This blog explains psoriasis treatment in homeopathy, its causes, symptoms, risk factors , management & best medicines.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that forms scales and dry patches on the skin. This article explains homeopathy for psoriasis, its causes, symptoms, types, risk factors, psoriasis management & best medicines.
Psoriasis also causes itching on the whole body parts.
It is a skin disease that causes red, scaly itchy patches, especially on the knees, joints, elbow, scalp, and trunk.
It is generally caused by infection, cold, and stress.
Psoriasis is slightly similar to ringworm infection as both conditions cause red, scaly, itchy patches on the skin.
Ringworm is a temporary rash caused by fungus or infection, but psoriasis is an autoimmune disease this lasts for a lifetime.
Bad effects of alcohol, junk food, citrus food, red meat are the main cause of psoriasis.
Psoriasis may run through families because it is an autoimmune disease.
This disease is charged by an abnormal growth on the part of the skin and according to the severity of the patient he/she is suffering.
In cases of twins’ babies, if one twin has psoriasis, then the other twin will be having three times more chances of having psoriasis.
While affecting with stress, environmental factors, bacteria, virus, fungi, and then it suddenly reacts with hyperactivity of the T cell causing infiltration of the epidermis and further deregulation inflammatory process.
Table of Contents
TogglePsoriasis Types
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of the skin surface.
It affects the person especially when the patches are very itchy.
There are the following five types of psoriasis, mentioned below.
1. Plaque Psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis.
It causes red patches, which are covered by white dead skin cells known as Scales.
These are present on the knees, elbow, scalp, and lower back.
Plague psoriasis maybe sometimes itchy.
This is mainly caused by infection-causing bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus.
Plaque psoriasis is a very small red patch but it affects a large part of the body.
Intake of vitamin A is very beneficial.
2. Guttate Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and this guttate psoriasis occurs on the skin making it red and scaly.
Guttate psoriasis is like a teardrop in shape which generally appears on the trunk.
It is caused by bacterial infection mainly strep throat.
It is further divided into three stages:-
The mild stage covers only three percent of the body which is covered by red patchy scales.
b. Moderate
The moderate stages cover three to ten percent of the body with red patchy and dry scales.
c. Severe
The severe stage comprises ten percent or more than this which makes the skin itchy also.
Dandruff shampoo and moisturizer can be used in hair and the body.
3. Inverse Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the skin.
This inverse psoriasis is also known as hidden psoriasis.
This is mainly present on the skin folds of the body such as arms, women’s breasts, groin region, the inner area of the thigh, etc.
This is caused by stress, infection, and also by genetic factors.
The main cause of this inverse psoriasis is skin-to-skin friction.
Inverse psoriasis is a painful type of psoriasis.
Use body lotion, oatmeal baths, etc.
Avoid alcohol, smoking, and stress.
4. Pustular Psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin disease that is seen with yellowish pustules on the skin.
This is caused by an overgrowth of the skin cell and so the skin changes in the body.
It involves inflammation of the skin with yellow and white pus-filled pustules.
They look like small bumps on the surface of the dermis.
Intake of anti-inflammatory medicines can cure pustular psoriasis.
5. Erythrodermic Psoriasis
Erythrodermic psoriasis is an uncommon and inflammatory form of psoriasis.
This is the most severe form of psoriasis. It causes rash, itch, burning on the skin.
This condition develops due to the over-activation of the immune system.
In this condition, T cells attack the healthy cell of the skin resulting in overgrowth of the skin cell.
Intense itching and severe pain are normally present in the patient.
It can be cured by steroids and moisturizers, especially for dry skin person.
IV fluid to avoid dehydration.
6. Psoriasis-Arthritis
Psoriasis arthritis is psoriasis that causes inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints.
In some cases, joint symptoms are the first sign of having psoriasis in a person.
Arthritis psoriasis causes stiffness of bones and also joint damage of the person.
Psoriasis arthritis is further classified into five types:-
a. Distal Interphalangeal Type
This is the most common type among all.
This type mainly affects the side of the finger and toes.
There are frequent changes in the shape and size of the nails.
b. Asymmetric Oligoarticular
This involves all joints on both sides of the body.
It involves the knees and hips.
There is stiffness and difficulty in moving.
c. Symmetric Psoriasis-Arthritis
This is a common type of arthritis and affects half of the body.
It involves knees, hands, and feet.
d. Distal Psoriasis-Arthritis
First of all distal means from the center of the body.
It involves fingers and toes.
There is pitting, pain, swelling, discolored spots.
e. Arthritis Mutilans
Arthritis mutilans is the most severe and rare form of psoriasis.
