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Lichen Planopilaris Scalp Treatment by Homeopathy

Lichen Planopilaris is a form of lichen plant which mainly affects the hairs and the scalp.

It is a specific name given to a Lichen planus on the scalp, which causes permanent alopecia along with the inflammation of the scalp and hair follicles.

This is a very common disease nowadays because of environmental problems, food habits, etc. The main cause of this is not known but it is just a result of an autoimmune disorder.

Lichen planopilaris is a chronic inflammatory disease that has no particular pathogenesis, but it leads to permanent loss/ damage of hair.

It involves irreversible destruction of hair follicles, and stem cell, and loss of hair daily.

A patient suffers from excess hair loss, burning, itching, etc.

It is a common skin condition that causes reddish purplish rashes on the scalp and bald patches.

Lichen Planopilaris is not a hereditary condition, nowadays it occurs in all age groups and both the sex.

Approximately about 70% of the population suffers from lichen Planopilaris and lichen planus which affects the development of nails, skin, and different mucosal membranes.

There are bald patches observed anywhere on the scalp, which is smooth and whitish.

Generally, females suffer from frontal fibrosing alopecia, especially postmenopausal women.

Doing exercise, yoga, meditation, and eating healthy food and fruits by avoiding junk food may help in curing lichen planopilaris.

Lichen Planopilaris Types

There are several types of Lichen Planus which are as follows: –

l. Cutaneous Lichen Planopilaris

Cutaneous Lichen Planopilaris have papules and plaques which are smooth and shiny.

They have fine white lines on the skin which is known as Wickham stripe.

It is generally seen as hypertrophic lichen as scar and pruritic rashes on the surface.

It is seen anywhere on the body such as on the hand, wrist, lower back, ankles, etc.

It is spread in clustered and linear forms on the surface.

The color of cutaneous lichen is reddish first and then yellowish-brown.

II. Mucosal Lichen Planus

Mucosal Lichen Planus is also known as Oral Lichen.

It affects mainly inside the cheeks, side of the tongue, gums, and sometimes on lips.

They are painless white lines on the affected surface.

The patient complains of redness and peeling of gums also known as desquamative gingivitis.

Sometimes inflammation of the gums is also seen.

III. Vulval Lichen Planus

Vulval Lichen Planus may affect labia majora, labia minora, vaginal introitus, and sometimes around the glans.

These are painless white fern-like patterns on the surface.

The patient complains of scarring which results in resorption of labia minora.

This condition is painful and causes desquamative vaginitis and mucky vaginal discharge.

In males, it is classical papules like a ring around the glans.

IV. Nail Lichen Planus

Nail Lichen Planus affects one nail or sometimes more nails involving the skin surface of a person.

If all the nails are involved in nail lichen Planus, then it is known as Twenty Nail Dystrophy. In this the nails are abnormal.

The nail becomes grooved and rigid.

The patient complains of being darker, and thinner, and the nail may shed off or stop growing.

V. Lichen Planopilaris

Lichen Planopilaris are tiny red follicular papules on the smooth area of the scalp.

It forms blisters by the destruction of hair follicles which leads to permanent bald patches on the scalp.

Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia is a form of lichen planopilaris which may affect the anterior scalp, forehead, and even eyebrows.

The patient complains of falling hair regularly.

VI. Other Mucosal Sites

This includes lichen Planus of some mucosal Sited such as lacrimal glands, eyelids, esophagus, larynx, anus, etc.

In this, the patient becomes very irritated because it harms the skin, and the person is not able to be happy and healthy.

Lichen Planopilaris Causes

There are many causes of lichen Planopilaris. Some of them are mentioned below: –

1. Due to Lifestyles Changes

There are many causes of lichen but the first is lifestyle changes. Try to keep your surroundings neat and clean with a healthy environment.

Avoid eating junk and oily food, or preservative item that cause a reaction.

Try to bathe daily with soft soap, do not use harsh soap on your skin. It may damage your skin.

Keep yourself busy with some refreshing activities.

2. Due to Medicines

Taking strong medicines for any heart disease or blood pressure may cause skin problems.

Taking medication for respiratory troubles also causes infection and may react on your skin.

