Crataegus Oxyacantha is introduced to the world of medicine by Dr Greene, of Ennis, Ireland.
It is prepared from Hawthorn Berris of the Rosaceae family.
The tincture of the ripe fruit is used to prepare the medicine.
It has been used empirically in the cases of heart failure with much success.
It was usually given as five drop doses of the tincture.
It is considered a positive heart tonic.
Let’s discuss some cases that proved its efficiency. Halbert in clinique, March 1899, records a case of a young man, eighteen years of age, who had worked hard at manual labor from the age of twelve to support his widowed mother.
He was showing signs of cardiac hypertrophy and was cautioned by the physicians to take good care of his heart.
About a year ago, during some gymnastics activities, he had “given way” and was taken to bed for relief. He was lying down with labored and irregular respiration.
The heart’s action was greatly exaggerated and erratic. He was experiencing some pain in the chest region. The patient was put in a warm bath for twenty minutes and then carefully returned to his bed. Aconite 3X was administered for a few days until some relief was recorded.
Crataegus Oxycantha five drop doses of tincture were advised daily for a long time. The remedy was very much effective, and the cardiac dullness and irritation were greatly relieved. Simultaneously, other general symptoms were also improved. The patient used the remedy for several months and the results were very satisfactory.
Another case was of a girl of twelve years of age, who had a sudden collapse in the third week of typhoid. Crataegus was given every two hours based upon the symptom pallor, irregular breathing, cold extremities with 120 pulse rate, weak and irregular pulse. The case was improved with crataegus oxyacatha when other remedies failed to provide relief.
Cases of hypertrophy with failing power, dilatation, alcoholic heart and nervous palpitations can be relieved by this remedy. T.C. Duncan gave complete relief in a case of angina pectoris, pain in the chest that goes into the left arm, strong and forcible pulse with indications of hypertrophy and a very tender and painful spot on the left side of the spine. Crataegus removed all symptoms along with the anxiety upon the face.
A medical student who had “an unusual rush of the blood to the head with a confused feeling” later followed by quietness and calmness. Crataegus Oxyacantha is a well-proven remedy and a very popular heart tonic in homeopathy.

Table of Contents
ToggleCrataegus Oxyacantha Constitution/Personality
Crataegus Oxyacantha patient is likely to get affected by heart troubles.
He can be a physically hard-working person who does more labour than he is capable of doing.
A Crataegus Oxyacantha patient may appear anxious due to his heart disease.
Crataegus Oxyacantha Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind Complaints
There are some characteristic features of a Crataegus OXyacantha patient that are described here.
The is irritable. He gets irritated at minute things. There is crossness present in the patient’s behaviour.
The patient is mentally melancholic. He looks sad.
There is always a “hurried and flurried” feeling.
This feeling is accompanied by the rapid action of the heart.
The patient is having a confused feeling with an unusual rush of blood to the head.
This confused feeling is followed by mental calmness and quiet.
The patient is apprehensive and despondent.
He is very nervous and irritable. There is a mental dullness.
Head Complaints
The patient complains of an unusual rush of blood to the head.
This is accompanied by a confusing feeling. There is a pain in the back of the head and neck that makes him nervous and irritable.
Eyes Complaints
The patient feels irritation in the conjunctiva of the eyes with a feeling of mental dullness and confusion.
The conjunctival irritation makes him irritable and nervous.
Ears Complaints
Crataegus Oxycantha can improve earaches accompanied by heart troubles.
The patient is anxious due to the earache.
Nose Complaints
Crataegus Oxyacantha patient experiences nasal discharge with mental dullness.
Nasal discharge occurs with an irritation in the eyes (conjunctival irritation).
Mouth Complaints
An altered taste may be experienced due to indigestion and nausea.
The mouth can become dry when the patient becomes anxious due to his heart symptoms.
Face Complaints
The face is pale with a look of anxiety accompanied by symptoms of heart failure or hypertrophy of the heart.
The face can be swollen in the later stages of heart disease.
Throat Complaints
The throat is irritated due to disturbed digestion caused by heart troubles.
The patient experiences irritation in the throat that may interfere with day-to-day activities.
Chest Complaints
The Crataegus Oxyacantha patient is having remarkable chest difficulties.
Let’s take a look at the symptoms of chest troubles.
The patient experiences pain in the region of the heart. The patient can feel palpitations in the chest.
There is a very painful spot in the back of the chest on the left side of the spine.
The chest feels heavy and uncomfortable. There is a characteristic feature of a Crataegus Oxyacantha patient that experiences a sharp pain in the chest that goes to the shoulders and the left arm.
The patient remains nervous about his chest symptoms.
Heart Complaints
Crataegus Oxyacantha is a great remedy for heart complaints.
