Euphrasia 30, 200, 1M, Q – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Euphrasia 30, 200, 1M, Q - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

Euphrasia is one of the excellent remedies in homeopathy from the vegetable kingdom. It is commonly known as Blue Cohosh or Squaw root.

It is an invaluable remedy in the treatment of various female disorders, rheumatism, and hemorrhages.

It is a flowering plant, commonly found in European countries, and belongs to the family Scrophularaceae.

Mother Tincture of Euphrasia is made from the whole flowering plant.

This remedy has attained a position in therapeutic purpose as an eye remedy widely used as eye drops and in homeopathic medicine form as an important remedy for nose block, common cold, measles, and nose affections.

Euphrasia Constitution /Personality

Euphrasia is a remedy, best suited for patients who have catarrhal affections of mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, ears, and respiratory tract.

It is suited to individuals who suffer from the ill effects of falls, contusions, or mechanical injuries of external parts.

It is adapted to people who tend to catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose.

Guiding symptoms of Euphrasia

Euphrasia is one of the best remedies for Catarrhal affection of mucus membrane, especially of the eyes, ears, nose, and upper respiratory tract

It has been used clinically mainly in the treatment of recurrent profuse acrid lachrymation and with profuse and bland coryza.

The special indication for its use in Eyes is watering all the time and is agglutinated in the morning.

This remedy is indicated for daytime coughing, specifically when the cough occurs exclusively during the daylight hours.

In cases of menstrual disorders, it is recommended when the menstrual flow lasts for an unusually brief duration, either for just one day or even as short as one hour.

Additionally, this remedy is useful for addressing eye conditions, where individuals may experience symptoms such as heavy upper eyelids, redness of the eyes, severe burning, and soreness in the eye region.

Euphrasia Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

The Euphrasia patient suffers from great nervousness causing apprehension.

The patient is fretful and irritable.

Head symptoms 

Euphrasia is a great remedy for headaches from eye troubles.

There is heaviness in the head, usually a catarrhal headache, there is a sensation as if the head is going to burst.

It is indicated when there is bruised pain, stitching pain in the head, there is catarrhal discharge from the eyes and nose with dazzling of eyes.

Eyes symptoms

It is a great remedy for eye affection, it is useful in the treatment of amblyopia, opacity, and ulceration of cornea with the catarrhal condition of eyes and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

There is a sensation of burning, dryness, and biting in the eyes and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

The eyes water all the time, and the water from the eyes is copious and acrid.

The eyes are agglutinated in the morning, there is profuse acrid lachrymation and profuse bland coryza.

The margins of the eyelids are red, swollen, and burning, very much sensitive to touch. There is violent itching of the eyes leading to rubbing and winking, there are fine rashes about the eyes with puffiness of lids and blurred vision.

There is cutting pain in the eyes extending to the head, there is pressure in the eyes caused by sand.

Ear symptoms

Euphrasia is indicated for pain in the ears there is earache with swelling of mucous membranes in the ears causing bland discharge from ears and severe acrid coryza.

Nose symptoms

It is also useful for treatment of the common cold and flu, there is great sneezing and profuse fluent coryza, and the nasal membranes are swollen. The nasal discharge is bland, and it occurs with acrid lachrymation.

After this coryza has lasted for a day or two, it extends into the larynx with a hard cough and much offensive expectoration.

The eye complaints are aggravated by exposure to warm, south winds at night and while lying down.

Mouth symptom

Euphrasia is an important remedy in the treatment of mouth disorders interfering with speech function, there is Stammering, and frequent interruptions in the speech.

This remedy is indicated for individuals experiencing speech difficulties, which result from a paralytic stiffness affecting the tongue and the cheeks.

It is relevant for addressing a peculiar sensation of clucking, which rises into the throat, causing discomfort.

For toothache characterized by shooting pains in the lower teeth, this remedy is an appropriate choice.

It is also effective for managing gingivitis when individuals suffer from copious bleeding of the gums.

Face symptom

Euphrasia is indicated in the face stiffness, when there is stiffness of the cheeks when speaking and during mastication, with the sensation of heat and burning pains in the face.

There is redness of the face, with miliary eruption on the face, with the sensation of burning and redness, on wetting the face.

