Ranunculus Bulbosus 30, 200, Q- Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Ranunculus Bulbosus 30, 200, Q- Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Ranunculus bulbosus also called bulbous buttercup and scientifically known as St. Anthony’s turnip, is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the buttercup family that is Ranunculaceae.

This remedy is a vegetable or plant kingdom remedy and is a perennial flowering plant. This plant grows mostly in Western Europe and the Northern Mediterranean coast. It is also native to North America.

The ranunculus plant produces bright yellow flowers that bloom from April to July. These plants do not grow as crops but are often regarded as weeds.

This medicine has a long history of use in traditional medicine, primarily for its analgesic or pain-relieving properties. Its action came into homeopathic use after the proving done by Dr. Franz.

The medicine is prepared from the whole plant. Medicine is extracted from the whole plant and then undergoes potentization. This medicine has a very effective role in maintaining skin complaints.

Ranunculus Bulbosus Constitution/Personality 

Ranunculus bulbosus is the most effective medicine for the bad effects of alcohol and in case of delirium tremens.

It is suited to patients who are suffered from delirium tremens also known as alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, confusion, and hallucinations.

There are some major indications for the selection of this medicine, not constitution-wise but on a physical plane. The main indication is that the patient has epileptic effects, confusion, and hallucination due to prolonged use of alcoholic stimulants.

Guiding Symptoms of Ranunculus Bulbosus 

The sphere of action of ranunculus bulbosus is chiefly on the mind, respiratory, skin, and extremities. Its medicinal properties are primarily used for relieving respiratory and rheumatic symptoms.

The main indication of this remedy is patient is sensitive to cold air. The aggravation during inspiration is the grand keynote of this remedy.

Another important keynote of this remedy is sensitivity to touch. There is bruised sensation and soreness of the affected parts in which this remedy is effective to give relief from the symptoms.

Colocynth has also been used to relieve respiratory ailments. In the case of pleurisy, intercoastal neuralgia, and spinal neuralgia the pain is sharp, shooting, and comes in paroxysm.

The pain is induced by atmospheric changes which is the main indication of this medicine. The chest is mainly the seat of these pains.

Ranunculus bulbosus is often indicated medicine for alcoholic patients who suffers from delirium tremens due to the aftereffect of withdrawal from alcoholic stimulants. These patients face hallucinations, confusion, and sometimes epileptic attacks.

It is valuable for treating muscular pain on the margins of the shoulder blade in women of sedentary life, often burning in small spots, from needlework, typewriting, or piano playing.

Ranunculus bulbosus is commonly used in cases where the pain is aggravated by touch, pressure, motion, and lying on the affected side. Change in temperature and atmosphere is not tolerated by the patients of ranunculus and thus this symptom helps in the selection of this remedy.

Ranunculus Bulbosus Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

Ranunculus bulbosus can be prescribed to the patient when there is a fear of being alone is well-marked. The patient doesn’t want to be alone because he is afraid that he may be haunted by ghosts.

The patients of the ranunculus are vexed and inclined to be angry. He quarrels and scolds when the slightest cause is offered. The patient is extremely ill-humored, nothing can able to cheer him up.

There is the unusual weakness of memory and vanishing of thoughts. He stares at one point for a long time. If these symptoms are seen in the patient, then ranunculus will be the remedy to treat such a condition.

This medicine can be prescribed in case of delirium tremens or symptoms after alcohol withdrawal. The patient’s behavior is strange, he hallucinates, is confused, and sometimes gets epileptic attacks.

Head symptoms 

Ranunculus bulbosus is an effective remedy for treating vertigo, migraine, and morning sickness. There is heaviness of the head, and congestion of the blood to the head, especially in the vertex, when walking in the open air.

This medicine can be prescribed when a patient experiences sudden aching pain in both the temples and on the nape when he enters a room or comes out in the open air.

There is a headache over the right eye which gets worse by lying down and relieved by walking and standing, with heat on the face and cold hands. If these symptoms are seen in any patient, then one should go for a ranunculus.

This medicine is also effective in treating scalp-related complaints when a patient feels crawling and creeping in the hairy scalp, accompanied by a sensation as if blood rushed into the brain and the scalp feels hot.

Clinically this medicine is indicated in herpes fontinalis with violent pain and neuralgic headache in the forehead and vertex that gets aggravated by changes in temperature.

Eyes symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus effectively works on treating eye complaints such as sore smarting in the eyes, flickering, and redness of the eye due to infection.

This medicine can be indicated when the patient feels pressure in the eyes as if the hair had got in, going off by rubbing. There is smarting in the eyes from smoke and are very painful

There is aching in the eyeballs when moving them. The patient complains about violent pressing pain in the eyeballs, at times at one, at times at another that lasts for several days.

Clinically it is indicated in herpes of the forehead, involving eyeballs, with intense ciliary pain and inflammation of the iris.

