Thuja Occidentalis 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Thuja Occidentalis 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

Thuja Occidentalis is one of the important and efficacious remedies in homeopathy for fig warts and gonorrhea.

It is commonly known as Arbor Vitae, White cedar, Tree of life, and its homeopathic importance is proved by Dr.Hahnemann.

Its homeopathic use for skin, brain, and gastrointestinal tract diseases is remarkable.

Thuja Occidentalis Constitution

Thuja suits patients of hydrogenoid constitution. There is a tendency to retain more and more water in the cytoplasm of the cell, hence rain, cold, damp weather, vegetable food that increase the number of molecules of water in the system, aggravate the symptoms.

The patient is fleshy having undue and unwanted hair and dark complexion, oily, unhealthy, and greasy skin-bearing warts, and dirty brownish spots all over the skin.

Thuja Occidentalis Uses

This medicine can be used chiefly in patients with sycosis in the background, with a tendency to form fig-warts, condylomata, and wart-like eruptions on mucous -membranes, cutaneous surfaces of the skin.

All discharges from mucous membranes are mucopurulent, copious foul-smelling, suppressed gonorrhea causing particular condylomata, tumors, cysts.

It is chiefly used for affections that occur after vaccinations, in kids and adults.

It is especially useful in diarrhea that results due to bad effects of vaccination, stools are watery, gushing, and mostly in the morning, like water coming out of bunghole.

General desire for salty, cold food and drinks and ailments occurring due to suppressed and maltreated gonorrhea, vaccination, tea, coffee, onion, fatty food, sweets, tobacco, sexual excess sunstrokes, and abuse of sulfur and mercury.

Mind Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat dementia, delusions, weak memory, the patient is highly forgetful as slowness and sluggishness prevails all over the mental sphere.

Thuja is used to treat a few peculiar symptoms where the patient has certain fixed ideas like, he is under the control of some superhuman being, the body is made of glass and would easily break, the lower limb is made of wood, this sensation comes peculiarly when walking.

It is used to treat hallucinations like a strange person is at his side, soul and body are separate, something alive is moving in the abdomen as if the flesh was beaten and scraped from the bones.

Music is unbearable makes the patient weep, the patient does not like to be touched or approached.

Head Symptoms

It is useful in treating chronic migraine headaches, caused by suppression of gonorrhea, from exposure to heat, sun, from overeating, tobacco, tea, and coffee, usually left temporal and left parietal bones are affected.

Headaches with violent congestion and boring pains in the head, heaviness in the occiput, headaches mostly in the morning worse from overeating, tea, coffee but relieved in the open air, by exercise, looking up and turning the head upward.

Headache makes the patient irritable and taciturn with numbness of the brain, and vertigo when closing the eyes, it ceases when opening them.

Eyes Symptoms

Thuja is useful in keratitis, styes, there is burning, tearing pain in the open air, eyelids are dry, scaly styes are formed on them, eyes agglutinated at night.

There are chalazae, tumors on eyes, thick hard knots like small condylomata, warts, and blisters, are formed around eyelids.

Thuja is used to treat ophthalmia neonatorum if the mother suffers from gonorrhea the child gets the infection during labor.

Ears Symptoms

Thuja is used in treating growth in ears like polypi and condylomata.

It is used to treat chronic otitis exuding profuse, purulent, acrid, offensive, discharges with cramp-like pains in external ears.

Nose Symptoms

Thuja is used in treating a chronic catarrhal condition of the nose, the discharge from the nose is with thick green mucus, sometimes mixed with blood, dry nasal cavity with ulcerated.

Ulceration within the nostrils. Dryness of nasal cavities. Painful pressure at the root of the nose, painful nostrils, and pressing pain at the root of the nose.

Mouth Symptoms

The teeth decay at the roots and the crown remain sound. On blowing nose, a pressing pain is felt in the hollow of the tooth or side of it.

Thuja is used to treat inflammation of tongue Pyorrhea alveolaris, where the tip of the tongue is very painful with painful, sore, white blisters on the side close to the root, varicose veins on the tongue and mouth. Whatever the patient drinks fall audibly into the stomach.

Face Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat Ciliary neuralgia affecting the face and head. Glowing redness of the whole face with a fine network of blood vessels, as if it were marbled.

Eruption on the face leaves bluish spots, light brown spots, and freckles.

The face skin is oily, scabs off; pimples and sweat on face, especially on the side on which he does not lie.

Used to treat pimples on the upper lip and chin, there are flat whitish ulcers on the inner side of lips with twitching in lips.

Used to treat distension of veins of temples, swollen temporal arteries, causing boring pain in zygoma, with cracking in the maxillary joint.

There is burning heat and redness, flushes of heat on face, better from touch.

