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Chelidonium Majus Q Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Chelidonium Majus is commonly known as Celandine, belongs to the family Papaveraceae. Chelidonium Q, Chelidonium 30 and Chelidonium 200 are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines.

It is a perennial growing in Germany. The mother tincture is prepared from the juice of the Celandine plant.

Chelidonium is an invaluable and specific remedy for cases where the liver is at fault either organically or functionally, causing Jaundice, Indigestion, Flatulence, Constipation, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, prominent liver remedies.

The jaundiced skin, and especially the constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula.

Paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts with general lethargy and indisposition to make any effort are marked. Useful in Hydrocele. Bilious complications during gestation.

Chelidonium Majus Constitution

Chelidonium is adapted to persons of light complexion, blonde, thin, and irritable, having hepatic, gastric, and abdominal complaints at any stage of life.

Persons affected by the change of climate, yellowish discoloration of the skin, and mucus membranes.

Peculiar craving for hot drinks, fan-like motions of alae nasi.

Persons of light complexion, blondes, with constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula.

Ailments are brought on or renewed by weather change; all complaints are reduced after dinner.

The tongue is coated thickly yellow, with red edges, showing the imprint of teeth, desire for very hot drinks, unless almost boiling in the stomach, will not retain them.

The person is suffering from constipation: in which stools are hard, round balls like sheep’s dung. There is alternate constipation and diarrhea.

When a patient suffers from diarrhea, it usually occurs at night; stools are slimy, light grey; bright yellowish; brown or white, watery, pasty; and involuntary.

During disease conditions, the face, forehead, nose, cheeks, remarkably yellow.

The skin all over the body becomes yellow to grey in color, wilted skin, of the palms of hands.

Symptoms of eyes also appear with periodic orbital neuralgia of right side, with excessive lachrymation; tears gush out frequently.

Chelidonium is indicated in hepatic diseases like jaundice with pain in the right shoulder.

Gallstones, with pain under the right shoulder blade. Chelidonium is useful in Pneumonia of the right lung along with liver complications.

There is spasmodic cough when suffering from respiratory complaints; small lumps of mucus fly from the mouth when coughing.

Affects the right side most of the time; right eye, right lung, right hypochondrium and abdomen, right hip, and leg; right foot cold as ice.

Chelidonium is indicated in old, putrid, spreading ulcers with a history of liver disease or tubercular diathesis.

Chelidonium Majus Uses

The article has explained the use of this medicine starting from head to toe, one by one. Where ever symptoms are matched, there we can use this medicine.

Mind Symptoms

There is marked sadness and anxiety. There is brooding over the trouble that generally runs through the mental state.

Anxiety is present, allowing no rest, keeping the patient uneasy day and night.

Sadness, as if the patient had committed a crime, feels she had committed the unpardonable sin; as if some dreadful thing was going to happen.

The patient is so sad that she thinks she must die. Weeping despondency. Aversion for mental exertion and conversation.

Along with liver troubles, slowing down of the mental state, the inability of the mind to work, sluggishness of the mind, inability to think, inability to meditate, there is the slow pulse.

Sluggishness of the whole economy of the body. The sensorium is very commonly disturbed, and the patient is dizzy.

Hallucination is as if things go round in a circle. Dizziness is present, and it does not let up until nausea, and sometimes vomiting, follows.

There is so much turning in the head that he vomits. There is the confusion of mind. Loss of consciousness and fainting is also present.

These are some common features of liver troubles. There is remarkable tranquillity of mind for two or three days, followed a while by ill-humor.

The person is low-spirited, desponding, with an inclination to weep. There is forgetfulness, and the person becomes absent-minded. There is restlessness and uneasiness of conscience.

Head Symptoms

The headaches are brought on from heat, unlike the stomach, liver, and lungs.

Periodical bilious sick headaches, with vomiting of bile, brought on from exposure to heat, from being overheated, aggravated from motion, wants to lie perfectly quiet in a dark room, and better from vomiting bile.

Old-fashioned bilious sick headaches. The head is aggravated by motion, heat, warm room, and warm applications.

There is an Icy coldness of occiput from the base of the neck; the head feels heavy as lead.

