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Cascara Sagrada 30, 200, Q – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Cascara Sagrada is prepared from Rhamnus Purshiana of the Rhamnaceae family.

The medicine is prepared from the extract of bark. The common name of Cascara Sagrada is “sacred bark”.

It is a well-known and popular palliative remedy for constipation. It is a well-known purgative.

The plant is native to western North America, British Columbia, California, and Northwestern Montana.

It is a small tree, fifteen to thirty-nine feet tall. The trunk of the tree measures eight to ten inches in diameter.

The thin bark is brownish to silver grey, the inner bark is smooth and yellow.

Cascara Sagrada bark is extremely bitter. The flavor remains in the mouth for long hours, numbing the taste buds present on the tongue.

Adverse effects of using Cascara Sagrada can be dehydration and loss of electrolyte levels in the body, irregularities in the rhythm of the heart, and muscle weakness.

Laxatives like this should not be used by patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, piles (hemorrhoids), colitis, appendicitis, and kidney problems.

Consuming it is also a safety concern for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children.

The bark is collected in spring or early summer. It easily peels from the tree during this period.

Fresh-cut dried bark causes vomiting and violent diarrhea. Therefore it is kept for several months.

The drying is done in a shaded area to protect the properties and color of the bark.

The process is hastened by simply baking the bark at a low temperature.

After being dried, the bark of Cascara Sagrada can be effectively used as a laxative.

The fruits of this plant also have laxative properties. The food industry uses Cascara Sagrada to add flavors to liquors, ice cream, soft drinks, and baked goods.

Cascara is sold in the United States as a dietary supplement due to its laxative properties.

Its use may interfere with other drugs’ actions. Fifteen drops of the fluid extract can treat and restore the normal function of bowels.

Cascara Sagrada is a shrub. The dried bark of the plant has been used as a laxative for constipation problems.

Cascara Sagrada contains chemicals that stimulate the bowel and regulate bowel movements.

It is used for emptying the intestine before the colonoscopy ( a test for inspection of intestines).

It can be used as d dietary supplement for constipation patients.

The medicine has wider spheres of action known only when proven homeopathically.

It is a very beneficial remedy for chronic indigestion, cirrhosis, and jaundice.

Cascara Sagrada is a very beneficial remedy for people suffering from hemorrhoids (piles) or constipation.

People having gastric headaches, foul breath, the flabby and broad tongues can be benefitted from this medicine.

It can produce symptoms such as vomiting, severe abdominal griping, hemorrhoids and in some cases, temporary insanity and choleric symptoms are recorded.

Let’s take a look at all the aspects of Cascara Sagrada one by one in detail.

Cascara Sagrada Constitution/Personality

The patient of Cascara Sagrada suffers from the ill effects of chronic constipation.

He remains bloated and there is a “never-get done” feeling with difficult stools.

Cascara Sagrada Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

Cascara Sagrada patients may lose control over emotions and show a picture of temporary insanity.

The patient experiences fatigue due to dehydration and loss of electrolytes from the body.

The patient is mentally upset and irritable due to his suffering.

Head Complaints

Cascara Sagrada is a useful remedy for patients with gastric headaches with constipation.

The patient experiences pain and heaviness in the head due to gastric disturbances.

Eyes Complaints

The eyes may appear yellowish due to jaundice in Cascara Sagrada patients.

The eyes become sunken due to dehydration.

Eye discharge, pain, and other complaints occurring in people who have chronic indigestion issues can be treated by this remedy.

Ears Complaints

Earaches with constipation and gastric headaches can be treated by this remedy.

The patient may experience radiating pain in the ear due to gastric headaches.

Nose Complaints

Nasal discharge in patients having constipation and gastric troubles due to sluggish digestion can be treated by Cascara Sagrada.

The nose can feel dry due to dehydration in the body.

Mouth Complaints

The mouth of a Cascara Sagrada patient can be dry with extreme thirst. The tongue is flabby and broad in shape.

There is a foul smell coming from the mouth of the patient with foul breath.

Face Complaints

Cascara Sagrada patient’s face may appear yellowish due to the increased levels of bile in the blood (jaundice).

The face appears dehydrated and sunken in appearance.

Throat Complaints

The Cascara Sagrada patient experiences extreme thirst with dryness in the throat.

There can be acid reflux in the throat due to chronic indigestion.

