Hydronephrosis is a pathological condition where urine is not completely drained and gets blocked in some places causing inflammation of the kidney.
The outflow tract of the kidney like the ureter or pelvis of the kidney, getting obstructed by stones or stricture, or urinary tract cancer can hamper the flow of urine.
Depending upon the level of obstruction, hydronephrosis is also graded and is of different types ranging from mild to severe.
If hydronephrosis occurs that means there is pressure building in the kidney which can impair the kidney function and its unit which is nephrons that purify the urine due to backflow of pressure.
If hydronephrosis persists initially nephrons will stop functioning and then it will be damaged.
This article will cover homeopathic remedies for hydronephrosis, the cause of hydronephrosis, symptoms, risk factors, prevention and management, and complete treatment.
Table of Contents
ToggleCauses of Hydronephrosis
Now the question arises why and how do we get hydronephrosis and what are the causes behind it? Before knowing the cause let us understand our urinary tract.
Hydronephrosis is a pathological condition affecting the urinary tract. The urinary tract consists of the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
The ureteropelvic junction is the site where kidneys and the ureter join. The ureterovesical junction is the site where the bladder and the ureter join.

There are some causes responsible for hydronephrosis in the kidney that are mentioned below.
1. Ureter level causes
It is one of the main causes of urine obstruction or distension in urine outflow.
Ureter-level issues can happen for different reasons. Sometimes, the point where the tube from the kidney meets the bladder or the kidney itself gets blocked.
Infections in the urinary system and hard pieces in the kidneys can also cause problems. Additionally, parts of the tube can become too narrow due to scars or swelling. It’s important to know that these problems can make it hard for urine to move normally.
Sometimes pregnancy, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, and ovarian cyst become the causes of ureter-level causes of hydronephrosis.
2. Bladder level causes
Some bladder-level causes include the following. A neurogenic bladder means when a patient lacks bladder control due to brain, spinal cord, or nerve problems.
Other causes can be bladder calculi or stones in the bladder, bladder neck contracture in which scar tissue forms in the lower part of the bladder, bladder diverticulum, and cystocele or bladder hernia.
3. Urethral level causes
Some urethral-level causes include the following. Urethral stricture, urethral valves, urethral diverticulum, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer.
Types of Hydronephrosis
The types of hydronephrosis are classified into grades from grade 1 to grade 4.
Grade 1
Grade 1 signifies a mild level of kidney swelling, where only a small portion of the renal pelvis (the collecting area of the kidney) is enlarged. The kidney maintains relatively normal function despite the slight dilation.
Grade 2
In grade 2 there is a moderate level of kidney dilation, with a larger section of the renal pelvis being affected. While the kidney’s function might still be relatively maintained, there is more noticeable swelling and pressure.
Grade 3
Grade 3 is also known as the moderate stage of hydronephrosis. The third grade indicates a more substantial degree of kidney swelling, involving a significant portion of the renal pelvis and calyces (the structures that collect urine within the kidney). The kidney’s function might start to be compromised due to the increased pressure.
Grade 4
In grade 4 there is severe kidney dilation, where nearly the entire renal pelvis and calyces are dilated. The swelling is extensive, and the kidney’s function is often significantly impaired.
Also, there is a loss of borders between the renal pelvis and calyces due to ballooning. This stage is the most dangerous and severe stage of hydronephrosis.
Symptoms of Hydronephrosis
- Flank pain
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Groin pain
- Low urine output
- Frequent urination
- Burning in urination
- Difficult urination
- Kidney stones
- Smell in urine
- Blood in urine
- Pus in urine
- Cutting pain in the kidney region
- Turbidity of the urine
- Shivering of the body
- Blood in urine
- Urinary tract infection symptom
- Fever
- Malaise
- Sleep disturbance
- Nausea and vomiting
- Lack of appetite
- Loss of sleep
- Irritability
- Loss of concentration
- Azotemia (Urea or Nitrogen compound in the blood)
Risk factors of Hydronephrosis
- Those patients who are more prone to develop urinary tract infections are at high threat of developing hydronephrosis.
- People who are having low immunity, and those who get ill repeatedly and catch colds and fevers often are at great risk of developing hydronephrosis.
- Some medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension or high blood is also one of the main reasons causing hydronephrosis. Other risk factors are obesity, pregnancy, and a family history of hydronephrosis or chronic kidney diseases.
- Those individuals who have compromised vulnerable systems are more likely to get hydronephrosis. The immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition.
- A person having a neurogenic bladder or who lacks control over the bladder due to brain, spinal cord, or nerve problems is prone to develop hydronephrosis.