Heaviness in the head with lethargy and drowsiness very marked, with general numbness in the head; vertigo, all these symptoms of the head are associated with hepatic disturbance—right-sided headache down behind ears and shoulder-blade.

There is neuralgia over the right eye, right cheekbone, and right ear, with excessive lachrymation from the eyes, preceded by pain in the liver region.

Eyes Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in many eye symptoms. Stitching pains in eyes.

The opacity of the cornea. Inflammations of the eyes cause bruised pain in the eyes and a painful sensation on looking up.

The person suffers from right supra-orbital neuralgia, with profuse lachrymation; pupils contracted, relieved by pressure.

In many instances, the right side is affected—the dirty yellow color of whites of the eye. Tears gush out from eyes easily.

Nose Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in various symptoms related to the nose. There is a fan-like motion of alae nasi.

The tip of the nose is swollen and red. One can feel dry coryza with a one-sided stoppage of the nose.

There is the discharge of black blood with mucus on waking in the morning.

There is an obstruction nose with liver complaints. Hallucinations of smell are present on stooping.

Ear Symptoms

There is pain behind the right ear.

Tearing type of pain from right cheekbone to ears and around ears extending to the upper part of occiput along lambdoidal suture of the skull.

Sensation in both ears as if the wind were rushing out—temporary loss of hearing during coughing.

Roaring in ears is similar to that of a distant windstorm.

Face Symptoms

The face is yellowish indicative of underlying liver disturbance. Wilted skin of the face, the face is red without heat.

The face is remarkably yellow, especially on, forehead, nose, and cheeks.

The usual red has a mixture of dark yellow. Tension and drawing in of malar bone.

The sensation of swelling in the right cheekbones. There is burrowing-tearing pain in facial bones.

Itching in the face and on the forehead, at times due to Herpes on the face, especially the chin.

The lips were swollen, dry, cracked, crusty.

Mouth Symptoms

Taste in the mouth of mucous; bitter; food tasting natural. There is a bitter taste when not eating.

The tongue is pointed; thickly coated, yellow with red margin; teeth indented. The mouth is dry, the salivation present is bitter, oozing of blood and saliva. Bad odor from mouth.

All the above symptoms of the mouth occur due to disturbance in the liver.

One of the rare symptoms is mucus flies from the mouth when coughing.

Throat Symptoms

There is a sensation as if the larynx were pressed on the esophagus, impeding deglutition.

There is a sensation of choking in the throat as if too large a morsel had been swallowed.

Oral mucosa appears red; swelling of uvula and tonsils; shooting in tonsils; burning and scraping in throat.

Chest Symptoms

There are very quick and short inspirations, pain on deep inspiration.

Dyspnoea, difficulty in breathing. There is a short, exhausting cough; sensation of dust not relieved by cough.

Whooping cough; spasmodic cough; loose, rattling in the chest; expectoration is difficult.

Pain in the right side of chest and shoulder, with embarrassed respiration. Small lumps of mucus fly from the mouth when coughing.

Hoarseness of voice in the afternoon. Constriction of the chest makes it difficult to breathe.

There is a Spasm of the glottis. While coughing pain with pricking; sticking; tickling; constriction in the larynx.

Pressure as if air could not pass through as if chest is swollen. Pressure, heat, or irritation in the trachea. Short breath and tight chest.

Chelidonium is useful in nightly attacks of asthma with a sense of constriction in the diaphragm region.

Cough in paroxysms; throws up lumps of mucus. Cough after waking and on rising, with the sensation of dust under sternum.

Paroxysms of cough with copious expectoration, with pain behind the sternum, especially at night, and outbreaks of dry cough specifically occur at 4 p.m.

Heart Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in symptoms related to the heart and circulatory system.

There are stitches and lancinating pains in the cardiac region and heart, in pectoral muscles.

Periodic palpitation in the heart region is violent palpitation with the tightness of the chest, accompanied by liver disturbance.

Stomach Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in Gastralgia with nausea, vomiting which is better by drinking very hot water.

The tongue is yellow, with an imprint of teeth; large and floppy. Food tastes bitter with a bad odor from the mouth.

Prefers hot food and drink. Pain from the stomach to back and right shoulder-blade, eating relieves temporarily, especially when accompanied with hepatic symptoms.

Abdomen Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in jaundice due to hepatic and gall-bladder obstruction.

