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Ruta Graveolens 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Ruta Graveolens is one of the remedies in homeopathy useful in treating injuries caused by mechanical devices and appliances. It is an indispensable remedy, proved and incorporated in Homeopathy by Joslin, belongs to the family Polygonaceae.

Ruta Graveolens is a shrub-like plant indigenous to Europe and widely cultivated in gardens commonly known as Rue.

The crude substance for preparation is the fresh herb collected before blooming, the juice of the plant causes irritation and inflammation of the skin when touched, this character is transformed into an excellent therapeutic property after undergoing the process of potentization.

Ruta Graveolens Personality/Constitution

Ruta Graveolens is suited to thin people, extremely sensitive to cold air and even open-air, are chilly persons.

There is no particular constitution attached to the patient as such, but usually, the patient suffers from scrofulous exostosis and warts, especially on the palms and hands.

Guiding symptoms of Ruta Graveolens

Ruta Graveolens is a highly effective remedy for various injuries, particularly when the affected parts feel sore, bruised, and lame. Patients often report a general bruised sensation throughout the body, resembling the aftermath of a blow, fall, or any mechanical injury, especially concerning the bones and periosteum.

This remedy is particularly useful for scrofulous exostosis following an injury, resulting in irregular growth of the periosteum and bones, accompanied by a sore, lame, and bruised sensation in the affected area. It is also among the top remedies for treating sprains, dislocations, and fractures of bones.

Patients may experience lameness and soreness in the wrist and ankle after a sprain, with all body parts that come into contact with the bed feeling lame and bruised. The patient often appears physically restless, tossing and turning in bed to find relief; however, backache may be alleviated by lying flat on the back.

Ruta Graveolens is also indicated for cases of ecchymosis around the eyes due to blowing or after straining the eyes during fine work, which can lead to blurred vision and aching in the eyes.

Furthermore, this remedy is frequently indicated for prolapse of the rectum that occurs immediately upon attempting to evacuate the bowels. It is also effective for a constant feeling of fullness in the urinary bladder, even after urination has been completed.

Additionally, Ruta Graveolens is useful in treating flat warts on the palms of the hands, especially when accompanied by sore, lame, and bruised sensations. This remedy is particularly beneficial for complaints resulting from mechanical injuries, bruises, sprains, and eye strain, with symptoms often worsening from cold and wet conditions but relieved by motion.

Ruta Graveolens Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

Ruta Graveolens patient usually suffers from apprehensive anxiety, they feel low-spirited and sluggish in mental thinking.

It is indicated to treat depression when the patient gets the feeling of being dejected and is melancholic, sad in the afternoon and evening.

Head symptoms 

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for headaches, particularly when accompanied by a sensation of great heat in the head and anxious restlessness.

It is indicated for headaches that arise after excessive indulgence in alcoholic beverages, where the patient experiences throbbing or tearing pain in the forehead, resembling the sensation of a nail being driven into the head.

This remedy is among the top choices for treating tensive, drawing pain in the head, especially in the periosteum, that occurs after a fall or blow. Patients may report tensive pain on the scalp, as well as discomfort in the head upon touch, often describing a benumbed or bruised feeling on the affected side.

Headaches associated with Ruta Graveolens are typically exacerbated by rest, lying on the painful parts, and exposure to cold, wet weather. Relief is often found through motion.

Eyes symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for eye pain, particularly when caused by spasms of the lower eyelids and drawing pain that shifts back and forth. Patients may experience tearing and watering of the eyes while in the open air, but not when indoors.

This remedy is indicated when there is a sensation of heat in the eyes, especially during the evening while reading under artificial light. Patients may also present with spots on the cornea, obscured vision that resembles gauze or fog due to excessive reading, and the perception of a green halo surrounding lights in the evening.

Additionally, Ruta Graveolens is useful for addressing short-sightedness and the accompanying eye pain that feels as though the eyes are strained.

Ears symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is a notable remedy for otitis media, characterized by crushing pain in the cartilage of the ears. Patients may experience pain that feels as though it is a thrust or fall, particularly located below the mastoid process of the skull.

This remedy is effective for alleviating the discomfort associated with this condition, providing relief from the intense pain and pressure in the affected areas.

Nose symptoms 

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for epistaxis (nosebleed), particularly when accompanied by a sensation of pressure at the root of the nose.

This remedy can help alleviate the discomfort associated with nosebleeds, providing relief from both the bleeding and the underlying pressure sensation.

Mouth symptoms 

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for dental disorders, particularly when patients experience burning sensations in the lower teeth and gums that bleed easily during brushing.

The mouth may feel dry with a sticky sensation inside, and patients might also report a feeling of a lump in the throat during empty swallowing.