Antacids containing calcium and iron pills may also cause lichen Planopilaris by reacting to your body.

Some blood pressure and blood glucose medicine etc.

3. Due to Health Conditions

This is the most common factor because it enhances the chance of having lichen Planopilaris vigorously.

Hypo/Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, etc.

Heart disease

Malaria, Dengue

White blood cells may destroy skin and hair cells.

Lichen Planopilaris Symptoms

There are many symptoms of lichen Planopilaris as different people have different kinds of symptoms such as:

  1. The patient complains of patch hair loss anytime and anywhere.

2. There is severe itching, burning, and redness on the scalp.

3. Sometimes the patient also complains of pain on the scalp.

4. Lichen Planopilaris also shows smooth whitish patches with no hair in that area.

5. Hair follicles seem to be reddish.

6. There is bloating in the stomach.

7. The representation of lichen Planopilaris may be linear, atrophic, annular, follicular, pigmented, etc.

8. The patient complains of severe itching on the scalp and also pruritic rashes on the mucosa, hair, etc.

9. There is frequent burning and redness seen on the scalp.

10. The incubation period of lichen Planopilaris for spreading of rashes is approximately 2 weeks to 1 month.

11. There is the formation of blisters with the rupture of the crust.

12. The patient complains of the appearance of narrow white lines on the skin.

Risk Factors for Lichen Planopilaris

Lichen Planopilaris may occur at any age, anytime, and anywhere in the body. Some of the risk factors are as follows: –

1. People may have a viral hepatitis C infection.

2. People who have been exposed to a certain chemical which are harmful to the skin.

3. A person taking antibiotics may get easily exposed.

4. A person who suffers from diabetes, thyroid, and uric acid problems.

5. If the patient taking certain medication for heart problems, blood pressure, arthritis, etc.

6. A person who has eating habits such as junk food items in their diet.

7. The side effects of any kind of flu vaccine.

8. The patient takes certain pain relievers which can be harmful.

9. Middle-aged people are commonly affected.

10. If a patient has a family history of lichen Planopilaris may have a high risk of this.

Lichen Planopilaris Diagnosis

Several diagnostic tests are as follows: –

1. Blood Test

This is done to check the total blood count level such as red blood cells and white blood cells of the patient and some systemic conditions such as low thyroid and high calcium levels so that it is easier for us to know the exact cause of the disease.

2. Biopsy

This is done to analyze the cell pattern involved in the development of lichen Planopilaris.

In this case, the doctor removes some part of your affected tissue to examine it under a microscope.

3. Hepatitis C Test

Hepatitis C Tedtalk is done to know the cell which may get involved in lichen Planopilaris.

It is normally done by a blood sample.

4. Allergy Test

This is done to trigger any kind of presence of lichen Planopilaris in your body.

In this case, your doctor will refer you to dermatologists for your further allergic reactions.

Lichen Planopilaris Management

There are several ways to avoid and improve the condition of lichen Planopilaris such as: –

1. Include plenty of high-fiber food and fruits in your diet. Eat healthily and add green vegetables, whole grain cereals, etc.

2. Keep yourself and your surroundings neat and clean.

3. Avoid using common toilets/washrooms.

4. Start meditating, yoga, and physical therapy to avoid any autoimmune disease.

5. Use antihistamines if recommended by your doctor.

6. Use of antimalarial drugs such as Hydrooxycholoroquinine etc.

7. Avoid stress and try to keep your mind in positive surroundings.

8. Nowadays intake of vitamin D is also essential to avoid inflammatory conditions.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Lichen Planopilaris

There are many remedies for Lichen Planopilaris. Homeopathy cures the disease of its roots.

Some of the are described below: –

• Arsenicum Album

• Apis Mellifica

• Antimonium Crudum

• Arsenicum Iodatum

• Agaricus Muscuris

• Borax

• Calcaera Flourica

• Kali Chloratum

• Mercurius Solubilis

• Silicea

• Sulphur

• Thuja Occidentalis

1. ARSENIC ALBUM: for blisters after scratching

Arsenic Album is the best remedy for lichen Planopilaris it helps in curing redness.

It is also given in case of itching, redness, burning, and swelling.

