12 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety – Causes & Best Medicine

12 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety - Causes and Best Medicine

This blog will explain the best homeopathic remedies for anxiety, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & top medicines.

Anxiety is a natural emotion that includes unpleasant feelings, uneasiness, fatigue, restlessness, and many more.

It is a cluster of mental disorders which is characterized by fear and irritability.

A person who has many relations with personal, social, and occupational suffer from anxiety easily.

Anxiety usually causes restlessness, fatigue, irritability, fear, difficulty in concentration, high heart rate, chest and, abdominal pain, etc.

According to the survey, it is mostly affected in 15 – 40 years of age for approximately 6 – 12 months.

If a person is suffering from anxiety, it may cause that person to stop doing things that he/she enjoys doing.

Anxiety attack is basically the feeling of worry, fear, and distress, it develops slowly in some people and rapidly in some people.

Getting enough sleep, exercise, yoga, medication, avoiding smoking, caffeine, and alcohol, and eating a healthy diet may help to cure anxiety nature.

Lifestyle changing, counseling, and medication may help in curing anxiety.

Anxiety Types

Anxiety has several disorders in the different types of individuals depending upon the capacity of that particular person.

Anxiety is the most important part of various disorders.

Some of the main types of anxiety are mentioned below: –

I. Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder.

Panic disorders are sudden, onset with fear and anxiety.

Patient complaints of profuse sweating and high heart rate.

Panic disorder occurs when we are too much worry about something.

A person with panic disorder may experience panic attacks such as shaking and trembling, pounding heart, sweating, chest pain, nausea, uneasiness, difficulty in breathing, etc.

Panic disorder is caused by long time life stress, serious illness, death of a loved one traumatized person, serious accidents, sexual assault, etc.

Anti-anxiety medicines are helpful in these cases.

Panic disorder is also classified into the following four types: –

Type I. A single panic attack with one symptom.

Type II. Panic attacks occur without any depressive symptoms.

Type III. Panic attacks with a gradual development of depressive symptoms such as hydro phobias etc.

Type IV. Depressive symptoms reoccur with panic attacks.

II. Phobia Disorder

Phobia is also the most common type of anxiety disorder.

It is generally caused by genetic or environmental factors.

Children of developing age may experience a high risk of having phobia disorder.

In this, a person experiences a strong, irrational feeling of actual danger.

There are many phobias of darkness, flying high(acrophobia) from water (hydrophobia), animals (zoophobia) snakes, etc.

Phobia disorder is again subdivided into four categories such as: –

1. Natural Environment

A person may have a phobia of the natural environment such as: – fear of thunder and lightning (astraphobia), fear of water (hydrophobia), and fear of tress (dendrophobia).

2. Animal Phobia

A person may also have a fear of animals such as: – fear of amphibians such as lizards(batrachophobia), fear of dogs(cynophobia), and fear of horses(equinophobia).

3. Medical Phobia

A person having a phobia of going hospital/clinic suffers from medical phobia such as: – fear of needles and injections(trypophobia), fear of the dentist(dentophobia), and fear of blood (hemophobia).

4. Phobic Situations

Some people have fear of situations of joy and worry such as: – fear of confined spaces(claustrophobia), fear of flying(aerophobia), and fear of speaking in public(glossophobia).

III. Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is a chronic mental health disorder.

A person has an intense fear of talking or speaking with strangers, and fear of physical symptoms which may cause embarrassment such as sweating, blushing, etc.

Social anxiety includes meeting new people, talking to strangers such as coworkers, etc, going to social events or parties, expressing opinions, etc.

Social anxiety is a common disorder and it can be treated by practicing public speaking, introducing yourself without anxiety, behavioral therapy, etc.

IV. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety that leads to excessive thoughts and overthinking something very deeply.

It can be caused by stress, anxiety, and lack of control.

Patients may suffer from unwanted thoughts, losing control or harming yourself/others, difficulty in tolerating, etc.

There are many types of obsessive-compulsive disorder such as: –

1. Aggressive/Sexual Thoughts

Aggressive or sexual thoughts are a common type of OCD. In this, a person thought of causing harm to others.

This type is usually seen in people who pretend to be good people in front of others.

2. Harm to Loved Ones

Some people thought of harming the person they love.

3. Germs and Contamination

Some people thought of cleaning their hands every time because of afraid of getting germs.

4. Doubt and Incompleteness

In this, some people thought of having doubt that they have not done the work completely and correctly.

5. Sin, Religion, and Morality

A person always thinks that he has done something wrong which is a great sin soo he/she prays for forgiveness again and again.

6. Self-Control

It is fear of losing control or doing something in public that may be inappropriate.

V. Separated Anxiety Disorder

Separated anxiety disorder is a disorder, especially in children who are separated from their parents.

Children are very stressed and anxious when separated from their parents.