- Patients suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer can likely develop hydronephrosis. These people are also at great risk.
- Hydronephrosis is also very commonly seen in children. Those children have ureteric duplication, where two ureters connect one of the kidneys to the bladder in which the lower end of the ureter is likely to be blocked. Such children are at high risk of developing hydronephrosis.
Diagnosis of Hydronephrosis
The diagnosis of hydronephrosis begins with a complete medical history regarding onset, modalities, and severity of the symptoms and performing a physical examination.
it is usually made by clinical examination that is by signs and symptoms experienced by the patients.
If you are experiencing the symptoms such as pain in the flank, difficulty urination, urine retention frequent urination, and burning pain while urinating then, your doctor will perform some tests to confirm the diagnosis for more severe diseases in the Kidneys.
The doctor will ask about the medication and disease history that the patient is taking or, whether the patient has a urinary tract infection or diabetes or any autoimmune disorder or, any genetic disorder or not and if the patient is allergic to some medication or has a history of renal stones.
The doctor will also ask about some associated symptoms along with urination difficulties that the patient may experience or not. As this condition is a multi-factorial disease so it may be associated with some other disease conditions also.
The doctor will also perform an ultra-sonography of your abdomen to find any pathologies behind your complaints.
The doctor may also examine your abdomen to check for any injuries near the kidney region, and do some blood tests, blood cultures, urine tests, etc. to confirm the diagnosis.
Prevention and management of Hydronephrosis
- Some self-care measures can help to reduce the occurrence of Hydronephrosis. The condition is reversible if treated earlier it will protect the individual from more severe disease that may occur later in his/ her life.
- Because hydronephrosis is caused by an underlying condition such as urinary tract infection, prostate cancer, renal stone, etc. so, prevention depends upon treating the cause.
- Limit Sodium, intake in your diet it will help to maintain normal blood pressure, prevent hypertension, and eventually prevents hydronephrosis.
- Stay hydrated. If the cause behind hydronephrosis is bacterial then, drinking plenty of water will dilute the urine and helps to flush out bacteria through the urethra.
- Hydronephrosis can be managed by medical care. Patients can take antibiotics and antipyretics in case of fever due to a urinary tract infection.
- Eat a healthy diet, drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest.
- Some stress-relieving activities like meditation, yoga, and exercise also act as prevention measures for the development of kidney diseases. Include these activities in your lifestyle.
- Proper counseling and assurance to the patients along with proper management can help a lot in recovery from such a condition.
Best homeopathic medicines for Hydronephrosis with Dosage and potency
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats not only the symptoms of the disease but also the man who is suffering from the disease.
So, after a complete detailed history of present and past disease and considering the family history also, a drug is prescribed which will be based on the individualization of every patient.
In mild cases, improvement can be seen within weeks, whereas in severe cases of hydronephrosis, the improvement will take a longer time. Along with homeopathic medicine, patients must follow a healthy regimen for optimum results.
Now, let us go through some of the homeopathic medicines that can help to treat hydronephrosis. Some of the best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of this condition are mentioned below: –
- Argentum metallicum
- Cactus grandifloras
- Cannabis indica
- Cantharis
- Gelsemium
- Mercurius
- Petroselinum
- Sulphur
- Sabadilla
- Thuja occidentalis
1. Argentum metallicum: – for frequent urination
Argentum metallicum is the remedy prepared from silver and after potentizing it. It is a highly effective medicine in treating the conditions like inflammation of the kidneys.
It is mostly indicated to treat dysuria or painful and difficult urination. The urine of the patient is profuse, turbid, and has a sweet odour.
Patients of argentum metallicum are emaciated and there is a constant desire for fresh air. They are having hurried feeling every time and for them, time passes too slowly.
Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c 4 globules (pills) dissolved in half a cup of water 2 times a day for 15 days.
2. Cactus grandifloras: – for retention of urine
Cactus grandifloras is a marvellous remedy for treating constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pain. If a patient is experiencing flank pain along with retention of urine this is the remedy to cure this condition.
When there is a constriction in the neck of the bladder, causing retention of urine. If the patient feels difficulty and pain during urination, then this medicine can be useful.
On a mental level patient is very anxious and screams in pain. There is a constant fear of death in patients. He is melancholy, sad, and, ill-humoured.
Dosage and potency: 200c, 4 globes of cactus grand in half a cup of water thrice a day till the symptom disappear. Take 15 minutes gap between meals and medication.
