Apocynum Cannabinum 30, 200 – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Colchicum Autumnale 30, 200 - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Apocynum Cannabinum is one of the remedies in homeopathy useful in treating a variety of diseases, is an indispensable remedy, proved and incorporated in Homeopathy by Freitag.

Apocynum Cannabinum is commonly known as Indian Hemp.

It belongs to the family Apocynaceae.

Apocynum Cannabinum is a common perennial herbaceous plant that grows in North America and a few parts of Canada.

The parts used for preparing mother tincture are seeds, barks, and roots, they are ground into small pieces it is taken, and mixed with alcohol, to form the tincture only then its dynamic curative power is aroused by homeopathy.

It is one of the top-ranking remedies for dropsy, hydrocephalus, and ascites, it occupies an important place in homeopathy practice.

Apocynum Cannabinum

Constitution/ Personality 

Apocynum Cannabinum is a top-ranking medicine, especially for people who tend to suffer from dropsical conditions after typhus, typhoid, scarlatina, and cirrhosis of the liver.

It is suitable for persons with the lymphatic constitution, in whom the excretions are diminished especially urine and sweat.

It is suited to women with dropsical conditions after amenorrhoea, and in young girls with heart, liver, and kidney diseases.

It is suited to people with melancholic temperaments and there is great sadness and depression of mind.

Guiding symptoms of Apocynum Cannabinum

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for dropsical ailments that arise after conditions such as typhus, typhoid, scarlatina, and cirrhosis, especially following the abuse of quinine and alcohol.

It is effective for treating dropsy accompanied by thirst, where water disagrees and causes stomach pain or vomiting, often associated with heart, liver, and kidney diseases.

This remedy is used for hydrocephalus with open sutures, stupor, loss of vision in one eye, and constant involuntary movement of one arm and one leg, along with a protruding forehead.

It is indicated for female complaints such as amenorrhea in young girls, characterized by bloating or dropsical extension of the abdomen and extremities.

It is effective for metrorrhagia with continuous or paroxysmal flow of fluid or clotted blood, along with nausea, vomiting, palpitations, and a weak, quick, feeble pulse upon movement, leading to vital depression and fainting when rising from a pillow.

The remedy is useful for intense gastric disturbances and extreme depression of heart action, aiding in the control of dropsical effusions and promoting diuresis with depression of the heart, kidneys, and intestines, relaxing sphincters.

It is indicated for dizziness and hemorrhages that progress to dropsies, especially when there is general swelling of the body, with or without organic disease.

Apocynum Cannabinum is effective for cardiac dropsies and hydrocephalus when a child is in a stupor with involuntary movements of one arm and leg.

It is also indicated for paralysis of the left side, accompanied by one motionless eye.

The remedy is effective when pain sets in suddenly and is aggravated by the slightest jar.

It is beneficial for kidney-related issues, particularly renal dropsies.

This remedy is indicated for diabetes insipidus with a sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach, along with great debility, dizziness, and weakness.

It is effective for hemorrhages, especially menorrhagia and hemorrhages during menopause, and it can restore menses in cases of dropsy.

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for diarrhea that aggravates immediately after eating, with food or water being ejected immediately despite hunger, and symptoms that worsen upon waking in the morning, particularly after sleep.

Apocynum Cannabinum Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

The Apocynum Cannabinum the patient suffers from the extreme absence of mind and thinking there is a bewildering condition of mind, making the person nervous, and low-spirited

It is indicated in the conditions of mind when there is an intense sinking sensation, drowsiness and a bewildered state of mind.

Head symptoms 

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for treating vertigo characterized by dizziness and a marked piercing pain in the right temple, often followed by the sensation of vertigo.

The vertigo appears and disappears suddenly, worsening with sleep and movement.

This remedy is effective for hydrocephalus in children who are in a stupor, with loss of sight in one eye and nearly blank vision in the other.

It is indicated in hydrocephalus when the forehead is protruding, and the sutures are open, approaching the stage of exudation.

