Dioscorea 30, 200, 1M, Mother Tincture – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Dioscorea 30, 200, 1M, Mother Tincture - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Dioscorea is prepared from the Dioscorea Villosa plant of the Dioscoreaceae family.

Its common name is wild yam. The tincture of fresh root or trituration of the resinoid (Dioscorein) is used to prepare the medicine.

Burt had proved this medicine. He said that the main sphere of action of this medicine is among the neuroses of the bowels and stomach.

The colic, spasm and pain are unbearable and intense.

Hale emphasised its action on a constant pain aggravated at regular intervals by paroxysms of intense suffering.

Dioscorea is helpful for any kind of neuralgia with these characteristics.

Dioscorea stands among the leading remedies for the stomach and abdomen.

It is one of the first remedies used for biliary or renal colic.

People with feeble digestive powers, old and young ( with flatulence after a meal ) can get benefitted from this medicine.

Problems from liver or bowel derangement due to excess eating, fasting or errors in diet can be treated by this medicine.

Dioscorea is famous as a remedy for many kinds of pain, especially colic and in severe kinds of painful affections of the abdomen and pelvis.

Some of the symptoms of Dioscorea are worse by touch and pressure while some are better by the same.

Many symptoms of a Dioscorea patient appear early in the morning from 2 am to 8 am upon waking up.

The pain is remittent and paroxysmal i.e., they return after a certain interval and may occur in periodically.

The patient always complains of frequent, darting and radiating pains.

Any kind of colic and neuralgia with these characteristics can be treated by Dioscorea.

Dioscorea Constitution/Personality

Dioscorea patient has weakened digestive powers. Old and young people who suffer from flatulence after meals.

These patients face troubles after errors in diet such as excessive eating or fasting.

Old cheese, uncooked food or pastry can cause stomach upset.

Dioscorea patients are great tea drinkers. The patient experiences sudden violent colic.

Dioscorea Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

Dioscorea patient is mentally irritable. He is depressed in spirits.

The patient calls things by the wrong name and writes down the wrong words.

The patient is having an aversion to company. He does not like to be in a crowd.

He feels cross and troubled with a great depression of spirits.

Head Complaints

There is a dull pain in the sides of the head. The pain is better by pressure but afterwards becomes worse.

The patient complains of a buzzing sensation in the head.

There is vertigo and dizziness with an inclination to fall backward.

Vertigo occurs with heat in the head and sharp pain. There is faintness and numbness on sitting up.

Fullness in the head is speedily followed by spasmodic pains in the stomach.

Eyes Complaints

The eyes feel sore, hot and weak. The eyelids are agglutinated in the morning.

There is a sharp pain from the right eye to the back of the head.

The patient feels as if there is dust, lashes or sticks in the eyes.

The eyes become hot and teary. The patient wants to keep the lids close.

Ears Complaints

There is dull, pressing pain in the front of both ears. The patient complains of sharp pain in the front and behind the ears.

Small balls of wax drop off the right ear almost daily. Both ears feel stopped suddenly with pain.

The ears become sore to the touch. There are pains in the ears on blowing and coughing.

The patient complains of itching in the internal ears.

Nose Complaints

There is irritation of the nasal passage with much sneezing and dry or watery discharge.

The patient notices a discharge of bright red blood from the left nostril which is followed by dark clots.

There is soreness in the nostrils with frequent or constant bad smells in the nose.

Mouth Complaints

The patient notices a heavy brown coating on the tongue in the morning.

The sides of the tongue and tip are sore as if burnt. The mouth becomes very dirty, clammy and bitter in the morning.

The mouth is dry with no thirst. The roof of the mouth and gums are sore.

The patient complains that the saliva runs out while he is asleep.

Face Complaints

There are dull, grinding, digging or sharp darting pains at the angle of the left lower jaw.

The patient complains of spasmodic closing of jaws and biting of the tongue.

The lips are dry with the sides of the lips sore. There are little pimples with blackheads.

