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Calcarea Fluorica 6X, 3X, 30 – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Calcarea Fluorica is one of the twelve Schussler’s tissue remedies.

It is prepared from a bone salt that is found on the surface of bones, the enamel of the teeth, elastic fibers, and in the cells of the epidermis.

Calcarea Fluorica is a powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins, and malnutrition of bones.

It has a good effect on dissolving hard knots in female breasts.

It is a helpful remedy to treat symptoms of goiter and congenital hereditary syphilis.

A very powerful acting remedy for the treatment of Induration threatening suppuration.

Calcarea Fluorica has produced a good effect in cases of cataracts also.

Cases of congenital syphilis manifest themselves as ulcerations in the mouth and throat, caries, and necrosis with boring pains and heat in the affected areas can be benefitted from this remedy.

It is beneficial in treating arteriosclerosis, and threatened apoplexy.

Calcarea Fluorica can reduce the tendency of adhesions after an operation.

It is principally used for dissolving bony outgrowths, ulcerations of bones, and fistulas.

Giant cell sarcoma of the upper maxilla was greatly relieved by Calcarea Fluorica in a short time after Silicea failed to improve.

W.P. Wesselhoeft cured two cases of syphilitic periosteal swelling one on the right radius bone and the other on the ulna bone ( one sensitive and one not), one patient was a dark male and the other was a blonde female.

These cases received a dose of Calcarea flour CM.

G.P. Hale, with Calcarea Fluorica 3X, has removed induration after typhlitis and an encysted tumor of the eyelids.

He used the indication “induration threatening suppuration”.

Induration in the epigastric region after a horse kick was cured by Calcarea Fluorica .

Cephalhematoma, senile cataracts, and spots on the cornea can be treated by Calcarea Fluorica with great results.

Herpes on lips and deficient enamel of teeth come within the action of this useful remedy.

A prover, Dr. Sarah N. Smith, had a peculiar symptom of Calcarea Fluorica i.e., a sort of creaking, straining, and drawing pain in the head, interfering with sleep.

Calcarea Fluorica has successfully cured flatulency in pregnant women.

The patient passed the labor pain quite easily, while the previous one was very difficult.

This remedy has a good reputation for facilitating labor.

Calcarea Fluorica is used with success in cases of hemoptysis ( coughing up blood ) because of its ability to cause contraction of the blood vessels.

Calcarea Fluorica Constitution/Personality

Calcarea Fluorica patient is hard-working, quiet, and resolute.

These people are firm. Calcarea flour patients are very tough they can withstand a lot.

They do not complain until it becomes unbearable.

Calcarea Fluorica Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

The Calcarea carb patient is greatly depressed. There is a groundless fear of financial ruin.

The patient is very cautious about spending money and investing money because he is fearful about his decision.

The patient is having anxiety about money matters. He is fearful of loss in money or business.

There is a tendency for indecision. The patient is not able to take the right decision as he gets confused between the choices.

This inability to come to the right decision puts the patient in a state of depression.

The patient at times seems confused between two choices.

Head Complaints

The patient feels a creaking noise in the head.

Calcarea Fluorica is a good remedy to relieve the blood tumors (cephalhematoma) of newborn infants.

Hard excrescences on the scalp can be treated by this remedy.

Ulcers on the scalp with callous and hard edges can be treated by this remedy.

A sort of creaking, straining, and drawing like the noise of corn-stalk fiddle that greatly interferes with sleep.

Eyes Complaints

Spots on the cornea can be treated with Calcarea Fluorica .

There is flickering and sparks before the eyes. It has a good action in relieving cataract symptoms.

There is an aching pain in the eyeballs which is relieved by closing the eyes and pressing tightly.

Calcarea Fluorica has a good reputation for treating conjunctivitis, strumous phlyctenular keratitis, and subcutaneous palpebral cyst.

Ears Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is beneficial for treating cases of calcareous deposits on the tympanic membrane, sclerosis of ossicula, and petrous portion of the temporal bone.

The patient complains of deafness with ringing and roaring in the ears.

It is a helpful remedy for the treatment of chronic suppuration of the middle ear.

Nose Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica patient suffers from cold in the head with stuffy cold and dry coryza.

The nasal discharge is offensive, thick, greenish, lumpy, and yellow.

It is a helpful remedy for atrophic rhinitis especially if the crusts are prominent.

It is beneficial for symptoms of post nasal catarrh and helpful in dissolving bony growths.

