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Is Laryngitis Contagious? Causes & Treatment by Homeopathy

This blog explains what is laryngitis, is laryngitis contagious, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & the best homeopathic treatment for its complete cure.

Inflammation and swelling of the voice box (larynx) or vocal cords from irritation, infection, and overuse are known as laryngitis.

Vocal cords are small folds of mucus membrane which cover muscles and cartilage that vibrate to produce sound.

Vocal cords normally open and close to produce a slow and steady voice.

These are essential for breathing, talking and swallowing.

In laryngitis, these vocal cords swell and the voice quality changes.

The sound becomes hoarse or too quiet to be heard properly.

Laryngitis can be sudden and resolve in a short duration or it can be gradual and long-lasting for example, more than three weeks.

There are several types of infections which can lead to laryngitis e.g., viral infections, bacterial infections, acid reflux, smoking and environmental factors.

Laryngitis Types

Laryngitis can be classified into two types, acute and chronic.

Acute laryngitis:

Acute laryngitis is sudden in onset. It is usually caused by overuse of voice (vocal cords) and infections.

Other causes of acute laryngitis can be viral infections, talking loudly, screaming and alcohol abuse.

Chronic laryngitis:

Long-term exposure to irritants can cause chronic laryngitis. It is long-term laryngitis occurring over more than three weeks.

Exposure to harmful chemicals and irritants can cause chronic laryngitis.

Sinus infections, smoking, overuse of voice and yeast infections can lead to chronic laryngitis.

Asthmatic people who frequently use asthma inhalers are at a higher risk of developing chronic laryngitis.

In some cases, paralysis of vocal cords, cancer or continuous sore throat can lead to chronic laryngitis.

Laryngitis Causes

Several conditions result in laryngitis. Acute chronic laryngitis is caused by different factors.


Viral infection is the most common cause of laryngitis. These viruses are similar to viruses that cause colds and flu.

Shouting, screaming and yelling can also lead to laryngitis.

In some cases, laryngitis can be caused by diphtheria.

Diphtheria is a bacterial infection. It is a contagious disease and spreads via droplets while coughing and sneezing.

Other causes include:

Inhaling steroids (such as in the case of asthmatic patients).

Smoking or staying with someone who consistently smokes.

Repeated sinus infections can lead to laryngitis.

Acid regurgitation or acid reflux can cause laryngitis to develop.

Frequent exposure to harmful chemicals and substances or allergens can lead to laryngitis.

Persistent hoarseness and sore throat or in the cases of cancer, laryngitis can occur.

Laryngitis Symptoms

Let’s take a look at the symptoms of laryngitis in detail.

Laryngitis causes the voice to become weaker than normal.

In some cases, loss of voice may occur.

The patient complains of persistent dry throat and hoarseness.

There is a constant tickling in the throat.

Dry cough is a characteristic feature of laryngitis.

There is a constant need to clear the throat.

Mild fever occurs in some cases.

The patient feels difficulty in speaking and swallowing.

An irritating cough that does not go away can be a symptom of laryngitis.

Is Laryngitis Contagious?

Laryngitis is only contagious if it is caused by any infection.

For example, if a viral or bacterial infection is the cause of laryngitis, then it can be contagious and passed on to others.

But infectious laryngitis occurs less frequently.

The most common time of the spread of infection is the time when the patient is having fever.

Risk Factors for Laryngitis

Certain risk factors put an individual at a higher risk of developing laryngitis.

Let’s take a look at the risk factors of laryngitis one by one.

Bacterial infections:

People who are suffering from any kind of bacterial infection can easily develop laryngitis.

Viral infections:

Viral infections can also lead to the development of laryngitis.


Smoking is a risk factor for laryngitis in people who are chronic smokers.


Alcohol abusers are also at a higher risk of developing laryngitis.

Exposure to chemicals:

People who are regularly exposed to toxic chemicals may develop laryngitis.


People who have indigestion issues such as persistent acid regurgitation or reflux are at a higher risk.

