Cervical Polyps – Symptoms, Causes & Homeopathic Remedies

Cervical Polyps - Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathic Remedies

Cervical polyps are small and elongated tumorous growths on the cervix.

Cervix is a narrow canal extending from the uterus to the vagina.

Cervix is the connecting part from the lower part of the uterus to the upper part of the vagina.

It acts as a passage for sperms to travel from the vagina to fertilize an egg in the ovaries and result in pregnancy.

During the delivery of a baby, the cervix becomes wider and thinner to allow the baby to pass easily via the birth canal.

Polyps are structures that have roots in the cervical surface and the body in the cervical canal. Polyps are fragile structures.

Polyps can be present singly or they may be present as two or three in numbers.

Cervical polyps are more common in women in their 40s or 50s who have given birth to more than one child.

Cervical polyps do not occur before the commencement of menses in young girls.

It can also occur during pregnancy as a result of an increase in the estrogen hormone.

Cervical polyps are non-cancerous. Cervical polyps are caused by HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus ).

HPV is also responsible for genital warts.

Cervical Polyps Types

There are two types of cervical polyps, ectocervical polyps, and endocervical polyps.

Let’s discuss each type one by one.

1. Ectocervical polyps:

Ectocervical polyps originate from the outer cell surface of the cervix. This type is more commonly found in post-menopausal women.

2. Endocervical polyps:

Endocervical polyps originate from cervical glands. These are the most common type of cervical polyps. This type of cervical polyp is more common in premenopausal women.

Cervical Polyps Causes

There are many factors behind the development of cervical polyps. Let’s take a look at them.

1. High levels of estrogen:

Estrogen levels keep changing throughout the life of women. Sometimes it gets higher and sometimes lower in the female body.

The estrogen levels are highest in women during childbearing years, pregnancies and around the menopausal years.

There is some man-made chemical present in the environment that mimic the estrogen hormone.

For example, xenoestrogen in meat and dairy products, Food items that are heated in plastic foam containers, and some air fresheners also control these chemicals.

2. Clogged blood vessels:

Clogged blood vessels in female reproductive parts and organs may also play a role in the development of cervical polyps.

3. Inflammations:

Lon-standing i.e., chronic inflammations of the cervix, vagina, and uterus can lead to the formation of cervical polyps.

Inflammation of the cervix makes it appear red, irritated, and sometimes eroded.

There is a variety of causes of cervical inflammations. These are listed below.

Hormonal changes throughout the life of a female ( such as during, childbearing ages, pregnancies, and menopausal years) can lead to inflammation and cause the development of cervical polyps.

Yeast infection in the vagina can also lead to cervical polyps. This occurs when the infection is chronic or left untreated.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection is a cause of cervical polyps. HPV also causes genital warts.

Herpes virus can be a potential cause of cervical polyps in some females.

Pregnancy causes a rise in the level of estrogen hormone in the female body. This can lead to the development of cervical polyps.

Abortion, women who face abortion are at a higher risk of developing cervical polyps.

Miscarriage, women who suffered miscarriages are also prone to get cervical polyps.

Cervical Polyps Symptoms

Cervical polyps may not cause any noticeable symptoms in the early stage.

Cervical discharge:

Cervical Polyps may cause discharge from the vagina that is white or yellow mucus.

Heavy periods:

Some patients get heavy periods due to cervical polyps.

Vaginal bleeding or spotting:

In some patients, there are vaginal bleeding and spotting, especially after sexual intercourse, between periods, after douching, or after menopause.

Sometimes, these symptoms can also represent an early stage of cervical cancer but it is not very common to have cancerous cervical polyps.

Removal of cervical polyps reduces the chances of developing cancer.

Risk Factors for Cervical Polyps

There are some risk factors for cervical polyps that contribute to the easy development of cervical polyps in a patient.

Hormonal changes:

Women who are undergoing the life stages where estrogen is higher in the body are prone to develop cervical polyps.


Infections such as yeast infections, and HPV infections put the patient at risk of developing cervical polyps.

Chronic inflammations:

Inflammations of long standing in the cervix, vagina or uterus can lead to cervical polyps.


Using douches or scented soaps increases the chance of cervical polyps.

Diagnosis of Cervical Polyps

The doctor will ask about symptoms and medical history in detail to arrive at a correct diagnosis.

Routine Pelvic examination:

Diagnosis of cervical polyp is done by routine pelvic examination.

A routine pelvic examination will help in the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Cervical polyps appear like smooth, finger-like projections or growths that appear red or purple.


Biopsy or tissue samples are taken from the patient and sent to the laboratory for further investigation.

Mostly the results show benign (non-cancerous) polyps.

Rarely, abnormal patterns of cells or precancerous growths may be found.

Cervical Polyps Management

There are a few simple tips and tricks to minimize the symptoms of cervical polyps.

Although, it not be treated by management as it needs immediate medical treatment.

Management tips may help to lead a normal daily routine during the ongoing treatment.

Here are some points to be considered and followed:

Proper hygiene practices:

Maintain good hygiene and sanitation practices to prevent any infection such as bacterial or yeast infection which can be a potential cause of cervical polyps.

Avoid irritants:

Avoid using scented products or douching in the vaginal areas.

Avoid Sexual intercourse:

Avoid sexual intercourse if it causes bleeding from the vagina after having sex.

Routine pelvic examination:

Contact physician in case of noticing any of the above symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment are a crucial part of the treatment and management.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Polyps

Homeopathy offers a safe, gentle and permanent solution for cervical polyps in the early stage.

However, if the size of polyps is large then it is recommended to go to a specialist.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances and are safe to be used by patients of any age and sex.