It also affects the neck and back.
It includes small joints and tissue.

Psoriasis Causes
There are the following causes of psoriasis below:-
1. Immune System
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease of the skin.
It involves the attacking of the body itself.
In this case, White blood cells as known as T cells of the body attack the skin cell of the body by mistake.
2. Genetic Factor
Psoriasis is also a genetic disorder that goes from families.
In this case, approximately 2 3 percent of cases are seen genetically affected by psoriasis.
3. Psoriasis is also caused by infection caused by bacteria and viruses such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc. through the throat and skin.
4. Person who has an injury of cut, cracks, scrapes, etc.
5. Emotional or any kind of stress is also the cause of the disease.
6. Smoking and Heavy alcohol consumption.
7. Person who is not susceptible to weather especially cold and dry conditions.

Psoriasis Symptoms
Many signs and symptoms may vary from person to person.
Some of them are mentioned below:-
1. Person suffers from red patches with thick white scales on the skin.
2. Red small scales are mainly seen in children.
3. Skin is dry, cracked skin that may bleed or itch.
4. Sign of inflammation is also present such as itching, burning, swelling, redness etc.
5. There is intense stiffness in the affected part of the body.
6. Thickened and pitted nails is also seen.
7. There is soreness around the patches.
8. White scales on red patches and grey scales on brown patches are mostly seen.
Risk Factors for Psoriasis
About one-third of the population suffers from psoriasis.
The main risk factors are as follows:-
It is very difficult to deal with psoriasis. If one parent is suffering from psoriasis then the risk of developing it in a child is more, and if both the parents are suffering from psoriasis it is even more dangerous.
Having stress, anxiety to a person either mental, social or emotional causes the risk of developing psoriasis.
A person who is a chain smoker may have psoriasis because of strep throat.
The patient who has obesity, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, etc. may suffer from psoriasis.
Psoriasis Diagnosis
There are two ways to diagnose psoriasis:-
The physician will normally examine you by looking at your body parts such as hands, legs, scalp, ears, knees, nails, elbow, etc.
If there is any sign or symptoms present they will be noticed and family history will also be taken.
High profile doctors especially those who are experts in surgery are supposed to have skin biopsy by just a removal of a small piece of skin and then it is tested by lab technicians to know the person is suffering from psoriasis or not.
Psoriasis Management
The disease can be managed and controlled in the following ways:-
1. Keep yourself neat and clean. Take bath daily.
2. Especially for dry and cracked skin apply creams and moisturizer.
3. Have a nutritious diet with green vegetables and juicy fruits.
4. Protect yourself in the dry season.
5. Avoid smoking and drinking.
6. Make use of salicylic acid and retinoid.
Best Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats not only the symptoms of the disease but also the man who is suffering from the disease.
So, after a complete detailed history of present and past disease and considering the family history, a drug is prescribed which will be based on the individualization of every patient.
In mild cases, improvement can be seen within weeks, whereas in severe cases will take a longer time. Along with homeopathic medicine, patients have to follow a healthy regimen for optimum results.
Some of the best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of this condition are mentioned below: –
• Arsenicum Album
• Arsenicum Iodatum
• Antimonium Crudum
• Calcarea Carbonica
• Graphites
• Kali Arsenicosum
• Lycopodium
• Mercurius Solubilis
• Phosphorus
• Psorinum
• Petroleum
• Sepia
1. ARSENIC ALBUM – most suitable remedy for psoriasis
Arsenicum Album is considered a significant remedy for psoriasis, particularly when there are marked symptoms of restlessness and anxiety.
The skin manifestations in psoriasis, such as dry, scaly eruptions with intense itching and burning sensations, find relief with this remedy.
Aggravation of psoriasis may occur during periods of emotional stress, and the individual may be particularly sensitive to cold. The itching may become more pronounced at night, leading to restlessness and difficulty in finding a comfortable position for sleep.
Mentally, individuals who benefit from Arsenicum Album may exhibit perfectionist tendencies, fear of disease, and a desire for order and cleanliness.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
2. ARSENICUM IODATUM – for multiple colors of the patches
Arsenicum sodium is given especially in cases when there are patches of multiple colors.
The scale is usually large.
There is intense itching and dryness in the skin.
The person is thin and of emaciated structures of the body.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
3. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM – remedy for nails psoriasis.
Antimonium Crudum stands out as a valuable remedy for addressing nail-related issues in cases of psoriasis. It is particularly indicated when nails are affected, displaying symptoms such as thickening, discoloration, and crumbling.