Chest Complaints

Heartburn or pain in the chest due to gas formation as a result of chronic indigestion and constipation can be treated by this medicine.

The patient may feel a burning sensation in the chest due to gastric disturbances.

Heart Complaints

Low blood pressure can result from dehydration and loss of important electrolytes from the body.

Irregular heartbeat with anxiety in cases of dehydration can be found.

Stomach Complaints

The patient suffers from chronic indigestion and constipation resulting in stomach pain.

There is discomfort and an uneasy feeling in the stomach due to gas formation.

The patient experiences a loss of appetite with a nauseous feeling.

There is severe griping and hemorrhage (bleeding) in some patients.

Abdomen Complaints

The patient of Cascara Sagrada may experience pain in the right upper part of the abdomen.

The patient may suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. This remedy is beneficial to remedy for patients with liver cirrhosis.

There is fluid accumulation ( ascites ) in the abdomen due to liver cirrhosis.

It is a useful remedy for jaundice in patients who are having long-standing constipation and indigestion.

There is flatulence and uneasiness in the abdomen as the bowels do not empty.

Rectum Complaints

The stools are constipated. The patient is having a ‘never-get-done” feeling.

The patient strains at stool but his bowels are not fully emptied. He sits for long hours in the toilet.

The stools are unsatisfactory and scanty. The stools are hard and insufficient.

The patient may suffer from swollen veins in the rectum i.e., hemorrhoids (piles).

There is pain and bleeding from the stool due to piles. The patient may experience sharp, cutting pains in the rectum.

The blood may come out mixed in the stools or after stool.

Urinary Complaints

Cascara sagrada can be helpful to patients who experience little or no urination due to dehydration.

Urine-related troubles in people with chronic constipation can be treated by this remedy.

The patient must wait for a few minutes before the urination starts. It flows drop by drop at first.

Male Complaints

Men who drink alcohol for over many years and develop cirrhosis can be benefited from this remedy.

The patient may suffer from loss of sex drive, breast enlargement, or testicular atrophy due to liver cirrhosis.

Female Symptoms

Women who remain fatigued and dehydrated with chronic constipation can be treated with this remedy.

The women may experience absence and loss of menstrual cycle with liver cirrhosis.

Female patients with indigestion and weakness due to loss of important electrolytes from the body can be treated with this medicine.

Hand Symptoms

It is well-known medicine for rheumatism of muscles and joints with obstinate constipation.

There is pain with rawness and soreness in the bones, joints, and muscles of the hands.

There is pain in the joints of the hand and fingers. The patient experiences cramps in the muscles of the hands.

Legs Symptoms

Legs cramps can occur in the Cascara Sagrada patient due to the rapid loss of important electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, and potassium.

Swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles in patients with liver cirrhosis can be treated with this medicine.

There is pain with soreness and rawness in the bones, joints, and muscles of the legs.

The patient experiences pain the in joints of the legs.

Back Symptoms

There are cramps and muscular pain in the back. The patient suffers from rheumatism of the back with pain in the joints.

Cascara Sagrada patient suffers from back pain with obstinate constipation.

Skin Symptoms

The skin is shriveled and slow to bounce back when pinched into a fold due to the loss of electrolytes in the body and dehydration.

Redness in the palms of the hands in liver cirrhosis patients can be treated with this medicine.

There can be spider-like blood vessels under the skin of the Cascara Sagrada patient.

Sometimes, the skin may appear yellowish due to an increased level of bile in the blood.

Fever Symptoms

Cascara Sagrada is helpful for patients who suffer increased body temperature along with obstinate constipation.

The patient is having trouble with digestion. The digestive system doesn’t work properly leading to weakness in the body.

Due to the weak immunity as proper nutrition is compromised due to the lack of digestion issues the patient can easily catch infections.

Fever with body aches in patients with liver cirrhosis and jaundice can be relieved by this medicine.

Patients with rheumatism with body aches and fever can be benefitted from this medicine.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

The symptoms of the Cascara Sagrada patient are aggravated by dehydration.

The symptoms are worse during constipation.

Amelioration By-

The symptoms of the Cascara Sagrada patient are ameliorated by having normal bowel movements and satisfactory stools.

