
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is a very beneficial homeopathic medicine capable of treating a wide range of medical disorders. Botanically it belongs to the “Thoroughwort” plant under the Compositae family. It is also commonly known as “Bone-set” because of its ability to ease pain in bony parts of the body, especially in diseases, for example, dengue, malaria […]

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Natrum Muriaticum 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

Natrum Muriaticum 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

Natrum Muriaticum, is one of the most important, constitutional, and deep-acting remedies proved by Dr. Hahnemann. Natrum Mur 30 & Natrum Mur 200 are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines. Natrum Muriaticum is commonly known as common salt, its chemical formula is NaCl, which is a very common tastemaker in everyday food, often taken for

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Belladonna 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Belladonna 30, Belladonna 200 Uses & Side Effects

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) is commonly known as Deadly nightshade. It is a poisonous perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Solanaceae. Belladonna 30 & Belladonna 200 are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines. It was known to the medical profession since 1500 A.D but came into the homeopathic practice after proving first made by

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Dulcamara 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage Side Effects

Dulcamara 30, Dulcamara 200 Uses & Side Effects

Dulcamara is commonly known as Bittersweet, a powerful plant remedy, proved by Dr. Hahnemann. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is a remedy of importance in glandular enlargement, especially of the lymphatic system, cellular effusions leading to profuse mucus secretions. It is also helpful in various skin affections. Dulcamara Constitution/Personality It is suitable to

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Heracleum Sphondylium (Branca Ursina) Uses, Benefits Side Effects

Heracleum Sphondylium (Branca Ursina) Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Heracleum sphondylium is commonly known as Hogweed. It is also known as Branca ursina or cow parsnip. Heracleum sphondylium 30 & 200 are the most commonly used potencies in homeopathy. It belongs to the family Umbelliferae. The tincture of Heracleum sphondylium is prepared from the whole plant. Before using homeopathy, it was used by people

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Chelidonium Majus 30, 200, 3X, 6X, Q Uses, Benefits Side Effects

Chelidonium Majus Q Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Chelidonium Majus is commonly known as Celandine, belongs to the family Papaveraceae. Chelidonium Q, Chelidonium 30 and Chelidonium 200 are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines. It is a perennial growing in Germany. The mother tincture is prepared from the juice of the Celandine plant. Chelidonium is an invaluable and specific remedy for cases where

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Baryta Carbonicum 30, 200, Uses, Benefits Side Effects

Baryta Carb 30, Baryta Carb 200 Uses

Baryta Carbonica, commonly known as Baryta Carb, is a homeopathic remedy derived from barium carbonate. In homeopathy, Baryta Carb is used to treat a variety of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. It is primarily indicated for conditions affecting the glands, heart, blood vessels, nervous system, and cognitive function. Baryta Carb is often prescribed for individuals

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Aconitum Napellus 30, 200, Q Uses, Dosage, Benefits Side Effects

Aconite 200, Aconite 30 Uses & Side Effects

Aconite aka Aconitum Napellus is commonly known as Monkshood, and it belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. This article will explore the Aconitum Napellus 30, 200 uses, benefits, dosages & side effects. Dr. Samuel Hanemman discovered its homeopathic curative properties, thus making it an invaluable remedy in treating acute diseases in the initial stages. Before homeopathic

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