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Antisynthetase Syndrome – Symptoms & Homeopathic Treatment

Antisynthetase syndrome is a rare auto-immune disorder. It is a chronic disorder that affects multiple systems like muscle, joints, and lung tissues.

Autoimmune disorder means our body’s defense system cannot differentiate between normal and abnormal cells and unknowingly it attacks normal body cells.

Antisynthetase syndrome is an immune-mediated disorder: abnormal functioning of the immune system produces inflammation associated with the presence of specific autoantibodies that target specific proteins in the body.

Common symptoms of an antisynthetase syndrome are muscle inflammation (myositis), inflammation of many joints (polyarthritis), interstitial lung disease, and the Raynaud phenomenon.

Antibodies associated with the antisynthetase syndrome, attack normal enzymes in the body, mostly aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase.

Most of the time, this condition is misdiagnosed.

Females are more prone to antisynthetase syndrome than males. The age group between 30-50, is most affected by the onset of the antisynthetase syndrome.

It cannot be diagnosed in an early stage. Lung disease is the only manifestation of the syndrome. The prognosis is not favorable. But with help of homeopathy, patients can live a better and longer life.

Types of Antisynthetase Syndrome: 

Antisynthetase syndrome has a classic triad of muscle inflammation, arthritis, and lung disease. It is divided into two major criteria: the first is muscle inflammation and the second is an interstitial lung disease.

Raynaud’s syndrome, arthritis, crack and thickness at hand skin, and skin eruptions are minor criteria. Below you can learn about two major criteria.

1. Antisynthetase Syndrome Muscle Disease:

A patient complains of muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness. Muscle disease presents more in females and the age group of 40 to 60.

A patient complains of muscle weakness all over the body with multiple joint pains and skin rashes. Red rashes are present on the face, chest, back, and knuckle areas.

Muscle disease is accompanied by Raynaud’s phenomenon, the skin of hands becomes red, blue, or purple after exposure to cold.

This condition can be misdiagnosed with other diseases like arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, and viral diseases. This is a primary stage of the antisynthetase syndrome.

2. Antisynthetase Syndrome with Interstitial Lung Disease: 

Antisynthetase syndrome has a classic triad of muscle pain, polyarthritis, and interstitial lung disease. Most of the time, a patient presents with lung inflammation as a severe disease stage of the antisynthetase syndrome.

The lung has tissue and air sacs (alveoli). In antisynthetase syndrome, the defense system attacks lung tissue and cells, leading to inflammation and scarring of lung tissue and alveoli.

A patient complains of cough, chest pain, breathlessness, and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing). This condition is not treated on time, it leads to improper functioning of the lung (progressive damage to the lung) and at last respiratory failure.

Antisynthetase syndrome with interstitial lung disease associated with polyarthritis, Reynaud’s phenomenon, fever, fatigue, and rashes.

Antisynthetase Syndrome Causes:

The exact cause of the antisynthetase syndrome is unknown. But it is an auto-immune disorder therefore antibodies, and hereditary and predisposing factors are responsible for the antisynthetase syndrome.


Small children very rarely manifest signs and symptoms of antisynthetase syndrome. Age groups between 4-8years can be diagnosed with the syndrome.

Middle age people are more prone to antisynthetase syndrome, especially those between 30-50years.


Females are more prone to antisynthetase syndrome than males.

Genetic factor: 

Hereditary factors are responsible for antisynthetase syndrome. A person who has a genetic history of autoimmune diseases is more likely to manifest symptoms of the antisynthetase syndrome.

But some predisposing factors play a key role to trigger genetic factors like viral disease, arthritis, or lung disease.

Immunity factor auto-antibodies: 

It is an auto-immune disease; therefore, antibodies play a vital role in the pathogenesis of the antisynthetase syndrome.

In this syndrome, the body produces certain antibodies that attack the Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase enzyme. This enzyme is helpful for protein production in the body.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase antibodies are responsible for the antisynthetase syndrome. Why do some people produce these antibodies? More studies are required to understand the role of antibodies in antisynthetase syndrome.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase has different antibodies which are responsible for the different manifestations of disease in different individuals.