Mouth Complaints

Gum-boil with hard swelling of the jaw can be treated with this Calcarea Fluorica .

The patient is having a cracked appearance of the tongue, with or without pain.

Induration of the tongue with hardening after inflammation.

Calcarea Fluorica is helpful for unnatural looseness of the teeth with or without pain.

The teeth become loose in their sockets. The patient experiences toothache if any food touches the tooth.

It is a good remedy for deficient enamel of the teeth.

There is great dryness of the mouth and throat.

Face Complaints

Hard swelling of the cheek, with or without pain can be treated by Calcarea Fluorica .

It is a useful remedy for hard swelling of the jawbone.

Cold sores, small or large on lips can be relieved with this remedy.

Throat Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is a useful remedy for follicular tonsilitis. The mucus is continuously forming in the throat.

There is pain and burning in the throat which is better with warm drinks and worse with cold drinks.

The uvula is relaxed, and the tickling of the uvula produces a cough.

There is a pricking, burning, and suffocative sensation in the throat.

Chest Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is helpful for chest complaints associated with hoarseness and cough with tiny lumps of yellow mucus with a tickling sensation and irritation on lying down.

Hard nodules about the chest external or internal can be treated with Calcarea Fluorica.

Heart Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is a chief remedy for vascular tumors with dilated blood vessels.

It is useful for varicose and enlarged veins. A good remedy for valvular diseases of the heart.

It helps to relieve symptoms caused by tuberculous toxins in the heart and blood vessels.

Calcarea Fluorica removes fibrous deposits about the endocardium (covering of the heart) and restores normal endocardial structure.

Stomach Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica can help in relieving symptoms such as vomiting in infants, and vomiting of undigested food.

Hiccoughs and flatulency can be treated by this remedy.

Weakness of appetite with nausea, distress after eating in young children who are tired due to study.

Acute indigestion by fatigue and brain fag can be treated by Calcarea Fluorica.

The patient complains of much flatulence.

Abdomen Complaints

Episodes of lancinating pain in the right upper part of the abdomen that awakens the patient at midnight.

Lying on the painful side worsens the symptoms, feels like it is going to burst outside.

Frequent attacks of lancinating pains in the morning at about 8 am can be treated by this remedy.

This pain gets worse on sitting and is relieved by lying down at the night.

There is a sensation of dull weight and discomfort in the right side of the abdomen.

Rectum Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is a good remedy for the treatment of diarrhea in gouty people.

Itching of the anus can be relieved by this remedy.

A fissure of the anus with an intensely sore crack at the bowel can be treated by Calcarea Fluorica.

Bleeding hemorrhoids, itching of the anus from pinworms, internal and blind piles frequently with pain in the back, and constipation can be relieved by this remedy.

Calcarea Fluorica is used with great success to dissolve piles, engorged rectal veins, and hemorrhoids.

There is much gas in the lower bowels. The symptoms are worse in pregnant ladies.

Urinary Complaints

Urine causes a smarting sensation in the urethra, especially at the external opening.

The patient complains of diminished urine with high color and offensive smell.

Male Complaints

Calcarea Fluorica is a good remedy for hydrocele and induration of the testicles.

Female Symptoms

It is a good remedy for the treatment of hard knots in the breast, and excessive menses with bearing down and dragging pains in the uterus and thighs.

This remedy favors easy delivery and after pains by feeble contractions of the uterus.

Hand Symptoms

Ganglion and cysted tumors at the back of the wrist can be dissolved by Calcarea Fluorica .

It can treat gouty enlargements at the joints of the fingers or bony outgrowths.

Legs Symptoms

It is a helpful remedy for chronic synovitis of the knee joint.

Swellings and indurations about the ankle can be treated with this remedy.

The patient complains that the first step in the morning is difficult to put. It produces sharp pain in the ankles.

Cracking in the joints, synovial swellings, easy dislocations, and bony outgrowths can be treated by this remedy.

Back Symptoms

Long-standing back pain that gets worse on beginning to move and gets better by continued motion.

Osseous tumors of the back can be treated by Calcarea Fluorica.

Rachitic enlargement of the femur bone in infants.

Goitre, induration of the cervical glands with stony hardness.

There is a pain in the back with a burning sensation.

Skin Symptoms

There is a marked whiteness of the skin with scar tissues or adhesions after operations.

There are chaps and cracks on the skin. There are cracks on the palm of the hands with hard skin.

It can treat suppuration with callous and hard edges.