Eyes symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for inflammation of the eyes, with symptoms that worsen in the morning and evening.

This remedy addresses corrosive itching or a sensation of sand in the eyes.

Ears symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is the condition of inflammation of the middle ear causing dizziness and imbalance in walking.

The ears are sensitive to slight sounds, and pain in the ears is worse morning and evening, and after sleep.

Nose symptoms 

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for the common cold, characterized by violent coryza and thick yellow mucus filling the nose and throat upon waking in the morning.

This remedy is often used for snuffles in infants.

It is indicated for peculiar dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose, accompanied by a sensation of stiffness, followed by the secretion of thick yellow mucus. In some cases, this is preceded by a thin, irritating discharge from the nose.

Mouth symptoms 

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for mouth conditions associated with diabetes, characterized by a dry tongue and immoderate thirst.

The tongue may be coated, and the patient experiences constant spitting, along with an increase in mucus and saliva.

Face symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is useful remedy for the condition of the face that results after continued diarrhea, the face becomes pale, covered with cold sweat, and dry lips.

Throat symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is a remedy suited to throat conditions where there is complete dryness and soreness of the throat, it is indicated when the throat is filled with thick yellow mucus, in the morning.

It is indicated for violent hoarse cough worse at night.

Chest symptom

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for chest oppression, where the person can scarcely speak and if they do, it is in sharp staccato bursts requiring deep breaths.

It is effective for hemoptysis, presenting with a short, dry cough that is loose and rattling, accompanied by oppression in the chest.

This remedy is also useful for breathlessness characterized by short, unsatisfactory respirations.

Heart symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum has a significant action on the heart, indicated for flutterings, dartings, and a prostrated feeling in the cardiac region.

It is effective for heart palpitations accompanied by quick, sharp, catching pain in the heart. The pulse may be slow, labored, irregular, intermittent, or feeble, becoming slow at times. Palpitations can be especially troublesome while walking.

This remedy is indicated when the pulse is quick and feeble upon movement.

It is also useful for fainting spells that occur when moving the head, with heart action that is scarcely perceptible.

Stomach symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for gastric disorders such as acidity and water brash, characterized by thirst upon waking. The patient experiences great thirst, but water causes pain and is immediately vomited.

The individual cannot tolerate food or drink, which is quickly ejected. There is distension of the stomach after a moderate meal.

Despite feeling hungry, eating leads to discomfort in the epigastrium, causing the food to turn sour and hurt the stomach.

This remedy is also useful for gastric complaints accompanied by respiratory symptoms, presenting as extreme sinking oppression at the epigastrium and chest, to the point where the person can hardly get enough breath to smoke a cigar.

It is effective for ascites and often associated with chronic diarrhea.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for diarrhea, particularly useful in gentle diarrhea occurring in the morning without pain.

It is effective for watery stools that consistently occur immediately after eating.

The remedy also addresses explosive and involuntary diarrhea that follows eating.

The stools are copious, yellow or brownish, resembling mush and may sometimes contain undigested food, with the patient experiencing extreme prostration after a stool.

Additionally, it is indicated for constipation even when the feces are not hard.

This remedy is useful for piles, with a sensation of a wedge being hammered into the anus, accompanied by violent tenesmus of the rectum and bearing-down pain in the anus, resulting in very scanty evacuations.

Male symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum has a specific action on the male genitalia, particularly when symptoms are secondary to cardiac or renal dropsy.

It is indicated when there is swelling and dropsy of the penis and scrotum.

Female symptoms 

Apocynum Cannabinum acts on female genitals, being useful in cases of exhausting menorrhagia characterized by continuous or paroxysmal bleeding, where the blood is expelled in large clots or sometimes in a fluid state.

It is indicated for treating amenorrhea in young girls, particularly when accompanied by bloating or dropsical extension of the abdomen and extremities.

Additionally, it addresses metrorrhagia with continued or paroxysmal flow of fluid or clotted blood, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, palpitation, a weak and quick pulse that feels feeble when moved, and vital depression leading to fainting upon rising from the pillow.