Gall stones causing colic. Distention of abdomen due to accumulation of gas.

Fermentation of undigested food in the abdomen and sluggish movement of bowels.

There is constriction across the abdomen wall, as by a string. The liver is enlarged, causing abdomen pain.

Chelidonium is an invaluable remedy in Gallstones.

Rectum Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in constipation accompanied by liver disturbances.

The stools are hard, round balls, like sheep’s dung, bright yellow, pasty; clay-colored, stools float in water.

There is an alternation of diarrhea and constipation, and burning and itching of the anus are also present.

Urinary Tract Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in symptoms of the Urinary system that occur in people with diabetes.

Urine is profuse, foaming, yellow urine, like beer, dark, turbid.

Pressure in bladder with scanty emission of urine. Spasmodic pain in the liver and right kidney.

Burning, darting, and cutting in the urethra when urinating. Frequent desire and urging to micturate.

Male Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in treating symptoms related to male genitalia, where there is drawing pain in the spermatic cord in testicles.

Eczema of genital with excoriation on male genital parts and anus.

Painful swelling of the right testicle with tension and drawing in spermatic cords.

Female Symptoms

Chelidonium is useful in treating amenorrhoea where the menses too late and too profuse.

At times menses last too long, pains in the right ovarian region.

Skin Symptoms

Chelidonium is invaluable in treating skin disorders with the dry heat of skin, itches, and yellowish discoloration.

Used in painful red pimples and blemishes. Old, spreading, offensive ulcers resulting from diabetes.

Wilted, sallow, cold, clammy skin occurs when a person suffers from liver disturbance or inflammation of the liver.

Sweating on least exertion.

Back Symptoms

Pain in the neck, with the stiffness of the neck, head drawn towards left.

Fixed pain under the inner and lower angle of the right scapula.

Drawing in neck and occiput with a stiff neck. Stitches beneath the right scapula hinder the motion of the arm.

When bending forwards or backward, tearing, pressing pain in back as if vertebrae were broken.

Hand Symptoms

Chelidonium is used in the paralytic weakness of arms. Stitches in the right scapulae hinder the movement of the arm.

Pain in arms feels paralyzed. Rheumatic swelling and pain in arms. Icy coldness of tips of fingers; wrists sore, tearing in metacarpal bones

Legs Symptoms

Chelidonium is used in pain in the arms, shoulders, hands, tips of fingers.

Pains in legs as of whole flesh sore to touch. Rheumatic pain in hips and thighs; intolerable pains in heels, as if pinched by too narrow shoe; worse, lying on the right side.

Legs feel paralyzed. There is Paresis of the lower limbs with the rigidity of muscles.

Fever Symptoms

Chelidonium is used in treating jaundice fever. There is yawning and shivering before attacks. Icy coldness of right foot.

Violent shivering fit, 3 p.m. daily, rigor followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood.

The heat of the head, dark red cheeks, pulsation in arteries are of the full pulse.

There is faintness with the difficulty of speech; nausea is present. Shortness of breath with cold feet.

Burning heat of hands, spreading all over the body. Moistness and burning of the skin.

Sweat during the night, especially towards approaching the morning.

Chelidonium Modalities

Better by – Gastric complaints are better after dinner. Most of the complaints are better from pressure.

Complaints are worse by-Worse on the right side, from motion, from touch, change of weather, very early in the morning.

Chelidonium Relationship

Complementary Remedy -This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

Complementary medicine to Chelidonium is Lycopodium; Bryonia.

Similar Remedy – These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is different.

Remedy similar to Chelidonium is Lycopodium, Anacardium.

Follows Will Remedy: These medicines follow the previous medicine in action, thus aiding in cure.

Remedy that follows Chelidonium is-Sulphur.

Antidote –These are medicines used to stop the action of wrongly selected medicine given, or when the case is going in the wrong direction, or when there is an aggravation of symptoms.

The antidote to Chelidonium is Chamomilla; Aconite; Coffee; Camphor.

Chelidonium Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity.

The symptoms narrated by the patient somewhat match the guiding symptoms of the medicine.

Your homeopathic doctor forms a totality of symptoms, and medicine like the disease condition is given, the more exact similarity, the early the curing process.

