Scalp Folliculitis Treatment – Causes & Cure by Homeopathy

Scalp Folliculitis Treatment - Causes and Cure by Homeopathy

This article explains about Scalp Folliculitis Treatment, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & best homeopathic medicines.

An inflammatory disorder affecting the hair follicles is known as scalp folliculitis.

Hair follicles are the openings that hold the roots of the hairs.

Damage to the hair follicles causes the development of bacterial or fungal infections.

Hair follicle infections occur in any part of the body that contains hair including the scalp.

Scalp folliculitis is not a contagious condition i.e., it does not spread from one person to the other person.

It can be treated at home. In some cases, the infection may spread to surrounding hair follicles and cause permanent hair loss.

Let’s take a look at all the aspects of scalp folliculitis one by one in detail.

Scalp Folliculitis Types

Scalp folliculitis can be divided into two categories superficial folliculitis and deep folliculitis.

1.Superficial folliculitis:

Superficial folliculitis is mild and can be treated easily. This can be further divided into five categories.

Pseudofolliculitis barbae:

This type of folliculitis is also known as razor bump or barber’s itch.

It is most commonly found in people with curly hair. It is caused by ingrown hairs.

It occurs in people who continuously use razors before the hair is grown. Avoiding shaving for a few weeks may help.

Bacterial folliculitis:

It is caused by a bacterial infection in hair follicles. It occurs when there is a cut or wound in the skin that allows the bacteria to enter the body.

The affected area becomes itchy and a pus-filled bump is formed.

Pseudomonas folliculitis:

It usually occurs in covered areas or the back of the leg while using hot tubs or pools.

It occurs due to the unbalanced pH level or chlorine level of water in the pool. It occurs within 72 hours of exposure to such places.

Pityrosporum folliculitis:

This type of folliculitis occurs in yeast infection. It causes the affected area to become red and itchy.

2. Deep folliculitis:

Deep scalp folliculitis penetrates the deeper layers of the skin and causes infection.

Deep folliculitis can be of different types. Let’s take a look at them one by one.


An infection that runs deep into the hair follicle causing painful, pus-filled bumps.

These bumps grow until they rupture and the pus is drained. These leave scars that go away with time.

When several boils occur at the same point then it is known as a carbuncle.

Sycosis barbie:

It is a deep infection that causes serious scarring in the scalp region.

Gram-negative folliculitis:

Long-term use of antibiotics can cause this type of folliculitis. Continued use of antibiotic medicines can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria present in the body.

Eosinophilic folliculitis:

An intense and recurring type of folliculitis that causes deep scarring is known as eosinophilic folliculitis.

People with weak immune systems develop this type of folliculitis.

Scalp Folliculitis Causes

Bacterial and fungal infections due to damage to the hair follicles cause scalp folliculitis.

Hair follicle damage can occur due to a variety of causes.

Rubbing or continuously scratching the head.

Twisting the hairs.

Excessive styling and pulling of hair.

Continuous use of hats or caps.

Shaving head repeatedly.

Excessive use of hair products.

In these ways, the hair follicles get damaged and lead to infection by bacteria or fungi.

Scalp Folliculitis Symptoms

Symptoms of scalp folliculitis are similar to an acne breakout.

It increases in size and spreads to become more larger and inflamed.

It starts from the margins of the hairlines and spreads to the head.

Symptoms of scalp folliculitis include:

Group of tiny red, small bumps in the head with pus-filled white tip.

Yellowish-brown sores and scabs.

Itching and irritation in the scalp.

Burning and stinging pain in the scalp.

Tenderness and pain with redness.

In some cases, pus-filled blisters are formed on the scalp.

Risk Factors for Scalp Folliculitis

Certain risk factors predispose a person to get scalp folliculitis disease.

Let’s take a look at all the factors.

People who are suffering from acne or dermatitis.

People who are having curly and coarser hair.

Weak immunity due to underlying diseases.

Long-continued use of steroid or antibiotic therapy.

