Magnesium Phosphoricum 30, 200, Q- Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Magnesium Phosphoricum 30, 200, Q- Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Magnesium Phosphoricum, commonly referred to as Magnesia Phosphorica or simply Mag Phos, is a crucial homeopathic remedy renowned for its versatile therapeutic applications. This remedy belongs to the mineral kingdom, as it is derived from a combination of magnesium and phosphoric acid.

Mag Phos is particularly valued for its ability to alleviate muscular cramps and spasms, making it a popular choice for relieving menstrual cramps, abdominal colic, and even headaches. Its mechanism of action is thought to involve its influence on nerve function and muscle relaxation, as it helps regulate nerve signals and eases tension in muscles.

This homeopathic remedy is equally effective in managing digestive complaints like flatulence, bloating, and hiccups, as it aids in soothing the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, Mag Phos has gained recognition for its potential to mitigate nerve-related discomfort such as neuralgias and shooting pains, often found in conditions like sciatica and toothaches.

Mag Phos is typically administered in low dilutions, with dosage frequency varying depending on the severity and nature of the symptoms. As with all homeopathic remedies, individualization is key, and a qualified homeopath can tailor the treatment plan to suit the unique constitution and presentation of each patient.

Magnesium Phosphoricum Constitution and Personality:

The personality profile associated with Magnesium Phosphoricum (Mag Phos) in homeopathy reflects distinct psychological traits and tendencies that align with its therapeutic indications.

While Mag Phos is primarily known for its physical applications, its psychological attributes offer insight into the emotional and mental aspects of individuals who might benefit from this remedy.

Individuals who resonate with the Mag Phos personality often exhibit a sensitive nature. This sensitivity can make them compassionate listeners and comforting presences to those around them. 

Mag Phos personalities tend to be creative and imaginative, with a rich inner world that may serve as an escape from external stresses. This creativity often finds expression in various artistic or intellectual pursuits.

They possess a strong intuition and can grasp abstract concepts with ease, making them capable problem solvers and innovative thinkers.

At times, these individuals might struggle with feelings of restlessness and

nervous tension. The same nervous sensitivity that manifests physically as

spasms and cramps can also translate into mental unease.

Anxiety and worry can be common, especially when they feel overwhelmed by their sensitivity to stimuli.

Inrelationships, Mag Phos personalities are often caring and nurturing, placing

the needs of others before their own.

They seek harmonious connections and can go to great lengths to maintain peace and support within their social circles.

However, their caring nature can sometimes lead to emotional exhaustion if they neglect their well-being.

Magnesium Phosphoric Uses:

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. Wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints:

A patient complained about sleeplessness due to pain and indigestion. Mag phos patients can not think clearly and properly.

A patient feels exhausted after a little bit of mental exhaustion. Mag phos person is sensitive and broods over pain.

Head Complaints:

Individuals needing Mag Phos may experience sharp, shooting, or stabbing pains in the head, often described as if a band is tightly wrapped around the skull.

These pains can be triggered by stress, mental exertion, or exposure to cold air.

Mag Phos is particularly useful for alleviating headaches that are aggravated by movement, light, noise, or any kind of jarring sensation.

The remedy is known to provide relief from tension headaches, migraines, and even certain types of sinus headaches.

It is especially effective when the pain is accompanied by muscle stiffness or cramping in the neck, shoulders, or scalp. A patient complaint of vertigo on moving which ameliorates by warmth application.

Eyes Complaints:

A patient complained of supraorbital pain with lacrimation, especially right side. A patient feels a hot, tired sensation with twitching of lids but gets relief after the application of warm.

Ears Complaints:

A mag phos patient complains of neuralgic pain in the right ear after exposure to cold air, cold weather, and washing face, and neck with cold water.

Nose Complaints:

Individuals requiring Mag Phos might experience sharp, shooting pains within the nasal passages, often triggered by exposure to cold air or drafts. These pains could extend to the forehead and even the cheeks.

Mag Phos is particularly effective in cases of sinus headaches, where the pain is accompanied by muscular tension and cramps around the nose and face.

Individuals who find relief from their nose complaints by warmth or pressure may especially benefit from Mag Phos.

Mouth Complaints:

Mag phos is particularly indicated for toothaches that are relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold. The pain may feel like electric shocks or spasms and can extend to the jaw and even the ears.

Mag Phos is useful to treat painful gums, especially when the pain is shooting or cramping in nature.

This is a good remedy for teething children. Additionally, Mag Phos may offer relief from mouth ulcers or canker sores that are accompanied by neuralgic pains.

Face Complaints:

Mag phos is particularly effective for alleviating facial neuralgias, where the pain feels like electric shocks or spasms radiating through the facial nerves. It can provide relief for conditions like trigeminal neuralgia, which involves intense, stabbing pains along the trigeminal nerve pathways.

Mag Phos is also valuable for addressing facial muscle cramps and tension.