Ears symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus is effectively indicated in treating ear complaints such as cramping in the ear, tinnitus, pus formation in the ear, and sticking pain in the region of the tympanum.

The patient complains about pain in the ear when there is a change in atmosphere or after taking a cold. The ear pain extends toward the temples and makes the patient uncomfortable.

Nose symptoms

Ranunculus has marked affection in treating nose complaints such as coryza, flue, nose blockage, etc. There is scurf formation inside the nose, especially on the right side and it becomes dry all the time.

There is also a very painful soreness inside the nose, the tip becomes red and inflamed. The patient is inclined to rub their nose frequently to get relief.

There is a crawling sensation in the nose along with soreness by which the patient is forced to blow the nose frequently, but there is some blood that comes along with the discharge and the crawling sensation gets disappeared.

Mouth symptoms 

Ranunculus bulbosus is a marvelous remedy for treating oral complaints. It is highly indicated in treating dental problems such as toothache, especially in the morning, and relieves teeth sensitivity and bad odor from the mouth.

This medicine can be prescribed when a patient has a white-coated tongue and a sweetish or coppery taste in the mouth after eating dry food.

There is frequent accumulation of water in the mouth hence this medicine is also indicated in complaints of profuse salivation with a coppery taste in the mouth.

Face symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus can be prescribed in case of facial neuralgia. There is twitching of a facial muscle or a spasmodic paralytic sensation felt by the patient after lying down.

This medicine is also very effective in treating pustular acne in young girls due to cosmetic uses. The cheeks become red and inflamed in sunlight.

Throat symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus works very effectively in relieving the symptoms of burning pain, roughness, and rawness of the throat which gets aggravated on inspiration or by tobacco smoking,

There is the sensation of foreign bodies in the throat due to which the patient is inclined to hawk continuously. Mucus comes after hawking which gives relief to the patient.

This medicine is also indicated when the patient complains about there being a spasmodic feeling in the pharynx and oesophagus.

Chest symptom

Ranunculus is well known for its marked action in treating respiratory complaints. It has cured many cases related to the chest like sticking sensation, dyspnoea, painful breathing, and burning sensation in the chest.

There is soreness under the ribs that cause oppression. The outer chest becomes so painful to touch that even buttoning a coat will be difficult for the patient. The pain in the chest becomes more when walking in the open air.

Clinically this medicine is indicated in treating pneumonia with pleurisy, with the characteristics of pain in the chest, from subcutaneous ulceration.

Also, there is muscular rheumatism, always with great soreness to touch, especially about the chest from sudden exposure to cold.

Heart symptoms

Many complaints related to the cardiovascular system has cured by this remedy ranunculus. It is highly effective in treating all kinds of pain around the heart region.

There are stitches, sharp pain, and myalgic or rheumatic in the walls of the chest, coming in paroxysm which gets excited by atmospheric changes.

On investigation, if it is found that the pulse of the patient is rapid, full, and strong around the evening than ranunculus can be indicated.

Stomach symptoms

Ranunculus can be indicated in relieving gastrointestinal complaints especially when there is eructation before dinner with great hunger. Hunger is marked in the patients of ranunculus till he eats less than usual.

Patients complain about continuous hiccoughs after every meal, especially in the evening when this medicine serves best to cure this symptom.

There are headaches and nausea well marked along with soreness of the stomach, which gets better by eating. Soreness becomes aggravated by smoking tobacco or on deep inspiration.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Ranunculus is a highly indicated medicine in treating abdominal fullness with heaviness or distended abdomen. The patient cannot bear touch or any kind of tight clothes around it.

This medicine is also useful in treating violent colic around the umbilicus. When a patient complains about violent colic, drawing and pinching below and around the umbilicus, in the evening while going to bed and moving about then ranunculus is the remedy to be prescribed.

When pressing the abdomen against the sharp edge of the table, the intestines feel painful, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, with some burning sore feeling around the umbilicus.

It is indicated in relieving constipation when the patient has hard stool after several urging. Stools are very hard and painless, although larger than the anus.

Urinary symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus can be indicated in treating urinary complaints such as in the case of urinary tract infection when there is a burning sensation in the urethra along with increased frequency to urinate.

It is also indicated in the case of nocturnal enuresis (involuntary urination during sleep) in adults due to incontinence or overactive bladder.

Many homeopaths have used this medicine to cure the inconsistency of bladder or weak bladder, frequent micturition due to infection in the urinary tract, and painful micturition, especially in women.

Male symptoms

Ranunculus can also be indicated in treating and curing male sexual complaints such as frequent erection, nocturnal emission, erectile dysfunction, and impotency.

This medicine can be prescribed when the patient complains about a slight erection without any desire, without aversion and sometimes there is tearing pain in the glans.

Female symptoms 

This medicine is suited to those women who live a sedentary life, have very delicate personality and there is suppression of menses due to anger.

