Azadirachta Indica 30, 200 – Best Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Azadirachta Indica 30, 200 - Best Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

Azadirachta Indica is the most powerful homeopathic remedy which helps to cure various types of skin diseases and fevers.

Azadirachta Indica is commonly known as Neem Tree or Nimba in the Sanskrit language. It generally grows in India with its continents and subcontinents. Indica is a very useful fruit as well as seeds which is the best source of Neem Oil.

Azadirachta is proved by Dr. Hahnemann, by preparing the homeopathic medicines from its bark. It comes from the Plantae kingdom with the Meliaceae family.

Its mother tincture is highly potentized by homeopathic rules and is very useful in case of skin disease and also malarial fever and paroxysmal fever.

Azadirachta is also useful in case of cough with burning eyes and also in case of an overdose of quinine.

In recent studies, it is found that the leaf extract of Azadirachta Indica(neem) is high in case of hepatic cancer as a chemo protector.

Azadirachta stems are useful in curing cough, asthma, urinary disorder, diabetes, and stress. Its seeds are useful in curing many cases of leprosy and its root bark and fruits are used as a tonic. In females, inside the vagina, it helps for birth control.

Azadirachta Indica is a neem tree that is also the best insecticide.

Azadirachta Indica Personality/Constitution

Azadirachta Indica is highly suited to a person who is suffering from long-term chronic diseases skin as well as in case of various types of fever.

It is also given to women who are weak and lethargic and want birth control.

A person with a weak immune system is highly prone to this medicine.

Guiding symptoms of Azadirachta Indica

Azadirachta Indica is proved by Hahnemann by using 6, 30, and 200 potencies from homeopathic pharmacopeia.

Azadirachta Indica is highly used and a well-known antiseptic remedy in case of chronic cough, asthma, constipation, chronic disease of the skin, and fever.

It helps in the removal of bacterial infection and promotes the process of healing.

Nowadays it is listed on the top in curing the cases of hepatic cancer.

It also helps in the removal of internal and external toxins from the body and works as ‘The Blood Purifier.’

It also acts as a nutritive tonic to treat skin diseases such as eczema, rashes, dandruff, ringworm, etc.

Indica is the best herbal remedy for diabetic patients as it induces the production of insulin that lowers blood sugar levels.

It increases the ability to fight against body infections, so it is recommended to bathe in neem water, as it kills the germs and cleans the body.

Neem oil should be kept away from the infant and pregnant women it may act as a contraceptive.

Indica is also useful in dental cases, its stems are used to clean teeth and make the gums strong, and prevent them from the cavity.

The patient has a putrid and bitter taste in the mouth with no thirst, so it helps in healing mouth ulcers also.

It also reduces the inflammation of arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis, especially in old age people.

In old days, it is recommended to sleep on neem leaves because it helps in curing chickenpox and prevents malaria also.

It provides good care for hairs as it is used for curing grey hair, dandruff hair lice, and hair fall.

It is also used as a face pack to cure acne, pimples, scars, and redness.

Medicine Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

Azadirachta indica patient is very forgetful and depressed, does not write and spell properly makes mistakes in writing and spelling, he/she forgets his/her very own familiar names and even what has been done on the previous day.

The patient is weak, dull, inactive, and has loss of memory.

He/she does not want to talk to anyone and has no desire to go out.

Head symptoms 

Azadirachta Indica is indicated in the case of frontal headache, especially on the right side. It has throbbing pain in the vertex region and forehead which is very painful and sensitive to touch. It is better with hard pressure, drinking tea, and a tight bandage.

There is tearing pain at midnight which is better by pressure.

There is an extreme heaviness on the head and dull aching pain on the left side which is worse in the open air and better by hard pressure.

Eyes symptoms

There is pressure pain in the right eyeball. His eyes look heavy, red, congested, and burning.

It aggravates when the person is out or in the open air and relieves by applying cold water.

It helps in curing redness and itching in the eye.

Azadirachta improves eye vision at night and protects the eye from cataracts, glaucoma, and muscular degeneration also.

Ears symptoms

The patient complains of buzzing and cracking sounds from the ears.

There is a feather-like tickling sensation in the ears.

It is mostly aggravated when talking, speaking, and in the morning.

Nose symptoms 

The patient complains of a watery, bland discharge with thirst from the nose.

There is tickling in the nose with sneezing and coryza.

There is excessive redness and rawness in the nostrils along with a burning and sore feeling in it.

There is a thin discharge from the nose with hoarseness in voice and loss of voice.

It is the best remedy for infection of the nose in coryza and ulceration of the nasal septum.