Relationship with Other Cascara Sagrada

Cascara Sagrada medicine is similar in action to the following medicines:


Nux Vomica

Rhamnus California

Cascara Sagrada Dosage & Potencies

Cascara Sagrada 30 Uses-

Cascara Sagrada 30 is considered a mild potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Cascara Sagrada 30 should be used when the symptoms are mild and few.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Cascara Sagrada 30 can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Cascara Sagrada 30 is four pills or drops thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Cascara Sagrada 200 Uses-

Cascara Sagrada 200 is considered a moderate potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Cascara Sagrada 200 should be used when the symptoms are moderate.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Cascara Sagrada 200 can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Cascara Sagrada 200 is four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Cascara Sagrada 1M Uses-

Cascara Sagrada 1M is considered a high potency. It is safe to be given to young adults and older age groups people.

Cascara Sagrada 1M should be used when the symptoms are severe.

It should be given when the mental and physical symptoms both match.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Cascara Sagrada 1M can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Cascara Sagrada 1M is four pills or drops once a week for two to three months.

Cascara Sagrada Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Cascara Sagrada Q (Mother Tincture) is considered a physiological potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Cascara Sagrada Q (Mother Tincture) should be used when the symptoms are in the form of structural change or when there is a need for physiological, change.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Cascara Sagrada Q (Mother Tincture) can be used in liquid form.

The ideal dose of Cascara Sagrada Q (Mother Tincture) is ten drops in half a cup of water twice daily for two to three months.

Cascara Sagrada 3X/6X Uses-

Cascara Sagrada 3X/6X is considered a low potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Cascara Sagrada 3X/6X should be used when the symptoms are developing slowly and gradually.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Cascara Sagrada 3X/6X can be used in liquid form or it can be in tablet form.

The ideal dose of Cascara Sagrada 3X/6X is two tablets twice daily for two to three months.

Cascara Sagrada Side Effects

Homeopathic medicines are usually free of side effects and adverse effects.

These medicines are prepared in such a way that the original crude form of the drug is diluted to such an extent that the powers of the medicines are converted into a dynamic form.

The preparation method of homeopathic medicines i.e., potentisation converts the harmful effects of the medicine into beneficial effects.

For example, if a herb in its crude and original form causes skin eruptions then that same herb when potentized can cure such eruptions.

The medicinal substances are successively diluted in a series of steps by mixing them with a certain fixed amount of water and alcohol through the process of trituration or succussion.

The medicine acts via sentient nerves and creates a similar artificial disease to the original disease already present in the body.

This removes the original disease from the body following Nature’s Law which says that the stronger will always overpower the weaker.

This way the disease is healed. However, while administering the medicine, a slight intensification of the symptoms occurs which is known as homeopathic aggravation.

This may seem like side effects because the symptoms get aggravated and also in some patients there are skin eruptions.

But these quickly go away on their own due to the excessively minute dosage.

Thus, there are no known side effects of the homeopathically prepared Cascara Sagrada.

Overdosing and unnecessarily high dose taking can cause an aggravation in the symptoms and the appearance of some new symptoms.

The potency and dosage should be carefully selected after matching the physical and mental symptoms of the patient to the symptoms of the medicine.

Let’s take a look at the possible side effects of Cascara Sagrada when taken in its original form or overdosing.

Cascara Sagrada in its crude form may cause certain side effects such as stomach discomfort and cramps.

If used for more than one week, it can cause more serious side effects including dehydration, heart issues, low levels of electrolytes in the body, muscle weakness, etc.

Pregnant ladies should not consume Cascara Sagrada in its crude form.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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1 thought on “Cascara Sagrada 30, 200, Q – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Im constipated every day…unless I take senna tea I can’t go poo
    I took some CS pill form from a cheap WalMart brand…they made me sick.
    Years ago I used to take CS and it worked
    wonderfully. Never took your homeopathic Cascara…
    Now I have some from Nature’s Way ..going to try it see how it works…hope I don’t get sick. Years ago I ended up in Emergen Room for Constip issues…of course the Medical staff were not able to treat my constipation and I suffered even more with that horrible drink they gave me. It felt like my bowels were going to explode. Sorry this is so long but no one ( my family) wants to hear my complaints bc it’s not a pleasant issue. I also have hemmroids…not sure what to do about that. I’m 74 yrs old with a youthful disposition.
    So my question is this:
    270mg per pill form is never enough to get my bowels going …I can take 2 or 3 pills but worried it may have a serious side effect. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you very much.

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