Knee Bursitis Symptoms & Treatment by Homeopathic Medicines

Knee Bursitis Symptoms and Treatment by Homeopathic Medicines

Knee Bursitis is commonly known as housemaids’ knee, this disorder of knees involves inflammation of a small fluid-filled sac or bursa situated near the knee joint.

The Bursae reduce the friction and provide a cushion to the pressure points between the bones and tendons, muscles, and skin near the knee joint.

Knee bursitis commonly occurs over the kneecap or on the inner side of the knee below the joint.

Knee bursitis causes pain and can limit the movement of the person affected

Treatment for knee bursitis often includes a combination of self-care practices and doctor-administered treatments to relieve the pain and inflammation.

Knee bursitis Causes 

Knee bursitis can be caused by various reasons, some of the factors are :

  • Frequent and sustained pressure, such as from kneeling, especially on hard surfaces like floor, during the process of cleaning or mopping.
  • Overuse of knee joint or strenuous activity like walking for long, playing sports
  • Trauma, fall, or direct blow to the knee
  • Bacterial infection of the bursa as in streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.
  • Complications from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or gout in the knee, and other autoimmune disorders.

Knee bursitis Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of Knee bursitis:

They vary, depending on which burst among so many others is affected and what is the cause of inflammation.

  • It is commonly observed that the affected portion of the knee might feel warm, tender, and swollen when you put pressure on it.
  • The patient might also feel pain when you move or even at rest.
  • Sudden trauma or a sharp blow to the knee can cause symptoms to appear rapidly.
  • Most cases of knee bursitis result from friction and irritation of the bursa that occurs in jobs like cleaning, which require a lot of kneeling on hard surfaces like the floor— so symptoms usually begin gradually and can worsen over time.

 Complications of Knee bursitis

1)Infection: –

The bursa that lies over the kneecap can get infected when left untreated, so one should immediately visit a doctor if there is fever along with knee pain and swelling.

2)Poor quality of life:-

 The knee is associated with poor quality of life one of the complications of the disease.

Most people with moderate to severe knee bursitis report a poor quality of life, people with knee bursitis miss three times as many days from work as do those without it as it affects the movement.

Risk Factors For Knee bursitis

Knee bursitis is a common complaint, but your risk of developing this painful disorder can increase from:

1)Prolonged kneeling on the knees:-People who work on their knees for long periods like maids, carpet layers, plumbers and gardeners, and laborers — are at increased risk of getting knee bursitis problems.

2)Sports activities:- Some sports activity that results in direct blows or frequent falls on the knee like badminton, wrestling, football, and volleyball these activities can increase the risk of knee bursitis.

Runners and fast walkers can develop pain and inflammation in the knee bursa, situated on the inner side of your knee below the joint increasing the chances of getting knee bursitis.

3)Obesity and osteoarthritis:-The bursitis, affecting the inner side of the knee below the joint is a common occurrence in obese people with osteoarthritis that occurs in old age.

One may be at higher risk if one has one of the following:

  • Emotional and mental stress at work or home, tension or constant anxiety that leads to restlessness and frequent moving from one place to other
  • Intolerance of certain food, or serious food allergies that can cause joint inflammation
  • A serious form of throat infection is a streptococcal throat infection

Diagnosis of Knee bursitis

Doctors will usually make a diagnosis of knee bursitis with a medical history, occupational history, and physical exam.

  • Inspection is done of the skin over the area that is tender for redness or other signs of infection like fever
  • Comparing the condition of both knees is done, particularly if only one knee is painful
  • During the physical examination, the doctor will ask the patient to carefully move the legs and knees to determine the knee’s range of movement and whether it hurts to bend or flex it
  • Examination of the knee is done by gentle pressing on areas of the knee to detect warmth, swelling, and the source of pain

Imaging tests

To help rule out injuries that can cause signs and symptoms similar to those of bursitis, the doctor might advise one or more of the following imaging tests as per the individual case :

  • X-ray: X-ray of the affected knee joint can be useful in finding out if the problem is with a bone or due to underlying arthritis.
  • MRI:- MRIs are a form of imaging technique that uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to produce detailed images of structures within the body. This technology visualizes soft tissues, such as bursae, thus helping in further treatment required.
  • Ultrasound:- Using sound waves to produce images in real-time, ultrasound can help the doctor to better visualize the swelling in the affected bursa and give further treatment or to know the effect of medication after treatment is over.

