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Cimicifuga Racemosa 30, 200- Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Cimicifuga racemosa also called actaea racemosa is a flowering plant of genus actaea. It is commonly known as the black cohosh or fairy candle and, is belong to the family Ranunculaceae.

Cimicifuga is native to Canada, Georgia, and the states of West America and had been used as traditional medicine by Native Americans.

Traditionally it is used to relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, profuse sweating attacks, and other gynecological symptoms and disorders.

The extracts from the underground parts of the plant that are roots and rhizome are used medicinally. It came into homeopathy existence after the proving done by Jeanes.

Black cohosh is used as a dietary supplement for treating menopausal symptoms and gynecological disorders.

The medicine is prepared from the tincture of the root which is used to prepare the mother tincture from which higher potencies of this medicine are prepared.

Cimicifuga racemosa Constitution/Personality 

The constitution does not play any major role in the selection of this remedy. However, it is clinically indicated to women having menopausal symptoms and other gynecological disorders like menstrual troubles are delayed or suppressed by mental emotion.

It is suitable for thermally chilly patients that is they can bear winter weather or their symptoms get aggravated during winters.

Guiding symptoms of Cimicifuga Racemosa

Cimicifuga is especially a women’s remedy that is used to treat many gynecological disorders. It is highly indicated medicine for irregular, exhausting, delayed, or suppressed menses by mental emotion and depression.

It is majorly used by many homeopaths in relieving the symptoms of false labor like pain in pregnant women, threatened abortion at the third month of the pregnancy, sleeplessness, and nausea during pregnancy. It is also indicated to treat ovarian and uterine pain.

Cimicifuga is an effective remedy in treating rheumatism, especially in small joints like the wrist, fingers, toes, and ankles. The condition of rheumatism gets aggravated or become worse with touch and motion.

One of the most marked features of this remedy is seen in the mental sphere. It is indicated to the patient has a sense of gloom and dejection as if a big black cloud over his head following him everywhere. This shows the appropriateness of the remedy in hysteria and hypochondriasis.

Cimicifuga Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

There is a sensation in the mind as if a heavy, black cloud settled all over her and enveloped her head so that all is darkness and confusion. Mind is dull and heavy and not disposed to fix the attention on any subject.

There is a peculiarity in the patient which helps in the selection of this medicine. There is an illusion of a mouse running from under his chair which is one of the main peculiarities.

There is a sort of delirium with an inclination to run over the subject. It is indicated in puerperal mania where the patients think they are going crazy and try to injure themselves.

Head symptoms 

Cimicifuga is an effective remedy for vertigo. The patient complains about the vertigo is so an extent that he cannot sit up and there is dull aching pain in the vertex with fullness in the head, impaired vision, and dizziness.

There is a constant dull pain in the head particularly in the occiput, extending to the vertex with fullness and pressure in the brain. Sometimes the pain becomes very oppressive and intolerable and seems as if there was not room enough in the upper portion of the cerebrum.

Eyes symptoms

During the headache, the eyes were so congested as to attract the attention of everyone, although, there was no disagreeable feeling in them. There is a heaviness of the eyes caused by the cold. Their eyes feel swollen.

This medicine can be given in the condition when there is stinging and inflammation of the eyelids and there is the sensation of swelling with heat as if inflamed.

There is a pain in the center of the eyeballs, and also a sensation as if the pain is situated between the eyeballs and the orbital plate of the parietal bone.

Ears symptoms

Cimicifuga is given to the patient who is sensitive to the least noise. There is the sensation of ringing, buzzing noise in one or both the ears of the patients. This medicine is clinically indicated to treat tinnitus often associated with hearing loss.

This medicine can be given in acute earache caused due to cold and sometimes the pain in the head may extend to the ears causing ear pain.

Clinically it is indicated in ciliary neuralgia, eyeballs feel enlarged and the pain shoots into the head. Sometimes associated with photophobia and extreme asthenopia.

Nose symptom

Cimicifuga is one of the great remedies for treating frequent sneezing and fluent coryza of whitish mucus, especially in the daytime. Nostrils get stuffed with dry mucus and causes difficulty in inhalation. There is a fine stitch outside of the wings of the nose and a stinging sensation in the nose.

The dry stuffed condition of the nose then opens moist condition and sensitiveness to cold air as if the base of the brain were bare and every inhalation brought cold air in contact with it.

