Veratrum Viride was proved and introduced to homeopathy by Dr.Burt
It is commonly known as Green Hellebore. Its juice extract from the fresh roots of a plant, which is further potentized and Dilutions are prepared with alcohol.
This remedy is characterized by suddenness, bursting, sensations, and pains surging upwards which threaten life and shatter the cranium.
It is a wonderful remedy from the vegetable kingdom. It acts especially on the brain, heart, blood vessels,pneumo-gastric nerves, lungs, and base of the brain.
It is an invaluable remedy in the treatment of migraine, epilepsy, meningitis, acute rheumatism, and sunstroke.
The process of dynamization arouses the latent curative powers and makes Veratrum viride an invaluable homeopathic medicine to serve a therapeutic purpose when given in dynamic doses.

Veratrum Viride Constitution /Personality
Veratrum Viride is a remedy, best suited for people with plethoric habits, with a bloated and livid face.
It is suited to people who are thermally hot, and who have complaints about the sun, going out in the sun’s rays, and going from hot to cold.
It is adapted to a person who is full-blooded and suffers from severe headaches and a low pulse rate.
Table of Contents
ToggleGuiding symptoms of Veratrum Viride
Veratrum Viride is indicated for acute diseases that manifest suddenly, particularly those affecting the brain, leading to sensations of fullness, tension, throbbing, and a feeling of bursting.
This remedy is notable for its sudden onset of symptoms, similar to Aconite and Belladonna. It is often a top choice when all symptoms, including severe headaches and sunstroke, worsen in the presence of sunlight or sun exposure.
Veratrum Viride has a clinical history of effectively treating menstrual troubles, with symptoms arising from the suppression of menses and lochia.
In cases of headaches, this remedy is valuable when there is a surging of blood to the head, resulting in a sensation of fullness and a heavy headache.
For stomach complaints, especially when there is a disturbance in the sense of taste, causing everything to taste sweet, Veratrum Viride is indicated.
One of its characteristic features is a narrow, well-developed red streak running through the middle of the tongue, which is a distinguishing trait of this remedy.
Many homeopaths turn to Veratrum Viride for treating weak hearts, particularly when there is a depression of the heartbeat and a low pulse rate.
This remedy is also suitable for conditions involving abnormal pulse patterns. The pulse may exhibit sudden increases and gradual decreases, fall below the normal rate, and be characterized as slow, soft, weak, irregular, and intermittent, with low tension.
Medicine Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for various mental and emotional conditions. It can be indicated when the patient becomes excessively talkative, exhibiting an exaltation of ideas. This remedy may also address quarrelsome behavior.
In cases of delirium, especially during acute illness, Veratrum Viride is beneficial. The person may become furious, scream, howl, and even engage in physical aggression, while also displaying incessant muttering.
For individuals experiencing puerperal mania, where mental disturbances occur during the postpartum period, this remedy can provide relief.
Symptoms such as carphology (repetitive, purposeless movements), fear of seeing the physician, and fear of being poisoned may be present.
Additionally, Veratrum Viride is useful when there is suspiciousness about people in the patient’s immediate surroundings.
Head symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for a range of neurological and vascular conditions, making it particularly beneficial in cases of meningitis, especially when it may be triggered by exposure to heat.
The onset of meningitis tends to be sudden and violent, typically manifesting as basilar meningitis.
Symptoms may include convulsions, dim vision, retraction of the head, dilated pupils, tetanic convulsions, and cold, clammy perspiration. Patients may experience pain in the neck, making it difficult to hold their head up.
Aggravations are often triggered by motion, raising the head, and exposure to both heat and cold, while the patient tends to feel better when remaining quiet, lying down, or applying rubbing.
This remedy is also a top choice for addressing congestive apoplexy. In such cases, the patient may present with a hot head, bloodshot eyes, thick speech, and a fully hard pulse.
The face can appear bloated, livid, pale, and even display a Hippocratic expression, often accompanied by a red streak down the middle of the tongue.
Veratrum Viride is effective in cases of sunstroke, particularly when symptoms include a flushed face, a head that feels full, throbbing arteries, pulse sensations throughout the body, and vertigo with nausea. Additionally, convulsive twitching of facial muscles may be present.
Patients who are sensitive to sound, experience double vision or partial vision can also find relief with this remedy.
Furthermore, Veratrum Viride is indicated for headaches that result from exposure to the sun’s rays, heat, extreme cold, and the suppression of menses and lochia.
The headaches often come on suddenly and violently, accompanied by congestion and related symptoms.
Patients may endure intense apoplectic headaches with a hot head, flushed face, and aggravated symptoms with motion, head elevation, and warmth. Quietude, lying down, and tight bandaging tend to bring relief.
This remedy is also suitable for headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting, often with bloodshot eyes as a distinctive symptom.