Anti-Jo1 and anti-PL7 are responsible for muscle disease and anti-OJ autoantibodies are responsible for muscle weakness. PL7, anti-PL12, anti-KS, and anti-OJ autoantibodies produce interstitial lung disease.

Trigger Factors: 

Trigger factors play a vital role to manifest diseases with a genetic predisposition. Viral diseases or drug treatment of diseases may trigger autoimmune bodies to produce antisynthetase syndrome.

Antisynthetase Syndrome Symptoms: 

Antisynthetase syndrome has a triad of inflammation of muscles, polyarthritis, and interstitial lung disease. Not all patients show these symptoms. Some people complain of muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness more than lung diseases or vice versa.

Let us understand the major three complaints of the antisynthetase syndrome and then learn about the associated symptoms.

Muscle inflammation: 

A patient complains of muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness.

Especially it affects respiratory muscles and muscles of swallowing leads to dysphagia and breathlessness.

Muscle pain and weakness all over the body are present.

It is associated with joint pain, skin rash, and Raynaud’s disease.


A patient complains of joint pain with stiffness. Symmetrical joints and small joints are involved.

Fifty percent of patients of antisynthetase syndrome complain of multiple joint pain with muscle pain.

It does not affect the bone.

Interstitial lung disease: 

A patient complains of recurrent respiratory diseases with arthritis and muscle pain.

Cough, chest pain, dysphagia, and breathlessness are the most common symptoms of antisynthetase syndrome.

The onset of interstitial lung disease in antisynthetase syndrome is gradual. It slowly causes scarring and inflammation of tissues and air spaces of the lung.

In severe conditions, a patient presents with pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure in antisynthetase syndrome.

Associated Signs and Symptoms: 

The following symptoms are associated with complaints of the antisynthetase syndrome:

  • Fever with fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Rashes on face, back, chest, and knuckle region.
  • Weight loss.
  • Raynaud’s syndrome: The patient complains of discoloration of fingers and toes after exposure to extreme weather conditions like cold associated with the needle-like pain at the tip of fingers.
  • Skin eruption: Thickness and cracks on the skin of the hand.

Risk Factors for Antisynthetase Syndrome:

Age, genetic factors, and trigger factors like infection are risk factors for Antisynthetase Syndrome.


Middle-aged people are more prone to manifest antisynthetase syndrome: Age group between 30-50.


Females are more likely to develop antisynthetase syndrome than males.

Genetic factors: 

A patient with a genetic disposition of antisynthetase syndrome is more susceptible to disease if exposed to trigger factors.


Patients who suffer from low immunity and have a genetic disposition for the antisynthetase syndrome are more prone to the manifestation of the syndrome.


Recurrent respiratory infections, viral infections, and treatment of antibodies may trigger the autoimmune response of bodies to the antisynthetase syndrome.


Antisynthetase syndrome is diagnosed depending on characteristic symptoms, clinical evaluation, personal and family history, radiology studies, and blood tests.

Antisynthetase syndrome has three major symptoms muscle inflammation, arthritis, and interstitial lung disease.

On a clinical basis, antisynthetase syndrome is diagnosed on the below criteria:

  1. A patient has two major complaints.
  2. A patient has one major complaint and 2 minor complaints.

Major complaints are:

  1. Muscle inflammation (Muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness).
  2. Interstitial lung disease. (Pneumonia, Breathlessness, Chest pain.)

Minor Complaints are:

  1. Arthritis (Involvement of two or more joints)
  2. Raynaud’s disease (Skin discoloration of fingers with pricking pain after exposure to extreme cold)
  3. Thickness and cracks of hand skin.

Along with clinical features, personal history and genetic disposition of autoimmune disease play a significant role to diagnose Antisynthetase syndrome.

A blood test helps to detect the presence of Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase antibodies, which plays a significant role in antisynthetase syndrome.

CT scans and x-ray of the chest are helpful to detect abnormal changes in the lungs in interstitial lung diseases.