Mouth symptoms 

Cimicifuga patient has a peculiarity of accumulation of thick mucus upon the teeth. There is a peculiar uneasiness of the teeth, he wants to chew or pick at them.

The mouth in general is so dry lips are also dry and parched with the red and swollen uvula. The back part of the tongue is swollen and there is thick saliva ticking to the mouth and the throat causing bad breath. The patient also complains about the unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Face symptoms

Cimicifuga is an effective remedy for treating facial neuralgia either of rheumatic origin or associated with uterine disturbances.

There is severe pain in the face, more in the underjaw, lower teeth, and articulation of the lower jaw. There is a pain in the superior maxillary bone and teeth with a feeling of lateral expansion and pressure outward in both malar bones and forehead.

Throat symptoms

Cimicifuga is indicated in throat-related problems when there is roughness, rawness and in the throat with difficulty in swallowing. Clinically this remedy is indicated for pharyngitis or sore throat due to viral infection. The soreness of the throat aggravated on swallowing and on pressure.

There is constriction of the pharynx, with increased mucus and the patient is inclined to swallow. This medicine is indicative to treat thyroid and recurrent tonsilitis also.

Chest symptom

Cimicifuga is one of the best remedies for treating colds and coughs. It is indicated in short dry cough due to tickling in the larynx that gets aggravated by speaking and causes an inclination to cough.

There is an oppressed feeling in the chest due to the contraction of bronchial tubes after full inspiration and impending expiration. This medicine is also indicated in neuralgia of the diaphragm. On deep inspiration, there is lancinating pain along with the cartilages of false ribs.

Heart symptoms

Cimicifuga can be given to the patient having palpitation and faintness due to anxiety and least motion. There are stitches in the heart with slight twitching or pulsation of the external muscle of that region.

It is indicated in cardiac or heart troubles from reflex symptoms of the uterus or ovaries. In women catching pain in the heart prevents respiration with palpitation and faintness. The patient complains about the numbness of the left arm and hence indicated in angina pectoris, irregular trembling pulse, and tremulous motion of the heart.

Stomach symptoms

Cimicifuga is an effective remedy for distension of the stomach and upper part of the abdomen. There is faintness in the epigastrium with repugnance to food, generally in the morning before eating, which was followed by a sensation of repletion, as if too much food is taken.

There is great uneasiness in the stomach. Pain and heat in the stomach followed by eructation which afforded relief. It is a highly effective medicine for curing acidity, heartburn, and sour eructation.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Cimicifuga is indicated to the patient having the problem of accumulation of gas in the abdomen and causing the sensation of fullness in the abdomen. There is rumbling of the flatus in the abdomen below the umbilicus, acute cutting pain, and dull griping twisting at the umbilical region.

This medicine is indicated when the Patients complain about periodic colic with an inclination to bend forward and the pain relieved after stool. There is a slight disposition to diarrhea or inclination and urging to stool to diarrhea after rising from the bed.

It is also indicated to give relief from constipation. The stool is hard, knotty, and dry causing prevention in bowel movement. There is a feeling as though the patient cannot empty the stool from the rectum. There is alternate constipation and a tendency to diarrhea in the patient of cimicifuga.

Urinary symptoms

Cimicifuga is seen in treating many urinary-related disorders like hyperactive bladder causing frequent urination, inflammation of the bladder acute urinary tract infection, and renal stones. There are violent stitches in the urethra and a disposition to frequent urination, with increased secretion. The patient passes a great quantity of clear urine, which makes him feel weak.

Clinically it is also indicated in uremia which means a large amount of urea or toxin or bodily waste in the urine. This indicates the kidney damage in which cimicifuga works wonders to repair it and give relief from the symptoms.

Male symptoms

Cimicifuga can be given to those male patients having pain and tenderness in the testicles that further cause difficulty during sexual intercourse. There is drawing pain and retraction of the spermatic cord. It can also be indicated in treating impotency in males but only when all the others symptoms especially mind symptoms match with the medical symptoms.

Female symptoms 

Cimicifuga is well-known medicine for its remarkable action on the female sexual organ. It helps in curing leukorrhea, chronic inflammation and congestion of the uterus, and other uterine diseases. It gives relief from the menstrual pain. During menses there is severe bearing down, forcing pain in the uterine region.