Nose symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for addressing coryza, particularly when the nose appears pinched and blue. This condition is often accompanied by catarrh and sneezing, leading to a profuse secretion of mucus from the nose.
Additionally, individuals may experience itching, initially in the right nostril and then in the left nostril.
Eyes symptoms
Veratrum Viride is indicated for various eye issues, providing relief for symptoms such as a sensation of fullness and a pressing, heavy feeling in the eyes. Individuals may experience severe shooting and sudden pain in the left eye.
This remedy is effective in addressing eye aches, especially in the upper part of the right orbit, and pains directly over the right eye.
There may be a sense of fullness around the eyelids, similar to the feeling after crying, and the lids may feel heavy and induce sleepiness, often accompanied by profuse lachrymation.
Veratrum Viride is valuable for addressing dimness of vision, which may be likened to having scales over the eyes. Vision can be unsteady, double, and dim, and patients may experience a sense of faintness upon rising.
The remedy also helps with visual symptoms, such as perceiving green circles around gas lights and immense green circles around candles.
In cases of sudden blindness in the upper half of the visual field, where the patient cannot walk and attempts to do so result in faintness and complete blindness, Veratrum Viride is indicated. Patients may be obliged to maintain a horizontal position.
Photophobia and vertigo are common symptoms, and the vertigo tends to improve when the patient closes their eyes and rests their head, particularly in the morning.
Ear symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a wonderful remedy for ear pain, characterized by feelings of fullness and throbbing in the ears. When applied locally, it can provide relief from earaches.
Individuals with earaches may experience sleeplessness and restlessness. These symptoms can sometimes start in the left ear and then pass up to the vertex, leading to aching eyeballs and pain in the back of the head.
In cases of ear pain, patients may also exhibit chills down the back and experience electric twitches in the fingers of both hands, which can affect the tongue. This can be accompanied by elevated temperature and pulse rate.
Veratrum Viride is beneficial for addressing deafness that results from sudden movements, often accompanied by feelings of faintness and ringing or humming in the ears. Patients with this condition may also become sensitive to noise.
Mouth symptom
Veratrum Viride is an important remedy when there are notable changes in tongue appearance. These may include a white tongue as if bleached, with a white center, red edges, and tip.
Another distinctive tongue presentation is a strawberry-like appearance, with a red center, yellow edges, and a sensation of scalding. Additionally, a red streak down the center of the tongue may be observed, and the tongue tends to be inclined toward dryness.
This remedy is also effective in addressing an acrid burning sensation in the mouth, often accompanied by a faint odor resembling chloroform or ether.
Veratrum Viride is known to help control the excessive increase of saliva and mucus from the stomach and nose.
Patients may experience an altered taste in the mouth, which can be described as similar to lime water or having a bitterish and peculiar quality, akin to the odor of a blended substance.
In cases where there is a loss of speech, Veratrum Viride can be a beneficial treatment option.
Face symptom
Veratrum Viride is indicated in cases of angina pectoris, a condition marked by severe chest pain, especially when the patient’s face exhibits distinct changes. The face may appear very pale with a cadaverous look, or it may take on a blue or flushed appearance, resembling a Hippocratic or death-like visage.
This remedy is also beneficial for epilepsy, particularly during convulsive attacks when the patient experiences locked jaw, along with twitching of facial muscles.
Patients with Veratrum Viride may present with specific oral symptoms, including a mouth that is drawn down at one corner, dry lips, and thick mucus in the mouth.
Furthermore, this remedy can be effective in cases of phlegmonous erysipelas, a severe bacterial skin infection, particularly when it affects the face and head.
Throat symptom
Veratrum Viride is indicated in conditions that involve hiccough, along with sensations of dryness and heat in the throat. Patients may experience severe burning in the fauces (the back of the mouth and throat) and the esophagus, accompanied by a constant inclination to swallow.
In these cases, numbness of the fauces and spasms of the oesophagus are common. These spasms can be constant and violent, and they may occur with or without the regurgitation of bloody frothy mucus.
Hiccough is often a prominent symptom in such instances.
Furthermore, patients may report a sensation of a ball moving into the oesophagus, typically traveling as far as the top of the sternum.
Chest symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for various respiratory issues, including a cough that is commonly experienced in the evening. This cough is often characterized by a tickling sensation and occurs just above the sternum.
The cough itself may manifest as short, dry, hacking, or, in some cases, loose and rattling. It tends to worsen when transitioning from warm to cold environments.
In cases of asthma, Veratrum Viride can be beneficial when patients experience difficult respiration, often accompanied by nausea.
Respiration may be slow, especially in between vomiting spells, and it can become convulsive, almost leading to suffocation.