High risk may be life stress, the sudden death of their loved ones, loss of a beloved pet, divorced parents, etc.

Separation anxiety disorder is a type of mental health illness that causes patients mental health problems.

In this, it is a sequence of three phrases: –

1. Protest

At this stage, children cry very loudly. He/she asks wants to go to her mother, shows anger, and rejects everything when given.

2. Despair

The child is restless, physically weak, hopeless, etc. He/she does not want to talk to anyone.

3. Detachment

This is the third and the last stage when the Child accepts everything that happens within him/her gets interacted with food and toys.

VI. Illness Anxiety Disorder

Illness anxiety disorder is also known as hypochondria. It is a serious but undiagnosed mental condition.

It is caused by any childhood trauma; child abuse or child neglect etc.

It may occur when there is a pain in the stomach or noise stomach may lead to fear of anger kind of stomach problems.

VII. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder is the condition of trauma when a person goes down the memory lane by any emotional or physical disturbances.

Patients may experience shock, scary, and danger in something.

It basically includes five signs exposure, intrusion, avoidance, changed mood, and reactions.

Anxiety Causes

There are four main causes of anxiety are as follows: –

1. Genetic

A genetic factor is the most important factor that may cause anxiety.

It is common that anxiety runs from one gene to another, but as the stress level is increasing genetic factor is not that much important.

2. Environmental

This is also a common cause because due to a bad and unhygienic environment there is a kind of stress, restlessness, and fatigue all over the body.

3. Psychological

Psychological factors such as stress, and trauma may also lead to anxiety cause.

4. Medical

Anxiety may lead to medical causes due to any kind of health issue.

It may be any heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problem, respiratory disorder, drug misuse, intake of alcohol, and many more.

Anxiety Symptoms

There are a few common symptoms of anxiety such as: –

1. The patient feels nervous, restless, and anxious.

2. There is an increased heart rate.

3. Patient breaths rapidly.

4. Patient complains of sweating and Trembling.

5. The patient feels weak and tired.

6. Improper sleep

7. There is trouble concentrating or thinking about something.

8. Patient is full of worries.

9. Patient may also complain of gastrointestinal problems.

Risk Factors for Anxiety

There are several factors that may increase the risk of anxiety as follows: –

1. Trauma

Especially in children who may abuse or neglect have a higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

Adults may also suffer from anxiety disorders and have been traumatized.

2. Stress Due To Illness

If a person is suffering from a serious health illness can cause stress.

3. Other Mental Health Disorder

People with mental health disorders such as depression and mania.

4. Having Blood Relations

Anxiety disorders may run through families.

5. Drug And Alcohol

Excessive use of drugs and alcohol may worsen the anxiety.


There is no particular diagnostic test for anxiety.

The doctor can physically examine you, ask about your symptoms, and may recommend a blood test.

If your doctor is unable to find or diagnose them you may take the help of a psychiatrist, psychologist, and other health specialists.

The doctor may ask for your medical health reports.

There is no laboratory test for anxiety.

Anxiety Management

There are various ways to manage or treat anxiety. Some of them are as follows: –

1. Keep yourself physically, socially, and mentally active.

2. Avoid alcohol, and quit smoking.

3. Make your sleep a first priority.

4. Eat a healthy and nutritious balanced diet.

5. Do exercise, yoga, and meditation.

6. Keep checking your blood sugar level.

7. Avoid stimulants.

8. Take anti-anxiety medications if necessary under physician observation.

Fear v/s Phobia


Fear is a common feeling or symptom experienced by a person.

Fear can be experienced by anyone when faced with anyone dangerous situation.

Fear is characterized by anxiety, stress, discomfort, nervousness, etc.

It does not require any medical treatment.

It is cured in a natural way by keeping our minds fit and healthy.


Phobia is basically a common anxiety disorder.

It is characterized by fear of objects, situations, etc.

In this case, the patient complained of tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting feeling, shortness of breath and panic attacks, etc.

Phobia needs medical treatment of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety

Homeopathy is a natural way of curing a disease by its laws and principles.

Some of the medicines for anxiety are mentioned below: –

• Aconite Napellus

• Argentum Nitricum

• Arsenicum Album

• Calcarea Carbonica

• Gelsemium

• Ignatia Amara

• Kali Arsenicosum

• Kali Phosphoricum

• Lycopodium

• Phosphorus

• Pulsatilla

• Silicea

• stramonium

1. ACONITE NAPELLUS – for anxiety and panic attacks

Aconite is the most important and commonly suited medicine for anxiety and all panic attacks.

A panic attack is connected to a person with past trauma.

It includes symptoms like dry skin, dry mouth, fast heart rate, etc.

Aconite helps in curing patients’ fear, anxiety restlessness, and all symptoms that appear suddenly and violently.

Dose and Potency: – Aconite can be used from 30 C to 1 M potency. But in case of anxiety 6 globules of 30 potencies, 3 times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening can be given.

