Ginseng (Aralia) is a perennial herbaceous plant commonly used as an herb in traditional Chinese medicine. It is native to North America and also cultivated in China. The name ‘Ginseng’ is said to signify the resemblance of ‘a man’ or a man’s thigh.
It is a plant kingdom remedy and commonly known as “wild ginseng” or “Panax”. This remedy belongs to the family Araliaceae and is also known as Aralia quinquefolia.
This medicine came into the existence as homeopathy after the proving done by Lembke. In Ancient times in America, it is used as a domestic remedy for the afterpains of labor. It is also used to treat headaches, colds, fevers, and stomach pain.
Ginseng is a very effective homeopathic medicine used to remove the feeling of fatigue due to its aromatic stimulant and imparts a joyous sense of vigor and elasticity to the limbs.
This medicine is also thought to stimulate the nervous system and enhance cognitive performance.
The medicine is prepared by the trituration and tincture of the roots. The medicinal parts are made of dried mail and lateral roots and root hairs.
Table of Contents
ToggleGinseng Personality/Constitution
The constitution does not play a much important role in the selection of this medicine but it is believed that this medicine is best suitable for the patients having weak immune systems, who get fatigued easily and are at risk of heart-related diseases due to obesity.
Guiding symptoms of Ginseng
Ginseng is said to be a valuable remedy for improving the weak immune system and speeding up the recovery time from illness. It is a highly indicated medicine in treating the disease caused by poor immunity like the common cold, general debility, weak memory, and muscles ache.
This remedy is also effective in reducing fatigue, providing strength to the body, and improving physical and mental performance.
This medicine is also seen in giving wonderful results in diabetic patients. It improves glucose levels in people having type 2 diabetes. It is advised to be given ginseng only when all the symptoms of the medicines match with the patient’s symptoms.
Ginseng is also known as homeopathic anti-inflammatory medicine. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and when given in a potentized form then it gives marvelous results.
It is also helpful in treating sexual-related issues, especially in males having erectile dysfunction and impotency. It corrects sexual dysfunction of both males and females and improves sexual health.
Ginseng Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind symptoms
Ginseng patients are generally having a calm mind, quiet and contented mood but still there are impatient impulses and fear of accidents. Patients have the disposition to weep and they are anxious about the future.
Intellectually patients have weak memory and difficulty in thinking. They are not inclined to thought or business. There is a lot of forgetfulness, things that have just taken place are forgotten.
Head symptoms
Ginseng is an indicated medicine for frontal headache followed by vertigo. There is confusion in the head especially in the frontal region, followed by a sensation of vertigo, heaviness of the upper eyelids, and sleepiness.
There is transient vertigo on going in open air or on going down winding stairs, so he was obliged to go quite slowly. There is dizziness in the head with unsteadiness in walking.
There is pressure on the forehead and in the temples. Patients also complain of lancinating pain in the right frontal eminence, extending above the orbits, with the heaviness of the eyelids. There is a sensation in the occiput as if the head were swaying towards one side.
Eyes symptoms
Ginseng is indicated to treat many issues related to eyes like drooping of the eyelids, burning in the eyelids, itching of the lids, and conjunctiva.
The patient cannot bear the bright light it wearies the eyes. There is sticking in the eyes with lachrymation in the morning on waking with redness of the conjunctiva of the bulb and inclination to close the eyes. There is extreme difficulty in opening the eyes due to heaviness and painful eyelids.
Patients also complain about indistinct vision. At times objects were not seen, he mistakes the words while reading and the letters run into one another. On looking steadily at an object, it appears double. There are also small black spots floating before the eyes.
Ears symptoms
Ginseng can be indicated to treat earache due to sore throat or sinus infection. It can also be indicated in hearing loss due to a ruptured eardrum and should be given only when all the symptoms of the patients perfectly match with this medicine.
Nose symptoms
Ginseng is indicated to give relief from frequent sneezing with thick and scanty nasal mucus. The nose is dry and sensitive to the passage of air.
It is also indicated in nose bleeding at the slightest touch or on blowing the nose. There is dryness of the nose without impeding the inspiration.
Mouth symptoms
There is general dryness of the mouth, especially of the tongue with scraping and sore sensation of the throat. The lips have also become very dry and all parts of the mouth stick together on account of dryness, and there is no collection of saliva possible so the patient can speak only with difficulty.