Additionally, Ruta Graveolens is useful in cases of spasms of the tongue that result in difficult speech. This remedy addresses both the discomfort associated with dental issues and the related symptoms affecting the throat and tongue.

Face symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is useful for treating facial pains, particularly in cases where there is significant swelling and erysipelas on the forehead.

Patients often experience facial aches characterized by a sensation akin to a thrust or contusion in the periosteum of the zygoma. This remedy can help alleviate the discomfort associated with these symptoms and promote healing in affected areas.

Throat symptom

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for cough associated with a sore throat. The cough is typically forcible, accompanied by the expectoration of tenacious mucus, and may be accompanied by a tendency to vomit.

At times, the cough may produce copious, purulent expectoration, characterized by thick, yellow mucus with minimal coughing and a sense of weakness in the chest.

Additionally, this remedy is indicated when there is pain in the larynx resulting from a blow or contusion, addressing both the cough and the underlying throat discomfort.

Chest symptom

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for treating wheezing in the chest, especially in cases associated with stitches and ulcerative phthisis following injuries. Patients may experience anxious palpitation in the chest, accompanied by erosive and gnawing sensations.

Additionally, there may be a painful spot on the sternum that feels sore to the touch. Breathing can be short and anxious, often accompanied by a feeling of obstruction and the presence of stitches in the chest. This remedy addresses both the wheezing and the discomfort associated with these symptoms, promoting relief and comfort.

Heart symptoms

Ruta Graveolens patient feels as if there are stitches in heart, with palpitations from anxiety.

Stomach symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for various gastric disorders. Patients may experience a tasteless sensation on the tongue, regardless of the food consumed. There is often a gnawing sensation of emptiness in the stomach, resembling hunger.

Patients may feel weak due to vomiting and experience pinching pain after eating bread. Additionally, stomachaches may arise from consuming uncooked or indigestible foods. Ruta Graveolens is also indicated for pressive, gnawing pain in the hepatic region and painful swelling of the spleen.

This remedy is particularly useful for addressing loss of appetite, where the desire for food vanishes at the start of a meal, accompanied by a strong aversion to all types of food. Patients may also experience an unquenchable thirst for cold water in the afternoon.

Furthermore, Ruta Graveolens is effective for treating foul eructations after eating meat and for nausea in the pit of the stomach, with sudden nausea and vomiting of food during meals. It is especially indicated for vomiting of worms in children.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is useful for abdominal colic on eating and there is gnawing in the navicular region, there is bruised pain in the sides of the abdomen when sitting and after walking. It is a wonderful remedy for the bellyache of children, caused by worms’ infestation.

It is indicated in diarrhea where the stools are soft, difficult, from inactivity of the rectum, the stools are frothy. The patient suffers from mucous diarrhea alternating with constipation.

It is used by many homeopaths for prolapse of the rectum with frequent and ineffectual urging for stools, with small, soft discharges with prolapsus of the rectum. There is tearing and stitching with prolapses of the rectum, with every stool either hard or soft.

Urinary symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is indicated for urinary incontinence, particularly when there is frequent urging to urinate accompanied by a scanty, greenish discharge from the urethra. It is also an effective remedy for bladder cystitis, characterized by violent pressure on the bladder, creating a sensation of constant fullness.

Patients may experience persistent urging to urinate even after passing urine, with episodes of involuntary discharge occurring both at night while in bed and during the day while moving about.

Additionally, Ruta Graveolens is useful for addressing bruised sensations and stitches in the kidney region, often associated with kidney stones. This remedy provides comprehensive support for various urinary complaints, promoting relief and comfort.

Male symptoms

The male patients of Ruta Graveolens mostly suffer from impotence, a sore bruised feeling, due to a fall or injury, or accident. The patient suffers from erectile dysfunction from the weakness of the muscles of the penis.

Female symptoms 

Ruta Graveolens has got action on female genitals and is useful in the treatment of female disorders like very irregular menses, the menses are too early and too profuse.

It is indicated that when the menstrual blood is scanty, the discharge of blood is lasting only for two days and is preceded and followed by milk-like leucorrhea, there is corroding leucorrhea after stoppage of menses.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is an effective remedy for pain in cylindrical bones, especially when patients experience sensations as though the bones are broken. It is beneficial in treating contusions, injuries to bones, and inflammation of the periosteum.

This remedy is indicated when there is pain resulting from a blow to the elbow joint and fingers, characterized by bruised and tearing pains in the radius and bones of the hand upon pressure. Many homeopaths use Ruta Graveolens for wrist sprains, where patients may experience lameness and stiffness in the wrist post-injury.

The pain is often most intense in cold, wet weather, presenting as if the wrist were sprained, with additional pain or stitches when lifting weights.

Patients may also report numbness and crawling sensations in the hands after exertion, along with distorted fingers and distended blood vessels in the hands.