The lips are stiff as if made of wood. There is a pain in the face as if Shootings in the lower jaw and chin.

Throat symptom

Euphrasia is indicated in conditions of sore throat after exposure to the south wind, there is cough only in the daytime.

There is a tickling sensation in the larynx, and there is terrible irritation in the larynx, compelling the patient to cough followed by voluntary hawking.

Chest symptoms

Euphrasia can be given in respiratory complaints like asthma when breathing is difficult, or shortness of breath.

There are stitches under the sternum, esp. during an inspiration.

It is a wonderful remedy for Cough which occurs only during the day, with mucus in the chest, which cannot be detached.

The mucus frequently is blood-streaked, and thin; with expectoration only in the morning.

It is also used for Cough that is loose during the day, and dry at night.

There is Cough, especially by day, with difficult expectoration.

There is Cough, with the suspension of respiration, cough in the morning, with copious expectoration of mucus, and fluent coryza.

Respiration is difficult, even when seated

Stomach symptoms

Euphrasia is an indicated remedy for stomach acidity and reflux disorders, with a Mawkish taste in the mouth.

It is also used for the treatment for Nausea and bitterness in the mouth after smoking. It is a wonderful remedy for acid Risings, with a taste of food.

There are frequent Hiccough.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Euphrasia is indicated for abdominal colic when the stool, is soft white. There are pinchings in the abdomen by short fits, and Pressive squeezing and burning across the abdomen.

The abdominal colic, alternately with affections of eyes.

It is also indicated for constipation when the stool evacuations are hard and scanty.

There is pressure in the anus while sitting.

This remedy is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

It is also effective for addressing old, flat condylomata located at the anus, which are accompanied by severe burning sensations in the anus. These symptoms tend to worsen during the nighttime.

Urinary symptoms

Euphrasia is known for its significant influence on the urinary organs, particularly when individuals experience frequent and copious emissions of clear urine.

Male symptoms

Euphrasia exhibits notable effects on male sexual organs. It is indicated for conditions characterized by spasmodic retraction of the genital parts, often occurring in the evening while in bed, with pressure felt above the ossa pubis.

This remedy is also valuable for addressing condyloma in the scrotum and male genital area.

In cases of gonorrhea, it is useful when individuals experience lancinating pains and voluptuous itching in the glans and prepuce.

Euphrasia is further indicated for symptoms such as retraction and tingling of the testes, sycotic excrescences, itching, and stinging sensations, along with soreness and burning pain in the male genitalia when touched.

Female symptoms 

Euphrasia demonstrates a valuable effect on the female reproductive system. It is particularly useful in cases where menstruation occurs during the expected time but lasts for an exceptionally short duration, often as brief as one hour.

This remedy is also well-suited for addressing conditions of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. In such cases, the menstrual cycle may be delayed or even regular, but the flow is scanty and extremely painful.

Menstrual bleeding typically lasts for just one day, or occasionally as short as one hour. Additionally, individuals may experience profuse acrid lachrymation (tearfulness) and profuse bland coryza (runny nose) as accompanying symptoms.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Euphrasia is indicated for rheumatism, especially when it manifests with severe numbness in the arms and hands.

Individuals experiencing cramp-like pressive pains in the hands and fingers can find relief with this remedy.

It is suitable for addressing episodes of painless swelling in the joints of the hand or fingers that occur upon movement.

Euphrasia is effective in alleviating crampy pain in the metacarpus and torpor (numbness) of the fingers.

For those troubled by shootings in the legs during periods of rest, this remedy is valuable.

Stitches in the hip and knee joints while walking can be eased with Euphrasia.

In cases where individuals feel tension, as if from the contraction of tendons in the ham and tendo Achillis, especially when walking, Euphrasia is an appropriate choice.

It is relevant for individuals experiencing a sensation of heaviness and cramp-like pain in the calves of the legs, particularly after standing for extended periods.

Euphrasia is a top-listed remedy when individuals report pain in leg joints that feels like succussions or electric shocks ascending along the thigh, followed by a paralytic torpor in that part.

Furthermore, this remedy is indicated for cracking in the outer ankle of the left foot when stepping.