Throat Symptoms

There is painful and noisy swallowing, worse empty swallowing or swallowing saliva only.

Chest Symptoms 

Thuja is used to treat dyspnoea, which occurs due to accumulation of mucus in the trachea, and asthma from fullness and constriction in hypochondria and epigastrium, as if lungs adhered to thorax causing anxious oppression of chest, leading to short and difficult breathing, there is a violent thirst for cold water.

Thuja is used to treat Cough, with yellowish mucous expectoration and pains in the epigastrium, in the afternoon, always toward three o’clock and from being overheated.

Cough only in the daytime, also after rising in the morning and after lying down in the evening, but seldom at night.

If a cough occurs during the evening, after lying down the sputa are dislodged more easily when he turns from the left side of the right, the expectoration is tasting like old cheese.

Heart Symptoms

It is used to treat Heart symptoms with anxious palpitation in the morning on awaking, compression in the heart, with a sensation as though something was adherent therein; stitches in heart, after cold drinks.

Audible palpitation of the heart causing strong ebullition of blood within the rib cage, blueness of skin over clavicles with audible palpitation.

The sensation of hot blood risings in the heart as if hot drops falling in the heart.

Stomach Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat indigestion in which there is the complete loss of appetite, dislike for fresh meat and potatoes, rancid eructation’s after fat food, there is cutting pain with a sinking sensation in epigastrium before food, and flatulence with pain after food; thirst is marked. 

Thuja is used to treat dyspepsia that occurs due to tea drinking, cannot eat onions as it causes gastralgia.

Abdomen Symptoms

Thuja is used in bloating of the abdomen it is distended; there is induration in the abdomen; flatulence and distension; bloating causes gas to protrude here and there makes the patient feel movements as of something living, without pain.

In Constipation there is violent rectal pain, causing stool to recede, this causes piles that are swollen; pain worse sitting, with stitching, burning pains at the anus.; the anus is fissured; painful to touch with warts around it.

Rectum Symptoms 

It is used to treat Chronic diarrhea, worse after breakfast, gaseous rumbling in the abdomen, and abdominal colic, the stools are expelled forcibly with gurgling sounds.

Diarrhea with ineffectual urging accompanied by erections, diarrhea recurring at the same hour in morning stools is fatty, oily.

It is used to treat obstinate constipation, as from inactivity or intussusception of bowels, Painful and difficult passage of a hard, thick, nodular stool.

There is a painful contraction of the anus at the time of passing of stool. Condylomata, fig warts about rectal fistula about anus with soreness of perineum with sweat on it also there are knotty puffiness and excoriations on the anus.

Urinary Symptoms 

It is used to treat Urethritis the urethra is swollen inflamed; the urinary stream is split and small with the sensation of trickling after urinating.

There is severe cutting after urinating. Frequent micturition, there is sudden and urgent desire to urinate, that cannot be controlled, accompanying pains.

Thuja has been used to treat paralysis of the urethral sphincter.

Male Symptoms

Thuja is an important remedy to treat gonorrhea disease there is inflammation of prepuce and glans, pain in the penis with Balanitis, fig warts around the genital area.

Thuja is an important remedy for Prostatic enlargement, Chronic induration of testicles, causing pain and burning felt near the neck of the bladder, with frequent and urgent desire to urinate.

Female Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat Polypi at the neck of the uterus with fleshy excrescences menses are scanty, retarded and the vagina is very sensitive; there is profuse perspiration before menses.

Thuja is used to treat Ovaritis with severe pain in the left ovary and left inguinal region and inflammation worse on the left side, at every menstrual period.

It is an important remedy to treat pelvic inflammatory diseases in women occurring after getting infected with gonorrhea, there are warty excrescences on the vulva and perineum, profuse infectious thick and greenish leucorrhoea.

Hand Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat gonorrheal rheumatism of joints in which there is cracking in joints of the hand, there are muscular twitchings, weakness and trembling in arms, they feel as if made of wood or glass and would break easily, tips of fingers swollen, red, feel read.

It is used to treat brittle nails and ingrowing toenails.

Legs Symptoms

It is indicated in  Gonorrhoeal rheumatism with painful, inflammatory swelling and redness of backs of feet and tips of toes, stitches in muscles and joints of legs, weariness of legs when ascending steps, legs feel as if made of wood when walking.

In rheumatism there is pain in the hip, the limb becomes swollen and larger than before.

The skin, especially on the inner side of the thigh becomes brown.

The back of the foot looks red mottled, with a network of blood – vessels. Red swelling of ends of toes, the toenails are brittle and distorted.

There is offensive sweating of toes and feet.

