Venous Insufficiency – Causes & Best Homeopathic Medicines

Venous Insufficiency - Causes and Best Homeopathic Medicines

Venous insufficiency occurs when blood is not efficiently draining from the legs to the heart. Usually, this is the result due to damage or weakness of the valves inside the veins. This causes the veins to stay filled with blood especially when there is long standing.

It is a form of venous disease. Normally the valves present in the veins of our leg keep the blood flowing towards the heart from the limbs. One-way valves within the veins help to prevent backflow of the blood.

But mostly due to prolonged standing, immobility, obesity, pregnancy, and age, the valves get damaged which leads to increased pressure in those veins and causes symptoms like swelling and ulcers.

By homeopathic treatment and lifestyle changes, one can avoid surgical procedures and reverse venous insufficiency.

This article will cover homeopathic remedies for venous insufficiency, the cause behind venous insufficiency, symptoms, risk factors, prevention and management, and complete treatment. Also, this article will tell you about how to reverse venous insufficiency.

Causes of Venous insufficiency

Now the question arises why and how does venous insufficiency develop and what are the causes behind it? Venous insufficiency is most commonly associated with varicose veins.

So, before knowing the causes of venous insufficiency let’s understand our venous system.

The venous system is the network of veins responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from the organs back to the heart. The veins are an important part of this closed circulatory system.

The body has superficial veins located in the fatty layer under the skin, and deep veins located in the muscles and along the bones.

Valves inside the veins are responsible for ensuring that blood flows in one direction. As the leg muscles contract and squeeze the vein.

When the valves get damaged the pumping effect of the leg muscle becomes less effective in draining blood towards the heart. Blood pools in the veins of the legs called stasis and causing venous hypertension.

There are some causes responsible for venous insufficiency that are mentioned below.

1. History of Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

It is one of the main causes of venous insufficiency. This involves a blood clot or a thrombus developing in the circulation.

This usually occurs secondary to stagnation of blood and hypercoagulable state which is where the blood is prone to clotting.

History of deep venous thrombosis leads to blockage of blood flow to the various areas in our body and eventually leads to cause venous insufficiency.

2. Family history of Varicose vein

Venous insufficiency is often associated with varicose when. It is swollen blood vessel that appear on the skin as a cluster of blue or purple vein and is sometimes surrounded by spider veins.

It can appear anywhere but often appear in the leg and pelvic area. Most varicose veins develop near the surface of the skin. Deeper varicose veins may not be seen but they may cause the skin above to swell.

3. Obesity

One of the major causes of venous insufficiency is obesity. Obesity often leads to developing varicose due to increasing pressure on the leg when prolonged standing or walking.

4. Pregnancy

Pregnant ladies are at the main risk of developing venous varicose veins and eventually venous insufficiency.

There are two factors, the first one is pressure due to the growing baby inside the womb and the other is the progesterone hormone which weakens the valves of the veins.

As the baby grows, the increasing weight of the fetus applies pressure on the veins in the upper legs and lower abdomen which causes blood to stay in the veins of the legs rather than flowing upward and ultimately leads to cause venous insufficiency.

5. Not getting enough physical activity

Those people who live a sedentary life, are not much active, and avoid physical activities are at more risk of developing venous insufficiency and other cardiovascular problems.

Not getting enough physical activity is one of the main causes of venous insufficiency. Immobility, long sitting, and prolonged standing can lead to increase pressure on the veins of the lower extremities, which further leads to cause varicose veins.

Types of Venous Insufficiency

The types of venous insufficiencies or venous disorders are classified into stages.

Stage 0

In stage 0 of venous disorder, there will be no signs and symptoms felt and observed by the patient and physician respectively. The patient may feel soreness behind the knee and tiredness in the legs.

Stage 1

In stage 1 of venous disorder, there is the appearance of a spider web and some visible blood vessels behind the knee joint, around the ankle joint, and on the calves.

Stage 2

Stage 2 is also called the moderate stage where there is varicose veins appear on the calves. A bunch of blood vessels are visible which are at least 3mm wide.

The patient also feels severe pain on stretching the legs, walking, and bending it.

Stage 3

Stage 3 of venous insufficiency is a moderate to severe stage and is considered as most dangerous stage. There is edema of the leg also called swelling along with visible bunches of veins appearing on the leg.

Stage 4

Stage 4 is the most severe and most dangerous among all where there is a change in skin color, along with edema. If not treated early then ulcer may develop which can worsen the case

Signs and symptoms of Venous insufficiency

  • Dilated superficial veins
  • Calf or leg swelling
  • Tenderness to the deep calf
  • Oedema of the feet
  • Color changes to the leg
  • Brown discoloration of the skin
  • Ulcer of the leg
  • A cluster of blue or purple vein
  • Cellulitis
  • Poor healing after injury
  • Redness of the leg
  • Pain in the leg
  • Muscle cramps
  • Throbbing and soreness
  • The heaviness of the leg
  • Itching around the veins
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Varicose vein
  • Spider web behind the knee joint
  • Telangiectasia
  • Soreness behind the knee

Risk factors of Venous insufficiency

  • The cause behind venous insufficiency can be congenital or by birth. Those patients who have a deformity or any malformation in their legs are prone to develop venous insufficiency.
  • People who are overweight or obese, women who are pregnant, and those people who live a sedentary life and avoid physical activity are at great risk.
  • Some medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension or high blood is also one of the main reasons causing venous disorder. Other risk factors are obesity, pregnancy, and a family history of Deep venous thrombosis and varicose veins can also lead to cause venous insufficiency.
  • Those patients who must stand or sit for a long time in their profession without any movement, or those people who have to work in the same place for several hours are also at great risk of venous insufficiency.
  • A person who has a habit of drinking alcohol and smoking is at major risk of developing a venous disorder.

