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Screaming in dreams – Causes & Best Homeopathic Medicines

Screaming in dreams, also known as dream-induced vocalization, refers to the act of producing vocal sounds, particularly screams, during the sleep state.

It is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals experience intense emotions or vivid events within their dreams, prompting a physical reaction in the form of vocalization.

During sleep, our brain enters different stages, including REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, associated with heightened brain activity and vivid dreaming.

While most of our muscles are paralyzed during REM sleep to prevent us from acting out our dreams, certain vocalizations can occasionally break through this muscle atonia.

It is important to note that screaming in dreams is generally considered a normal occurrence and not a cause for concern. However, if the frequency or intensity of dream-induced vocalizations becomes disruptive or distressing, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Table of Contents

What can cause screaming in dreams?

Screaming in dreams can be caused by various factors, both psychological and physiological. Let’s explore some common causes:

1. Emotional Disturbances:

Dreams are often influenced by our emotions, and intense emotions such as fear, anxiety, or anger can trigger screaming during sleep.

These strong emotional experiences in dreams can lead to an automatic physical response, resulting in vocalization.

2. Nightmares:

Nightmares are particularly vivid and distressing dreams that can evoke fear, terror, or a sense of danger.

When encountering threatening or frightening situations in a nightmare, it is common for individuals to scream as a natural reaction to the perceived threat.

3. Sleep Disorders:

Certain sleep disorders can contribute to dream-induced screaming. For instance, sleep-related disorders like sleep terrors or REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) can cause individuals to act out their dreams, including vocalizing loudly.

These disorders involve disruptions in the normal sleep processes and can result in vivid and intense dream experiences.

4. Medications and Substances:

Some medications, such as certain antidepressants or drugs that affect the central nervous system, can influence dream patterns and increase the likelihood of experiencing vivid dreams or nightmares.

Additionally, alcohol or recreational substances before sleep can also affect dream content and potentially lead to screaming episodes.

5. Trauma and Stress:

Individuals who have experienced trauma or are under significant stress may be more prone to experiencing nightmares and screaming in dreams.

Traumatic experiences or ongoing stress can impact the content of dreams, making them more distressing and causing vocalization during sleep.


Individuals who suffer from screaming in dreams, also known as “nocturnal vocalization,” may experience the following symptoms:

1. Involuntary vocalizations:

The person produces loud vocal sounds during sleep, such as screams, shouts, or other vocal expressions.

These vocalizations are typically sudden and intense and may occur multiple times throughout the night.

2. Increased physical activity:

Along with the vocalizations, individuals may display physical movements during sleep, such as thrashing, kicking, or flailing arms.

These movements can respond to the intense emotions associated with the dream.

3. Disturbed sleep patterns:

Screaming in dreams can disrupt the individual’s sleep continuity, leading to frequent awakenings or fragmented sleep.

This can result in daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating and memory.

4. Emotional distress:

Individuals who experience screaming in dreams may feel significant distress upon waking up.

The dreams that trigger the vocalizations often involve intense emotions like fear, terror, or anxiety, which can persist even after waking.

5. Increased autonomic activity:

During screaming episodes in dreams, the body’s autonomic nervous system can activate.

This can lead to physiological changes such as rapid breathing, increased heart rate, sweating, and elevated blood pressure.

Prevention and management

Prevention and management of screaming in dreams, or nocturnal vocalization, can involve various strategies to improve sleep quality and reduce the likelihood of disruptive dreams.

Here are some recommendations:

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule:

Establish a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

This helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes better sleep patterns.

2. Create a comfortable sleep environment:

Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature.

Use a supportive mattress and pillows that promote restful sleep.

3. Manage stress and anxiety:

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation before bed to reduce stress levels.

Engage in activities that promote calmness and relaxation throughout the day.

4. Avoid stimulating substances:

Limit or avoid the consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, particularly close to bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to vivid dreams.