Individuals with Veratrum Viride may also exhibit oppressed breathing when attempting to walk. Additionally, they may have irregular bowel movements, experience sleeplessness, and complain of fullness and heaviness in the splenic region. A history of ague in early life may be relevant.
Moreover, this remedy is indicated when there is a desire to take long, deep inspirations and frequent sighing.
Heart symptom
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for addressing various symptoms related to chest congestion. This congestion may be associated with pricking pains in the region of the heart, along with a concurrent headache.
Patients may experience constant burning distress in the region of the heart. In addition, dull, hot, aching pain in the heart region, along with neuralgic pains in the heart, are common symptoms.
Palpitation and dyspnea (shortness of breath) are often prominent in cases where Veratrum Viride is indicated. Patients may experience violent palpitation of the heart, accompanied by a faint feeling.
Faintness and biliousness can also be observed, particularly when the patient rises from a lying position, makes sudden movements, or lies quietly.
Furthermore, Veratrum Viride can be indicated when pulse exhibit irregular, intermittent patterns, suddenly increase in rate, and gradually decrease below normal.
Stomach symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for a range of stomach disorders. In cases of gastralgia, characterized by severe stomach pain, patients may experience a ravenous appetite upon waking.
Thirst is also typically present, and the patient may drink very little, although this may offer some relief for a short time.
Hiccoughs are a common symptom addressed by Veratrum Viride. They can be constant, exceedingly painful, and violent.
Patients may also experience frequent eructation’s (belches) of acrid and sour wind, followed by a sensation of heat on the surface.
Nausea and dizziness often accompany these stomach issues and may be followed by a sensation of the stomach’s contents being thrown up with a rumbling action.
This can occur without nausea, and patients often describe it as feeling like the stomach is slowly contracting, forcing its contents into the oesophagus. This process produces a sensation akin to a ball rising to the top of the sternum.
In cases of vomiting, patients may experience retching and agonizing pain. Even the smallest quantity of food can trigger violent vomiting.
The vomit may be profuse and consist of thick, glairy mucus, food, or bile. Vomiting is often accompanied by symptoms of collapse and cold sweat.
Abdomen and Rectum symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for addressing various abdominal issues, including colic. Patients may experience a dull, heavy aching in the region of the gallbladder and the umbilical region.
In cases of neuralgic pain, there may be a focus of pain on the right side of the navel extending to the groin in the umbilical region. These symptoms are often accompanied by severe cutting and aching pains, along with rumbling sensations, dull aching, and overall distress.
For individuals with peritonitis, Veratrum Viride can be effective, especially when the pulse is hard and firm. These patients may experience pain and soreness across the abdomen just above the pelvis, and the pain may run into the scrotum.
In cases of anal and bowel issues, patients may report a crawling sensation in the anus. This is often associated with tenesmus (ineffective and painful straining) and diarrhoea, characterized by copious and offensive stool.
Burning of the anus and a pale face are common symptoms. Tenesmus and burning may occur before and up to the stool but not typically during or after. Symptoms tend to improve after passing stool.
Stools may be copious and light, especially in the mornings, and they may appear mushy with tenesmus and burning. In some cases, the stool may be bloody and sometimes black, which can be relevant in the context of typhoid fever.
Urinary symptoms
Veratrum Viride has got wonderful action on the urinary organs, there is smarting in the urethra on urinating.
The urine is scanty; very clear; turbid, with reddish sediment, and scum.
Male symptoms
Veratrum Viride is known for its effectiveness in addressing issues related to the male sexual organs. Men may experience pain in both testicles, and this pain can be aggravated in the morning.
At times, the pain may shoot up into the abdomen.
Female symptomsÂ
Veratrum Viride is indicated for various conditions related to the female reproductive system. It can be a valuable remedy in cases of pelvic inflammatory disorders, where there is congestion of the pelvic organs.
Symptoms may include tenderness of the uterus, sometimes accompanied by fever, heat, restlessness, palpitation, and local or general anaesthesia.
This remedy is also beneficial in addressing menstrual colic or dysmenorrhea. Individuals with dysmenorrhea may experience significant nausea and vomiting, as well as a plethora (excess) of cerebral congestion.
Additionally, Veratrum Viride can help with membranous dysmenorrhea, where patients describe a sensation of soreness in the uterine region.
In cases of amenorrhea, particularly when it results from exposure or chill and leads to the complete suppression of the menstrual discharge, Veratrum Viride can be effective.
Patients may complain of a heavy, pressive aching in the uterine region, along with intense pain in the head, characterized by heat and throbbing arteries.
Mental symptoms may include a wandering mind and sobbing, along with a tendency to hysteric spasms.
For puerperal convulsions, a condition that can occur after childbirth, especially with arterial excitement, Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy. Patients may exhibit cold, clammy sweat.