Chelidonium Mother Tincture Uses

Chelidonium in tincture form, when taken in tincture form, gives good results in Hepatitis, Jaundice.

Chelidonium 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency Chelidonium works well as a therapeutic dose for Liver inflammation. Repeated intake 3-4 times a day is advised.

Chelidonium 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms match the medicine to that of the patient.

These symptoms help doctors diagnose the disease condition only, and there are fewer symptoms of Chelidonium Majus.

This potency requires frequent repetition, and you should give it 3-4 times a day till the expected result is seen.

30C potency can be used as a specific remedy in jaundice and gallstones, can be repeated until desired results in treatment are obtained.

For acute and self-limiting constipation/lose motions complaints, take one pill or five drops of the remedy every 1 to 4 hours.

Chelidonium 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when most mind symptoms and physical symptoms of Chelidonium Majus and that narrated by patient match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

On giving 200C potency, it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside, which can be repeated until all symptoms in totality go.

Chelidonium 1M Uses

This is very high potency. To be given only after careful case analysis, all medicinal symptoms of Chelidonium Majus and that given by the patient match each other perfectly.

1 M should not be repeated. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Chelidonium Clinical Uses

  • Gallstones
  • Jaundice
  • Kidney affections
  • Constipation
  • Chest affections
  • Rheumatism
  • Neuralgia
  • Hemoptysis
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Whooping -Cough
  • Dyspepsia

Chelidonium Majus Side Effects

Clinically no major side effects are produced by Chelidonium Majus when taken in homeopathic potentized form. However, if the tincture is applied externally can produce minor skin rashes. Excess intake of medicine than advised is taken can cause an increase in existing symptoms. Antidotes like Coffea, Chamomilla, Camphora can be given in such cases.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

FAQs About Chelidonium Majus

1. What is Chelidonium Majus and what are its primary uses?

Chelidonium Majus is a homeopathic remedy derived from the Greater Celandine plant. It is primarily used to address liver and gallbladder disorders, digestive issues, skin conditions, and respiratory ailments.

2. How does Chelidonium Majus work in the body?

Chelidonium Majus is believed to work by stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanisms, particularly in the liver and digestive system. It aids in regulating bile production, improving digestion, and alleviating associated symptoms.

3. What are the common symptoms that indicate the need for Chelidonium Majus?

Common symptoms include liver and gallbladder pain, jaundice, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, skin eruptions, cough, and bronchitis.

4. Is Chelidonium Majus safe to use?

Yes, when used according to homeopathic principles and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, Chelidonium Majus is considered safe and has no known adverse effects.

5. Can Chelidonium Majus be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

It is advisable to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner before using Chelidonium Majus during pregnancy or breastfeeding to ensure its safety and appropriateness for individual circumstances.

6. What potencies are available for Chelidonium Majus?

Chelidonium Majus is available in various potencies, including 6C, 30C, 200C, and higher. The choice of potency depends on the individual’s symptoms and overall health status.

7. How soon can one expect to see results with Chelidonium Majus?

The timeframe for experiencing results with Chelidonium Majus varies depending on the severity and chronicity of the condition being treated. Some individuals may notice improvement in symptoms relatively quickly, while others may require longer-term treatment.

8. Are there any dietary restrictions while using Chelidonium Majus?

There are generally no specific dietary restrictions associated with the use of Chelidonium Majus. However, maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is always advisable to support overall well-being.

9. Can Chelidonium Majus be used alongside conventional medications?

Yes, Chelidonium Majus can typically be used alongside conventional medications. However, it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about all medications and supplements you are taking to avoid potential interactions.

10. Can Chelidonium Majus be used for skin conditions?

Yes, Chelidonium Majus is commonly used to address various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and skin eruptions. It helps alleviate itching, inflammation, and discomfort associated with these conditions.

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4 thoughts on “Chelidonium Majus Q Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Chellidonium majus and intake of Alcohol should give a gape..otherwise this will give swollen lips and swollen face side effects..

  2. Is there any connection between Chelidonium 30 and high blood pressure?
    I mistakenly took Chelidonium 30 instead of Cantharis 30 for a UTI. 12 hours later my normally high blood pressure (165/95) registered at 127/72.

      1. Fatty liver gal stone
        Body heat
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