Back symptoms

Euphrasia is indicated in cases of backaches when there is -Cramp-like, pressive pains in the back.

Fever symptoms

Euphrasia is indicated for various types of fevers, particularly those associated with common cold and flu-like symptoms, often featuring a chill during the forenoon.

In cases of eruptive fevers like measles, it is suitable for use in the first stage of the illness, where fever is predominantly present during the daytime.

During the fever, individuals may experience chills in conjunction with a rash. Additionally, there is profuse lachrymation (tearfulness) and bland coryza (runny nose).

This remedy is highly recommended for those who constantly experience watery eyes.

Euphrasia is beneficial for fever, especially when it is accompanied by catarrhal headache, described as a sensation of the head about to burst. This headache tends to be more pronounced in the evening.

Individuals with a loose cough, chest rattling, and copious expectoration, often with a very hot face and cold body, can find relief with this remedy.

Sweating is a characteristic feature, especially at night, with copious nocturnal sweat, most profuse on the chest.

Fever symptoms are aggravated in the evening and after exposure to south winds.

Euphrasia is effective for managing measles, although it may not be as frequently indicated as Pulsatilla.

It is particularly useful in cases of violent measles attacks, as it can help alleviate fever, induce eruptions, and provide relief from cough, coryza, and other catarrhal symptoms, ultimately improving the patient’s condition.

Skin symptoms

This remedy is effective for addressing skin disorders that result from blows, bruises, and contusions.

It is also valuable for managing condylomata characterized by itching when walking and a burning sensation when touched.

Sleep symptoms

This remedy is indicated for sleep disorders marked by specific symptoms, including yawning when walking in the open air.

Individuals may experience frequent waking from fright, especially around and after 3 a.m., and this can persist until 6 a.m. During this period, the person may fall into a stupor, from which they wake with various complaints.

It is also useful for managing sleep disturbances featuring frightful dreams, with frequent waking and starting with a sense of fear.

Euphrasia Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor improves the condition of the disease.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The condition of Euphrasia gets aggravated when in the evening, in bed, indoors, warmth, and moisture after exposure to south wind and when touched.

The rheumatic and gouty pains are all aggravated in the cold and open air.

Amelioration By

The conditions of the Euphrasia get better when drinking coffee, and in darkness.

Euphrasia Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedies complementary to Euphrasia are Staphysagria and Ferrum .metallicum.

Similar Medicines

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Remedies similar to Euphrasia are Cannabis indica, Hepar-sulphuric, Nux-vomica, and Spigellia.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Euphrasia are antidoted by Camphor and Pulsatilla.

Euphrasia Uses, Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Euphrasia 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

It is of great value in the treatment of colds, coughs, cataracts, and conjunctivitis.

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Euphrasia 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Euphrasia match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.

Euphrasia 1M Uses

This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of the Euphrasia and that given by the patient match perfectly. 

One should not repeat 1 M potencies. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Euphrasia Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Euphrasia is used by many homeopaths to relieve the symptoms associated with chronic respiratory failure.

It is mainly used to relieve Rheumatism and mostly small joint affections, as well as backaches in patients, and should only be given when all the symptoms of Euphrasia are matched with the patient’s symptoms.

Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs. 

Euphrasia 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Euphrasia works well to treat the conditions like threatened abortion and chloasma and has a therapeutic effect on patients suffering from such conditions.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.

Clinical Indication of Euphrasia

  • Blepharitis
  • Cataract
  • Cold
  • Colic
  • Condylomata
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Cough
  • Eyes, affections
  • Glandular swellings
  • Granular lids
  • Influenza
  • Iritis
  • Lachrymation
  • Lips-stiffness
  • Measles
  • Nasal catarrh
  • Nose cancer
  • Parotitis
  • Phlyctenulae
  • Pimples
  • Ptosis
  • Prolapsus ani
  • Prostate gland affections
  • Scrofula
  • Staphyloma
  • Sycosis

Euphrasia Side Effects

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Euphrasia are seen mostly like vomiting or skin rash, then it can be antidoted by Camphor.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

Plank Homeopathy Disease Kits

A specialized homeopathy kit prepared for each disease based on years of clinical experience.

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