Additional testing

A doctor may advise several additional tests, that include removal of synovial fluid for studies to check for the cause and further advice on the treatment needed.


If your doctor suspects that you have an infection or gout in the bursa, he or she might take a sample of the bursa fluid for testing by inserting a needle into the affected area and draining some of the fluid. This can also be used as a treatment.

Knee bursitis Management

Knee Bursitis usually improves over time, so treatment is usually aimed to relieve symptoms.

However, depending on the cause of knee bursitis in various cases and which bursa is infected, the doctor might recommend one or more treatment combinations.


If an infection is the cause of knee bursitis, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment.

  • Pain-relieving medications:- Medications like voveron -D, might help in reducing severe pain.
  • Short-term use of any anti-inflammatory drug, such as aspirin, ibuprofen-Advil, Motrin IB, or naproxen sodium -Aleve can help relieve pain caused by knee bursitis.


A doctor might refer to a physical therapist or specialist in sports medicine, who can help in the improvement of flexibility of the knees and strengthen the muscles of the leg.

This therapy might give relief in pain and reduce the risk of recurring episodes of knee bursitis.

Protective knee braces or bandages might help if one cannot avoid kneeling, and the use of compressive knee sleeves can help reduce swelling.

Surgical treatment and other procedures

If Knee bursitis has reached a stage where invasive treatments for knee bursitis treatment is unavoidable then surgical and other procedures are required, they include:

  • Corticosteroid injection:- If the bursitis is remaining constant and does not respond to basic treatments, the doctor might inject a corticosteroid drug into an affected bursa to reduce inflammation. The inflammation in the knees usually subsides very fast, but the patient might have pain and swelling from the injection for a couple of days.
  • Aspiration:-The doctor might aspirate a bursa to reduce excess fluid and treat inflammation.

The doctor will insert a needle into the affected bursa and draw fluid into the syringe.

Aspiration might cause short-term pain and swelling, and one may need to wear a knee immobilizer for a short period to reduce the chance of recurrent swelling after the injection.

  • Surgery:- If one has severe chronic or recurrent bursitis and it is not responding to other non-invasive medical treatments, the doctor might recommend surgery to remove the fluid accumulation in the bursae.

The mild form of symptoms and knee bursitis due to obesity can be controlled by making changes in lifestyle like:

• Eating high-fiber rich foods to reduce weight

• Intake of plenty of fluids and drinking lots of water

• Doing regular exercise to maintain ideal body weight

To avoid knee bursitis or prevent its recurrence, the doctor or therapist might advise certain preventive measures :

  • Wearing of kneepads:- If one is working on the knees or participating in sports that put the knees at risk and it is unavoidable then the use of padding to cushion and protect your knees is one of the best preventive measures.
  • Taking short breaks:- If the patient has to be on the knees for a long period, they should take regular breaks to stretch their legs and rest the knees.
  • Avoid excessive squatting:- Excessive or repetitious bending of the knees increases the force on the knee joints.
  • Healthy weight:- One should aim at achieving the ideal weight according to age and height, as it can help take the pressure off the knee joints.

Lifestyle and home remedies

Simple lifestyle changes often provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by knee bursitis, the body will need time to respond to these changes.

One can decrease the pain and discomfort of knee bursitis:

  • Taking adequate rest:-Discontinuing the activity that has caused knee bursitis and avoiding the movements that will worsen the pain in the joints.

Apply ice:- Apply an ice pack to the knee for 20 minutes at a time several times a day until the pain goes away and the knee no longer feels warm to the touch.

  • Apply compression:- It has been observed that the use of a compressive wrap or knee sleeve can help reduce swelling.