Ranunculus can be prescribed in case of suppressed, scanty, or irregular menses due to atmospheric changes or from sudden exposure to cold.

This medicine can be indicated to treat acrid and corrosive leucorrhea due to which the thighs and genitals become sore.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus has been used very wonderfully in cases of rheumatic pains in joints and muscles of the extremities. There is muscular pain in the margins of shoulder blades, often burning in small spots.

Shoulder pain is usually seen in women who live a sedentary life and is usually associated because of needlework, typewriting, and piano playing.

There is a visible contraction of the skin and muscle of the upper extremities. The patient feels sudden tearing pain in the right forearm while writing. Also, there is frequent tingling in the single part of the finger.

This medicine is highly indicated to treat the pain of big joints in our body such as the shoulder, knees, hip, and elbow joint. There is tearing pain in the inner side of both knees while walking.

Ranunculus bulbosus can be given to the patient when there is a great weakness and tired feeling all day along with trembling of the limbs. The whole body feels bruised, especially in the hypochondriac region.

This medicine works marvelously when the patient complains about soreness, stinging, and violent stitching pain in the toe when walking or entering the room after coming in the open air.

Neck and Back symptoms

Ranunculus is indicated in neck and back complaints when there is aching pain in the nape, a slight blow upon the nape causes a pain in the forehead and in the parietal bone.

This remedy is indicated to treat the rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck which could be felt in the shoulder, due to which the patient is unable to lift or raise anything.

Skin symptoms

Ranunculus bulbosus is the most valuable remedy which is clinically indicated in treating herpes zoster, the vesicles are filled with bluish-black serum or have a bluish appearance.

It has also been used in treating painful corn on the sole which is sensitive to touch, smart, and burn. It is also indicated in treating vesicular eruption with burning and itching.

Fever symptoms

Ranunculus is an effective remedy in reducing fever when all the stages of fever are dominant. There is chilliness of the whole body with violent shivering, cold hand, and chattering of teeth.

There is marked heat on the face in the chill stage of fever but the whole-body shivers with cold extremities in the evening. The patient feels the chilliness, especially in the open air, and even when well-covered.

Ranunculus is indicated when the fever is always accompanied by pain in the abdomen or any other distress symptom. The fever consists only of the chill stage and there is scanty perspiration during the sweat stage.

Modalities of Ranunculus Bulbosus

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The complaints of ranunculus bulbosus are worse by atmospheric changes especially in wet, during storm, by motion, anger or vexation, on deep inspiration and alcoholic stimulants.

Amelioration By

Almost all the conditions of ranunculus bulbosus get better by lying down, by gentle pressure on affected areas, by warmth, and by eating.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedy complementary to ranunculus is aconite, clematis, and mezereum.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of ranunculus are antidoted by the medicines like Rhus tox, pulsatilla, camphor, and Bryonia.

Incompatible with

The medicines which are incompatible with ranunculus are sulphur and Staphysagria.

Ranunculus bulbosus Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Ranunculus bulbosus 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with Ranunculus and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Ranunculus bulbosus 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when most mental symptoms and physical symptoms of ranunculus bulbosus are matched with the disease individuals.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.

Ranunculus bulbosus 1M Uses

This is a very high potency of ranunculus bulbosus medicine. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of ranunculus and that given by the patient match perfectly. 

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear or until any new symptoms appear.

Ranunculus bulbosus Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of ranunculus is used to treat the condition like herpes zoster, vesicular eruption on skin that burns and itch immensely, painful corns that are sensitive to touch, and in case of sciatica.

It is also very effective in treating intercostal neuralgia and muscular pain. There is rheumatic pain in the shoulder which extends to the arm which is relieved by this medicine.

Take 10 drops of ranunculus bulbosus tincture in half a cup of water thrice a day for 15 days and repeat only if new symptoms appear.

Ranunculus bulbosus 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of ranunculus works well in conditions like rheumatic pain, indigestion, constipation, acrid leucorrhea in females, and nocturnal emission in males.

It is also effective in treating skin complaints such as vesicular eruption, burning sensation on the skin, corns, and acne on the face.

Take 10 drops of dilution directly on the tongue one time a day till the symptoms disappear.

Clinical Indication of Ranunculus bulbosus

  • Alcoholism
  • Acne
  • Abdominal colic
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dropsy
  • Hiccough
  • Facial neuralgia
  • Cold and cough
  • Tinnitus
  • Chilblains
  • Delirium tremens
  • Eczema
  • Epilepsy
  • Gastralgia
  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Neuralgia
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Herpes zoster
  • Writer’s cramp

Ranunculus Bulbosus Side Effects

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of such as nausea, vomiting, eruptions on the skin, stomach-ache, loose motion etc of Ranunculus are seen then it can be antidoted by Camphor medicine.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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