This article will cover the homeopathic wart treatment, their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, management & treatments.
Warts are an elevated rough bump (a small growth) that forms on the skin. These are non-cancerous lesions i.e., also known as benign lesions.
They develop when a virus called HPV or Human papillomavirus enters the skin through a cut or break. Wart is a transmissible disease i.e., they are contagious.
It can occur with a bare touch of an affected area on the skin. People with weak immunity generally develop warts.
Warts are painful, embarrassing and causes discomfort to the patient. It is a common disease and there are various types of warts.
Let’s discuss all the aspects of this disease in detail, one by one.
Table of Contents
ToggleWarts Types
There are five common types of warts. They occur in different parts of the body. They also differ in appearance.
1. Common Warts:
Common warts usually develop on the fingers, near nails, toes, and knees.
Common warts have a cauliflower-like appearance.
They have raised surfaces with a firm, round and grainy appearance. The top is round.
Common warts may develop alone or in groups. Their size ranges from as small as 1mm to as large as 1cm.
These are painless. They can disappear on their own without any specific treatment.
They are small, raised, rounded fleshy bumps with a black dotted appearance in the centre.
They are highly contagious and can easily spread with direct contact.
2. Plantar Warts:
The most common areas where plantar warts develop on the skin are the soles of the feet, heels and toes.
Instead of raising from the skin, these warts grow into the skin.
They produce a small hole in the soles with hard margins. They can form in groups or clusters.
These are painful and make walking uncomfortable.
3. Flat warts:
Flat warts or plane warts commonly occur on the face, thighs and arms. Flat warts are also common in children.
These are flat-topped, small and remain unnoticed in the beginning. They can be brownish, slightly yellow or pink.
Flat warts occur in groups ranging from 20 to 200. These warts may or may not be painful. They can be developed due to cuts by razors while shaving hands or legs.
4. Filiform warts:
The common areas where filiform warts develop chin, nose, around the mouth and neck.
They spread fast through skin contact. They are small, thin finger-like flaps or tags protruding through the skin.
Filiform warts are painful only if they develop in sensitive areas of the body such as folds of skin. They are skin coloured.
Their growth is quick when compared to other types of warts.
5. Periungual warts:
Periungual warts develop around fingernails and toenails. Initially, they are very small pinpoint in size. Periungual warts spread quickly through direct contact and grow large.
They also interfere with nail growth. Their surface is rough. They often grow like cauliflower in appearance.

Warts Causes
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) causes excess growth of the top layer of the skin.
The top of the skin contains a hard protein i.e., keratin. This virus produces rapid growth of keratin and results in warts.
Different types of warts are caused by different strains of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). These are contagious and spread through touch.
The virus transmits in different ways such as shaving the face and legs, scratching warts, biting the area where there is a wart.
Skin cuts, wet and damaged skin also play a major role in helping the HPV enter the body.
The chances of spreading are low in adults as compared to children. People with low immunity are likely to get affected by warts. Some people who work in the meat industry such as butchers are also prone to this condition.

Warts Symptoms
The symptoms vary according to the type and location of warts. These occur as a fleshy outgrowth on the skin.
They can be painless or painful. They cause skin damage and discoloration.
If the wart is on any sensitive area of the body such face, eyelids or genitals then it can be very painful. It causes great discomfort to the patient and hampers the quality of daily life.
Some warts tend to bleed on touch. There may be infection, pus collection or scabbing around warts. The affected area becomes hard.
Warts occurring on the soles of feet make walking difficult. They easily get infected due to sweat. These often do not resolve without proper treatment.
Risk Factors for Warts
Let’s discuss the risk factors for developing warts.
A cut or break in the skin. Skin injuries occurred by shaving the hands, legs, face or other body parts.
Keeping hands and feet wet. People who are in a profession where they are exposed to water regularly.
Excessive sweaty hands and feet may also lead to warts as the chances of infection with HPV rise.
Direct contact, skin touch with people having warts.