Throat Complaints

There is irritation and burning of the throat. The throat becomes rough and dry with frequent inclination to swallow followed by a feeling of nausea and shuddering.

The patient complains of a constricted feeling as if something tight is about the neck that makes breathing difficult.

There is itching in the left tonsils. Stitches in the tonsils extend up to the ear.

Chest Complaints

The patient complains of a tight feeling all along the chest. The chest does not seem to expand on breathing.

There is a hacking cough from irritation and tickling low down the throat.

There is a cough with pain in the regions of the navel and sides of the head.

There are dull, sharp and cutting pains in the chest from the front to the back.

Heart Complaints

Dioscorea can be a helpful medicine for patients with angina pectoris ( sharp pain in the chest extending down the left arm).

There are sharp pains in the regions of the heart that arrests breathing.

The patient complains of laboured breathing. The heart’s action becomes feeble.

Lying on the left side makes the condition worse. There is tightness in the chest.

Stomach Complaints

Dioscorea is a very helpful medicine for the treatment of neuralgia of the stomach.

The patient feels sinking in the pit of the stomach. There is an eructation of sour, bitter wind with hiccough.

There is sharp, severe pain in the epigastrium which is relieved by standing erect.

The patient complains of nausea, faintness, distress and burning in the stomach with dull and heavy pain.

There is a headache after dinner. There is constant distress in the stomach.

Distressing pain occurs at the epigastrium which is relieved by sour belching.

Sharp cramping pain at the pit of the stomach with burning followed by belching and flatulence.

There is sharp cutting pain and faintness in the epigastrium.

Abdomen Complaints

Pain in the abdomen suddenly shifts to different parts such as in the fingers and toes.

There is rumbling in the abdomen with the emission of much gas.

There is griping and cutting in the upper abdomen with cutting pains in the stomach and bowels.

The colic pain is better by walking and standing erect. The pain radiates from the abdomen to the back, chest, and arms and becomes worse by bending forwards.

Lying down aggravates the symptoms. The patient complains of sharp pains in the liver shooting upwards to the nipples.

Pain from the gallbladder moves to the chest, back and arms. Renal colic with pain in the extremities can be treated with this medicine.

Rectum Complaints

Dioscorea can treat piles with darting pain to the liver. The piles look like bunches of grapes or red cherries.

The piles protrude after stool with pain in the anus. The diarrhoea is worse in the morning.

The diarrhoea is yellowish which is followed by exhaustion as if the stools were hot.

This is a helpful medicine for haemorrhoidal tumours. Itching in the anus can be relieved by Dioscorea.

There are frequent urgent desires for stool with very offensive flatus. Loose stools occur with much straining.

Urinary Complaints

Dioscorea is helpful for agonising, dry and cramping renal pains with the passing of renal stones.

There are spasmodic constricting pains in the passage of urine with pain radiating to the navel region.

The pain and the paroxysmal colic are better by pressure on the rectum.

Male Complaints

There is relaxation and coldness of the male organs. The pain radiates from the testicles to the regions of the kidneys.

The patient complains of strong-smelling sweat on the scrotum and pubes.

There are emissions in sleep with sexual weakness. Sexual desire is diminished.

Female Symptoms

The patient complains of uterine pains. The pain radiates from the uterus.

The patient says she is having vivid dreams. The menstrual pain is spasmodic.

There are cramps in fingers and toes altering with uterine pains.

Hand Symptoms

The nails of the Dioscorea patient are brittle. There are cramps in the fingers.

There are pains in the left shoulder with grinding in elbows. There are hard aching pains in the bones of arms, wrists and fingers.

Numbness in the left hand can be treated with this medicine. The character of pain is picking, sharp and agonising.

It is a useful medicine for the treatment of nail infections such as felons and paronychia.

Legs Symptoms

Sciatica pains extend down the thighs. The pain is worse on the right side, better by being still.

There are hard, dull and tearing pains in the hips. The knees feel lame, weak and trembling.

The ankles are weak and painful with cramps in the toes.

Back Symptoms

There is lameness in the back which becomes worse on stooping.

