Heel Spur Treatment – Best 12 Homeopathic Medicines

Heels Spur Treatment - Best 12 Homeopathic Medicines

A Heel Spur is defined as a calcium deposition underside of the heels that causes inflammation and heel pain in the tissues, especially at the bottom of the foot.

A heel spur is also known as a calcaneal spur, it occurs when a bony outgrowth forms a heel bone.

The origin of the spur may be occurred by trauma which leads to inflammation and the production of other several symptoms.

The patient commonly suffers from a painful heel in the area of the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity.

Most heel pain occurs in middle-aged adults and especially those who have sitting work more often.

A heel spur is mostly common in athletes whose activities include large amounts of running and jumping.

The main symptom of a heel spur is not the pain in the heels but also the soft tissue.

The main cause of a heel spur is running and jogging on hard surfaces and also due to excessive weight and obesity.

There is stitching pain like a knife from the bottom of the leg and that becomes a dull ache after some time.

In heel spur, physical exercise, shoe recommendations, and orthotic devices are beneficial.

It is also better to have a slight massage and oiling on the affected area.

Heel Spur Types

There are mainly 2 types of heel spur which are as follows: –

1. Type A Heel Spur

Type A Heel spurs are found superiorly on the plantar fascia.

In this type, the spurs under the sole are associated with plantar fasciitis.

In this type of heel spur, the apex of the spur lies either within the origin of the planar fascia or just superior to the brevis muscles.

2. Type B Heel Spur

In Type B, the Heel spur extends slightly forward from the plantar fascia.

The patient suffers from severe dull aching pain even in the muscles.

Mostly this type of heel pain occurs in middle-aged people and athletes.

There is excessive pain in this type of spur from the mechanical support also patient doesn’t get any relief and the condition goes into inflammation.

Heel Spur Causes

There are several causes of Heel spur such as: –

1. Musculoskeletal

Musculoskeletal causes occur when there is inflammation of one or both the peroneal tendons.

Sometimes there is bursitis seen on the posterior and superior surface of the calcaneus. This condition is known as Haglund’s Deformity.

Musculoskeletal causes deformities and inflammation of the calcaneal apophysis due to overweight. This condition is known as Sever’s disease.

This condition is quite painful.

2. Traumatic

Calcaneal fractures can be easily seen in a heel spur.

Given regular load to the heel, while walking on heels, jogging, heavy weight lifting, and excessive obesity may cause traumatic heel spur.

3. Neurological

This is the most dangerous cause of heel spur.

In this, there is compression of the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is one of the best examples of a neurological heel spur.

4. Other Problems

A person has chronic lateral pain in the ankle along with heavy weight.

There is heel fat pad syndrome is also seen by the inflammation and atrophy of the adipose tissue.

Deposition of calcium under the heel which makes difficulty in walking and tenderness on the heel.

Heel Spur Symptoms

There are many signs and symptoms which are mainly present in the patient.

Symptoms that include heel spur are as follows: –

1. The patient may complain of Sharp pain like a knife in the heel especially while waking up in the morning.

2. There is a dull aching type of pain the whole day.

3. The patient has inflammation and swelling at the front of the heel.

4. There is excessive heat that radiates to the affected parts of the body.

5. There is a small protrusion and visible bone under the heel.

6. There is a feeling of tenderness especially at the bottom of the heel, so the patient hardly walks barefoot.

Risk Factors for Heel Spur

Some common risk factors are:

  1. There are walking abnormalities with excessive stress and pain on the heel bone, ligaments, tendons, and nerve near the heel.
  2. Pain may increase due to running or jogging on a hard surface.
  3. The patient may have excessive weight also due to obesity.
  4. If the patient is suffering from diabetes, thyroid, or any other hormonal imbalance may have a high risk of getting heel spur.
  5. The person who has flat feet or a high arch may also have the risk of having heel spur.
  6. The person who spends most of the day standing soo long and has less physical activity.
  7. Wear torn shoes which causes uncomfortable while walking.