Back Symptoms

In rheumatic backaches, there is crampy pain in the lumbar region and burning from the sacrum up to scapula, laxness in hip joints with the sensation of throbbing and pulsation in the spine. There is tension and pain in the spine along the neck, back extending to hips and legs.

It is indicated in pressing type of pain in the region of the kidneys.

Skin Symptoms

Thuja is used in various skin conditions like polypi, tubercles, warts epithelioma, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in the anogenital region.

Thuja is used to treat allergic dermatitis with dry skin, with brown spots on hands and arms, eruptions only on covered parts; worse after scratching, skin is very sensitive to touch.

Thuja is used to treat herpetic eruptions with freckles and blotches on skin with perspiration that is sweetish, and strong in odor.

 Thuja is used in treating conditions of nails that are crippled; brittle and soft.

Fever Symptoms

Thuja is used to treat Intermittent fevers like typhoid, and other infectious gonorrhoeal fevers, with a slow and weak pulse in the morning, accelerated and full in the evening, violent ebullition of blood in evening, there is strong throbbing and great distension of arteries.

In the chill stage, there is, cold creeping often run through the back, in evening and night, the Chills areas if dashed in cold water.

Attacks of cold at different times of day, mostly toward evening, mostly on the left side of the body which is cold to touch, without thirst after midnight and early in the morning, cold internally, with external heat and great thirst.

In the heat stage that occurs in the evening marked especially on the face, burning in the face without redness, dryness, of covered parts.

Sweat stage-  the heat is followed by sweat that is staining brownish yellow, sometimes offensive or smelling sweetish like honey, the cadaverous odor of skin. Sweat in general on uncovered parts, except on the head, is mostly copious on the upper part of the body:


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

At night, from the heat of bed; at 3 am and 3 pm; from cold, damp air; after breakfast; fat, coffee; vaccination.

Amelioration By-

On the left side; while drawing up a limb.

Relationship with other Medicine

Complementary Medicines-

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

They are-Sabina; Arsenicum album; Natrum sulphuricum; Silica.

Antidoted by-

When there is appearing of new symptoms, the new symptoms combined with the old one should be studied and a second remedy covering more of these new symptoms than the old one is to be given, this second remedy is the antidote.

They are Mercurius; Camphora; Sabina.

Follows well-

These are medicines that follow the previous medicine in action thus aiding in cure.

They are -Medorrhinum, Sabina

Thuja Occidentalis Dosages & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity, where the symptoms narrated by the patient are somewhat similar to the guiding symptoms of the medicine, a totality of symptoms is formed by your homeopathic doctor, and medicine similar to the disease condition is given, the more exact similarity the early the process of cure.

Thuja Occidentalis 30 Uses- 

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms are matching of the medicine to that of the patient, these symptoms help doctors to diagnose the disease condition only, there are fewer symptoms of Thuja occidentalis.

Lower potencies require frequent repetition the should be given  4 pills 3-4 times a day till the expected result is seen.

Thuja Occidentalis 200 Uses- 

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mind symptoms of  Thuja occidentalis as well as physical symptoms of Thuja occidentalis and that narrated by patient match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often, they act for a long duration of days so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

On giving 200C potency it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside, which can be repeated until all symptoms in totality go.

Thuja Occidentalis 1M Uses- 

This is very high potency.

It should be given only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Thuja occidentalis and that given by the patient match with each other perfectly.  

Thuja occidentalis 1 M should not be repeated, it is given 30 days once, and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Thuja Occidentalis Q (Mother Tincture) Uses- 

Thuja occidentalis in tincture form mixed with oil when applied locally gives a good result in reducing fig warts.

It can be applied externally on the skin as it has tissue reducing properties of warts, it should not be applied if there are abrasions or cuts are present on the skin surface.

Thuja Occidentalis 3x/6x Uses- 

This lower potency of Thuja occidentalis works well as a therapeutic dose for Eczema and warts. Very useful in the treatment of warts. Repeated intake 3-4 times a day is advised.

Thuja Occidentalis Clinical Indication- 

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Teething disorders
  •  Indigestion and acidity
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Eczema
  • Gonorrhea
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases in females
  • Ovaritis
  • PCOS
  • Rheumatic disorders
  • Hairfall
  • Intermittent Fevers
  • Figwort

Thuja Occidentalis Side Effects- 

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by the process of potentization where dynamic curative power of medicinal substances is increased, so the very minimal quantity of a crude substance that causes side effects is present in homeopathic medicines.

Therapeutic dose, which is a homeopathic potentized form of Thuja occidentalis has not shown any side effects, however, persons allergic to any ingredient of Thuja occidentalis or its plant family should avoid intake of in tincture form as it can cause anaphylactic shock. In such cases, antidotes like Mercurius and Camphora can be used.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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3 thoughts on “Thuja Occidentalis 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

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