Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy – Treatment in Homeopathy

Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy - Treatment in Homeopathy

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is also called the skin tag of the anal region and anal polyp. A patient complains of discomfort feeling at the anal region.

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is defined as, “Overgrowth of subepithelial connective tissue at the base of the anal columns and polypoid growth of anal squamous epithelium. This overgrowth of tissues is benign.”

This condition is associated with chronic anal fissures. Mostly Rectal papillae hypertrophy is asymptomatic. But pruritis, pain during defecation, and uncomfortable feeling are symptoms of chronic anal polyps.

Chronic anal polyp leads to infection and ulcerative condition of the anal region. Surgical treatment is the last option to treat anal polyp. Homeopathy works wonderfully to arrest or reduce the growth of fibrous tissue.

Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy Types 

As per definition, rectal papillae hypertrophy is divided into two types depending on the tissue involved in growth. Hypertrophied anal papillae and Fibrous anal polyps are types of an anal polyp.

1. Hypertrophied anal papillae:

It is a skin tag, projection of epithelial tissue from the line of junction between the skin and epithelial lining of the anus. It is a part of the classic triad of chronic fissure: fissure, skin tag, and hypertrophied papilla.

Hypertrophied anal papillae present as a separate condition also which s asymptomatic and palpable on a digital examination of the anus.

A person who suffers from chronic infection, itching, or constipation is susceptible to hypertrophied anal papillae. On endoscopic examination, it appears white at the lower aspect of the dentate line in the anal canal.

Hypertrophied anal papillae are primary stage of rectal hypertrophied papillae. It may lead to an anal ulcer, anal infection,

fibrous polyp, and chronic fissure.

2. Fibrous anal polyps: 

Fibrous anal polyps are a chronic condition. With time, the growth and thickness of anal polyps increased. The thickening of polyps looks like fibrous tissue.

This chronic fibrous tissue is a consolidation of chronic inflammatory tissue at the anterior part of the anal fissure or as a protective layer of the fistula in the anus.

Fibrous anal polyps have dilated veins, white areas, and thick growth of tissues.

Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy Causes

Many factors are responsible for rectal papillae hypertrophy: recurrent infection of the anal region, chronic fissures, constipation, age, hereditary and developmental, and congenital defects.


Rectal papillae hypertrophy is more common in middle age or younger people. The age group of 20-50 is more prone to fissures and anal polyps.

Because of developmental and congenital factors, children may suffer from rectal papillae hypertrophy and anal polyps.


Females and males both have the same ratio for rectal papillae hypertrophy. Females are more susceptible to anal polyp present posterior to the anorectal border.

Genetic factor: 

Hereditary factors are responsible for fissures, hemorrhoids, and constipation. Fissures and chronic constipation are associated with rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Immunity factor: 

Patients suffering from tuberculosis, HIV, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, Chron’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, and leukemia are susceptible to rectal papillae hypertrophy.


Trauma is a crucial factor responsible for rectal papillae hypertrophy. Passage of hard stools, recurrent diarrhea, and anorectal surgery produce trauma in the rectal region.

Rectal hypertrophied papillae are an overgrowth of epithelial tissue at the injury site of the anal-rectal border.

Underlying chronic diseases: 

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is associated with chronic ulcerative disease, fissures, rectal fistula, and chronic constipation.

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is one of the symptoms of the triad of a chronic fissure.

Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy Symptoms

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is associated with anal fissure. It is the overgrowth and thickness of epithelial tissue at the anal-rectal border region. A patient complains of a feeling of pressure and uneasiness in the anal region.

50-60% patients of with rectal papillae hypertrophy show no symptoms, only endoscopy shows white fibrous growth at the border of the anal-rectal region.

Anal pain, itching, and palpable mass in the anal region are characteristic symptoms of rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Mostly rectal papillae hypertrophy is associated with anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Fibrous rectal hypertrophy protects the fistula in the anal region.

Few patients with rectal papillae hypertrophy complain of recurrent infection in the anal region. They may have a history of chronic constipation, ulcerative colitis, and anal-rectal surgery.

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is not an acute condition. Patients may complain of bleeding with stool, acute pain in the anal region, itching in the anal region, and palpable swelling in the anal region in inflammatory conditions of anal polyps.

Risk Factors for Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy

Age, genetic factors, chronic diseases, recurrent infections, diet, and lifestyle are risk factors for rectal papillae hypertrophy.


Middle-aged people both male and female are susceptible to rectal papillae hypertrophy based on their hereditary factors, lifestyle, and diet habits.


Trauma is an important risk factor for rectal papillae hypertrophy. Patients who have chronic constipation, are a high-risk group for anal injury due to hard stool and pressure of stool.

Patients undergo anal-rectal surgery prone to rectal papillae hypertrophy as a side effect of injury healing.

Underlying Disease: 

The patient suffers from Tuberculosis, AIDS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, anal fistula, and leukemia are susceptible to rectal papillae hypertrophy.