Diagnosis of Heel Spur

The following diagnostics test for heel spur are as follows: –

1. X-Ray

X-ray is the best diagnosis which can be done easily and of low cost.

It is the first popular line of defense to find the cause of foot painting.

X-ray detects the presence of heel spur with calcium deposition around the fatty pad of the heel.

2. Ultrasonography

Ultrasonography is an easy and quick diagnostic test that helps in detecting the soft tissue in the foot.

It also shows whether the fatty pad looks normal or not.

3. MRI

MRI helps to detect the cross-section images of bones, tendons, ligaments, injuries, lesions, cysts, etc.

It detects the pinpoint plantar tears or ruptures of tendons, ligaments, etc.

It sometimes also helps in detecting Achilles tendonitis.


CT Scan is a special type of x-ray used to detect the detailed cross-section of the foot.

It is typically used to diagnose plantar fasciitis and tumor on the heel or calcaneal.

From a CT Scan patient gets a small amount of radiation.

Heel Spur Management

There are many ways to manage diabetes such as: –

1. First thing to keep in mind is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and routine.

2. Eat nutritious and healthy food. Add green vegetables and fruits necessary for the diet.

3. Do not skip medicines for other health problems.

4. Maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness daily.

5. Avoid smoking and drinking. This may lead to severe health problems.

6. Add physical activity and yoga to your routine.

7. Avoid standing and walking for long hours.

8. Appy ice packs for 20 minutes 3 times a day to avoid heel spur and pain.

9. Wear footwear or shoes which are comfortable and support arches while walking and from the bottom of your feet.

10. Add massage to the affected area with a slight hand.

Difference Between Heel Spur And Bone Spur

Heel Spur

A heel Spur is defined as a calcium deposition underside of the heels that causes inflammation and heel pain in the tissues, especially at the bottom of the foot.

A heel spur is also known as a calcaneal spur, it occurs when a bony outgrowth forms a heel bone.

The origin of the spur may be occurred by trauma which leads to inflammation and the production of other several symptoms.

The patient commonly suffers from a painful heel in the area of the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity.

The main symptom of a heel spur is not the pain in the heels but also the soft tissue.

It is also better to have a slight massage and oiling on the affected area.

Bone Spur

Bone Spur also known as osteophytes are smooth and hard bumps of extra bone which form on the end of the bone.

A bone spur can occur at any part of the body such as the Hand, shoulder, neck, spine, etc.

A bone spur can also occur after an injury to joints and tendons.

The main cause of bone spur is if the patient run or dances for a long period, diet, obesity, or has any bone problem that the person is born with.

There is extreme weakness, numbness, and tingling sensation in the body when the bone spur presses on any nerve.

There can be muscle spasms, cramps along with weakness.

It is easily diagnosed by CT scan or MRI and also by Electroconductive test to measure damage bone spur caused by any nerve.

Do physical activities and do yoga.

Add calcium and vitamin D diet to your food.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Heel Spur

Homeopathic treatments help to cure all types of diseases according to the law of similia similibus curator and the totality of symptoms for the process of cure and making a person healthy.

Here are a few medicines for Heel Spur mentioned below: –

• Ammonium Muriaticum

• Arnica Montana

• Aurum Metallicum

• Aranea Diadema

• Calcarea Flourica

• Calcarea Phosphorica

• Hekla Lava

• Mezereum

• Ruta Graveolens

• Rhus Toxicodendron

• Silicea

• Thiosinaminum

1. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM – for pain in the heel while walking

Ammonium Muriaticum is the most important and beneficial remedy for heel spur.

It helps in decreasing the pain and also helps in dissolving the spur.

It is also given in case of stitching and tearing type of pain in the spur.

Ammonium Mur patient gets relief from the pain by just rubbing slightly on the heel.

It helps in pain while walking and in the morning.

Dose and Potency: – Take 4 – 5 drops of Ammonium Muriaticum dilution in half a cup of water and mix it well three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

2. ARNICA MONTANA – for heel pain when the patient cannot walk erect

Arnica Montana is indicated for heel pain when the patient cannot walk erect.