5. Promote good sleep hygiene:

Establish a pre-sleep routine that includes activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music to signal your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

6. Address underlying sleep disorders:

If you suspect you may have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, consult with a healthcare professional.

Proper diagnosis and treatment of these conditions can improve overall sleep quality and potentially reduce disruptive dreams.

7. Seek psychological support:

If your dreams and screaming episodes are associated with underlying psychological issues, such as trauma or anxiety disorders, consider seeking to counsel to address and manage these concerns effectively.

8. Medication adjustment:

If you believe that certain medications you’re taking may be contributing to disruptive dreams, consult with your healthcare provider.

They may be able to adjust the dosage or switch medications to alleviate the symptoms.

Best homeopathic medicines for Screaming in Dreams

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats not only the symptoms of the disease but also the man who is suffering from the disease.

Homeopathy management includes a well-taken case with the individualistic totality of all mental and physical symptoms and selecting a specific remedy based on the former. This is the best treatment choice.

So, after a complete detailed history of present and past disease and considering the family history, a drug is prescribed, which will be based on the individualization of every patient.

In mild cases, improvement can be seen within weeks, whereas in severe cases will take a longer time.

Along with homeopathic medicine, patients must follow a healthy regimen for optimum results.

Now, let’s go through some of the homeopathic medicines that can help to relieve the symptoms of screaming in dreams.

Some of the best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of this condition are mentioned below: –

  1. Arsenicum album
  2. Kali Phosphoricum
  3. Calcarea carbonica
  4. Sepia
  5. Phosphorus
  6. Lycopodium
  7. Nitric acid
  8. Kali nitricum
  9. Hydrogen
  10. Cannabis indica
  11. Aloe socotrina
  12. Gelsemium
  13. Equisetum hyemale
  14. Graphites
  15. Cenchris contortix

1. Arsenicum album: Nightmares of being poisoned, fear of disease, germs, and viruses, leading to screaming.

Arsenicum album is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares specifically related to being poisoned, fear of disease, germs, and viruses. These nightmares can provoke episodes of screaming during sleep.

Arsenicum album is used to treat individuals who have a deep-seated fear of their health and safety, often accompanied by anxiety and restlessness.

They may have vivid dreams or nightmares involving themes of being contaminated, poisoned, or infected.

While the materia medica directly mentions screaming in dreams for the Arsenicum album, the indication of nightmares associated with fear of disease and poisoning suggests its potential relevance in addressing sleep disturbances.

By addressing the underlying fear and anxiety, the Arsenicum album can help improve sleep quality and reduce the intensity of dreams, potentially leading to decreased screaming episodes during sleep.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

2. Kali Phosphoricum: Marked moaning and sighing during sleep.

Kali Phosphoricum is indicated for individuals who exhibit marked moaning and sighing during sleep.

While this indication may not directly align with screaming in dreams, Kali Phosphoricum can be considered for individuals who experience disruptive sleep patterns and emotional distress.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who are mentally and physically exhausted, often due to stress or emotional strain.

They may feel overwhelmed and irritable and have difficulty coping with even minor challenges.

People in need of Kali Phosphoricum may experience restless sleep with frequent moaning and sighing sounds.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

3. Calcarea carbonica: Nightmares related to sexual abuse and feeling pursued by a knife.

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares associated with sexual abuse and the sensation of being pursued by a knife.

Calcarea carbonica can be considered for individuals who exhibit disturbed sleep patterns and emotional vulnerability.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who may have a history of trauma or abuse, particularly of a sexual nature, and who experience recurring nightmares related to these experiences.

They may feel a sense of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability, which can manifest in their dreams.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

4. Sepia: Nightmares of sexual abuse and feeling pursued by a knife, accompanied by screaming and a desire for others to leave.

Sepia is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares specifically related to sexual abuse and the feeling of being pursued by a knife.

These nightmares are often characterized by screaming, accompanied by a strong desire for others to leave the room.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have experienced or are still dealing with the trauma of sexual abuse and whose nightmares reflect these experiences.