Recurrent anal infection, diarrhea infection, and acute infection of anal polyp are risk factors for rectal papillae hypertrophy. Repeated diarrhea may cause ulceration in the anal region which may lead to injury and fibrous anal polyp.

Diet and Lifestyle: 

Smoking, alcohol addiction, faulty diet, and wrong lifestyle lead to irregular bowel habits, Irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and constipation which are significant risk factors for rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Irregular eating, sleeping habits and lack of exercise, eating more bakery products without green vegetables and salads are responsible for constipation and hemorrhoids, indirectly risk factors for rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Rectal papillae hypertrophy Diagnosis

This condition is asymptomatic, but along with clinical features radiology reports, biopsy (histopathology tests), and endoscopy help to diagnose rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Clinical diagnosis of rectal papillae hypertrophies based on complaints of a patient along with an examination of the abdomen and anal-rectal region.

Pain, swelling, and itching in the anal region are clinical features of rectal papillae hypertrophy. A patient complains of discomfort and pressure in the anal region while passing stool. Some patients have a history of chronic fissures, ulcerative colitis, and constipation.

In some cases, it is co-existed with hemorrhoids. Biopsy (Histopathology) reports are helpful to differentiate rectal polyps and hemorrhoids. Biopsy of rectal papillae hypertrophy shows low and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions.

Anoscope examination (procedure to examine the mucosal lining of the rectum and anus) is an important part of the diagnosis of rectal papillae hypertrophied. On examination, you can observe thickened anal papillae at the dentate line which are white and firm in appearance.

If a patient complains of prolapse of rectum-anal polyp, then imaging studies are ordered. The radiology report states no focal or diffuse restriction and no pelvic lymph node enlargement.

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is a benign condition. Occasionally patient complains of an increase in size over time and repeated infection of a skin tag. In such a condition, it is necessary to treat it immediately.

Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy Management

Rectal papillae hypertrophy is an asymptomatic condition in most patients so there is no need for any treatment in such conditions.

For a patient who has symptoms of pain, itching, and discomfort in the anal region, then local application of cream and lotion, surgical treatment like surgical excision, and cryotherapy are options available to treat the condition.

During the surgery, polyps are removed by crushing the bases of hypertrophied papillae with help of ligation and electrocauterization.

If rectal papillae hypertrophied is associated with other chronic diseases like chronic constipation, fissures, and ulcerative conditions then treat the underlying disease first.

Local application of homeopathy creams like Aesculus, Nitric acid, and Sulphur are helpful for pain and itching. Apply the cream after stool.

Avoid constipation and hard stool for further aggravation of symptoms. Eat a lot of green vegetables, and fruits, and drink water. Avoid sitting in one place for long hours. Do regular walking exercises for 30 minutes and sleep, eat at a regular time.

If the patient has a family history of hemorrhoids or rectal papillae hypertrophy, then advise them to take care of gut life. Do not eat bakery products, or junk food regularly. Eat healthy fresh homemade food. Avoid constipation and diarrheal recurrent infections.

To treat rectal papillae hypertrophy, an integrated approach including local application, surgery treatment, and lifestyle diet modification is necessary.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Rectal Papillae Hypertrophy

Homeopathy remedies are useful for rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Every patient has characteristic symptoms similarly, every homeopathy remedy has the characteristic property to treat specific conditions.

If two or more patients are suffering from rectal papillae hypertrophy, every patient will require a different homeopathy remedy depending on symptom similarity.

Homeopathy treatment requires a total history of a patient including history, family history, history of current complaints, and his emotional nature, aggravation, and amelioration factors for current symptoms.

To choose a homeopathy remedy, you should talk with the patient in detail and specific way to understand his nature.

The following remedies are helpful for rectal papillae hypertrophy:

1. Aesculus:

It is suitable for patient who has hemorrhoid tendency. It is suitable for hard stool, the fullness of the rectum after stool also, and intense burning pain in the anal region.

The anus is raw and dry. Feels like a swelling palpable mass in the anal region.

Dose and Potency: 

Aesculus cream for external use. Apply two times per day for pain and itching in the anal region. Aesculus 30 is good for rectal problem. Take four globules 3 times per day for 3 days.

2. Aloe:

It is good for old men and women in climacteric age, who have sedentary habits and faulty eating habits.

A patient complains of chronic constipation and pressure, and an uncomfortable feeling in the anus. The patient passes stool and urine together.

Dose and Potency: 

Aloe is good in lower potency. Aloe 30, 4 globules two times a day for 4 days.

3. Carbo Veg

Especially suited white color protruding mass at anal region and excoriation at the perineal area. A patient complains of burning pain with itching in the anal region.

The patient feels pressure in the rectal region. The patient passes gases instead of stool. It is useful during recovery from chronic diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and chronic constipation.