It is highly indicated medicine in treating menstrual-related disorders like menorrhagia, suppression of menses, irregular menstruation, and rheumatic dysmenorrhea. It also relives the post-menopausal symptoms in women.

There are severe left-sided inframammary pains that are cured by cimicifuga. There is sharp, lancinating electric-like pain in various parts sympathetic with ovarian or uterine irritation.

Gives remarkable results when given during pregnancy. There is nausea, sleeplessness, false labor like pans, sharp pain across the abdomen, and abortion in the third month of pregnancy. When given during the last month of pregnancy shortness labor, if symptoms correspond.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Cimicifuga works wonders in treating the symptoms associated with extremities especially when there is excessive muscular soreness after dancing, skating, or other violent muscular exertion.

There is severe pain in the arm with numbing sensation as if the nerve had been compressed. These pains were first felt in the shoulder, and passed down the arm and then the forearm producing a very peculiar lame, numb, and sometimes cramping sensation. There is trembling of the fingers when writing.

It is an indicated medicine for treating rheumatic pain, especially in the joints. There is lameness in the leg, which becomes worse when bending forward. The soreness and stiffness of the leg moved forward to inside to ankle gets aggravated by walking.

Back symptoms

There is rheumatic pain in the muscles of the neck and back with a feeling of contraction and stiffness. There is cramping in the muscles of the neck on moving the head.

Cimicifuga is indicated medicine for terrible backache and pain as boils in the back also trembling and weakness in the back. On bending the neck forward a severe drawing tensive pain at the points of the spinous processes of the three upper dorsal vertebrae.

There is a feeling of weight and pain in the lumbar and sacral region, sometimes extending all around the body, somewhat below the crest of the ilium.

Skin symptoms

Cimicifuga is indicated in dry, red eruptions with itching. There are single pimples on the back of the hand, with a little pus at the apex. Also effective in treating ulcers on the inner side of the lips.

There is itching o the dorsal surface of the hand, especially of the thumb with slight irritation and diffused redness.

Fever symptoms

During the chill stage of fever, the surface of the body together with that of the face and hand becomes cold and dry. In general, there is internal chilliness and nervousness, a chilly feeling all over but less over the back. The coldness and chills especially on the arms and feet.

During the heat stage of the fever, there is heat only in the front of the body and a slight inclination to sweat. There is slight cold perspiration with lancing pain along with the cartilage of the false rib and also headache similar to morning sickness during pregnancy.

Cimicifuga Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The complaints of Cimicifuga are worse in damp, cold weather or by change of weather. Most of the symptoms of the patients get aggravated during puberty and climaxis.

Amelioration By

Almost all the conditions of Cimicifuga get better by warm wraps, open-air, pressure, and continuous motion. The gastric trouble and headache get relieved after eating.

Cimicifuga Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedy complementary to Cimicifuga are Aconite, Arsenicum, Bryonia, and Pulsatilla

Similar to 

These medicines have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is different.

The remedy similar to Cimicifuga are: – Caul; Puls; Agar; Lil-t; Sepia.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Cimicifuga are antidoted by Camphora and Aconite.

Cimicifuga Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Cimicifuga 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with Cimicifuga and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Cimicifuga 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Cimicifuga are matched with the disease individuals.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

Cimicifuga 1M Uses

This is a very high potency of Cimicifuga. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Cimicifuga and that given by the patient match perfectly. 

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear or until any new symptoms appear.

Cimicifuga Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Cimicifuga is highly effective in treating many health conditions like rheumatic conditions, uterine and ovarian disorders, menstrual disorders accompanied by severe pain in the ovarian region, depression, and tension.

Take 10 drops of Cimicifuga mother tincture in half cup water thrice a day for 15 days and repeat only if new symptoms appear.

Cimicifuga 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Cimicifuga works well in conditions like menstrual cramps, false labor, morning sickness during pregnancy, rheumatic pain, and skin-related disorders.

Take 10 drops of dilution directly on the tongue one time a day till the symptoms disappear.

Clinical Indication of Cimicifuga

  • Tendency to abortion
  • Occipital headache
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Hysteria
  • Neuralgia
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stiff neck
  • Tremors
  • Disorder of pregnancy
  • Vomiting in pregnancy
  • Disorders in menopausal women
  • Menstrual troubles
  • Dryness of skin
  • Itching pimples
  • Fever

Cimicifuga Side Effects

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Cimicifuga are seen then, it can be antidoted by Camphora.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized  treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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