Elevating the knees:-Slight elevation of the affected leg by using pillows will help in reducing the swelling in the knee.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Knee Bursitis

1. ARNICA MONTANA-For Knee Bursitis related to trauma


This is a great remedy especially when bursitis is due to traumatic injury or strain

It is indicated when the affected area feels bruised and sore, and the person tries to avoid being touched, because of pain.

The patient feels restless and better after applying pressure to the knee joints.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

2) BELLADONNA-For Bursitis with terrible cramps


This is a wonderful remedy for Bursitis with the sensation of heat and throbbing along with intense discomfort caused by jarring and touch, suggests a need for this remedy.

The area often is red and swollen, and the overlying skin feels hot.

Potency & dosage

200 CH Potency,4-8 globules daily ones are used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

3) RUTA GRAVEOLENS-For Acute Bursitis


This is an indicated remedy for people who have acute bursitis with swelling, great stiffness, and aching pain in the knees.

It is indicated when the problems are aggravated by stretching, and the person often feels fatigued or weak.

It is a useful remedy when the bursitis is worse in cold and dampness and lying down to rest will help reduce the inflammation.

It is the remedy that is often useful for bursitis after injuries to the knees.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

4) FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM-For Inflammatory Knee Bursitis


It is a great remedy for bursitis when there is great inflammation and redness swelling of the knee joint, especially the right knee joint is affected with pain that extends to the feet, this kind of pain is usually relieved by this remedy.

The gentle motion and cool applications often bring relief to the knees.

The person’s face may be flushed and pinkish, which is an important indication of the use of this remedy.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

5) KALMIA LATIFOLIA:-For Bursitis with shooting type of pain


It is useful for treating Bursitis when the Pain that starts in a higher joint especially the hip or shoulder and shoots or travels downward, strongly indicates the use of this remedy.

It is indicated for right knee bursitis is common and extends to the ankle and feet.

It is indicated when the pain and inflammation may come on suddenly, and often shift around.

There is discomfort which is worse from motion, at night and has a neuralgic character.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

6)RHUS TOXICODENDRON-For Bursitis with stiffness


It is a wonderful remedy for Bursitis, with stiffness and pain on initial movement, the pain reduces as motion continues, although too much motion can increase the pain.

The Pain is often worse during sleep and on waking in the morning.

There is an increase in the problem in cold, damp weather, and warm applications and bathing or washing the knee joint bring relief.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

7) BRYONIA ALBUM -For bursitis due to arthritis


A useful remedy in bursitis where the symptoms come after rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, it is of great use when there is stitching or tearing type of pain and it is worse from even the slightest motion.

It is indicated when the right knee joint is affected, the joints are hot and swollen, worse from warmth and better by rest and hard pressure.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

8) SANGUINARIA:-For Bursitis due to allergic factors


This remedy is often indicated for bursitis in the shoulders and knees —especially on the right side.

It is indicated when the raising of the arm and legs is difficult, and pain can extend down the legs if there is movement.

It is indicated when there is discomfort in the knees that is worse at night in bed, from lying on the affected part, and also when turning over.

Flushing of the face and a tendency toward allergies or migraines are often accompanied by bursitis.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

9)SULPHUR -For Bursitis on the left side


It is indicated when there is bursitis—especially on the left side—with inflammation and burning pain.

Symptoms that are aggravated by warmth and bathing usually respond well to this remedy.

A person needing this remedy has slouching posture and feels worse from standing up for extended lengths of time and has to sit down immediately.

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. External application of ointment along with internal medicine is advisable.

10) STICTA -For Bursitis due to frequent kneeling


It is a great remedy for Knee Bursitis

It is the ideal remedy when there is intense inflammation and redness over the knee joint.

It is indicated when there is marked heat of the knee joint also shows its presence along with redness.

The pain felt is excruciating and shooting in nature, the pain is not located just over the knee but the whole surrounding area of the knee hurts and is inflamed and swollen.

All the symptoms like swelling, redness, and pain are well controlled by this remedy in a very short period of

Potency & dosage

30 CH Potency,4 globules three times a day is used. Gradually, one can increase the potency depending upon the case’s progress.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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