Individuals who experience facial spasms, especially around the cheeks or jaw,

can benefit from its muscle-relaxing properties.

Mag Phos patients may experience sharp, shooting pains in the face, often triggered by exposure to cold air, drafts, or emotional stress.

Throat Complaints:

Mag phos is indicated for soreness and stiffness of the throat with chilliness. A patient complains of pain in the right side of the throat. 

Chest Complaints:

This remedy is particularly beneficial for easing chest pains that feel like cramps or spasms, helping to relax the muscles and alleviate discomfort.

Mag Phos can provide comfort for conditions like intercostal neuralgia or muscular chest pains, often worsened by movement or deep breathing.

Heart Complaints:

Mag phos indicated in angina pectoris and nervous palpitation of the heart. A patient feels tightness around the heart.

Stomach Complaints:

Mag phos is useful for hiccoughs with regurgitation. A patient feels thirsty for cold water. 

Mag phos is indicated in stomach complaints of teething children like pain in the abdomen, flatulence, indigestion, and toothache. 

Abdomen Complaints:

This remedy is particularly effective for relieving colicky pains in the abdomen, where the pain comes and goes in spasms. It can provide comfort for conditions like menstrual cramps, intestinal colic, and even indigestion with spasmodic pain.

Mag Phos is also beneficial for soothing abdominal discomfort that is relieved by warmth or pressure, as it helps relax the muscles and ease tension.

If a patient feels full and bloated, he must lose his clothes and walk around. He passes gases continuously. 

Rectum Complaints:

Mag phos is indicated for constipation with rheumatic pain history. A patient complains of indigestion and flatulence.

Urinary Complaints:

Magnesium phosphoric is particularly effective for alleviating urinary colic, where the pain is spasmodic and comes in waves. It can provide comfort for conditions like renal colic, ureteral spasms, and even certain types of bladder discomfort.

Mag Phos’ influence on nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it beneficial for soothing urinary discomfort that is aggravated by movement or exposure to cold temperatures. It can also address urinary pain accompanied by muscle cramps or tension.

Male Complaints:

For male reproductive complaints, Mag Phos can offer relief from conditions like testicular pain or discomfort. It may be particularly useful for alleviating neuralgic pain or cramping sensations in the genital area triggered by cold air, stress, or physical strain.

Additionally, Mag Phos can provide comfort for muscle-related issues, such as muscular cramps and spasms that may be experienced in the back, abdomen, or extremities.

Female Symptoms:

Mag Phos, a versatile homeopathic remedy, can be beneficial for addressing certain female complaints marked by neuralgia pains, spasms, and tension. 

For female reproductive complaints, Mag Phos can offer relief from conditions like menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). It is particularly effective when the pain feels like spasms or cramps in the lower abdomen and back.

Mag Phos can also provide comfort for issues like uterine spasms, which can

contribute to discomfort during menstruation or in other situations.

Females experience early menses with dark and stingy blood flow. This is a good remedy for swelling of external parts associated with ovarian neuralgia and vaginismus.

Hand Symptoms:

Individuals needing Mag Phos may experience sharp, shooting pains in the hands, often triggered by cold air, drafts, or overuse of the hands.

This remedy is particularly effective for alleviating hand cramps and spasms, which can occur due to muscular tension or strain. It can provide relief for

conditions like writer’s cramp, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even certain types

of arthritis-related hand pain.

A patient complains of involuntary shaking of hands. A patient feels weakness in arms and hands with stiffness and numbness in fingertips.

Mag Phos’s influence on nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it valuable for soothing hand discomfort that is worsened by movement or exposure to cold temperatures.

Legs Symptoms:

This remedy is particularly effective for relieving leg cramps and spasms, which can occur due to muscle tension, overexertion, or even restless leg syndrome.

Mag Phos can provide comfort for conditions like nocturnal leg cramps, calf cramps, and even muscle strains.

Mag Phos’s ability to influence nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it

valuable for soothing leg discomfort that is exacerbated by movement, cold

exposure, or mental stress.

It may also be helpful for certain nerve-related leg pains, such as sciatica or shooting pains.

Back Symptoms:

This remedy is particularly effective for relieving back spasms and cramps, which can occur due to muscular tension, overexertion, or even nerve-related issues.

Mag Phos can provide comfort for conditions like lower back pain, muscle strains, and even certain types of sciatic pain.

Mag Phos’s ability to influence nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it

valuable for soothing back discomfort that is exacerbated by movement, cold

exposure, or emotional stress. It may also be beneficial for addressing

nerve-related back pains, such as shooting pains or neuralgias.

Skin Symptoms:

It can provide comfort for conditions like herpes zoster (shingles), where the pain follows nerve pathways and is often accompanied by burning or stabbing sensations.

Mag Phos’s ability to influence nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it

valuable for soothing skin discomfort that is exacerbated by movement or

exposure to cold temperatures.

