Cicuta Virosa is wonderful remedy from the vegetable kingdom and belongs to the family Umbelliferae.
It was proved and introduced to homeopathy by Dr.Hanemann. It is commonly known as Water Hemlock.
It acts especially on the cerebrospinal nervous system, it is a popular remedy for convulsions, spasms, paralysis, and epileptiform convulsions.
It is characterized by symptoms related to the urinary bladder, in form of cystitis, enuresis, gleet, and gonorrhea.
The Mother Tincture of Cicuta Virosa is made from fresh roots gathered, the whole plant is very poisonous and is fatal to animals.
Mother Tincture and trituration of the fresh roots of the plant is prepared and subsequent potencies are made.
The process of dynamization transforms poisonous properties into medicinal properties and makes it an excellent remedy for various nervous disorders manifested in the form of epilepsy, chorea, spasm, hysteria, convulsions.

Table of Contents
ToggleCicuta Virosa Constitution /Personality
Cicuta Virosa is a remedy, best suited for people with nervous temperament, the patient is chilly with psora in the background.
It is adapted to persons with the hysterical condition who are nervous and drop things frequently.
Guiding symptoms of Cicuta Virosa
Cicuta virosa is indicated for acute attacks of convulsive diseases that stem from weakness of the cerebrospinal nervous system.
It is particularly well-suited for cases of convulsions characterized by twitching and spasmodic jerks.
During these convulsions, there is a distinctive bending of the head backward, known as opisthotonos.
This remedy is a reliable choice for managing epilepsy, especially in cases where there is a loss of consciousness.
The seizures can be triggered by the slightest sensory stimuli, such as touch, noise, or odors, but they are relieved by rest and confinement in a dark room.
Cicuta virosa is effective in addressing convulsive attacks that result in a frightful distortion of the face, limbs, or the entire body, often accompanied by severe contortions.
In cases of puerperal convulsions, where seizures occur during childbirth, this remedy is invaluable. It is associated with frequent breath suspension during these convulsive episodes.
Among children, Cicuta virosa is a top-listed remedy during the teething process or due to the presence of worms. It effectively manages spasms or convulsions of clonic or tonic nature.
Additionally, this remedy is beneficial for individuals with stomach disorders, particularly when there is an abnormal appetite and cravings for indigestible substances like chalk, coal, or charcoal.
Cicuta virosa is also recommended for cases of eczema characterized by a lack of itching, with exudation from the eczematous lesions forming into hard, lemon-coloured crusts.
Cicuta Virosa Uses
This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-
Mind symptoms
Cicuta virosa is indicated for various mental conditions. Individuals under the influence of this remedy may exhibit strange desires, such as an unusual craving to eat coal, which can be indicative of their mental state.
It is an effective remedy for anxiety and a strong tendency to be deeply affected by mournful stories, groans, complaints, and howling.
This heightened emotional response is a characteristic of those who may benefit from this remedy.
People in need of Cicuta virosa may also display a disposition marked by discontent, ill-humor, suspicion, and mistrust, often accompanied by misanthropy.
In cases of mania, individuals may experience episodes of restlessness, with dancing, laughing, and making ridiculous gestures. These manic states may be accompanied by an increased body temperature and a craving for wine.
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for addressing weakness of memory, with individuals often forgetting basic information, such as their own name.
It is particularly beneficial in cases of dementia.
Giddiness and absence of mind may also be present, leading to confusion between the present and the past.
This remedy is known for its effectiveness in managing hallucinations. In some cases, individuals may perceive themselves as young children.
There may also be a pronounced lack of confidence in and a dread of being alone, prompting individuals to seek solitude.
Head symptoms
Cicuta virosa is indicated for a range of headache-related conditions. It is notably effective in cases of severe vertigo, leading to staggering and even falling, accompanied by a sense of giddiness that may cause individuals to fall forward.
This vertigo can also manifest as whirling dizziness when rising in bed, often combined with blurred vision, creating a feeling akin to intoxication.
Headaches above the orbits, accompanied by brain congestion, vomiting, and purging, can be effectively managed with this remedy.
Cicuta virosa is also valuable in addressing meningitis, marked by semi-lateral cephalalgia, nausea, and a headache that feels like congestion, often relieved when sitting upright.
Individuals under the influence of Cicuta virosa may experience heaviness in the head, dizziness, and a sensation of compression from both sides of the head.