Using public swimming pools especially after shaving the body also increases the risk.
Some people who have a habit of nail-biting are also at risk.
Diagnosis of warts
Warts are generally diagnosed by appearance. The doctor will examine the raised, rough bumps.
Sometimes a skin biopsy is also needed to make the diagnosis. A sample from warts is taken for laboratory investigation. This will detect the presence of the Human Papilloma Virus.
Warts Management
Some warts go away on their own, some may respond well to home remedies and management. Let’s discuss the ways to manage warts at home.
Do not scratch, bite or pick warts.
Keep the hands, feet or the affected body part dry.
Always keep the towels and other clothes clean and dry.
Do not directly touch or come in contact with people having warts.
Avoid using razors and having the area affected with warts.
Be cautious while cutting the nails.
These are some effective ways to prevent and manage warts.
Homeopathic Wart Treatment – Best Medicines
Homeopathy provides the best and safest treatment when it comes to warts. There are miraculous remedies in Homoeopathy that are capable of treating every kind of wart.
Small, large, jagged, bleeding, any wart can be treated by Homoeopathy quickly and efficiently.
Let’s take a look at the best Homoeopathic medicines for warts one by one along with the details of dosage.
1. THUJA: For treating all kinds of warts
Thuja is one of the most popular Homoeopathic medicines. It is known for its capability to treat all kinds of warts in people of all age groups. The results are faster and safer.
Thuja is a very remedy for fig warts, polyps, and tubercles occurring on the skin. It has a special affinity to treat warts around the genital area.
The patient complains of offensive and strong sweat. The skin becomes dry and brownish.
Scratching the affected area makes the symptoms worse. Warts on covered parts can be easily treated by this remedy.
Warts around nails and toes that make the nails brittle can be treated by thuja.
The patient complains that the warts are very sensitive to touch.
Applying it locally on warts improves the results.
Potency and dosage:
Thuja 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week. Thuja 200CH can be taken as four drops or pills once daily till improvement occurs.
Thuja Q (mother tincture) should be locally applied on warts three times a day.
2. NITRIC ACID: For bleeding warts
Nitric acid is a wonderful Homoeopathic remedy known to completely cure warts that bleed on washing.
Warts can be large and jagged. The patient complains of splinter-like pain in warts.
Warts have zigzag, irregular margins. The base looks like raw flesh. If these symptoms are carefully matched, then Nitric Acid is the best remedy.
Potency and dosage:
Nitric Acid 200CH should be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs. Nitric Acid 1M can be taken as four drops or pills once every week.
3. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: For warts occurring on hands and soles of the feet
Antimonium crud is a useful remedy for people suffering from warts and gastric derangement simultaneously.
It is indicated in warts occurring around nails and fingers tips. Warts can be painful. People who have a habit of nail-biting will be benefitted from this remedy.
Warts are sensitive to cold things, cold bathing. The colour of warts can be honey-coloured. The affected skin becomes dry and hard.
Sometimes warts itch during the night due to the warmth of the skin. The skin gets covered with dry, scales scabs.
The patient may also complain of burning in the affected area. The symptoms get worse on washing.
Potency and dosage:
Antimonium Crudum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Antimonium Crudum 200CH should be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.
Antimonium Crudum 30CH also works wonders for warts. It can be taken as four pills or drops thrice daily for 1-3 months.
4. CAUSTICUM: For large, irregular, painful, recurring warts
The main symptoms to look for selecting Causticum is rawness, soreness and burning in warts.
The warts are painful. The body parts that usually get affected are the neck, face, nose, fingertips and folds of the skin.
The warts are large, irregular and often bleed easily. Warts that recur after removal by surgery or shaving.
If these symptoms are found, then Causticum should be the choice.
Potency and dosage:
Causticum 1M should be taken as four pills or drops once every week till improvement occurs. Causticum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily.
5. CALCAREA CARB: For warts on face and hands in obese people
The patients requiring Calcarea Carb for warts are obese, fair and flabby. This remedy is especially also suited to women who at fair, fatty and flabby.