Diagnosis of venous insufficiency

The diagnosis of venous insufficiency begins with a complete medical history regarding onset, modalities, and severity of the symptoms and performing a physical examination.

it is usually made by clinical examination that is by signs and symptoms experienced by the patients.

If you are experiencing the symptoms such as pain in the leg, especially on raising, bending, or stretching it, any edema or swelling on the legs, and any change of color of the skin of your leg then, your doctor will perform some tests to confirm the diagnosis for more severe venous disorder.

The doctor will carefully examine your leg to check for any bunch of veins, ulcers, edema, or change in skin color. He may also perform a vascular ultrasound

He will ask about the medication and disease history that the patient is taking or, whether the patient has any history of DVT, Varicose veins, any congenital malformation, hypertension, and diabetes.

The doctor will also ask about some associated symptoms along with pain in the leg that the patient may experience or not. As this condition is a multi-factorial disease so it may be associated with some other disease conditions also.

The doctor

may also examine your leg to check for any injuries of the vein, and do some blood tests, blood cultures, etc. to confirm the diagnosis.

Prevention and Management of Venous Insufficiency and how to reverse it

  • Some self-care measures can help to reduce the occurrence of venous disorders. The condition is reversible if treated earlier it will protect the individual from more severe disease that may occur later in his/ her life.
  • Because venous insufficiency has various causes such as obesity, immobility, history of DVT or varicose vein in the family, injury to vein and smoking and alcoholism, etc. so, prevention depends upon treating the cause.
  • Obesity is one of the main causes of venous insufficiency, hence, it is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. A person who is overweight may have weakened valves in the vein.
  • Indulge yourself in physical activities such as running, cycling, swimming, jumping may help to prevent varicose veins. These activities help to improve blood circulation in the legs.
  • Venous insufficiency can be managed by wearing compression garments. Stocking is available in the market, those patients who have varicose veins should wear stockings.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for long periods as it may contribute to the pooling of blood in the legs and eventually can cause venous insufficiency.
  • It is advised to move your leg from time to time by stretching it or elevating it to improve blood circulation. This advice is for those who must stand or sit for several hours at one place in their profession.
  • Eat a healthy diet, drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest. Avoid salt intake in your diet and also quit smoking if you do.
  • Avoid tight clothing and high heels because these may increase the risk of venous insufficiency.
  • Some stress-relieving activities like meditation, yoga, and exercise also act as prevention measures for the development of venous disorders. Include these activities in your lifestyle.
  • Proper counseling and assurance to the patients along with proper management can help a lot in recovery from such a condition.

Best homeopathic medicines for venous insufficiency

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats not only the symptoms of the disease but also the man who is suffering from the disease.

So, after a complete detailed history of present and past disease and considering the family history also, a drug is prescribed which will be based on the individualization of every patient.

In mild cases, improvement can be seen within weeks, whereas in severe cases of venous disorder, the improvement will take a longer time. Along with homeopathic medicine, patients must follow a healthy regimen for optimum results.

Now, let us go through some of the homeopathic medicines that can help to treat venous insufficiency. Some of the best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of this condition are mentioned below: –

  • Aesculus hip
  • Arnica
  • Arsenic album
  • Digitalis
  • Hamamelis
  • Fluoric acid
  • Merc sol
  • Lycopodium
  • Pulsatilla
  • Vipera berus

1. Aesculus hippocastanum: – for venous engorgement

Aesculus is a remedy prepared from a plant commonly known as horse chestnut. It is a highly effective medicine in treating venous disorders, especially in the case of venous engorgement.

It is mostly indicated in the patient with hemorrhoidal tendency.

This medicine can be prescribed in case of venous congestion, especially portal and hemorrhoidal.

Patients of Aesculus are despondent, gloomy, and get irritable very easily.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c 4 globules (pills) dissolved in half a cup of water 2 times a day for 15 days.

2. Arnica Montana: – for treating blood clots that block veins or arteries.

Arnica is a marvelous remedy for treating venous disorders after injury, fall, and contusion or hemorrhages. If a patient is experiencing sore, lame, bruised feeling all over the body, as if beaten then this medicine can be prescribed.

This medicine helps to improve the blood flow on the part when there is stasis. It can be also useful in case of traumatic injuries and overuse of any organ that causes strain.

On a mental level patient is very unconscious, a delirious state is well marked in them, and very nervous even if they can’t bear any pain.

Dosage and potency: 200c, 4 globes of Arnica in half a cup of water thrice a day till the symptom disappear. Take 15 minutes gap between meals and medication.