Stupefying pressure on the forehead and a reduction in head pain when rising or passing flatus are characteristic symptoms.
This remedy is frequently used by homeopaths to treat various brain-related conditions, from concussions to headaches resulting from brain trauma.
There may be a sensation of looseness in the brain, as if it were shaken while walking, particularly in the early morning, which often disappears when focusing on the pain.
Cicuta virosa is a top-listed remedy for severe occipital headaches, characterized by a dull pressure, often occurring concurrently with coryza.
Additionally, it is effective in managing suppurating eruptions on the scalp, accompanied by a burning pain.
For cases of epilepsy, this remedy is indicated when starting’s and spasmodic shocks in the head, along with backward head withdrawal, are present.
Individuals may display staring at objects, with the head frequently inclining forward and then bending back, accompanied by twitching, trembling, and tension in the neck during movement can be treated with this remedy.
Jerking and twitching of the head are also typical symptoms associated with this remedy.
Nose symptoms
This remedy is indicated for nasal catarrh, where individuals may experience pain in the nose, characterized by a sensation of excoriation and bruising, particularly in the right ala nasi.
It is associated with the presence of scabs in the nostrils and a yellowish discharge from the nose.
Additionally, there may be nasal obstruction, coupled with an abundant secretion of mucus.
Frequent sneezing, even without the presence of a runny nose (coryza), is another key symptom addressed by this remedy.
Eyes symptoms
This remedy is indicated for a range of eye-related issues, often characterized by a feeling of fullness, pressing heaviness, and burning pain in the eyes.
Patients may experience changes in pupil size, with either constriction or dilation, leading to sight suspension and vertigo while walking.
A fixed gaze may be present, occasionally due to a sort of absentmindedness.
Individuals may also report a wavering of all objects before their sight, and sometimes, there are iris-like circles around sources of light.
Mobility of characters when reading may be compromised, with letters appearing to turn and being surrounded by a colored areola, similar to what is observed around lights.
Cicuta virosa is effective in managing diplopia or double vision, as well as obscurations of the eyes, which may occur intermittently alongside a degree of hearing impairment. Objects may appear double and black, with luminous and coloured circles surrounding them.
Photophobia is another condition treated with this remedy, often associated with nocturnal eyelid agglutination and twitching of the orbicular muscle.
Ear symptoms
Cicuta virosa is indicated for ear pain characterized by sensations of excoriation and contusion behind the ears.
It is effective in addressing purulent eruptions occurring before, behind, and on the ears, often accompanied by the discharge of blood from the ears.
Individuals experiencing changes in sound reception in the ears, resulting in indistinct hearing, may benefit from this remedy.
These hearing issues can sometimes alternate with obscurations of the eyes.
Additionally, Cicuta virosa is valuable in managing detonations in the right ear when swallowing.
Mouth symptom
Cicuta virosa is indicated for mouth disorders marked by the presence of foam before and in the mouth, along with the development of whitish pustules.
Pain on touch and the formation of ulcers on the edge of the tongue are characteristic symptoms associated with this remedy.
Swelling of the tongue, combined with the presence of white, painful, and burning ulcers on the edges of the tongue, is effectively managed with Cicuta virosa.
Speech difficulties may arise, and speaking can be challenging, often accompanied by convulsive movements of the head from before backward and of the arms with each word uttered.
Face symptom
Cicuta virosa is indicated for various facial conditions. It is recommended in cases where the face presents with pallor and coldness, often accompanied by cold hands.
The cheeks can appear pale, with sunken eyes and a livid circle surrounding them. In some instances, redness and swelling may affect the face and neck.
Eruptions on the face may be present, particularly when they are confluent, purulent, and of a deep red color, with lenticular pimples on the forehead.
Individuals may experience burning scabs with yellowish serum on the upper lip, cheeks, and chin.
Thick, honey-coloured scurf on the chin, upper lip, and lower portion of the cheeks may also manifest, leading to burning soreness and oozing.
This condition can be accompanied by swelling of the sub-maxillary glands and an insatiable appetite.
Throat symptom
Cicuta virosa is indicated in cases where the patient experiences hoarseness of voice, difficult respiration, and breathlessness.
It can be helpful in managing a cough with copious expectoration. In these cases, the throat may feel dry, making swallowing difficult.
Individuals may perceive the sensation of their throat being as if closed, and it may feel bruised when touched externally. Eructation’s, or belching, may also be present.
