
Nose symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for abnormal sensations in the nose as there is nasal congestion, also sinus pain and pressure in the nose, and headache.
The patient feels congestion, with running nose, itching in the eyes, and discharges from the ear are mucopurulent.
Mouth symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for swelling in the mouth, whole tongue putrid in taste, there is vomiting of undigested food matter.
It is a great remedy for complaints like loss of taste sensation in the tongue as occurs in a flu infection.
Face symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for acne, there is itching of the cheeks, and pain in the maxillary region of the face.
There is a feeling of something running across the face on the right half.
It is a wonderful remedy for treating the feeling of a bug that runs over the face during the night.
Throat symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a remedy suited to sore throat, there is pain on deglutition, it is a good remedy for sore throat
It can be used at any time to relieve nasal and chest congestion, dry fitful cough, sneezing, minor sore throat, and runny or stuffy nose during regular flu and cold attack.
It is a wonderful remedy for tonsillar engorgement along with sore throat as occurs in influenza sore throat with weakness and aversion to talk or speak.
Chest symptom
Anas Barbariae is a great remedy for a cough when there is a dry irritating cough.
It is indicated when there is a wet cough with little mucopurulent expectoration.
It is useful in treating conditions of hypotension and also hypertension.
Stomach symptoms
Anas Barbariae, is a wonderful remedy for gastric disorders, like stomach cramps, with weakness of digestion.
The stomach symptoms are worse on warm food, in the warmth of the bed.
There is a loss of sense of taste there is a bitter taste in the mouth and a sensation of vomiting.
Abdomen and Rectum symptoms
Anas Barbariae is one of the top listed remedies for pain in the appendix region.
It is a great remedy for abdominal cramps followed by fetid-smelling diarrhea.
It is a great remedy for persistent constipation, leading to the development of hemorrhoids.
There is a sensation of full feeling in the belly and anal itching which is, worse in the warmth of the bed, with or without hemorrhoids.
Male symptoms
Anas Barbariae has a wonderful action on the male genitalia where there is weakness in the genital organs and diminution of sexual power, due to frequent flu and the common cold, there are running nose, fever nasal congestion, sinus congestion, and headache.
Female symptoms
Anas Barbariae has got wonderful action on female genitals, for fetid and yellow leucorrhea.
It is a wonderful remedy for the weak uterus that is due to frequent suffering of flu and cold infection causing dry cough leading to change in lower abdominal muscle contraction.
It is a wonderful remedy for varicose veins in pregnancy and also for diabetes during pregnancy.
Urinary symptoms
Anas Barbariae is useful when there is urine incontinence as a result of frequent cough and cold due to flu causing pressure on the bladder.
It is indicated in patients with hyperglycemia leading to painful micturition, there is cloudy urine or sugar in the urine.
Hand and Leg symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for various stages of joint pains that occur secondary to flu infection.
It is a great remedy for body pains along with fever cough cold and running nose.
It is a great remedy for pain in the legs due to varicose veins, aggravated at night while they have a feeling of electric currents through their varicose veined legs.
Back symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a great remedy for backache in the stages of viral fever, the patient is unable to move and has to lie down in bed, and the warmth of the bed worsens the symptoms.
Skin symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for treating disorders of the skin like itch after intake of antibiotics.
It is a remedy used by many homeopaths for phlebitis
It is a great remedy for diabetic ulcerations in the legs, pain at the night;
It is one of the top listed remedies for chronic streptococcal eczema, there are little bumps that itch on the inside of the wrist.
It is a great remedy for anal itching and itchy bumps on their wrist, that they keep trying to wash off maniacally, especially when they have a runny nose and stubbornly resist advice not to worry.
Fever symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a great remedy for swine flu fever in which it
shortens the duration of symptoms, such as fever, chills, body aches, and pain. It is the first line of defense in checking flu.
It is usually indicated when the fever is of high grade with debility and severe running nose, sinus congestion, headache, and body ache pain in the hands and legs.
Sleep symptoms
Anas Barbariae is a wonderful remedy for sleeplessness or insomnia, there is sleeplessness with agitation during the night and from the warmth of the bed.
Anas Barbariae Modalities
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Anas Barbariae Aggravated By
The condition of Anas Barbariae is worse in hot baths and from the warmth of bed and at night.
The stomach symptoms are worse on warm food, in the warmth of bed.
The joint complaints and mental symptoms are worse before thunderstorms and cold wind.
Anas Barbariae Amelioration By
The conditions of Anas Barbariae are better from warm drinks.
Relationship with Other remedy Medicine
Anas Barbariae Complementary remedy
This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.
The remedies complementary to Anas Barbariae are in case of flu, Arsenicum album, and Allium cepa.
Anas Barbariae Similar remedy
These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.
Remedies similar to Anas Barbariae are Natrum muriaticum , Arsenicum album
Anas Barbariae Compatible remedy
These are the remedies that are suitable to be used together.
It is compatible with Pulsatilla and Carbo vegetabilis in varicose veins.
Anas Barbariae Antidoted by
The bad effects of Anas Barbariae are antidoted by Camphora.
Anas Barbariae Uses, dosage, and potency
The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case and disease progression.
Anas Barbariae 30 Uses
Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition.
It is used in treating constipation and leucorrhoea.
This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.
Anas Barbariae 200 CH Uses
This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Anas Barbariae match with each other.
It is useful in skin eczema and common cold and influenza.
Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.
Anas Barbariae 1M Uses
This is very high potency.
One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Anas Barbariae and that given by the patient match perfectly.
It is useful in cases of, frequent sore throat and colds, also for compulsive obsessive disorders.
One should not repeat 1 M potency.
It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.
Anas Barbariae -mother-tincture(Q) Uses
The mother tincture form of Bellis Perennis is the crudest, as it contains alkaloids of Anas Barbariae that are useful in pathophysiological conditions of the disease state
The mother tincture is used to treat influenza and allergic rhinitis affections which needs frequent repetition.
Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs.
Anas Barbariae 3x/6x Uses
This is a lower potency of Anas Barbariae third to the sixth trituration if solids and dilution if in liquid form, it
works well to treat the conditions like itching of the skin and varicosis.
Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.
Anas Barbariae Clinical Indications
- Common cold
- Influenza
- Headache
- Running nose
- Nasal congestion
- Face ache or neuralgias
- Sore throat
- Hypotension
- Hypertension
- Chronic streptococcal sore throat
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Anal itching
- Hemorrhoids
- Ulceration of legs
- Varicose veins
Anas Barbariae Side effects
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.
If any side effects of Anas Barbariae like in some cases there is severe swelling, including swelling of the tongue, and headache have been reported after taking Anas Barbariae, then it can be antidoted by Camphora.
2 thoughts on “Anas Barbariae 30, 200, Q – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”
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Thank you so much, gald you like the topic and content.