3. Cannabis indica: – for pain in the kidney region
Cannabis indica is a wonderful remedy for treating hydronephrosis or inflammation of the kidneys when there is a dull pain in the region of the kidneys.
This medicine is indicated when a patient experiences flank pain and he must strain and wait for some time before the urine flows.
There is also dribbling of urine and burning pain in the urethra which calls for this remedy.
Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c, take 4 drops of dilution in half a cup of water twice a day, till the improvement is seen.
You can use mother tincture also, take 10 drops of cannabis indica in half a cup of water once a day for 10 days.
4. Cantharis: -for the constant desire to urinate
Cantharis can be indicated for kidney problems when there is intolerable urging to urinate, violent paroxysm with cutting, and burning pain in the entire region of the kidney.
The patient has a constant desire to micturate, urine scalds and passed drop by drop. It is the first-choice remedy for any homeopath in treating renal diseases.
On a mental level, the patient is oversensitive, delirious, anxious, and restless, ending in rage. There is acute mania with sudden loss of consciousness.
Dosage and potency: 200c potency take 4 globules (pills) twice a day till the improvement occurs.
5. Gelsemium: – for neurogenic bladder
As we know neurogenic bladder or lack of control over the bladder is one of the reasons behind hydronephrosis. This medicine works wonders to treat such conditions.
There is partial paralysis of the bladder due to which the patient can’t hold urine and ended up with involuntary urination. Urine is profuse, clear, and watery.
This medicine is highly effective in patients who are having lack of muscle coordination.
Dosage and potency: 1m potency of dilution, take 2-3 drops of belladonna in half a cup of water one time a day for 3 days.
6. Mercurius: – for burning while urination
Mercurius is a very effective and highly indicated medicine in treating kidney diseases. It is highly prescribed medicine in case of hydronephrosis when there is frequent urging and, burning in the urethra when beginning to micturate.
The complaints of patients of Mercurius get worse at night and in wet weather.
Mercurius is indicated when patients have weak memory, loss of willpower, and are slow in answering questions.
Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c potency, take 2-3 drops of Mercurius dilution in half a cup of water and take twice a day till the improvement.
7. Petroselinum: -for hydronephrosis due to urethral stricture
Petroselinum is one of the remedies in homeopathic pharmacy which has marked action on urinary organs and helps to treat all kinds of urinary troubles.
This medicine is indicated when a patient has hydronephrosis due to urethral cause. When there is urethral stricture, urethral valves, or benign prostate hyperplasia, Petroselinum will work wonders.
Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c, 4 globules (pills) twice a day till the improvement is seen.
8. Sulphur: – for enuresis and burning in the urethra
Sulphur is a polychrest remedy and has marked action on almost every organ of the body. It is also known as the king of antipsoric remedies.
This medicine is indicated in the case of hydronephrosis when the patient complains about burning in the urethra during micturition which lasts long after. There are great quantities of colourless urine.
Sulphur medicine can be prescribed to very selfish patients, who have no regard for others, are too lazy, irritable, depressed on a mental level, and are very forgetful.
Dosage and potency: – 200c, 1 M potency of Sulphur, take 4 globules directly on the tongue once a day for 15 days.
9. Sabadilla: – for hydronephrosis during pregnancy
Sabadilla is a medicine that has been marked on female genitals and helps to cure female-associated problems.
When the underlying cause of hydronephrosis is pregnancy, uterine prolapse, ovarian cyst, or endometriosis then this medicine can be given to the patient.
Patients of Sabadilla are nervous timid and easily startled. One of the peculiarities of Sabadilla patients is that they imagine they are pregnant or have cancer which leads to its prescription.
Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c take 3-4 drops of dilution in half a cup of water twice a day.
10. Thuja: – for inflamed urethra and paralysis of urethral sphincter
Thuja is one of the polychrest remedies and has marked action on almost all the organs of our body. It is also considered the king of antipsychotic remedies. This remedy marvellously acts on skin, blood, gut, kidneys, and brain.
This medicine can be given in case of hydronephrosis when there is swelling or inflammation of the urethra. Patient experiences a tickling sensation after micturition is the main indication of this medicine.
Urinary stream splits and small and there is cutting pain after urination. There is a sudden and urgent desire to micturate but is unable to control due to paralysis of the sphincter.
Dosage and potency: 1M potency and higher potency are effective, take four globules under the tongue, once a day for two weeks or until the improvement appears.
Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy for hydronephrosis.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.
1 thought on “Hydronephrosis – Causes & Best Homeopathic Medicines”
AsA mujay hydronephrosis howa hian or sujan bi pait ka dono said ma