Clinical features, genetic history, detection of Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase antibodies, and radiology studies help to diagnose Antisynthetase syndrome.

Antisynthetase Syndrome Management:

A complete cure for Antisynthetase syndrome is not discovered. But treatment is based on the symptoms of patients. Symptomatic treatment is key here.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and therapy are useful to treat arthritis, myositis, and interstitial lung disease.

Physiotherapy is suggested for muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness.

Patients who are suffering from interstitial lung disease may require hospitalization and symptomatic treatment.

The prognosis of patients depends on the age, patient condition, and predominant major complaint. If a patient is older and suffering from other chronic conditions like cancer, then the prognosis is bad.

Patients who have muscle diseases can have a good expectancy of life than patients who suffer from interstitial lung disease and arthralgia.

Homeopathy treatment can help to sustain a good healthy life and avoid complications of the antisynthetase syndrome.

Antisynthetase Syndrome Best Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathy remedies are a good option for symptomatic treatment of Antisynthetase syndrome.

As discussed, the genetic disposition of autoantibodies and trigger factors like age, and infection are responsible for the manifestation of antisynthetase treatment. In such cases, homeopathy helps to reduce the chances of the antisynthetase syndrome in individuals, if treated with proper constitutional remedy.

Yes, constitutional remedies play a vital role in auto-immunity disorders. When homeopathic physicians take the proper personal and family history of a patient, they can deduce perfect suitable medicine for an individual which increases the immunity of the patient and keep genetic disposition under control.

Patients do not need to suffer from the antisynthetase syndrome, but if patients complain of myositis, arthritis, or lung diseases, they present in less intensity. At that time, symptomatic treatment is enough for patients.

Homeopathy does not cure the antisynthetase syndrome, but it increases the life quality and expectancy of a patient.

Homeopathy does not have major side effects; therefore, long-term symptomatic treatment is not harmful to patients.

The following remedies may be helpful for antisynthetase syndrome:

1. Arnica

It is suitable for patients who complain of pneumonia associated with paralysis. A patient complains of stitching pain in the chest region with dry cough and tightness in the chest.

It is indicated as sudden weakness with heaviness in all limbs. Arnica is useful as a symptomatic remedy for antisynthetase syndrome patients who have interstitial lung disease involvement with myositis.

Dose and Potency:

Arnica 30 and 200 are useful potencies. Give four globules 3-4 times per day for 8 days, depending on the severity of complaints. External application of Arnica lotion is useful for pain and weakness of limbs.

2. Anacardium: 

It is good for middle-aged women who complain of paralytic weakness, and neuralgic pain in their hands.

This is a constitutional remedy for a patient who may prone to antisynthetase syndrome. A patient complains of muscle weakness, and pain with dryness of hand skin.

All complaints relieve after eating.

Dose and Potency:

Anacardium is useful in 30 and 200 potencies. Take four globules two times a day for 7days. Before taking this medicine, please consult with a homeopathy doctor.

3. Bryonia alba: 

Especially suited for an interstitial lung disease associated with arthritis. A patient complains of a very painful cough with right chest pain. A patient has heaviness at the sternum. It is useful for the first stage of pneumonia; the right lung is affected more.

Along with respiratory complaints, a patient has red, swollen joints, especially the knee. A patient complains of stiffness, weakness, and sudden pain.

Dose and Potency:

Bryonia alba thirty is useful potency. Take four globules 4 times a day for 4 days.

4. Calcarea carb: 

This is a constitutional remedy. The patient who has a genetic disposition for antisynthetase syndrome and has an allergic disposition will get major help with this remedy.

It is suitable for patient who complains of dry cough, breathlessness after exposure to dust, change of weather, cold dry weather, and after exertion.

It is indicated for cold knees, feet with pain, arthrosis, weakness, and trembling of limbs.

Take this medicine after consultation with a homeopath.

Dose and Potency:

Calcarea carbs 6c, 30, and 200 are useful potencies. Take four globules once a day for 15 days of Calcarea carb 6C. Calcarea carb 200, 4 globules once a week for 4 weeks.