It aggravates by leaning head downward in the morning and better after sleep and rest.

Mouth symptoms 

There is a bitter and putrid taste in the mouth with no thirst.

The patient complains of excessive dryness in the mouth during sleep

The tongue is painful along with a burning sensation and papillae are enlarged and swollen.

A patient has a desire for salty things, saliva tastes salty.

There is dysphagia especially when the person drinks water or eats meat.

A person is very thirsty, at long intervals.

There is aggravation from hot drinks, hot food, and better from cold food and cold things.

Face symptoms

Neem is a natural herb that comes from its tree. It has the best antioxidant properties to kill microbes and freshes the skin.

Its oil contains antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds which help the face and skin to. fight against infection, promotes healing, and skin aging properties.

A patient complains of hot flushes on the face.

Throat symptom

In the throat, there is pain with a choking sensation, dryness, and roughness.

There is all sign of inflammation in the throat such as redness, burning, itching, and swelling.

There is soreness of the throat on the left side which is aggravated in the evening, taking solid food, etc, and better with cold water.

Chest symptom

There is aching at the lower part of the right side of the chest, just below the nipple along with a crampy pain in the lower part.

It is the best remedy for all kinds of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and dry cough.

It is especially suited to an old person having Bronchitis with thick, yellow, and tenacious expectoration.

It is also indicated when the person is aging in extreme chest pain.

Heart symptoms

Azadirachta Indica plays an important role in maintaining ECG and Blood pressure levels.

It helps in controlling bradycardia and cardiac erythema, especially in rats.

Neem leaf and oil are used in case of leprosy and other cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

It dilates the blood vessel and may help in low blood pressure, and also lower the high cholesterol levels in a person.

It is a wonderful remedy in case of pain in the chest, palpitations, and faintness feeling.

There is shooting pain and numbness in the left arm shoulder which is worse by lying in bed.

The patient complains of a feeling of suffocation and heaviness in the chest region.

Stomach symptoms

Azadirachta Indica is the best remedy for all kinds of gastric troubles. There is heartburn and waterbrash in the stomach.

There is a putrid taste in the mouth and the saliva tastes salty.

The stomach is very weak with a keen appetite.

There is excessive thirst at long intervals of cold water.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Azadirachta is the best and the most natural remedy for gastric as well as duodenal troubles.

The patient complains of dull and aching pain in the abdomen with heaviness and flatulence. The patient passes very offensive flatus daily.

A person complains of twisting pain in the epigastric region and clutching, colicky, and cramping pain in the umbilical region. It is aggravated by eating and before stool and better by lying down straight.

There is excessive distention of the abdomen with full of heaviness in the hypochondriac region even if the patient is on an empty stomach.

When a person is constipated, the stool is small, hard, and knotty but normal stool is copious and semi-solid.

There is intense burning in the bowels.

A patient complains of diarrhea which is yellow containing white frothy mucus with crampy pain.

Urinary symptoms

Azadirachta Indica is a wonderful remedy for the disorder of the urinary system especially increased urea concentration, kidney disease, kidney failure, kidney stones, etc.

There is dull aching pain in the kidney region and the smell of urine is very offensive.

It is the best remedy for dysuria, suppression, and incontinence urine.

The urine is a scanty, high-colored, white copious, and clear liquid with a strong offensive smell.

Male symptoms

Indica is the best remedy for males in all kinds of infections internally and externally in both ways.

There is great excitement in sexual organs.

The patient complains of involuntary excessive discharge of seminal fluid.

It is a great remedy for spermatorrhoea which causes great weakness, fatigue, and debility in a patient.

The patient complains of dragging pain in the right side of the groin region and then to the left side of the groin in the testicles. It is the best remedy in the case of orchitis.

Female symptoms 

Azadirachta Indica is the best natural remedy, especially for female genitals which helps in curing all kinds of infections.

It helps to keep healthy from vaginitis, pruritus, and even urinary tract infections.

A patient complains of menses which are early and too profuse.

There is backache along with menses.

The patient suffers from pruritus vulvae along with excessive leucorrhoea.

It is the best remedy for menses, especially in the case of menorrhagia with a bright red flow of blood and excessive sexual excitement.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Azadirachta Indica is a wonderful remedy for gout and rheumatism along with tired and aching pain.

It is the best remedy for sharp shifting kind of pain in the limbs, from the limbs to the middle of the thighs.

The patient complains feeling of paralysis in the lower limbs and the pain radiates from the back to the front.

There is a feeling of numbness in the limbs, especially in the right hand.