The patient complains of aching and stiffness in the joints of the back.

Dull pain occurs in the neck with stiffness. There are sharp pains in the shoulders, lower back and centre with itching.

Skin Symptoms

Dioscorea is a helpful medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the tip of fingers or toes.

The pains are sharp and agonising when pricking is felt.

The nails of the patient are brittle. Little pimples with blackheads can be treated by Dioscorea.

Fever Symptoms

Fever with sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen. The pain radiates here and there in the body.

The patient becomes exhausted due to the fever. The body becomes hot and there are occasional stomach issues leading to discomfort.

The patient becomes irritable with sharp, digging, grinding pains radiating all over the body.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

The symptoms of a Dioscorea patient are worse by lying down and doubling up, in the evening and the night.

Amelioration By-

The symptoms of a Dioscorea patient are better by standing erect, motion in open air and pressure.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Dioscorea is similar in action with the following medicines:


Nux Vomica





Kali Bichrome




Agnus Castus



It antidotes-



Dioscorea Dosage & Potencies

Dioscorea 30 Uses-

Dioscorea 30 is considered a mild potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults and older age groups people.

Dioscorea 30 should be used when the symptoms are mild and few.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints and skin complaints.

Dioscorea 30 can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Dioscorea 30 is four pills or drops thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Dioscorea 200 Uses-

Dioscorea 200 is considered a moderate potency. It is safe to be given to adolescent age groups, adult age groups and older age groups people.

Dioscorea 200 should be used when the symptoms are moderate in intensity.

It can be used for mouth complaints, face complaints, throat complaints, chest complaints and Heart complaints.

Dioscorea 200 can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Dioscorea 200 is four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Dioscorea 1M Uses-

Dioscorea 1M is considered a high potency. It is safe to be given to adults and older age groups people.

Dioscorea 1M should be used when there are main symptoms and the intensity of symptoms are severe.

It can be used for stomach complaints, abdomen complaints, rectum complaints, urinary complaints and mental complaints.

Dioscorea 1M can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Dioscorea 1M is four pills or drops once a week for two to three months.

Dioscorea Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Dioscorea Q Mother Tincture is considered a physiological dose. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults and older age groups people.

Dioscorea Q (Mother Tincture) should be used when the symptoms cause changes in physiology i.e. when there is a structural change in the body.

It can be used for urinary complaints, male complaints, female complaints, hands complaints and leg complaints.

Dioscorea Q (MotherTincture) can be used in liquid form.

The ideal dose of Dioscorea Q (Mother Tincture) is ten drops in half a cup of water twice daily till improvement occurs.

Dioscorea 3X/6X Uses-

Dioscorea 3X/6X is considered a low potency. It is safe to be given to young adults and older age groups people.

Dioscorea 3X/6X should be used when the symptoms are mild and few.

It can be used for urinary complaints, back complaints, skin complaints, fever complaints and chest complaints.

Dioscorea 3X/6X can be used in tablet form.

The ideal dose of Dioscorea 3X/6X is two tablets thrice daily for two to three months.

Dioscorea Side Effects

Homeopathically prepared Dioscorea medicine has no known side effects.

It is very safe to be given to patients of any age and sex, including children, adults and older age group people.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by a process named potentisation.

In this process, the harmful effects of the natural substances are converted into beneficial effects by the method of successive dilution with a certain fixed amount of alcohol and water.

In some cases, patients may notice a sudden increase in the intensity of symptoms within a few hours of taking the medicine.

This occurs due to homeopathic aggravation which is necessary for the cure in this system of medicine.

The aggravated symptoms subside on their own within hours. The patient may notice skin rashes or symptoms like diarrhoea which can also be a part of homeopathic aggravation.

The consulting doctor will explain the whole process and advises the patient not to panic in this situation.

Unnecessary high doses or too frequent repetition of Dioscorea can produce new symptoms.

The medicine should be used with proper medical supervision.

Consuming the herb Dioscorea Villosa (wild yam) can produce side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and headache.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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