It is a very popular and well-known heart tonic in homeopathy.
The main sphere of action of this remedy is centred on the heart and cardiovascular system as a whole.
It is a useful remedy for patients with cardiac dropsy.
People who suffer from fatty degeneration and aortic heart diseases may get benefit from Crataegus Oxyacantha.
One of the characteristic features of the use of this remedy is that the patient feels extreme dyspnea on least exertion. This is accompanied by not much increase in the pulse rate.
The patient experiences pain in the region of the heart and under the left clavicle. The heart muscles seem flabby and worn-out. The patient also gets cough due to heart troubles.
The heart is dilated. The first heart sound is very weak. The pulse becomes irregular, feeble and intermittent and accelerated.
It is also a beneficial remedy for valvular murmurs and angina pectoris ( pain in the chest extends to the left arm. The skin becomes cold with the blueness of fingers and toes.
All the symptoms get worse by exertion or excitement.
Crataegus Oxyacantha is also helpful in infectious diseases of the heart. This remedy is useful to treat giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and a reduction in blood pressure.
It acts on the muscles of the heart and is a great heart tonic. It is found to produce no effect on the endocardium of the heart.
It can be used to help the patients with myocarditis, or failing compensation. There is an irregularity of the heart. The patient can hardly sleep at night due to aortic heart disease.
This remedy can be used to treat high blood pressure. It acts as a sedative for irritable patients with cardiac symptoms.
The patient suffers from chronic heart disease with extreme weakness.
The whole body may swell up due to heart troubles.
It can benefit the patients who experience the beginning of cardiac symptoms after heart rheumatism. It is also proven helpful in dissolving the cholesterol deposits in the arterial walls of the heart i.e., arteriosclerosis.
Crataegus oxyacantha is said to have solvent power over crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries. The hypertrophy of the heart in a Crataegus Oxyacantha patient occurs due to overexertion, alcoholism, sexual diseases etc.
It is of great benefit in the cases of heart collapse in typhoid. Heart failure cases in hypertrophy and valvular heart diseases.
Stomach Complaints
There is a nauseous feeling with indigestion from food.
Nausea and indigestion are caused due to heart failure.
These symptoms are accompanied by great prostration.
Abdomen Complaints
Abdominal discomfort along with indigestion and heart issues can be relieved by this remedy.
The patient may feel uncomfortable in the side of the abdomen and chest.
Rectum Complaints
Indigestion leads to unusual bowel movements and improper stool routines.
The patient complains of disturbed bowel movements.
Urinary Complaints
Diabetes and frequent urination in children can be treated by Crataegus Oxyacantha.
Frequent urination of clear water in diabetic patients, especially children can be relieved by this remedy.
Male Complaints
Men who overexert and work long hours beyond their bodies’ capacity may require this remedy.
Heart troubles in men with extreme weakness can be improved by Crataegus Oxyacantha.
Female Symptoms
Over-worked women, who can hardly sleep at night.
Weak and nervous women with heart-related symptoms may get benefitted from this remedy.
Hand Symptoms
Pain in the left arms and hands that extends from the left side of the chest can be relieved by this remedy.
Tingling in hands with cardiac symptoms, weakness and nervousness can be improved by Crataegus Oxyacantha.
Legs Symptoms
The patient complains of swollen legs and feet with chest troubles.
There is numbness and tingling in the feet and legs.
Back Symptoms
The patient experiences pain in the back of the neck and head with nervousness.
There is a very tender and painful spot on the left side of the spine on the back.
These symptoms can be relieved by Crataegus Oxyacantha.
Skin Symptoms
The patient with Crataegus Oxyacantha experiences excessive perspiration.
Skin eruptions with excessive sweat can be relieved by this remedy.
Fever Symptoms
Crataegus Oxyacantha can be helpful for patients with typhoid fever in the third week.
The patient experiences collapse in typhoid fever can be improved by this remedy. High temperature with cold skin, irregular pulse and extreme weakness.
There are severe muscle and body aches in fever with nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.
The fever makes the patient so weak that he reaches the stage of collapse in the third week of typhoid.
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By-
The symptoms of a Crataegus Oxyacantha patient get aggravated or become worse by going into a warm room.
The least exertion can worsen the symptoms.
Sudden excitement can aggravate the symptoms.
Amelioration By-
The symptoms of a Crataegus Oxyacantha patient can get better by having fresh air.
Being quiet relieves the symptoms. Rest also ameliorates the conditions of the patient.