Ruta Graveolens is particularly important for treating sciatica, where patients feel pain in the hip as if the bones were beaten or struck, especially during movement. There may be bruised pain in the thighs, akin to a blow to the mid-femur bone, along with restlessness and heaviness in the legs, as well as weariness and weakness after walking.

This remedy is also indicated for a sense of shortening and weakness in the hamstrings, particularly when descending, as well as lameness of the ankles following sprains. It is useful for fistulous ulcers in the bones of the lower leg, with burning sensations in the bones of the feet upon stepping.

Ruta Graveolens is invaluable for alleviating bruised pains, whether resulting from a blow, fall, or contusion in limbs and joints, creating a bruised sensation in areas where patients lie.

Additionally, it addresses painful weariness, often described as a bruised feeling even after moderate exertion, and is particularly effective for treating paralysis following sprains, especially in the wrists and ankles.

Back symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is indicated to treat common backache, there is constant bruised pain in the back, mostly in the lumbar region.

There is a pain in the lumbar region and coccyx after a blow or having been struck by a hard object, there are stitches in the lumbar region when sitting, but when pressed upon or when lying on the back there is no pain.

Skin symptoms

Ruta Graveolens is useful for treating dryness of the skin, particularly when there is a sensation of the skin surface being eaten away, similar to that experienced with ulcers, accompanied by intense itching. The skin may become easily excoriated due to activities such as walking or riding, which is especially common in children.

This remedy is highly regarded for its effectiveness in managing inflamed ulcers.

Additionally, Ruta Graveolens is beneficial for conditions such as anasarca and flat warts on the palms of the hands, providing comprehensive support for various skin concerns.

Fever symptoms

Ruta Graveolens serves as an effective remedy during fever, characterized by an accelerated pulse that occurs primarily during heat episodes, often accompanied by intense thirst, facial flushing, and dullness in the head. Patients may exhibit symptoms of yawning and stretching, indicating restlessness.

During fever, patients typically experience heat throughout the body, especially in the afternoon, without accompanying thirst. They may feel anxious and restless, with obstructed breathing.

The remedy is indicated for cases of both external and internal heat affecting the face, resulting in red cheeks while the hands and feet remain cold. Sudden flushes of heat can occur, causing discomfort.

In the chill phase, patients may feel external coldness and experience internal shuddering or shaking, even when positioned near a warm stove. Ruta Graveolens is indicated when coldness travels over one side of the head, particularly in the back, with sensations of coldness moving upward and downward along the spine.

During the sweating stage, the patient often sweats while experiencing coldness in the face, typically occurring early in the morning while in bed. Sweating may also be noted after walking in the open air. This remedy addresses the various phases of fever and their associated symptoms effectively.

Ruta Graveolens Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The condition of Ruta Graveolens is worse, from touch, rest, stooping, sitting, ascending, at night, cold weather.

The eyes complaints are worse on reading and female complaints are worse during menses.

Amelioration By

The conditions of Ruta Graveolens are better, lying on the back, rubbing, motion, scratching.

Ruta Graveolens Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedies complementary to Ruta Graveolens are Arnica, and Symphytum.

Similar Medicines

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Remedies similar to Ruta Graveolens are Arnica and Symphytum.


These are the remedies that are suitable to be used together.

Ruta Graveolens is compatible with Rhustox, Arg. Nit.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Ruta Graveolens are antidoted by Camphora

Ruta Graveolens Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Ruta Graveolens 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Ruta Graveolens 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Ruta Graveolens match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

Ruta Graveolens 1M Uses

This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Ruta Graveolens

and that given by the patient matches perfectly. 

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Ruta Graveolens Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Ruta Graveolens is used by many homeopaths to treat sprains and backaches.

Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs. 

Ruta Graveolens 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Ruta Graveolens works well to treat the conditions like sprains and injuries.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.

Clinical Indication of Ruta Graveolens

  • Amblyopia
  • Anus, prolapse
  • Bone pains
  • Bruises
  • Bursitis
  • Chest pains
  • Constipation
  • Dislocations
  • Dyspepsia
  • Enuresis
  • Epistaxis
  • Exostosis
  • Facial paralysis
  • Fractures
  • Ganglion
  • Perichondritis
  • Rectum prolapse
  • Rheumatism
  • Sciatica
  • Sprain
  • Varicocele
  • Warts

Side Effects of Ruta Graveolens

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Ruta Graveolens, commonly irritation and inflammation of the skin are seen then it can be antidoted by Camphora.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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3 thoughts on “Ruta Graveolens 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Can I give this to my 4 year child Ruta gravcolen 200 as directed by my homeopathy Dr 10 drops empty stomach in 7 days ones …is it not harm her physically…it is prescribed for her extimly weak vison..pls reply soon

  2. Pingback: What is Ruta used for in homeopathy?

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