The patient has a great fear of being touched and approached.

There is extreme soreness after overexertion.

The patient lies on the bed and feels too hard for him/him.

Dose and Potency: – Take 5 drops of arnica dilution in half a cup of water and mix it well three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

3. AURUM METALLICUM – for heel pain especially at night

Aurum Metallicum is an indicated remedy for heel spur with pain, especially during the night.

It is also given in case of soreness in the affected area.

It works best with patients in case of catch cold easily and also in winter.

Dose and Potency: – Take 5 drops of aurum metallicum dilution in half a cup of water and mix it well three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

4. ARANEA DIADEMA-for heel spur with boring pain in heels

Aranea Diadema is the indicated for heel spur with a boring and tearing type of pain.

The pain may alternate with numbness in the heel.

The patient is extremely sensitive to cold air, especially during pain.

Dose and Potency: – Take 8 – 10 drops of Aranea Diadema mother tincture in half a cup of water three times daily such as the morning, afternoon, and evening.

5. CALCAREA FLOURICA- a natural remedy for heel spur

Calcarea Flourica is the natural remedy with the most effective power to dissolve the spur very easily and in the safest way possible.

This remedy is useful in all cases of spur whether painful or not.

Calcarea Flourica is the first choice of remedy for every homeopath in case of a spur.

Dose and Potency: – Take 2 – 3 drops of Calcarea flourica dilution in half a cup of water and mix it well three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

6. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA-for pain in joints and bones

Calcarea Phosphorica is the useful for pain in joints and bones.

There is great stiffness and pain in cold and cold weather.

The pain aggravates while going upstairs and gets better with the warm air and summer.

Dose and Potency: – Take 2 – 3 drops of Calcarea phos dilution in half a cup of water and mix it well three times a day such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

7. HEKLA LAVA-helps in an outgrowth of cartilaginous tissues

Hekla lava helps in an outgrowth of cartilaginous tissues and it is one of the remarkable remedies for heel spur and plantar fascia also.

Dose and Potency: – Take 2-3 tablets of thioridazine 3 times daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening only in trituration form.

8. MEZEREUM-for heel while touching

Mezereum is one of the best remedy for heel spur.

It helps in curing the pain which occurs by being touched.

The patient is very sensitive to cold and cold air.

Dose and Potency: – Take 15 drops of Mezereum mother tincture in half a cup of water daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening 15 minutes before taking food.

9. RUTA GRAVEOLENS-for heel pain extending to the Achilles tendon

Ruta is a useful remedy for pain in the heel which extends to Achilles’ tendons.

The patient who has pain due to heel spur with the extension of tendo Achilles Ruta works as a miracle.

Ruta is a great remedy for bony as well as tendon symptoms.

Dose and Potency: – Take 5 drops of Ruta dilution in half a cup of water 3 times daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

10. RHUS TOXICODENDRON-for pain in the heel while standing

Rhus tox is the top remedy for pain in the heel while standing.

Rhus tox also helps in repairing and maintaining the muscles and ligaments of the heel bones.

The patient complains of pain around the nail and the surrounding skin.

Dose and Potency: – Take 5 drops of Rhus tox dilution in half a cup of water 3 times daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

11. SILICEA-helps in cramps in calves and soles

Silicea is a useful remedy for cramps in calves and soles.

There is offensive sweat on the feet, hands, and axillae along with pain.

Grear soreness in feet from instep throughout the sole.

Dose and Potency: – Take 5 drops of Rhus tox dilution in half a cup of water 3 times daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

12.THIOSINAMINUM- helps in dissolving enlarged tissues, lumps, etc

Thiosinaminum is helpful in case of dissolving enlarged tissues, lumps, scars, fibroids, etc.

It also helps in improving lightning pains.

It works very well in the case of plantar fasciitis with calcaneal spur.

Dose and Potency: – Take 2-3 tablets of thioridazine 3 times daily such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening only in trituration form.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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