Furthermore, in cases of puerperal fever, where there is sudden suppression of milk and lochia (vaginal discharge after childbirth), Veratrum Viride can provide relief.
This condition is often accompanied by a quick, weak, hard, or bounding pulse, similar to what may be experienced after an abortion, as well as the retention of placenta.
Hand and Leg symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for addressing various symptoms related to the lower limbs. In cases of paralysis of the lower limbs, patients may experience a total loss of locomotion for several hours.
This condition can be accompanied by pain in either great trochanter when lying on it.
Moreover, Veratrum Viride is effective in relieving severe pain in the hip joints and condyles. Additionally, patients may experience cramps in the legs, along with a sensation of cramps in the gastrocnemii muscles, making it difficult to exert them.
Back symptoms
Veratrum Viride can be beneficial in the treatment of cervical spondylitis. Patients with this condition may experience aching in the neck and shoulder, making it almost impossible to hold the head up.
In addition, they may notice that the muscles of the back are contracted, leading to a drawing pain that extends to the head and the back of the head.
Fever symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for various fever symptoms. In the initial stage, patients may experience cold shivers, with cold and numbed sensations in the head and feet.
These sensations may creep up the arms and legs, making the individual feel as if they are enveloped in damp clothing.
Following the cold stage, a heat stage typically ensues, which can be accompanied by dizziness and nausea. This alternation between icy coldness and heat is common.
During the feverish stage, individuals may feel a sense of depression in both their mind and body. Weakness, along with pains in the shoulders and over the body, as if suffering from influenza, may be present.
Additionally, some patients may develop a prickling and irritating rash on the forehead, face, and chest.
Veratrum Viride is also indicated in cases of typhoid fever, where symptoms may include a “beef-steak tongue.” Patients may suffer from severe sickness, rendering them unable to retain any food.
There is often great prostration and a sinking sensation at the epigastrium (upper abdomen).
Skin symptoms
Veratrum Viride is a valuable remedy for addressing symptoms of gnawing and itching in various parts of the body.
It can be effective in treating conditions such as erythema (redness of the skin), erysipelas (a bacterial skin infection), and the congestive stage of exanthema (skin rash or eruption).
In some cases, Veratrum Viride may also be used topically to alleviate pain in individuals with erysipelas.
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor improves the condition of the disease.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By
The condition of Veratrum Viride gets aggravated when, in sun; exposure to sun rays, by motion, rising from bed, going from a hot to a cold place, sitting erect, being uncovered, and in winter.
Amelioration By
The conditions of the Veratrum Viride get better when keeping perfectly still, lying down, rubbing, and massaging.
Relationship with Other Medicine
Complementary Medicines
This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.
The remedies complementary to Veratrum Viride are, Aconite and Belladonna.
Similar Medicines
These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.
Remedies similar to Veratrum Viride are Digitalis and Sanguinaria.
It Antidotes
Veratrum Viride antidotes the ill effects of coffee and other stimulants.
Antidoted by
The bad effects of Veratrum Viride are antidoted by Camphor.
Veratrum Viride Uses, Dosage & Potencies
The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.
Veratrum Viride 30 Uses
Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition.
It is of great value in the treatment of heart disorders, and pneumonia.
This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.
Veratrum Viride 200 Uses
This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Veratrum Viride match.
Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.
Veratrum Viride 1M Uses
This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of the Veratrum Viride and that given by the patient match perfectly.
One should not repeat 1 M potencies. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.
Veratrum Viride Q (Mother Tincture) Uses
The mother tincture of Veratrum Viride is used by many homeopaths to relieve the symptoms associated with chronic respiratory failure.
It is mainly used to relieve symptoms of sunstroke, and fever and should only be given when all the symptoms of Veratrum Viride are matched with the patient’s symptoms.
Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs.
Veratrum Viride 3X/6X Uses
This lower potency of Veratrum Viride works well to treat the conditions like Apoplexy and headache and has a therapeutic effect on patients suffering from such conditions.
Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.
Clinical Indication of Veratrum Viride
- Amenorrhoea
- Apoplexy
- Asthma
- Bunions
- Caecum-inflammation
- Chilblains
- Chorea
- Congestion
- Convulsions
- Diplopia
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Erysipelas
- Headache-nervous and sick
- Heart-affections
- Hiccough
- Hyperpyrexia
- Influenza
- Malarial fever
- Measles
- Meningitis
- Menses- suppressed
- Myalgia
- Orchitis
- Pneumonia
- Proctalgia
- Puerperal convulsions
- Puerperal mania
- Congestion of Spleen
- Sunstroke
- Typhoid fever
- Uterus- congestion
Veratrum Viride Side Effects
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.
If any side effects of Veratrum Viride are seen mostly vomiting or skin rash, then it can be antidoted by Camphor.
Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics.
It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.