Tight clothing and waxing.

Using public pools or hot tubs.


The doctor will examine the scalp and ask about the medical history and symptoms in detail.

Most of the cases do not require a laboratory test. However, in some cases, the swab of the affected area can be taken and sent to the laboratory for analyzing of the root cause.

Scalp Folliculitis Management

Certain management tips can help to fasten the recovery process along with proper medical treatment.

Anti-dandruff shampoo:

Wash and clean the scalp and hair with anti-dandruff shampoo that contains antifungal agents.

Antibacterial soap:

Use soap that contains antibacterial properties to minimize the damage and also prevent further spread.


Applying a warm compress can soothe the scalp and also help in draining the pus.

Avoid lukewarm water to wash head:

Avoid using lukewarm water as it can increase irritation on the scalp.

Maintain good hygiene:

Wash items that come in contact with the head such as bedding, hats, comb etc.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Scalp Folliculitis

Homeopathy offers a mild, gentle and reliable treatment option for patients with scalp folliculitis.

Several wonderful homeopathic remedies are very effective in treating such cases.

These medicines are safe and free from any adverse effects. It can be given to patients of any age, and sex including, children, adults and old age group people.

Homeopathy addresses the disease from the root level and helps to completely cure the case. 

It is also helpful to minimize further damage and complications.

Let’s take a look at the most indicated medicines for the treatment of scalp folliculitis in homeopathy one by one in detail.

1. SILICEA: For scalp folliculitis with profuse sweat on head


Silicea is a great remedy for the treatment of scalp folliculitis patients who complains of profuse sweaty heads.

The sweat is offensive, often proceeding to the neck. It is helpful for painful scalp folliculitis with multiple boils.

Silicea helps to ease the pain, hasten the suppurative condition and drain the pus.

It is also helpful for scalp folliculitis cases that leave scars. There is much suppuration.

The affected areas become itchy and red. Intense pain with pus collection is a characteristic feature of this remedy.

The boils have a white top and they increase in size.

When these symptoms match, Silicea is the best choice of medicine.

Potency and dosage:

Silicea 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Silicea 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Silicea in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

2. CALCAREA SULPH: For scalp folliculitis with purulent discharge


Calcarea sulph is a wonderful medicine for the treatment of scalp folliculitis especially occurring in children.

The characteristic feature of this remedy is that the scalp gets covered with inflammatory bumps with pain and a purulent discharge.

The lesions leave yellow scabs on the affected area. There is unhealthy discharging of pus from the affected area.

The scalp folliculitis that does not readily heal can be easily treated by this remedy.

The affected area gets covered with yellowish scabs. 

There are many small, matterless pimples under the head that bleed when scratched.

Potency and dosage:

Calcarea Sulph 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Calcarea Sulph 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Sulph in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

3. SULPHUR: For scalp folliculitis with a dry head


Sulphur is considered a skin leader remedy in homeopathy.

It is very much helpful for patients with scalp folliculitis who are suffering from a dry head.

The patient develops scalp folliculitis due to a fungal infection. 

The patient complains of falling hair. The symptoms become worse by washing the hair.

Itching and scratching the head causes a burning sensation in the head.

The skin of the patient is dry, scaly and unhealthy. There are pimply eruptions and pustules in the head.

Sulphur can treat the cases of scalp folliculitis that occur after the use of hair care products.

Potency and dosage:

Sulphur 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Sulphur 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Sulphur in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

4. ARSENIC ALB: For scalp folliculitis with intolerable itching


Arsenic Alb is a great homeopathic remedy for the treatment of cases of scalp folliculitis that is accompanied by intolerable itching.

There are circular patches of bare spots on the head. The head becomes rough, dirty and sensitive.

The scalp is covered with dry scales. The scalp itches and burns at the night.

The patient says that he cannot comb his hair properly. The affected area becomes painful.

When these symptoms match, Arsenic Alb can completely cure the case and also prevent further complications.