5. Carbo veg: 

It is a wonderful medicine for the genetic disposition of antisynthetase syndrome. It is indicated for low immunity person after exhausting disease.

It is a constitutional medicine for a patient who suffers from difficult respiration with gastric troubles. A patient complains of heaviness, and stiffness of lower limbs associated with cramps and weakness.

Dose and Potency:

Carbo veg 30 and 200 are useful. Give 4 globules every night for 8 days.

6. Cimicifuga: 

It has a wide action sphere for the muscular system. A patient complains of stiffness and contraction sensation in muscles, joints, and tendons.

This is a good symptomatic remedy for the antisynthetase syndrome, predominant with myositis and arthritis.

Dose and Potency:

Cimicifuga is useful in 3x potency. Take 4 globules 2-3 times a day for 8 days.

7. Lachesis: 

This remedy is useful for antisynthetase syndrome; a patient has the last stage of pneumonia, multiple joint pain, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and cracks in the skin.

A patient complains of difficulty in breathing, wants fanning from a distance, and dry, suffocative cough. It is useful for left lung disease.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 30 and 200potencies. Take 4 globules 2 times a day for 5 days depending on the severity of symptoms.

8. Lobelia Inflata: 

It is useful for the antisynthetase syndrome, a patient has predominant interstitial lung disease. A patient complains of dyspnea, constriction of the chest, and rattling in the chest region.

The respiratory system is associated with dry cold skin on the back of the hand.

Dose and Potency:

Lobelia mother tincture is useful. Apply tincture externally on the chest region and skin.

9. Spongia: 

It works wonderfully for the antisynthetase syndrome as a symptomatic remedy.

A patient suffers from interstitial lung disease associated with Raynaud’s phenomenon.

A patient complains of hollow, barking, dry cough with suffocation. It is indicated for dryness of the throat, a sensation of a plug at the throat, and wheezing in the chest. It is useful for numbness of fingertips with pain.

Dose and Potency:

Use in lower potency and mother tincture form. Take 5 drops 3 times a day for 7 days.

10. Stannum: 

Stannum is indicated for myositis, lung disease, and arthritis; triad of the antisynthetase syndrome.

It is useful for coughing with breathlessness, mucus in the chest, and bronchiectasis.

A patient complains of the paralytic weakness of limbs associated with contraction and neuralgic pain in joints.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 3x and 30C potencies. Take 4 globules 3 times a day for 10-15 days.

11. Strychninum:

Strychninum is indicated for excessive breathlessness, and persistent cough, especially after influenza.

A patient complains of rigidity, weakness in back muscles and rheumatic pain, stiffness in joints.

Dose and Potency:

It is useful in 3X and mother tincture form. 4 globules 3 times a day or 5 drops three times a day for 15 days.

12. Valeriana: 

Valeriana is useful for myositis associated with arthritis. It is a symptomatic remedy for the antisynthetase syndrome.

It is indicated for weakness, pain, and stiffness of back muscles associated with rheumatic pains in limbs. Pain is aggravated while standing and at rest also.

Dose and Potency:

It is useful in mother tincture form. Five drops three times a day for 10-15 days.

13. Zincum metallicum: 

Zincum is useful for lameness, twitching, trembling and weakness of various muscles with ulcerative, stretching pain in multiple bones and joints.

A patient complains of spasmodic cough with breathlessness. It is a symptomatic remedy for the antisynthetase syndrome.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 6C potency. Take four globules 3 times per day for 10-15 days.

14. Tuberculinum: 

Tuberculinum is a constitutional remedy for the genetic disposition of antisynthetase syndrome.

A patient suffers from pneumonia and repeated chest complaints in childhood. It is indicated for pneumonia after influenza.

Lung disease is associated with pain and stiffness of the hands. A patient has harsh, dry, and cracked skin on the hands.

Use this remedy under the observation of a homeopathic physician only.

Dose and Potency:

Useful in 30C potency. Take four globules once a day every alternative day.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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