The trouble in the mouth and throat gets aggravated in the free open air and from talking. The dryness of the mouth is relieved by eating but returns less than usual an hour after.
Face symptoms
Ginseng is indicated in dry, cracked, and chapped lips that sometimes bleed. The face of the patient is alternately pale and red. The patient also complain of drawing pain in the left lower jaw which causes difficulty in chewing and talking.
Throat symptoms
Ginseng can be given to relieve the throat-related issues when there is obstinate dryness and scraping in the throat, especially on empty swallowing. The patient can get scarcely a drop of saliva.
There is some redness in the arch of the palate and uvula, they are painful on swallowing. A morsel of the bread can be swallowed only with great exertion and with great pain in the throat due to dryness and soreness.
There are stitches and sticking pain in the pharynx which makes talking painful.
Chest symptom
Ginseng is a great remedy for dry single paroxysmal cough and short anxious respiration. Respiration is slow but deep and with exertion.
There is frequent deep inspiration and tightness of the chest as if he could not get enough air with anxious feeling and heaviness of the limb. The oppression of breathing is worse while sitting than while walking.
There is a feeling of something tightening about the chest with violent contractive pain across the lower portion of the thorax. Suddenly two violent stitches beneath the ribs, so that he involuntary holds his breath.
Heart symptoms
Ginseng is indicated in heart-related issues when there is a piercing or stabbing sensation in the heart region here and there. There is tightness in the cardiac region as if something were lying on the precordial region with deep, labored inspiration.
Beats increased, stronger and irregular, violent when sitting, then floundering sensation in heart, with a rapid, small, indistinct pulse with anxious oppression in cardiac region.
Pulse is rapid, fluttering, and jerky sometimes like a quick trembling that is also felt in the chest.
Stomach symptoms
Ginseng is highly effective in resolving gastric troubles. This medicine is indicated when there is frequent eructation of air which affords relief. The patient is inclined to vomit with severe soreness and constrictive in the pit of the stomach.
The stomach is distended by flatulence with a pressive sensation in the stomach. The clothes around the stomach are unbearable, the stomach is oppressed. There is free passage of flatulence which gives relief to the patient. Due to flatulence, there is agonizing, constrictive pain in the gastric region with difficult breathing that sometimes raised to the chest and makes the patient irritable.
This medicine is effective in acid reflux, frequent eructation of air, and pain in the gastric region due to accumulation of flatus in the gastric region.
Abdomen and Rectum symptoms
Ginseng is indicated in the distension of the abdomen by gas that gets aggravated by pressure. There is inflation of the abdomen by flatulence and which gives relief when get released. The noises from the wind in the abdomen go upward and downward with dull rumbling in the abdomen.
This medicine is indicated in the abdominal colic that commences on the right side and extends to the left and then rises to the heart region where it ceases. There is acute wandering pain in the hypogastrium.
Ginseng can be given in diarrhea of a liquid stool preceded by colic. There is violent pain in the lower abdomen extending from within the pelvis to the thighs as though one must sink to the ground. This is also indicated in constipation when hard stool passed with efforts followed by smarting in the anus, tenesmus, and lancinations in the rectum.
Urinary symptoms
Ginseng is indicated in acute urinary infection. There is frequent urging to pass urine but only a little or very scanty urine passes. Urine is very scanty, clear, and passed in a very thin stream. The urinary bladder doesn’t get emptied by itself, but only by pressing is a thing stream produced.
The color of urine is yellowish and deposits a red lateritious or brick red sediment while standing.
Male symptoms
There is great excitement in the genital organs of the male. This medicine is indicated in violent and painful erection while sitting at engrossing business.
It is helpful to reduce the testicular inflammation and pressure in the testes and can also be given to treat impotency and erectile dysfunction in males. This medicine helps to improve infertility.
Female symptoms
Ginseng has great action on genitals or reproductive organs it improves menstrual troubles like dysmenorrhea or painful menses and sex-related issues in menopausal women by arousing sexual arousal in them.
It is indicated to relax the muscles of the vagina and uterus and improves libido in both premenopausal and menopausal women.
Hand and Leg symptoms
Ginseng is highly indicated medicine in peculiar lightness, vigor, and flexibility of the limbs at the site of much walking. There is much cracking in the joints of the limbs on moving and bruised pain in the limbs alternating in different parts.