It may also help relieve muscular tension and cramps associated with skin-related discomfort.

Fever Symptoms:

Mag phos is particularly useful for fever with intense body or muscle pains that feel like cramps or spasms. It can provide relief for conditions like flu or viral infections where muscular discomfort is prominent during fever.

Mag Phos’s ability to influence nerve function and muscle relaxation makes it

valuable for soothing the discomfort associated with fever chills and body


It can also address restlessness and nervousness during fever episodes.

Mag Phos may be considered when fever is accompanied by discomfort that seems to worsen with movement and is relieved by warmth or pressure.

Magnesium Phosphoricum Modalities:

Modalities are the factors that increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

Conditions that worsen the symptoms of a patient are aggravated factors. 

Magnesium phosphoric symptoms are aggravated by cold weather, cold air exposure, and exertion.

Facial neuralgia, ear pain, and toothache are aggravated by washing the face with cold water and exposure to cold winds. 

Most of the complaints affected the right side of the body. Only touch can aggravate pain. 

A patient feels worse in the evening and in the night. 

Amelioration By-

Some factors or conditions relieve symptoms of Mag phos.

Warm application and pressure relieve spasmodic pain, and neuralgic pain of various parts of the body.

Abdominal pain ameliorates after bending double forward.

Relationship with Other Medicine:

Complementary Medicines-

Complementary medicines help each other to complete the cure of symptoms.

Calcarea carb, Chamomila, Pulsatila, and Silicea are complementary medicines to Mag phos.

Antidoted by-

Sometimes symptoms are aggravated after taking an extra dose or large potency of Mag phos. In such cases, some remedies help to reduce unknown symptoms and complete the cure.

Mag phos antidoted by Belladonna, Gelsemium, and Lachesis.

It antidotes-

Mag phos reduces the side effects of below remedies:

Pulsatilla, Chamomilla.

Follows well-

Mag phos follows some remedies to complete the cure of a patient. 

Mag phos follow well to Lac can in neuralgic pain, Arsenic album in dysmenorrhea; Pulsatilla, and Colocynth in abdominal colic.


Followed well by:

Some remedies are required to complete the action of mag phos. Those remedied come under followed well by.

Calcarea carb, Pulsatilla, and Sulphur are helpful to complete the action of Mag Phos.

Magnesium Phosphoricum Dosage and Potencies:

Potency means the power of medicine. Mag phos is effective in small doses as well as in large doses. 

Dosage means how many times you can take medicine per day or week for how many days. 

Small potency like 6X, 12X, and 30 are advisable to take in repeated dosage; while large potency like 200, 1M are advisable to take in single dose.

Magnesium Phosphoric 30 Uses-

Mag phos 30 is a medium potency. It is indicated in mild cramps, mild back pain, and abdominal pain. 

Mag phos 30, 4 globules 3-4 times per day for 4 days. 

Magnesium Phosphoric 200 Uses-

Mag phos 200, is useful for neuralgic pain. It is indicated for facial neuralgia pain, ear pain, and toothache. 

This potency is useful for writer’s cramps and sciatica. 

Mag phos 200, 4 globules mix with ½ glass of warm water, take 1 tablespoon, every 3 hourly for 2 days.

Magnesium Phosphoric 3X/6X Uses-

Mag phos 3X and 6X are the most useful potencies. It is useful for Dysmenorrhea, abdominal colic in children, and teething children complaints.

Mag phos 3X/6X is useful in biochemical combinations. Take 4 globules 3 times a day for 10 days in dysmenorrhea. Use 4 globules mixed with 1 glass of warm water, 4 times a day for children for 4 days for abdominal colic.

Magnesium Phosphoric 12X Uses-

Mag phos 12 X is useful for headaches, toothache, back pain, and spasmodic pain.

Mag phos 12X is a biochemical combination. For teething children, you can use 2 globules every day for 15-20 days.

This potency is useful for patients who have spasmodic and neuralgic pain after the use of allopathic medicine in back pain cases.

Magnesium Phosphoric Side Effects:

 Magnesium phosphoric is mostly useful in biochemical combinations. Therefore, it has minimal side effects. Homeopathy is about individualization.

Every person reacts differently to Magnesium phos. Sensitive patients can show some side effects.

This remedy is very safe to use for spasmodic and neuralgic pains. Also, this medicine is safe for children without any side effects.

Use Mag phos remedy under the guidance of a homeopathy physician. 

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2 thoughts on “Magnesium Phosphoricum 30, 200, Q- Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Shalini Himatsingka

    I get pain in one leg (right leg only) when I am sleeping or when the leg is in one position for long while sitting !
    It starts as a shooting pain in bursts all over inner and outer thigh !
    It gets better if I change leg position but then comes again !
    Warm compress helps !
    I have a feeling it started after I did some heavy weight pushing with legs in Pilates!!
    Please advise!

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