It cures blisters that are formed after scratching.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Arsenic three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

2. APIS MELLIFICA: for swelling and burning on rashes

Apis mellifica is the best remedy for burning and swelling with smarting pain.

This also cures prickly heat on the body due to rashes.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Apis three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

3. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: for deformed nails and degeneration of skin

Antimonium Crudum is a highly indicated remedy for lichen Planopilaris.

It helps in the skin causing ulceration and inflammation.

It helps in curing itching eruptions on the neck, wrist, scalp, back, and limbs, especially in the evening.

The itching and burning get worse at night.

It also cures deformed nails, degeneration of skin, and formation of thick scabs.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Antimonium crudum three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

4. ARSENICUM IODATUM : for dryness and syphilitic eruptions

Arsenicum Iodum is a good remedy for the skin.

It cures dryness and syphilitic eruptions with marked itching, burning, and stinging pain with rough skin.

It also cures lichen Planopilaris, psoriasis, eczema, etc.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of sodium three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

5. AGARICUS MUSCURIS : for papular and pustular eruptions

Agaricus muscuris is the best remedy for burning, itching, and swelling.

There are miliary eruptions along with intolerable itching and burning.

It also works best in the case of chilblains.

There are popular, pustular, and edematous eruptions on the body.

The patient complains arise of open cold air, and better move slowly.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Agaricus three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach or take Chelidonium mother tincture 5 drops thrice daily.

6.BORAX : for oral lichen planus

Borax is indicated especially for oral lichen Planus.

It helps in curing ulcers inside the cheek and tongue.

The patient complains of excess dryness and heat in the mouth.

The ulcers easily bleed while eating or by the slightest touch.

Borax patient has difficulty in healing the skin. Little injury ulcerates easily.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Borax three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

7. CALCAREA FLOURICA : for cracked and fissures on palms and soles

Calcarea Flourica is the best powerful remedy. It easily cures lichen Planus.

It cures crakes and fissures on the palm and hand.

The patient looks white on the skin.

Calcarea flour patient is aggravated by change of weather and is relieved by warm.

The patient has very hard skin, especially on the limbs.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Calcarea flour three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

8. KALI CHROMATUM: for all kinds of eruptions

Kali chromatum is a highly recommended remedy for all kinds of skin eruptions.

It cures all types of lichen Planopilaris, psoriasis, eczema, scaly skin, etc.

It is especially suited to oral lichen Planus with profuse acrid saliva with red and grey ulcers.

It works best in case of a swollen tongue.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of kali chromatum three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

9. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS : for oral lichen Planus

Mercurius Solubilis is the best remedy for oral lichen Planus.

It is given in case of white and red and irregular ulcers inside the cheeks.

The patient complains of painful bleeding gums.

The patient also complains of a highly offensive smell with a metallic taste in the mouth.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 5 globules of Merc sol three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

10. SILICEA: for itchy eruptions

Silicea is one of the most indicated remedies for lichen Planopilaris and psoriasis.

It acts on the skin and causes inflammation, and it cures the patient slowly.

It cures hyperpigmentation of coppery spots.

The patient complains of itchy eruptions only in the daytime.

Dose And Potency: – Take 3 to 4 globules of Silicea three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

11. SULPHUR: for the burning of palms and soles

Sulfur is the king of all kinds of skin disorders.

It is better to start a case with Sulphur.

It is given in case of papules and eruption with dryness of the skin.

The patient complains usually at night.

It is especially suited to the dirty filthy look of a patient.

It acts well in the case of burning of palms and soles.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 6 globules of Sulphur three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

12. THUJA OCCIDENTAL: for eruptions on the covered part of the body

Thuja is the best remedy in the case of Lichen Planus.

It cures dry sensitive skin with hyperpigmentation with brown spots.

It cures eruptions that burn after scratching.

The patient complains starts from the warmth of the bed and at night.

Eruptions only occur in the covered part of the body.

Dose And Potency: – Take 4 to 6 globules of Thuja three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening empty stomach.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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2 thoughts on “Lichen Planopilaris Scalp Treatment by Homeopathy”

  1. Hi.
    How much is a consultant? I have lichen planopilaris with no itch or burn. Just hair loss. Can homeopathy still help? Thanks.

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