They may feel a deep sense of fear, vulnerability, and helplessness, which can manifest in their dreams.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

5. Phosphorus: Nightmares with a tendency to startle, scream, and exhibit fear.

Phosphorus is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares with a tendency to startle, scream, and exhibit fear.

It is considered for individuals who exhibit disturbed sleep patterns and emotional distress.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli and may be easily startled.

They may experience vivid nightmares that trigger intense fear, leading to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

6. Lycopodium for screaming in dreams: Nightmares with a feeling of being pursued, leading to screaming and fear.

Lycopodium is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares with a specific sensation of being pursued, resulting in episodes of screaming and fear.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have a strong feeling of being pursued or chased in their dreams, leading to intense fear and episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

7. Nitric acid: Nightmares associated with fright, terror, and screaming.

Nitric acid is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares associated with fright, terror, and screaming.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid nightmares filled with frightful and terrifying scenarios, leading to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

8. Kali nitricum: Nightmares with violent and terrifying images, leading to screaming and fear.

Kali nitricum is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares with violent and terrifying images, which provoke episodes of screaming and fear.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have intense and vivid nightmares filled with frightening and violent scenes, leading to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency: –30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

9. Hydrogen: Nightmares with themes of death, dead bodies, and thoughts of mortality, leading to screaming.

Hydrogen is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares with themes of death, dead bodies, and thoughts of mortality, resulting in episodes of screaming during sleep.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid nightmares involving images of death, corpses, and morbid thoughts that provoke episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

10. Cannabis indica: Nightmares with intense fear, terror, and screaming.

Cannabis indica is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares characterized by intense fear, terror, and episodes of screaming.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid and terrifying nightmares, often accompanied by a sense of impending doom and extreme fear, which lead to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

11. Aloe socotrina: Nightmares with a sense of imminent danger and terror, leading to screaming and agitation.

Aloe socotrina is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares accompanied by a sense of imminent danger and terror, which provoke episodes of screaming and agitation.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid and intense nightmares that generate a feeling of impending doom, with an overwhelming sense of danger and terror.

These nightmares may trigger episodes of screaming and lead to heightened agitation during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

12. Gelsemium: Nightmares with a feeling of impending danger, paralysis, and intense fear, leading to screaming.

Gelsemium is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares accompanied by a strong sense of impending danger, paralysis, and intense fear, which provoke episodes of screaming during sleep.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid nightmares filled with a pervasive feeling of impending doom and extreme fear.

They may experience a sense of paralysis, unable to move or escape the perceived danger in their dreams. These nightmares can lead to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

13. Equisetum hyemale: Nightmares with a sensation of being chased or pursued, leading to screaming and fear.

Equisetum hyemale is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares accompanied by a distinct sensation of being chased or pursued, resulting in episodes of screaming and fear during sleep.

This remedy is used to treat individuals with vivid nightmares with a strong feeling of being pursued or chased, evoking intense fear and a sense of imminent danger. These nightmares can lead to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

14. Graphites: Nightmares with a sense of impending danger, anxiety, and screaming.

Graphites are indicated for individuals who experience nightmares accompanied by a sense of impending danger, anxiety, and episodes of screaming during sleep.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid nightmares filled with a pervasive feeling of imminent threat and anxiety.

They may experience a strong sense of danger or impending doom in their dreams, leading to episodes of screaming during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

15. Cenchris contortrix: Nightmares with a sense of danger, panic, and screaming.

Cenchris contortrix is indicated for individuals who experience nightmares characterized by a sense of danger, panic, and episodes of screaming during sleep.

This remedy is used to treat individuals who have vivid nightmares that evoke a feeling of imminent threat or danger, leading to episodes of screaming and panic during sleep.

Dosage and potency:-30c to 200c depending upon symptom similarity.

It’s important to keep in mind that selecting the appropriate homeopathic remedy requires the guidance of a licensed practitioner, as every person’s symptoms and health conditions are unique.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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