There is intense burning of the soles and hands.

The patient complains of rheumatic pain in the lower region part of the body.

Back symptoms

Indica helps treat backache across the limbs.

There is intense pain in the back extending to the lower limbs of the body.

The pain aggravates in the open air, in the afternoon, and while sitting better by taking rest and lying down.

There is extreme stiffness in the neck and back.

Skin symptoms

Azadirachta Indica patient tends to have profuse perspiration, offensive sweat, and unhealthy skin.

A patient complains of red, dry itching eruptions on the body, especially in the legs.

There is extreme itching in the whole body.

It aggravates while undressing and in the evening. There is excessive itching without eruptions.

Fever symptoms

Azadirachta Indica is a well-known remedy for all kinds of fever. Its fever usually starts with chill and sometimes without chill from 4:30 pm.

The patient feels very restless, thriftless, and weak all day.

There is a thick white-coated tongue at the time of fever.

There is severe burning and excessive heating in various parts of the body, even in the open air.

Sweating is very copious, especially on the head, forehead, neck, and upper part of the body, but there is no sweating in the lower part at the time of fever.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

Azadirachta Indica is worse in the open air and the afternoon.

The skin symptoms are worse from undressing and in the evening.

Joint pain and knee pain are worse by walking, running, or cycling.

Gastrointestinal problems occur before stool, after eating, etc.

Amelioration By

The patient of Azadirachta gets relief from lying down straight.

Joint pain is better by pressure and doing exercises.

Skin symptoms are better baby cold water.

Gastrointestinal problems are better by lying down straight.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

Azadirachta Indica completes the action from head to toe.

The complementary medicines mean the alternative remedy which can be any according to the patient’s condition.

Similar Medicines

All medicines have similar actions but they are different in their origin because the source is different from each other.

Similar medicine of Azadirachta Indica is Arsenicum album, China, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sulphur, and Cedron.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Azadirachta Indica are antidoted by Hydrastis Canadensis.

It antidotes

It antidotes the effects of or is the antidote to Coffea Cruda.

Azadirachta Indica Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individuality of a person and the totality of the case taken by the physician.

Azadirachta Indica 30 Uses

In the Homeopathic system of medicine lower potency is the best potency to start the case with.

It is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the symptoms written in that of medicine, which helps the physician only to diagnose the disease condition.

Indica is useful in treating malarial fever and gastric disorders from excess intake of spicy and unhealthy food.

Lower potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the physician calls you with the follow-up.

Azadirachta Indica 200 Uses

This potency is a bit higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental as well as physical symptoms of Azadirachta Indica match with each other.

It is useful for backache, rheumatism, gout, extreme aching pain in the lower limb, numbness, and constipation.

Higher potencies are advisable that it should not be repeated very often.

They have high medicinal properties and act for a long duration of days and that is why the second dose is repeated every 7-days or even after every 15-20 days once a month.

Azadirachta Indica 1M Uses

In the Homeopathic system of medicine 1M is very high potency.

The homeopathic physician should only prescribe it after careful case taking of the patient, where all medicinal symptoms of Azadirachta Indica and that given by the patient match perfectly. 

It is useful in cases of depression, skin infection various kinds of fever, and female disorders.

It should not be repeated with 1 M potency. It is given once in 30 days and needs to wait for symptoms to disappear.

Azadirachta Indica Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Azadirachta Indica is used by many homeopathic physicians to treat chronic malarial fever, fever with a slight chill, itching without eruptions, and leprosy by diluting in water.

Take 1 drop of mother tincture in half a cup of water four times a day for approximately three months.

Azadirachta Indica 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Azadirachta Indica works very well to treat the conditions of the patient like leprosy, fevers asthma, etc.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 2 months.

Clinical Indication of Azadirachta Indica

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Catarrh
  • Cough
  • Cold
  • Constipation
  • Dyspepsia
  • Eczema
  • Ears affections
  • Eye Troubles
  • Gastric Troubles
  • Gonorrhea
  • Glossitis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Leprosy
  • Menorrhagia
  • Mouth-sore
  • Ozena
  • Rectum Prolapse
  • Syphilis
  • Scabies
  • Taste-disordered
  • Throat-sore
  • Tongue- affections
  • Uterus disorders

Side Effects of Azadirachta Indica

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by the method of potentization where the dynamic power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

Homeopathic medicine does not produce any kind of side effects on the human or animal body, as they have been potentized several years ago and then to cure the patient from disease through its root.

If any side effects of Azadirachta Indica are seen when it can be antidoted by Hydrastis Canadensis.

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

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