Mother tincture of arnica 10 drops in half a cup water twice a day for 15 days.

3. Arsenic album: – for swelling of feet due to venous congestion

Arsenicum album is one of the polychrest and wonderful remedies for treating venous disorder or venous insufficiency.

This medicine is indicated when a patient experiences calf pain, cramps in leg muscles, heaviness of the leg, and a burning sensation on the soles. Also, there is swelling in the legs due to venous congestion.

On a mental level, the patients are very restless both mentally and physically. He changes place frequently and there is great fear of death well marked.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c, take 4 drops of dilution in half a cup of water twice a day, till the improvement is seen.

4. Digitalis: – for tingling sensation and numbness in lower limbs

Digitalis is one of the main remedies and is highly used in cases where there is heart-related pathology. This medicine helps to stimulate the heart muscle and increases the force of systole.

In most of cases venous insufficiency patients get collapsed and become unconscious because of a poor supply of oxygen to the lower limbs. In such cases, this medicine will be effective.

Digitalis can be prescribed when the patient feels numbness or as if his fingers go to sleep. There is coldness of the hands and feet with marked swelling of the legs.

Dosage and potency: 200c potency take 4 globules (pills) twice a day till the improvement occurs.

5. Hamamelis: – for venous congestion and varicose vein

Hamamelis virginiana is the remedy for venous congestion, hemorrhages, varicose vein, hypertension, and hemorrhoids.

It acts upon the coats of the veins and causes relaxation with subsequent engorgement.

In case of venous insufficiency, when there is poor blood supply due to failure of the valve of the veins of the leg this medicine can be helpful.

This medicine can be prescribed when there is a bunch of veins visible on the back side of the legs of the patient also termed as varicose veins.

Dosage and potency: 200c or 1m potency of dilution, take 2-3 drops of Hamamelis in half a cup of water one time a day for 3 days.

6. Fluoric acid: – for venous insufficiency due to atony of capillary and venous system

Fluoricum acidum or hydrofluoric acid is one of the marvelous remedies in homeopathic Materia medica that helps to treat venous disorders especially varicose veins, swelling of limbs, and ulcers due to venous insufficiency.

It is highly indicated in cases of edema of feet, varicose vein, spider web formation of veins on the leg, and itching on spots.

On the mental plane, such patients are very indifferent towards those who loved them most. There is an inability to realize the responsibilities.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c potency, take 2-3 drops of dilution in half a cup of water and take twice a day till the improvement.

7. Mercurius sol: – for inflammation of veins

Mercurius sol is also known as the king of anti-syphilitic remedies and one of the polychrest remedies in homeopathic materia.

It is highly prescribed in case of venous insufficiency when there is weakness of limbs along with pain that becomes worse at night and with edematous swelling.

The venous engorgement later may develop into ulcer or gangrene if not treated on time. Such conditions can be cured by this medicine.

On the mental plane, the patient has a very weak memory and is slow in answering. There is a loss of willpower well marked on this medicine.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c, 4 globules (pills) twice a day till the improvement is seen.

8. Lycopodium: – for cramps in the calves and toes at night in bed.

Lycopodium is one of the polychrest remedies and has action on almost every part of the body. It is usually indicated when the complaints develop gradually with loss of functional power and atony of muscles.

It can be prescribed to treat venous disorder when a patient experiences cramps in the calves, pain in rising the leg, can’t bear to stand for too long, and edematous swelling on lower limbs.

This medicine can be given to patients who develop varicose veins due to long-standing or sitting and immobility or lack of any physical movement in their occupation.

Dosage and potency: – 200c, 1 M potency of Lycopodium, take 4 globules directly on the tongue once a day for 15 days.

9. Pulsatilla: – for varicose vein during pregnancy

Pulsatilla nigricans is the medicine frequently indicated to treat female-associated complaints. It is also highly useful in treating venous disorders.

Pulsatilla can be prescribed when patients develop signs of venous insufficiency or varicose vein during pregnancy which later disturbs their life.

On the mental such patients are very emotional and weep easily. They are also very timid, and fear being alone. These patients also crave sympathy and consolation.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c take 3-4 drops of dilution in half a cup of water twice a day.

10. Vipera berus: – for inflammation of the veins with great swelling

Vipera berus is the remedy for choice in treating varicose veins and acute phlebitis.

This medicine is highly effective in treating venous insufficiency when there is peculiar burning pain in the leg when the patient hangs down his leg. He is obliged to elevate his extremities to relieve the pain.

Vipera is also useful when patients complain about collapse due to long standing as this is one of the symptoms of venous disorder.

Also, there is a change in the skin color of the legs which indicates its prescription.

Dosage and potency: 30c, 200c potency, and higher potency are effective, take four globules under the tongue, once a day for two weeks or until the improvement appears.

Frequent repetition of this medicine is important for a complete cure.

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2 thoughts on “Venous Insufficiency – Causes & Best Homeopathic Medicines”

  1. Dianne Armstrong

    Is there a combination for Venous insufficiency? In particular horse chestnut, Pine extract, sweet clover, digitalis?
    Thank you.

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