Let’s discuss the best homeopathic medicines available for the treatment of cervical polyps in homeopathy one by one in detail.

1. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS: For cervical polyps with a very sensitive vagina


Thuja is one of the top medicines for the treatment of cervical polyps in homeopathy.

The vagina of the patient is very sensitive. There are warty excrescences and growths on the vulva and the area surrounding the female genital parts.

There is a thick, greenish and profuse discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina. 

The patient may complain of scanty menses. The cervical polyp growth is fleshy. There is profuse perspiration before menses.

The symptoms of a thuja patient get worse at night, from the heat of the bed and from being in a cold, damp environment.

The symptoms of a thuja patient get better by the left side, drawing up a limb.

Potency and dosage:

Thuja occidentalis 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Thuja occidentalis 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Thuja occidentalis in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

2. MEDORRHINUM: For cervical polyp due to chronic inflammation


Medorrhinum is one of the best remedies to treat cervical polyps in women who suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions.

There is intense itching of the genital parts. The menses are offensive and heavy. 

There are dark, clotted stains which are difficult to wash out. It is a good remedy for sensitive spots near the uterus.

Medoorhinum is also a great remedy for the treatment of cervical polyp occurring due to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

The breasts of the patient are cold, sore and sensitive. The patient suffers from intense menstrual pain and colic.

Potency and dosage:

Medorrhinum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Medorrhinum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Medorrhinum in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

3. CALCAREA CARB: For cervical polyps due to clogged blood vessels


Calcarea carb is a wonderful remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps due to clogged blood vessels.

It is useful for patients who are fat, fair and flabby. The leucorrhoea is milky.

There is burning and itching of the genital parts before and after menses.

It is a helpful remedy for patients having cervical polyps with increased sexual desire and easy conception.

The breasts become tender and swollen before menses. One of the characteristic symptoms of a Calcarea carb patient is that there is much sweat in the genital area.

It is one of the top-indicated remedies for cervical polyps in homeopathy.

Potency and dosage:

Calcarea carb 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Calcarea carb 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea carb in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

4. PHOSPHORUS: For cervical polyps with bleeding in between menses


Phosphorus is a very useful remedy for cervical polyps in patients who are over-sensitive to external impressions.

The patient is tall and slender with thin and transparent skin. The patient is oversensitive to external impressions such as light, sound, odour, electrical changes, thunderstorms etc.

One of the characteristic features of the phosphorus patient is that there is slight bleeding in between menses.

The menses are scanty but last too long. The patient weeps before menses.

There is stitching pain in the breasts along with menses. Instead of menses, there is profuse, corrosive, acrid leucorrhoea.

Phosphorus is a good remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps in homeopathy.

Potency and dosage:

Phosphorus 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Phosphorus 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Phosphorus in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

5. SEPIA: For cervical polyps with painful coition


Sepia is a well-known remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps in homeopathy.

The patient feels as if the pelvic organs are relaxed and would protrude down from the vulva.

To prevent the bearing down sensation, the patient sits with crossed legs.

Leucorrhoea is yellowish, greenish with much itching. The menses are irregular with sharp clutching pain.

The patient experiences violent stitches upwards vagina. One of the characteristic features of the Sepia patient is that the vagina becomes painful due to coition.

Potency and dosage:

Sepia 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Sepia 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Sepia in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

6. KALI IODATUM: For cervical polyps in young married women


Kali iodatum is a great remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps in young married women.

The menses are late and profuse. During menses, the uterus feels as if squeezed. 

The leucorrhoea is corrosive. It is a wonderful remedy for inflammatory conditions of the female genital organs.

The symptoms of the patient get worse at night, due to warm clothing and a warm room.

Potency and dosage:

Kali iodatum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Kali iodatum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Kali iodatum in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

7. BELLADONNA: For cervical polyps with dryness and heat of the vagina


Belladonna is a useful remedy for patients who are having a sensitive vagina, the genital organs are forced downwards as if the organs would protrude through the vagina.

The menses flow is of bright red colour, too early and too profuse.

The discharges from genital organs are too offensive and hot. There is badly smelling bleeding with hot gushes of blood.

Potency and dosage:

Belladonna 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Belladonna 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Belladonna in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

8. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM: For cervical polyps with a desire to scratch


Teucrium marum varem is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for the treatment of cervical polyps.

It is suitable after too much medicine has been taken. The patient is oversensitive.

There is a marked desire to scratch the parts. The patient is restless, twitching, choking at night, and starting up frightened.

The patient experiences dryness of the parts. 

Potency and dosage:

Teucrium marum verum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Teucrium marum verum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

teucrium marum verum in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

9. ACID NITRIC: For cervical polyps with soreness of genital parts


Acid nitric is a well-known homeopathic remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps with soreness of genital parts.

It is a useful remedy to treat cervical polyps caused by HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus).

Leucorrhoea is brown, watery, stringy, flesh-coloured and very offensive.

The patient experiences heavy periods and bleeding in between the menses.

Potency and dosage:

Acid nitric 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Acid nitric 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Acid nitric in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

10. MERC SOL: For cervical polyps with symptoms worse during perspiration


Merc Sol is a very beneficial remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps in homeopathy.

One of the characteristic symptoms of a Merc sol patient is that the symptoms get worse during perspiration.

The patient experiences profuse menses with abdominal pain. The leucorrhoea is excoriating, greenish and bloody.

There is a sensation of rawness in the genital parts. The symptoms are worse at night due to the warmth of the bed.

Potency and dosage:

Merc sol 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Merc sol 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Merc sol in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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