Warts occur in the face and hands. It can be painful or painless.
The skin of the patient is unhealthy. Warts do not heal readily. The symptoms get relieved in cold air.
Calcarea Carb when carefully selected can treat warts quickly and effectively.
Potency and dosage:
Calcarea Carb 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Calcarea Carb 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.
Calcarea Carb in 30CH is also effective to treat warts. The recommended dose is four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.
6. SULPHUR: For long-standing and recurrent warts
Sulphur is the skin leader Homoeopathy system of medicine.
It is known to cure warts that do not respond to other remedies.
Warts that are difficult to cure can be treated by this remedy. The skin of the patient is dry, unhealthy. Every little injury gets infected. Pus formation readily takes place.
Warts may itch and burn. The symptoms get worse on washing or coming in contact with water.
The skin burns and itch. The patient is unhygienic and doesn’t want to take bath.
Sulphur is a wonderful healing agent, and it should be selected when the symptoms match.
Potency and dosage:
Sulphur should be taken in 200CH potency four pills or drops once every day for 15-20 days. It can be taken in 1M potency four pills or drops once every week for 3-4 weeks.
7. STAPHYSAGRIA: For pedunculated warts with itching
Staphysagria is helpful to treat warts that are large, irregular and itchy.
Warts mainly appear near the face, head, forehead, neck and ears. These warts spread rapidly by touch.
They itch violently and grow in size rapidly. The warts are pedunculated i.e., they are attached to the skin with a thin skin fold. They may hang from the surface of the skin.
The least touch may spread warts to different body parts. The patient feels better after rest.
Staphysagria is also helpful when applied locally to warts. It relieves itching and also stops growth. It will completely cure the wart from within.
Potency and dosage:
Staphysagria should be taken in 200CH potency four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.
Staphysagria Q ( mother tincture) should be applied locally on warts two to three times a day for two to three months.
8. DULCAMARA: For smooth warts on face and hands
Dulcamara is one of the best remedies for the treatment of warts. It is indicated for large, flat, smooth warts occurring on the face and hands.
The symptoms are worse in a cold atmosphere. Warts can be painful to touch.
It spreads rapidly with bare touch. Shaving leads to infection in other body parts also.
The people who keep getting their hands and feet wet can be benefitted from this remedy.
Warts on skin, hands and face can be effectively treated by Dulcamara. People who suffer from joint pain and warts should be given this remedy to complete the cure.
Potency and dosage:
Dulcamara 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs. Dulcamara 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week for three to four months.
9. NATRUM MUR: For warts on palms of hands
Natrum Mur is a popular healing agent to treat warts occurring in the palms of hands. The skin is of the patient is oily and greasy.
Warts can occur at the margins of the hair, behind ears and bends of the joints also.
Warts can be raw, red and inflamed. It is helpful for people who remain silent. They do not talk much. They like to keep their lives private. These people get angry easily.
Warts can be painful or painless. The symptoms get worse in hot weather and are relieved during cold weather.
When the physical symptoms are matched with the mental symptoms, warts get completely cured.
Dosage and potency:
Natrum Mur 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Natrum Mur 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.
Natrum Mur in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.
10. MEDORRHINUM: For genital warts
Medorrhinum can treat difficult cases of warts. Warts that are cauliflower-like in shape.
Warts that do not resolve completely or tend to recur. It can effectively treat warts occurring around the genital area in men and women.
It is also given as complementary medicine in the cases of warts. It helps in eradicating the disease from the roots.
The skin of the patient is slightly yellow. Warts can be painful due to the involvement of the sensitive parts.
The symptoms get worse in the night or while thinking about them. Medorrhinum is known for its capability to treat abnormal growths occurring in the body.
Potency and dosage:
It should not be taken in low potencies such as 30CH.
Medorrhinum should be taken in 200CH potency four pills or drops once every day for 15-20 days.
It can be taken in 1M potency four pills or drops once every week for 3-4 weeks.
Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.