Psoriatic nail changes, characterized by pitting or small dents, find relief with Antimonium Crudum. The remedy is often beneficial when there is associated tenderness around the nails, and the condition may worsen with exposure to heat or warmth.
Individuals requiring this remedy may also exhibit a tendency towards digestive issues, and the presence of thick, white-coated tongue may further guide its selection.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
4. CALCAREA CARBONICA – for scalp psoriasis
Calcarea Carbonica is a prominent remedy for addressing scalp psoriasis, especially when there are characteristic symptoms that align with its indications. This remedy is well-suited for individuals with thick, yellowish, and offensive discharge from the scalp, often accompanied by intense itching and burning sensations.
The scalp may be sensitive to touch, and there might be a tendency for the psoriasis to extend to the forehead and neck. Individuals requiring Calcarea Carbonica may also exhibit a chilly disposition and a tendency to feel worse in cold and damp conditions.
Mentally, they can be cautious, overthinking, and may experience anxiety about health matters.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
5. GRAPHITES – for cracker skin
Graphites are the most suitable remedy in the case of psoriasis.
It is helpful in case of patches that are dry, rough, and sore skin with scales.
There is intense sensitivity to touch.
It also cures scalp psoriasis which also appears on the ears sometimes.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
6. KALI ARSENICOSUM – for dry, scaly eruptions with itching eruptions
Kali Arsenicum is indicated for dry, scaly eruptions with itching eruptions.
It is also given in case of eczema and ulcers.
The patient generally suffers from restlessness and nervousness.
The patient scratches the skin until the white fluid called pus oozes it from the part.
Dose and Potency:-.In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
7. LYCOPODIUM – for dry fissures on palm and fingers
Lycopodium works as an excellent remedy in case of psoriasis, especially on hands, palms and fingers.
Palms are very dry, and hands have fissures.
Burning is very well marked in the case of psoriasis.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
8. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS – for scalp psoriasis
Mercurius solubilis is the best remedy in the case of scalp psoriasis.
If the scalp is fully covered with white scales it is best suited in this case.
The patient complains of intense itching and excessive sweating on the scalp.
Itching and sweating aggravate only at night.
Hairfall is a common symptom in scalp psoriasis.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
9. PHOSPHORUS – for knees and elbow
Phosphorus is given in case when psoriasis occurs at the knees and elbow.
There is a burning and stinging sensation at the affected part.
Itching is mainly aggravated by heat.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
10. PSORINUM – the best remedy for winters
Psorinum is the best remedy if the patient is suffering from psoriasis, especially in the winter season.
There is terrible itching on the affected part of the body.
The patient gets temporary relief by scratching the affected parts of the body.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
11. PETROLEUM – for deep cracks
Petroleum is the best remedy in case of cracks by psoriasis.
Petroleum skin is sore, itchy, hard, painful, have fissures.
It has a slow process of healing.
Cracks may bleed.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
12. SEPIA – for oval lesions
Sepia is the most beneficial remedy in the case of big, large, and oval lesions in psoriasis.
The lesions are reddish, swollen.
There is shiny white scales are present on papules.
Eruptions are mainly found on legs, hands, arms, back, and chest.
Dose and Potency: – In adults, it is taken as 3 drops daily 3times a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
In children, 4 to 6 globules a day such as a morning, afternoon, and evening.
Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.
1 thought on “Psoriasis Treatment in Homeopathy – Causes & 12 Best Remedy”
Thank you for details and informative article! I have had psoriasis on the back of the scalp for 4 years now. My father had it too.
Mine flared up when I was pregnant and never went away, until two months ago…
When I was first diagnosed, Prescription meds provided relief but in the long run made matters even worse, as my psoriasis started to appear on knees and elbows. Psoriasis on extremities was gone the moment I stopped using those steroids, which only were pushing the problem out from one area to appear on another.
Arsenicum Album has been absolutely wonderful remedy so far, and I’m very curious to try some other remedies described in the article. After several trials and errors, I learned that in my case wheat ( gluten) %100 causes the symptoms. Occasionally, some fattier foods or incompatible food combinations do as well, but not as badly as gluten. Going gluten free has brought a huge improvement in my condition. If there’s no gluten and no stress, my symptoms are nonexistent! It’s for the first time in 4 years I’m finally getting a break from psoriasis. If I have something with gluten, symptoms begin within 3-6 hours. Stress is another activator for existing psoriasis. Exercise, deep breathing, along with taking trace mineral supplements and homeopathic flower remedies have been great help to let go of stress.
Just wanted to share this information, perhaps someone else will find it helpful.