This remedy is valuable in addressing the stricture of the oesophagus, which can result in a strangling sensation when attempting to swallow.
In some instances, constriction may occur following an injury caused by swallowing a splinter of bone.
Chest symptom
Cicuta virosa is indicated for various chest-related symptoms. These may include a sensation of tightness in the chest, making it difficult to breathe throughout the day.
Patients often report pressure on the chest, as if a heavy weight were pressing down, contributing to their respiratory difficulties.
Individuals may experience a peculiar sensation in the chest and throat, as if something the size of a fist were lodged there.
This sensation is often accompanied by tonic spasms in the chest muscles, sometimes alternating with episodes of vomiting.
Heat in the chest, combined with pain resembling that of a bruise and excoriation, is a typical presentation.
In some cases, patients may also complain of burning pain in the nipples and a burning sensation in the chest.
Heart symptom
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for addressing heart-related issues, particularly congestion in the heart.
Individuals may experience trembling palpitations of the heart, and there may be moments when it feels as though the heart has stopped beating. These symptoms can sometimes be accompanied by a faint feeling.
Stomach symptoms
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for a range of stomach disorders. It may be recommended when individuals experience violent and noisy hiccoughs, often accompanied by crying.
In cases of acidity, this remedy is beneficial when there is bitter and yellowish regurgitation on stooping, followed by a burning sensation in the throat.
Nausea is another common symptom addressed by Cicuta virosa, particularly in the morning and during meals. In some instances, it may be associated with a headache, and vomiting of blood can occur.
These vomiting episodes may alternate with tonic spasms in the chest muscles and convulsive movements of the eyes. Importantly, vomiting does not relieve lockjaw.
Individuals may report a burning pressure on the stomach and abdomen, along with pulsative pains in the epigastrium, which is often noticeably inflated.
This can lead to a sense of oppression and anxiety in the epigastric region, with swelling and throbbing in the pit of the stomach.
Cicuta virosa is also indicated when there is a lack of appetite, often due to a dry sensation in the mouth.
Satiety and stomach discomfort after just a few mouthfuls of food, accompanied by a strong inclination to eat non-nutritive substances like coal, can be effectively managed with this remedy.
Additionally, individuals may experience continual hunger and appetite, even shortly after a meal, along with burning thirst, cramps, colic, abdominal cuttings, and drowsiness.
Abdomen and Rectum symptoms
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for abdominal issues, especially in cases of colic and convulsions in children caused by worms.
This remedy is known to effectively address a range of symptoms related to abdominal discomfort.
Patients may experience cuttings and cramps immediately after a meal, which can lead to drowsiness. Pinchings and borborygmi, or gurgling sounds, in the abdomen are common.
Cicuta virosa can be beneficial when there is an accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, accompanied by feelings of anguish and irritability. The abdomen may become distended and painful.
This remedy is also helpful in managing cases of constipation, particularly when the stools are liquid, and evacuations are too frequent.
Patients may experience itching in the rectum and burning pain after friction, indicating its effectiveness in addressing these digestive issues.
Urinary symptoms
Cicuta Virosa has got wonderful action on the urinary organs, it is indicated when there is the retention of urine, with frequent micturition; the urine is propelled with great force, and there is involuntary urination as from paralysis of the bladder.
Male symptoms
Cicuta virosa exhibits a beneficial action on male sexual organs. It may be recommended for individuals experiencing pains in the testes, often accompanied by a sensation of them being drawn up.
Sore, drawing pain in the urethra, extending as far as the glans, may compel one to urinate. Stitches in the fossa navicularis can be particularly bothersome.
Additionally, this remedy is effective in managing nightly emissions.
Cicuta virosa is also indicated for pollution (ejaculation) without lascivious dreams, a condition that it can effectively address.
Individuals with strictures, sometimes occurring after gonorrhoea, may find relief with this remedy.
These strictures can be spasmodic in nature and affect both testicles, often worsening in the morning. In some cases, the discomfort may radiate into the abdomen.
Female symptoms
Cicuta virosa is beneficial in cases of amenorrhea, where the menses are delayed and often accompanied by spasmodic symptoms.
This remedy is known to address specific symptoms such as tearing and drawing sensations in the coccyx during menses.
Additionally, it is effective in managing painful tumours of the mammary glands.
Hand and Leg symptoms
Cicuta Virosa is a wonderful remedy for gouty diathesis, the gout conditions of the joints of hands and legs are due to the ill effect of suppressed or past untreated gonorrhoea.