Potency and dosage:

Arsenic Alb 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Arsenic Alb 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Arsenic Alb in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

5. OLEANDER: For scalp folliculitis affecting the margins of hair


Oleander is a very helpful medicine for the treatment of scalp folliculitis that starts from the margins of the hair.

There are numerous eruptions on the scalp. There are humid and fetid spots behind the ear.

The patient complains of corrosive itching in the head and front of the hair.

The symptoms become worse due to heat. The head burns and itches especially at night. 

The slightest friction in the head causes soreness and chapping in the scalp.

There is violent itching, bleeding and oozing from the scalp.

Potency and dosage:

Oleander 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Oleander 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Oleander in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

6. HEPAR SULPH: For scalp folliculitis with a sensitive and sore scalp


Hepar sulph is helpful for cases in which the scalp becomes sensitive and sore.

The scalp is humid with much itching and burning. There is cold sweat on the head.

There is inflammation and pus collection in the affected hair follicles. The lesions are prone to suppurate and extend.

The bumps easily bleed on scratching. The skin of the patient is unhealthy.

Every little injury suppurates. The scalp is sensitive to contact, burning, bleeding and stinging.

When these symptoms match, Hepar Sulph is the suitable choice of medicine for the treatment.

Potency and dosage:

Hepar Sulph 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Hepar Sulph 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Hepar Sulph in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

7. GRAPHITES: For scalp folliculitis with humid and itchy eruptions


The characteristic feature of this remedy is that there is a sticky discharge from the affected area.

There is an infection in the hair follicle which leads to the development of many pimply eruptions on the head that oozes out a glutinous, thin and sticky liquid discharge.

The patient complains of a fetid odor coming from the scalp.

The symptoms are worse from warmth and at night.

Potency and dosage:

Graphites 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Graphites 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Graphites in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

8. MERC SOL: For scalp folliculitis with a feeling of soreness


Merc sol is a great remedy for the treatment of scalp folliculitis patients.

The patient complains of burning and soreness in the head. There is offensive perspiration from the whole body.

There is stinging and burning with fetid eruptions on the scalp.

The patient complains of loss of hair. The scalp becomes tense.

There is oily sweat on the forehead. The symptoms of a Merc Sol patient become worse at night.

There are several small pimples around the main eruption.

There is a formation of yellowish-brown crust with considerable suppuration in the head.

Potency and dosage:

Merc Sol 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Merc Sol 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Merc Sol in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

9. MEZEREUM: For scalp folliculitis with white scabs


Mezereum is a used for the treatment of scalp folliculitis when there are scaly eruptions with white scabs. The head is covered with thick leathery crusts under which pus collects.

There is intolerable itching on the scalp. The scalp itches and burns with burning pains.

The symptoms of a Mezereum patient become worse by touch, damp weather and at night.

The eruptions ulcerate and form thick scaly scabs. The patient cannot comb his hair properly.When these symptoms match, Merc Sol can cure the case.

Potency and dosage:

Mezereum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Mezereum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Mezereum in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

10. KALI SULPH: For scalp folliculitis with bald spots


Kali Sulph is one of the best-indicated medicines for the treatment of scalp folliculitis patients.

The patient complains of a scalded head and bald spots in the head.

Kali Sulph is of great use in fungal infections of the scalp and bald head.

The affected area itches, burns and stings. There are little bumps on the head due to infection of the hair follicles.

The bumps increase in size and have a white tip. These boils are very painful and itchy.

Sometimes, a sticky white transparent discharge comes out of the affected area.

When these symptoms match, Kali Sulph can cure the case.

Potency and dosage:

Kali Sulph 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Kali Sulph 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Kali Sulph in 30CH can be taken as four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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1 thought on “Scalp Folliculitis Treatment – Causes & Cure by Homeopathy”

  1. Unsure which one I have as a chemo patient I did a razor cut while having hair fall out and picking at my hair have itchy scalp sweaty at times tried two kinds of creams it’s slightly better red tward nape lower head still dark pink especially in morning any hope or ideas

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