This medicine can be indicated when patients complain about the pain in the shoulder with cracking in them and a peculiar sensation of coldness and crawling in the elbow. There is violent contracting pain in the muscles of the forearm as if a hoop is tight about them.
There is the heaviness of the lower limbs and contraction of the muscle of the leg with bruise-like pain in coxo-femoral articulation. The patients complain about the difficulty in walking and staggering gait due to tingling and stiffness from the thigh to the foot. There is nocturnal digging pain in the leg especially the right leg from the hip to the great toe, in which are experienced violent lancination.
Back symptoms
Ginseng is given in treating heaviness and stiffness in the nape of the neck and back drawing in cervical muscles. There is frequent cracking in the upper cervical vertebrae on moving the head. The patient feels a weight on the nape of the neck with contusive pain along the back of the sacrum.
There is lancinating pain in between the scapulae and in the shoulder with difficulty in breathing. Also, there is deep lancination around the loins in which Ginseng is indicated to give relief from this symptom.
Skin symptoms
Ginseng is useful medicine in treating the eruptions of the itching pimples on the neck and chest especially. There is prickling in the calves and formication or sensation of insect crawling at night along the right thigh and leg to the foot, accompanied by stiffness. The symptoms tend to affect the right side of the body hence most formication is also felt on the right side. This medicine is also indicated to treat the itching below the right foot.
Fever symptoms
In cases of fever during the chill stage there is coldness and trembling with numbness of the hand and coldness of the fingers, which become white, benumbed, and prickly. There is much chilliness through the back, extending into the limbs which were also icy cold externally and felt bruised.
During the heat stage of the fever, the skin is warm and there is violent burning heat in the tips of the fingers.
Ginseng Modalities
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By
The complaints of Ginseng are worse at night, after dinner, by talking, walking, and descending the stairs. On bending and turning the lumbar muscles get pain and there is pain between the scapula which is aggravated on straightening up.
Amelioration By
Almost all the conditions of ginseng get better after eating and on slow walking.
Ginseng Relationship with Other Medicine
Complementary Medicines
This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.
The remedy complemetary to Ginseng is Aral; Coca; Hedra.
Antidoted by
The bad effects of Ginseng are antidoted by Camphora and Nux vomica
Ginseng Dosage & Potencies
The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.
Ginseng 30 Uses
Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with Ginseng and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition.
This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.
Ginseng 200 Uses
This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Ginseng are matched with the disease individuals.
Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.
Ginseng 1M Uses
This is a very high potency of Ginseng. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Ginseng and that given by the patient match perfectly.
One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear or until any new symptoms appear.
Ginseng Q (Mother Tincture) Uses
The mother tincture of ginseng is highly effective in treating the general debility in the patient, muscle spasms, weak memory, and dry cough. It is also effective in treating sexual-related issues both male and female, backache, sciatica, and joint pain.
Take 10 drops of ginseng mother tincture in half a cup of water thrice a day for 15 days and repeat only if new symptoms appear.
Ginseng 3X/6X Uses
This lower potency of Ginseng works well in conditions like promoting the immune system, useful in reducing frequent sneezing and bleeding from the nostril. It also helps in healing the pimples and eruptions on the neck and chest.
Take 10 drops of dilution directly on the tongue one time a day till the symptoms disappear.
Clinical Indication of Ginseng
- Headache and vertigo
- Drooping of eyelids
- Indistinct vision
- Debility
- Lumbago
- Rheumatism
- Sciatica
- Erectile dysfunction
- Sexual excitement
- Disorders in menopausal women
- Menstrual troubles
- Dryness of skin
- Itching pimples
- Fever
Ginseng Side Effects
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.
If any side effects of Ginseng are seen then, it can be antidoted by Camphora.
6 thoughts on “Ginseng 30, 200, Q – Best Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”
Which Potency of Ginseng is best for Chronic Sciatica?
Mother tincure
I used Q and 30 – both giving Aggravation in Sciatica….
What best I can do and which Potency will be the best for me.
how to take ginseng after food or before food.
doesnt matter, only take gap of 30 min between food and medicine
I’ve rheumatoid arthritis, with fatigue, weakness, dryness of mouth lips and throat, I can’t do any physical or mental work, there’s immense restlessness in all parts of the body. Should I take this medicine and in which potency?