Relationship with Other Medicine
Crataegus Oxyacatha medicine is similar in action to the remedies listed below:
Digitalis Purpurea
Naja Tripudians
Cactus Grandiflorus
Prunus Virginianus
Amygdala Amara
Hydrocotyle Asciatica
Arsenic Iod
Crataegus Oxyacantha Uses, Dosage & Potencies
Crataegus Oxyacantha 30 Uses-
Crataegus Oxyacantha medicine in 30 potencies can be used n patients of every age and sex.
It can be given in the early stages of diseases and with a mild intensity of symptoms. It can be given for chest troubles and weakness.
The ideal dose of Crataegus Oxyacantha 30 should be four pills or drops thrice daily till improvement occurs.
Crataegus Oxyacantha 200 Uses-
Crataegus Oxyacantha medicine in 200 potencies can be given for moderate symptoms in young adults and older age group patients.
It can be given for heart symptoms, head, eyes, ears, stomach and abdomen-related symptoms.
The ideal dose of Crataegus Oxyacantha 200 should be four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.
Crataegus Oxyacantha 1M Uses-
Crataegus Oxyacantha in 1M potencies should be used cautiously under medical supervision.
It can be given for the severe intensity of symptoms in fever, cardiac and respiratory troubles.
For hands and legs symptoms, oedema of the body etc.
This is considered a high potency in homoeopathy and should be used under medical supervision.
The ideal dose of Crataegus Oxyacantha 1M should be four pills or drops once a week.
Crataegus Oxyacantha Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-
Crataegus Oxyacantha Q (mother tincture) is very popularly used in homeopathy.
It is given when immediate relief is required. It can be given to patients of any age and sex.
Crataegus Oxyacantha Q (mother tincture ) is used as a heart tonic with great efficiency.
The ideal dose of this remedy in mother tincture form should be 10 drops in a half cup of water twice daily for a few months.
Crataegus Oxyacantha 3X/6X Uses-
Crataegus Oxyacantha medicine in biochemic potencies i.e. 3X or 6X is not very common.
It can be given for heart troubles and other complaints associated with extreme weakness and nervousness.
It can also be used for head, back, abdomen, urinary and male and female complaints.
Biochemic potencies of Crataegus Oxyacantha are used when physiological change is expected.
The ideal dose of Crataegus Oxyacantha in 3X or 6X potencies should be four tablets twice or thrice daily till improvement occurs.
Crataegus Oxyacantha Side Effects
Homeopathic medicines in general do not cause any side effects.
These are the safest, gentle and harmless medicines that can be given to patients of any age and sex.
The process of aggravation in homeopathy may seem like a side effect to people who are not aware of this mechanism of working homeopathic medicines.
Aggravation is a slight and temporary increase in the intensity of already present symptoms in the patients after taking homeopathic remedies.
This occurs due to the similar action of homeopathic remedy upon the patient’s symptoms.
But this is a very temporary stage and resolve within no time.
If the patient is made aware of the aggravation process, then he may not panic during this phase.
Aggravation helps to remove the symptoms from the root cause and to establish a complete cure.
Similarly, homeopathically prepared Crataegus Oxycantha does not cause any side effects.
It is prepared by a method called potentisation which makes the dynamic powers of the drug more effective and reduces the material quantity of the drug.
However, over-drugging and taking medicines in unnecessarily high doses may cause an aggravation in the symptoms. Therefore, the potency and dose should be selected very carefully.
Over-dosing Crataegus Oxyacantha too frequently may cause some temporary disturbances. The patient may feel dizzy. The patient can experience extreme fatigue and weakness. He may become agitated. Some circulatory disturbances can also arise such as fluctuating blood pressure.
Nausea and gastric issues can develop. The patient can feel a headache with a confused feeling in the mind.
There can be episodes of nose bleed. The patient experiences an increase in the heart rate i.e., palpitations. The patient cannot sleep comfortably. Some patients may become insomniacs.
Sweating can be increased than usual. The patient may experience stomach upset as a side effect. These are the side effects of taking the medicine without caution.Â
Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.
5 thoughts on “Homeopathic Crataegus Oxyacantha – Uses & Side Effects”
Very precise and informative explained in a simple manner
Pingback: Digitalis Purpurea 30, 200, 1M, Q - Uses & Side Effects
This is an excellent and informative account of Crataegus, I very much appreciate studying it. I am taking Crataegus to help relieve HBP, and I notice that it is helping me. I am thinking of switching from 6C to 30C, and perhaps take it a few times weekly rather than once daily. I would appreciate any guidance on this as I dont want to prove the remedy.
Thankyou. At present self treating. The above has helped hip.
Because of the colon ,causing problems. Could be bent or blocked
Constipation.possible cause blocked colon
I am retired.have food allergies mainly milk and wheat etc.
Normally healthy diet. Certain family issues
Given constipation powder. ,to add to water . Very fast heart beat . Caused by potassium.
Wonderful text.Accurare, precise even to a layman.