Diagnosis of Laryngitis

Laryngitis affects the voice box. The doctor will first do a visual examination using a special mirror to view vocal cords.

Laryngoscopy can be done to magnify and visualise the voice box.

In this process, a thin, flexible tube with a microcamera is inserted via the nose or mouth.

The doctor will see for any signs of redness, irritation, lesions on the voice box, or swelling in the vocal cords.

If any mass is seen in the throat, the doctor may take a sample to rule out suspected throat cancer.

Laryngitis Management

Certain management tips can help laryngitis patient to recover fast and prevent further complications.

Drink water:

Drinking water regularly helps the throat to remain moist and minimises irritation.

Avoid alcohol:

Stop alcohol consumption as it may worsen the condition.

Maintain hygiene:

Maintain proper hygiene, wash your hands and pat them dry.

This will help to prevent potential infections such as catching a cold or flu.

Avoid spicy food:

Avoid spicy and junk food to prevent acid regurgitation and reflux.

Avoid caffeine:

Too much intake of coffee can worsen the symptoms. So, avoid it completely.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Laryngitis

Homeopathy offers a very gentle, quick, reliable and safe treatment option for patients with laryngitis.

There are so many wonderful and beneficial remedies in homeopathy capable of curing laryngitis.

Homeopathy medicines are very safe to be given to patients of any age and sex.

These medicines are free from any adverse effects. Homeopathy is a very good treatment option for laryngitis patients as it helps to prevent further complications.

Let’s take a look at the topmost indicated remedies for the treatment of laryngitis one by one in detail.

1. ARGENTUM MET: For laryngitis with a sore throat


Argentum Met is helpful for patients who experience a sore throat, especially on coughing.

There is a production of raw, hawking and jelly-like mucus. The patient complains of profuse morning expectoration looking like boiled starch.

There is extreme pain in the throat. The patient experiences hoarseness in the throat.

In some cases, there is a temporary loss of voice with raw and sore feelings when coughing.

It is a very useful medicine for the total loss of voice of professional singers.

The larynx feels raw and sore. The symptoms get worse with the use of voice.

On reading aloud, the patient must hem and hawk. There is a cough on laughing.

Potency and dosage:

Argentum Met 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Argentum Met 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Argentum Met in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

2. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM: For laryngitis with constriction and swelling


Arum Triphyllum is helpful for patients who complain of a constricted feeling in the throat.

The patient says that there is swelling in the throat. The throat feels raw and burning.

There is a constant hawking in the throat. The patient experiences hoarseness with much expectoration of mucus.

Arum Triphyllum is helpful for a clergyman’s sore throat. The voice becomes uncertain and uncontrollable.

All the symptoms of an Arum Triphyllum patient become worse in talking and singing.

When these symptoms match Arum Triphyllum can cure the case completely.

Potency and dosage:

Arum Triphyllum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Arum Triphyllum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Arum Triphyllum in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

3. DROSERA: For laryngitis with a deep and hoarse voice


Drosera is a great medicine for the treatment of laryngitis with a deep and hoarse voice.

The patient complains of a spasmodic, dry, and irritating cough. 

The attacks of cough follow each other very rapidly, the patient chokes and can scarcely breathe.

After midnight, there is yellow expectoration with bleeding from the nose and mouth.

The patient complains of a rough and scraping sensation in the throat.

There is a sensation as if a feather is present in the throat. The patient requires exertion to speak. 

It is helpful for clergyman’s sore throats with rough, scraping, dry sensations deep in the throat with a hoarse, deep, toneless, cracked voice.

Potency and dosage:

Drosera 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Drosera 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Drosera in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

4. PHOSPHORUS: For laryngitis with a painful throat


Phosphorus is a very useful medicine for the treatment of laryngitis in patients who complain of extreme pain in the throat.

Hoarseness is worse in the evening. There is a violent tickling in the throat while speaking.

The patient experiences loss of voice which is worse in the evening.

The patient cannot speak on the account of pain in the throat.

The tickling in the throat becomes worse in cold air, reading, laughing, talking, from going from warm to cold.