Urinary symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is useful for profuse, light-colored urine with no sediment and a tendency to enuresis. It acts on urinary organs that become torpid, leading to scanty urine that flows easily.

This remedy is effective for kidney disorders characterized by severe expulsive pains in the bladder, where the urine is copious and almost involuntary due to relaxed sphincters. It is indicated for patients with renal dropsies, often resulting in a cure.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is a remedy for rheumatic conditions of the joints, characterized by stiffness, especially during morning movement, and constant involuntary movement of one leg and one arm. It is indicated for fingernails that appear bluish-red in color.

This remedy is effective for dropsy of the legs, accompanied by aching in both knees and edema of the feet, ankles, and legs, resulting in significant swelling.

It is highly indicated when there is a dropsical condition of the body with diminished excretions, particularly urine and sweat.

Back symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for backaches, primarily rheumatic pain that worsens in the morning and evening.

It is effective for spinal pains and swelling in the neck and back, accompanied by dropsy in the arms and legs. The backache tends to be aggravated after sleep.

Skin symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for treating skin disorders characterized by swelling and edema of the skin surface, along with twitching. It also addresses redness and bluishness of the fingernails.

Sleep symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for sleep disorders, characterized by drowsy sleep in the afternoon and restless sleep at night. It is useful for sleep that leads to stupor.

The remedy is indicated when there is a desire to sleep upon going to bed, but the person is unable to do so. Additionally, the individual may feel drowsy before and after experiencing nausea and vomiting.

Fever symptoms

Apocynum Cannabinum is indicated for intermittent fever accompanied by cold sweat all over the body, with large drops of cold sweat covering the skin.

It is useful for fever associated with dropsy following scarlet fever and for conditions arising after the abuse of quinine.

Apocynum Cannabinum Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The condition of Apocynum Cannabinum is worse, cold weather; cold drinks; uncovering, and most of the symptoms are aggravated after sleep.

Symptoms related gastric system are aggravated immediately after eating and there is aggravation on waking in the morning.

Amelioration By

The conditions of Apocynum Cannabinum are better from warm drinks and resting.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Apocynum Cannabinum Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedies complementary to Apocynum Cannabinum are Arsenicum Album.

Apocynum Cannabinum Similar Medicines

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Remedies similar to Apocynum Cannabinum are Acetic acid, Apis Mellifica in dropsy, and Arsenicum Album.

Apocynum Cannabinum Compatible

These are the remedies that are suitable to be used together.

It is compatible with Helleborus in the case of hydrocephalus and ascites.

Apocynum Cannabinum Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Apocynum Cannabinum are antidoted by Camphora.

Apocynum Cannabinum antidotes

It antidotes the effects of abuse of quinine.

Apocynum Cannabinum Uses, Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Apocynum Cannabinum 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

It is used in treating constipation and acidity, ascites, and dropsy.

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Apocynum Cannabinum 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Apocynum Cannabinum match.

It is useful in Amerrhoea and Rheumatism of joints.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

Apocynum Cannabinum 1M Uses

This is very high potency.

One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Apocynum Cannabinum and that given by the patient matches perfectly. 

It is useful in cases of menorrhagia in females and cardiac dropsy.

One should not repeat 1 M potency.

It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Apocynum Cannabinum (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Apocynum Cannabinum is used to treat ascites and hydrocephalus which needs frequent repetition.

Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs. 

Apocynum Cannabinum 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Apocynum Cannabinum works well to treat the conditions like swelling of the legs knees and arms.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.

Clinical Indication of Apocynum Cannabinum

  • Ascites
  • Amenorrhoea
  • Cough
  • Dropsy
  • Heart affections
  • Hydrocephalous
  • Metrorrhagia
  • Urinary affections
  • Vomiting

Side Effects of Apocynum Cannabinum

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Apocynum Cannabinum like an increase in skin itching are seen, then it can be antidoted by Camphora.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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