Back symptoms
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for cervical spondylitis, a condition characterized by specific symptoms in the neck and back. These symptoms include tension in the muscles of the neck, often feeling like a wound, especially when bending the head backward.
Swelling of the neck can also occur, accompanied by tonic spasms of the cervical muscles.
This remedy is known for its effectiveness in managing neuralgia of the neck. Individuals with this condition may have a tendency to draw their head backward and experience a dull occipital headache.
Tearing and jerking sensations in the coccyx are another characteristic symptom addressed by Cicuta virosa.
Coccygodynia, or pain in the coccyx, may develop for the first-time during menstruation or after parturition.
Spasmodic bending backward of the back, creating an arch-like posture, can be a notable feature. This can be accompanied by tension above the shoulder blades and a sensation of pain resembling ulceration in the shoulder blades.
Fever symptoms
Cicuta virosa is indicated for low-grade fevers accompanied by specific characteristics. These fevers are often associated with a weak, slow, and trembling pulse.
During the chill stage of these fevers, chilliness typically begins in the chest and extends down the legs and into the arms. Coldness can be felt in the thighs and arms, with a fixed or unchanging gaze, and heat is experienced primarily internally.
Individuals requiring this remedy may also experience perspiration at night, primarily in the early morning hours, with a particular focus on the abdomen.
Additionally, Cicuta virosa is known to be effective in managing fever associated with worms, often accompanied by colic and tonic convulsions.
Skin symptoms
Cicuta virosa is a valuable remedy for a range of skin conditions characterized by burning and itching sensations that affect the entire body.
This remedy is particularly well-suited for purulent eruptions that present with yellowish and burning scabs. These eruptions may include lenticular pimples of deep red color.
Individuals with long-lasting purulent eruptions, often confluent and forming thick yellow crusts, may experience burning pain as a prominent symptom. Cicuta virosa can effectively address these skin conditions and provide relief from associated discomfort.
Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor improves the condition of the disease.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By
The condition of Cicuta Virosa gets aggravated by touch, odour, jar, motion, and noise.
Tobacco smoke causes aggravation all complaints.
Amelioration By
The conditions of the Cicuta Virosa get better when at rest and in a dark room.
Relationship with Other Medicine
Complementary Medicines
This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.
The remedies complementary to Cicuta Virosa are Hypericum, Nux Vomica, and Strychnine.
Similar Medicines
These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.
Remedies similar to Cicuta Virosa are Hydrochloric acid.
It Antidotes
Cicuta Virosa antidotes the ill effects of coffee and other stimulants.
Antidoted by
The bad effects of Cicuta Virosa are antidoted by Arnica, Opium.
Cicuta Virosa Uses, Dosage & Potencies
The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.
Cicuta Virosa 30 Uses
Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition.
It is of great value in the treatment of meningitis, and chorea.
This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.
Cicuta Virosa 200 Uses
This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Cicuta Virosa match.
Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.
Cicuta Virosa 1M Uses.
This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of the Cicuta Virosa and that given by the patient match perfectly.
One should not repeat 1 M potencies. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.
Cicuta Virosa Q (Mother Tincture) Uses
The mother tincture of Cicuta Virosa is used by many homeopaths to relieve the symptoms associated with a chronic history of epilepsy, and worms.
It is mainly used to relieve symptoms of the and should only be given when all the symptoms of Cicuta Virosa are matched with the patient’s symptoms.
Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs.
Cicuta Virosa 3X/6X Uses
This lower potency of Cicuta Virosa works well to treat the conditions like eczema and oesophageal strictures, it has a therapeutic effect on patients suffering from such conditions.
Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.
Clinical Indication of Cicuta Virosa
- Bladder, paralysis due to Cancer
- Catalepsy
- Cerebro-spinal meningitis
- Coccygodynia
- Concussions
- Convulsions
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- Epithelioma
- Eyes- inflammation
- Face-eruption
- Hiccough
- Hysteria
- Impetigo
- Meningitis
- Myelitis
- Numbness
- Esophagus-stricture
- Psoriasis
- Puerperal convulsions
- Screaming
- Strabismus
- Stuttering
- Tetanus
- Trismus
- Worm complaints
Cicuta Virosa Side Effects
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.
If any side effects of Cicuta Virosa are seen mostly vomiting or skin rash, then it can be antidoted by Camphor.
Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics.
It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.