The patient complains of a sweetish taste in coughing.

Potency and dosage:

Phosphorus 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Phosphorus 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Phosphorus in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

5. IODUM: For laryngitis with swelling in the throat


Iodum is a very important medicine for the treatment of laryngitis in patients who have swelling in the throat.

The larynx feels constricted. The patient suffers from thyroid gland enlargements.

Patients who suffer from goitre with a sensation of constriction in the throat can be benefitted from this medicine.

The submaxillary gland and uvula are swollen. The voice becomes hoarse and cracked.

In some cases, there is a loss of voice. There are foul ulcers in the mouth with increased salivation.

When these symptoms match, Iodum is the best choice of medicine.

Potency and dosage:

Iodum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Iodum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Iodum in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

6. CAUSTICUM: For laryngitis with rawness and soreness in the throat


Causticum is a very helpful medicine when the patient complains of a sensation of rawness, soreness and burning in the throat.

The patient suffers from coryza with hoarseness. There is pain and a tickling sensation in the larynx.

The voice becomes heavy and hoarse. In some cases, there is a loss of voice.

Causticum is a helpful medicine for patients with laryngitis who suffer from paralysis of the tongue.

When these symptoms are present, Causticum should be the choice of medicine.

Potency and dosage:

Causticum 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Causticum 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Causticum in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

7. BELLADONNA: For laryngitis with a sensation of a lump in the throat


Belladonna is a very helpful medicine when the patient complains of a constant sensation of a lump in the throat.

The throat feels constricted with difficulty in swallowing especially liquids.

In some cases, there is a spasm in the throat with a continual inclination to swallow.

The muscles of the throat become sensitive. There is pain and tickling in the larynx.

Potency and dosage:

Belladonna 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Belladonna 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Belladonna in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

8. CARBO VEG: For laryngitis in patients with acid reflux


Carbo Veg is a very useful medicine for the treatment of laryngitis in patients who suffer from acid regurgitation or acid reflux.

Patients with indigestion issues who have weak digestive powers can be benefitted from this medicine.

The throat feels raw and burning. The patient experiences eructations which are heavy and full.

There is a constrictive pain in the throat with tickling. The larynx is irritated and inflamed.

In some cases, the patient notices swelling in the throat.

Potency and dosage:

Carbo Veg 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Carbo Veg 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Carbo Veg in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

9. CALCAREA CARB: For laryngitis with stitching pain


Calcarea Carb is one of the best medicine for the treatment of laryngitis.

The patient complains of stitching pain on swallowing. There is a great hawking up of mucus.

There is a persistent sour taste in the mouth with dryness of the tongue at night.

The voice becomes heavy, hoarse and cracked. The patient says that he needs to exert himself to talk.

When these symptoms match, Calcarea Carb can cure the case. 

Potency and dosage:

Calcarea Carb 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Calcarea Carb 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Carb in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

10. JUSTICIA: For acute cases of laryngitis


Justicia is a very important respiratory medicine in homeopathy. 

It is helpful for cases of acute laryngitis. The symptoms appear suddenly and lasts for less than three weeks.

There is a loss of smell and taste with laryngitis. The larynx becomes painful.

There is hoarseness in the throat with constant sneezing and dry cough.

The throat becomes dry with pain on swallowing. There is a tickling sensation in the throat.

The patient complains of paroxysmal cough i.e., continuous and repeated attacks of cough.

Potency and dosage:

Justicia 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Justicia 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Justicia in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

11. BRYONIA: For laryngitis with a dry throat


Bryonia is a well-known homeopathic remedy with wonderful beneficial powers in cases of respiratory tract diseases.

It is very helpful for the treatment of laryngitis in patients who experiences dryness in the throat.

The throat feels dry, scraped and constricted. There is tough mucus in the larynx.

The symptoms are worse in a warm environment. When these symptoms match, Bryonia can cure the case and also prevent further complications.

Potency and dosage:

Bryonia 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Bryonia 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Bryonia in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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