2. ARGENTUM NITRICUM – for claustrophobic and hydrophobic anxiety

This remedy has a marked action, especially on the mind.

It cures anxiety before giving a performance on the stage, Panic attacks having sudden anxiety and fear.

This medicine also helps in curing many causes of fear such as fear from height, flying high, water, giving an exam, darkness, crowd, etc.

Anxiety can be accompanied by diarrhea and sweet cravings.

Dose and Potency: – Argentum nitricum works well in both low and high potency. 6 globules of Argentum nitricum for 3 times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening.

3. ARSENICUM ALBUM – for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Arsenicum album is a highly suited remedy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in anxiety.

Patient complaints of excessive restlessness along with anxiety.

There is profuse sweating and coldness in the limbs.

The patient may have fear of having germs and infections.

Dose and Potency: – Arsenic album is given in 6 globules or a mother tincture of arsenic in half a cup of water should be taken daily such in the morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

4. CALCAREA CARBONICA – for people who become overwhelmed by physical illness

Calcarea carb is suited to people who easily become overwhelmed from physical illness and too much work.

The patient is very chilly, easily fatigued, and craves sweets.

Dose and Potency: – Cal carb is given in 30 potencies, of 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

5. GELSEMIUM – for agoraphobia and fear of the crowd

Gelsemium is for a person who suffers from anxiety due to feelings of inadequacy.

A person is always timid and shy.

A patient may also experience agoraphobia.

He/she avoids crowds and public speaking.

It is the best-suited remedy in case of examination funk or fear of giving the exam.

Dose and Potency: – Gelsemium is given in 30 potencies of 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

6. IGNATIA AMARA – for anxiety from grief loss

Ignatia is the best-suited remedy for anxiety from sudden grief and loss.

The patient is very sensitive and has sudden mood swings from joy to sorrow.

Ignatia Amara is also given in case of depression.

It treats patients with panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is given in case of stress, emotions, and Hypersensitivity to noise, sound, etc.

Dose and Potency: – Ignatia Amara dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

7. KALI ARSENICOSUM – for fear of death and dying

Kali ars is given in case of health-related anxiety including in hypochondria patients.

It was also given to a person who has fear of heart attack, death and dying, and also irregular sleep.

The patient is easily affected by cold and panic attacks.

It is useful for patients who are suffering from restlessness and nervousness.

Dose and Potency: – Kali ars dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

8. KALI PHOSPHORICUM – for deep anxiety and inability to cope

Kali Phos is given to the patient when he/she is exhausted by overwork or illness and feels deep anxiety with the inability to cope.

The person is very jumpy and oversensitive.

His/her problems aggravate by thinking of the world or any unpleasant news.

He/she gets relief from warmth, eating, and rest.

This remedy is also given in case of headache and backache.

Dose and Potency: – Kali Phos dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

9. LYCOPODIUM – for people with a lack of self confidence

This medicine is similar to Gelsemium for people with a lack of self-confidence.

The patient has fear of speaking in public.

It is helpful in case of claustrophobia, irritability, and digestive problems such as indigestion and bloating.

A person craves sweets very much.

Dose and Potency: – Lycopodium dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

10. PHOSPHORUS – for social people with anxiety

Phosphorus is given in the case of social people with anxiety.

The person is very nervous and sensitive to others.

It is suited to patients who are open-hearted, imaginative, excited, full of fear, etc.

Easily flushing of the face, palpitation, and thirst are commonly seen.

Dose and Potency: – Lycopodium dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

11. PULSATILLA – for a person with childlike anxiety

Pulsatilla is the best remedy for people who have childlike anxiety.

It is useful in case of anxiety at the time of hormonal changes, such as puberty, menses, and menopause.

It is also useful in treating male and female reproductive systems such as swelling in testicles (orchitis) in males or dysmenorrhea in females.

It also cures teething problems, back and labor pain, food poisoning, mumps, chilblains, etc.

Pulsatilla helps in curing anxiety which tends to show itself as insecurity.

Anxiety is increased when the patient feels warm or overheated.

Dose and Potency: – Pulsatilla dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

12. SILICEA – for fear of experiencing new things

Just like Gelsemium and Lycopodium, Silicea also has extreme anxiety from public appearances, examination funk, new job or interview, etc.

Silicea is given to the patient who is nervous, easily tired, has low stamina, and has insomnia.

It treats the person who has a lack of confidence and fear of speaking in public.

Dose and Potency: – Silicea dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

13. STRAMONIUM – for night terror and dark thoughts

Stramonium is best in case of anxiety for night terror and dark thoughts.

People have anxiety about being alone or in darkness.

They have thoughts of monsters and darkness.

They imagine everything which increases their anxiety.

Dose and Potency: – Stramonium dilution is given for 3 days or 4 globules three times daily such as morning, afternoon, and evening for approximately 5 days.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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