Calcarea Fluorica is a good remedy for conditions like whitlow, and indolent fistulous ulcers secreting thick and yellow pus.

There are hard and elevated edges of the ulcers with purple and swollen surrounding skin.

Swellings and indurated enlargements in the skin.

Calcarea Fluorica can treat indurations and stony hardness in the skin.

Fever Symptoms

Calcarea Fluorica is a good remedy for the treatment of fevers caused by indurations of stony hardness in the body.

Swellings, indurations, and hard nodules in the body along with the symptoms of fever such as high temperature and restlessness can be relieved by this remedy.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

The symptoms of Calcarea Fluorica patients are aggravated by rest and changes in the weather.

Amelioration By-

The symptoms of the Calcarea Fluorica patients are ameliorated by heat and warm applications.

 Relationship with Other Medicine

The action of Calcarea Fluorica is similar to the following medicines in Homeopathy.

Conium Mac

Lapis Alba

Baryta Mur

Hecla Lava

Calcarea Sulph Stibiata

Mangifera Indica

Complementary Medicines-

Rhus Tox

Calcarea Fluorica Dosage & Potencies

Calcarea Fluorica 30 Uses-

Calcarea Fluorica in 30 potencies can be used for mild symptoms.

This potency can be given to infants, small children, and young adults.

This potency is considered low and safe potency and it can be given for the treatment of eyes, ears, and chest complaints.

It should be given continuously for two to three months to establish a complete cure

The ideal dose of Calcarea Fluorica in 30 potencies should be four drops or pills thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Fluorica 200 Uses-

Calcarea Fluorica in 200 potencies can be given for the treatment of skin complaints, joint complaints, hands and legs complaints, abdominal complaints, etc.

It is considered a moderate potency and can be administered to children, adults, and old age group people.

Calcarea Fluorica in 200 potencies can be given for one to two months repeatedly to observe a positive effect.

The ideal dose of Calcarea Fluorica in 200 potencies should be four drops or pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Fluorica 1M Uses-

Calcarea Fluorica in 1M potencies should be given for severe intensity of symptoms.

It is considered a high dose and should be used with caution.

Calcarea Fluorica in 1M potency should be used only when physical and mental symptoms are well studied and the symptoms of the patient match with the symptoms of the medicine.

It can be given to adults and old age groups people.

The ideal dose of Calcarea Fluorica in 1M potency should be four pills or drops once a week for two to three months.

Calcarea Fluorica Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Calcarea Fluorica in Q potency i.e., the mother tincture form is not very common in use.

It can be given when immediate physiological action is required.

It can be given to dissolve indurations of stony hardness occurring in any part of the body.

The ideal dose for Calcarea Fluorica in mother tincture form should be ten drops in half a cup of water twice daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Fluorica 6X/3X Uses-

Calcarea Fluorica is widely used in 3X/6X potencies i.e., biochemic potencies.

It is given to treat a wide range of symptoms including joint disorders, benign tumors, bony outgrowths, fissures, and cracks of the rectum.

It can be given for ganglions and cysts occurring on hands and wrists.

The ideal dose for Calcarea Fluorica 3X/6X should be four tablets four times a day.

It can be given for four to six months to establish a complete cure.

 Calcarea Fluorica Side Effects

Homeopathically prepared Calcarea Fluorica has no known side effects.

The medicines are prepared according to the guidelines given in the homeopathy medical system.

The process of potentisation is a method where the material part of the medicine is greatly diluted with a fixed amount of water and alcohol.

This way prepared homeopathic medicines contain a very little quantity of material part of the drug used.

It is very safe and gentle and can be given to patients of any age and sex, including infants, small children, young adults, and older age groups.

Sometimes, a process known as homeopathic aggravation occurs in some patients.

In homeopathic aggravation, after administration of the first few doses of the medicine, the already existing symptoms may intensify for a short duration.

This phase is temporary and resolves very quickly on its own.

This homeopathic aggravation needs no treatment. It is a process of establishing a cure that takes place within the body.

The symptoms get intensified due to the property of producing similar symptoms of the drug.

This occurs for a very short time and resolves on its own.

Although unnecessarily high dosing of homeopathic medicines can show some adverse effects.

These effects may include an increase in the intensity of already existing symptoms and the showing up of new symptoms.

Calcarea Fluorica is safe and has no known side effects and drug interactions with other drugs.

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5 thoughts on “Calcarea Fluorica 6X, 3X, 30 – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Hi I have salivary duct stone in the submandibular gland, what potency of Calcarea Flur should i take?

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