Dose and Potency:

30 Carbo veg is good in lower potency like 1x, 3x, and 6C. Take four globules 3 times a day for 7 days.

4. Hamamelis: 

This is a remedy for a rawness in the anus with swelling in the anal region. This is a good remedy for bleeding with stool. The patient complains of itching and fullness in the rectum.

This remedy is useful for acute conditions like infection and ulcers with rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Dose and Potency:

Lower potency like 2x, 3x, 6x, and mother tincture is helpful. Prescribe 4 globules of 6x, three times per day for 1 week, and 5 drops of mother tincture 3 times a day for 15 days.

5. Lachesis:

It is a wonderful medicine for rectal papillae hypertrophy is associated with anal pain, constriction in the anal region and constipation.

Dose and Potency: 

Lachesis 6 or 30 is good. Give 4 globules every evening for 4 days.

6. Lycopodium: 

It is useful for constipation in children and adolescent age groups. This is a good remedy who have a developmental problem of anal tissue at the time of birth and constipation problem.

This remedy works as a constitutional remedy for rectal papillae hypertrophy cases, where children have similar symptoms like Lycopodium properties.

Dose and Potency:

Lycopodium is useful in mother tincture and has 30, 200 potencies. Take 5 drops three times a day for 15 days and Lycopodium 30, 4 globules only once a week.

7. Natrum Mur

This remedy acts as a constitutional medicine for a person with rectal papillae hypertrophy and has symptoms like Natrum Mur.

It is indicated for swelling in an anal region with chronic constipation. It is good for pain and itching in the anal region after diarrhea infections.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 30, 200, and 1M potencies. Take Natrum Mur 30, 4 globules 2 times per day for 4 days. Natrum Mur 200 and 1M, 4 globules once a week.

8. Nitric acid: 

Nitric acid is useful for rectal papillae hypertrophy associated with fissures. A patient complains of burning stitching pain in the anal region with itching after stool. Patient feels fullness and constant desire for ineffectual stool.

It is indicated after the rectal surgery problem. A patient complains of pain and painful constipation.

Dose and Potency:

Nitric acid is useful in 6C potency. Take 4 globules 3 times a day for 7 days.

9. Nux vomica

It works wonderfully for constipation and diarrhea. The patient feels pressure in the anal region along with pain and effectual urging for stool.

Dose and Potency:

Use in 30 and 200 potencies. Take 4 globules 3 times a day for 4 days.

10. Paeonia: 

Paeonia is indicated for rectal papillae hypertrophy associated with fistula in the anus and hemorrhoids. A patient complains of burning pain, itching, and an ulcer in the anal region.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 3x potency. Take 4 globules 3 times a day for 10 days.

11. Ratanhia:

Ratanhia is indicated for rectal papillae hypertrophy associated with fissures, stitching pain, and pruritis. A patient complains of stitching pain before and after stool.

Dose and Potency:

Ratanhia is useful in 3X and 6C potencies. Take 4 globules, 3 times a day for 8 days. Alon with it, use Ratanhia cream externally 2 times a day.

12. Sabina: 

Sabina is useful for warts in the anal region associated with chronic constipation and a sense of fullness. This remedy is indicated in rectal papillae hypertrophy, overgrowth of tissue at anal squamous epithelial tissue.

Dose and Potency:

Sabina is useful in lower potency like 3x, 6c, and in mother tincture form. Apply mother tincture liquid externally on the skin tag and take 4 globules 3 times a day for 15 days.

12. Sedum acre: 

Sedum acre is useful for rectal papillae hypertrophy associated with chronic fissure. A patient has hemorrhoidal diathesis.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 6C and mother tincture. 5 drops of the mother tincture and 4 globules 3 times per day for severe pain for 8 days. 

13. Silicea:

This is indicated for the tendency of rectal papillae hypertrophy with chronic fissure and chronic constipation. Silicea is a constitutional remedy, useful for a person who has symptom like it.

It can help to reduce recurrent growth of anal epithelial tissue or help to absorb the overgrowth of a skin tag.

Dose and Potency:

It is useful in 30 and 200 potencies depending on the growth of the skin tag. Take 4 globules 3 times per day for 15 days.

14. Sulphur

Sulphur is a great anti-psoric and constitutional medicine. It is indicated in a patient who has a past and family history of hemorrhoids, anal polyp, and skin tags.

A patient complains of chronic constipation with fissures and hemorrhoids.

Dose and Potency: 

Useful in 30 and 200 potencies. Use Sulphur 30, 4 globules 2 times a day for 6 days. Sulphur cream is also helpful for external use.

15. Thuja

This is indicated for warts in the anal region associated with the fissures, stitching pain, and pruritis. This medicine is useful for rectal papillae hypertrophy.

Thuja is an anti-sycotic remedy. Whenever a patient tends to overgrow skin tissue, this remedy does wonder.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in lower potency and mother tincture format. Apply thuja lotion or mother tincture on warts externally and similarly take 5 drops of mother tincture 2 times a day for 1 month.

Whenever a patient tends to overgrow skin tissue, this remedy does wonder.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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