Navel Displacement, Pain – Symptoms, Causes & Homeopathy

Navel Displacement, Pain - Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathy

Navel pain due to navel displacement can be sharp or mild. It can be constant or it can come and go.

The pain can be felt around the navel or radiate to other parts of the body.

Navel pain is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying condition.

In some cases, the navel pain can be treated easily while in some cases long treatment even surgery may be required.

The doctor will give treatment according to the type of pain and by taking other symptoms into account.

Some people feel sharp navel pain while others may feel bloating and pulling type of pain.

Navel displacement pain is characterised by a shift in the navel centre.

Navel displacement pain is accompanied by digestive troubles.

Navel pain can indicate a medical emergency when associated with blood vomiting, continuous pain for four hours, chest pain, shortness of breath or blood in the stool.

Navel Displacement Pain Types

There are different types of navel pain based on the character of pain.

Navel displacement pain:

A shift in the normal anatomical position of the navel centre can cause navel displacement pain.

It can be caused by lifting heavy objects or routine hard work that puts strain on the navel.

Sharp and pulling pain:

There is a sharp pain which becomes worse on stretching and coughing with a bulge near the abdomen.

This type of pain can be associated with an umbilical hernia.

Sometimes this hernia can get strangulated and causes pain with vomiting.

These cases require immediate medical treatment.

Pain on touch:

Navel pain in touch can be caused by Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease causes other symptoms along with navel pain.

These symptoms include diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, weight loss and fatigue.

Navel pain with bloating:

Navel pain with bloating can be caused by indigestion. It causes other symptoms like fullness before finishing meals, and discomfort after meals.

Pain below the breastbone along with pain near the navel are possible symptoms of indigestion.

Navel pain during pregnancy:

Navel pain on one side or both with pain in the hips can occur during pregnancy.

It is also known as round ligament pain and is common during the second trimester.

Navel Displacement Causes

Navel pain can be caused by a variety of causes. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Navel displacement pain:

Navel displacement pain is caused by lifting heavy objects. It is caused by increased pressure near the belly button.

A small part of the intestine or fatty tissue bulges out and causes a hernia.

Chronic cough, lifting heavy objects, quick weight gain, and weak abdominal walls can cause a hernia.

Crohn’s disease:

Crohn’s disease develop slowly and causes symptoms such as diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, weight loss, fatigue along with navel pain. It also causes pain in other areas of the stomach.


The most and least severe cause of navel pain is indigestion.

The patient is having a feeling of fullness before finishing the meal.

There is discomfort after the meal. Indigestion causes pain below the breastbone along with pain in the navel region.

Gastric ulcer:

Patients with gastric ulcers also present with pain around the navel.

Ulcer causes dull pain near the navel. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, weight loss, bloating, acid reflux, and dark and tarry stools.

Pains sometimes aggravate or ameliorate after meals can indicate the presence of a gastric ulcer.


Navel pain is also common in pregnant women, especially in the second trimester.

It occurs due to round ligament pain. The pain can occur on one side, both sides or near the navel and hips.

Navel Displacement Symptoms

Symptoms of navel pain can be associated with other symptoms of the underlying condition.

  • Sharp, pulling pain near the navel.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Changes in appetite can be noticed.
  • A feeling of constant fullness and bloating along with pain below the breastbone.
  • Weight loss.
  • Discomfort and pain make the patient physically weak.
  • A bulge or protrusion can be seen near the navel ( in cases of hernia).

Risk Factors for Navel Navel Displacement

Certain risk factors make a person more suffer from navel pain. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Lifting heavy objects:

Lifting heavy objects and straining on the navel centre can result in navel displacement pain.

Umbilical hernia:

People with umbilical hernia experience pain around the navel. A bulge is noticed near the navel. The pain worsens with a cough.


Those who experience indigestion are also prone to suffer from navel pain.


Navel pain is also very common in appendicitis patients. This condition requires surgical treatment.

Gastric ulcer:

People with gastric ulcer experience pain on one side, both sides or around the navel.

Diagnosis for Navel Displacement

The doctor in detail will ask about the symptom history. He will perform a physical examination of the abdomen.

The doctor may advise ultrasonography and X-Ray to detect the exact cause.

A certain blood test can also be advised to detect infections and other possible causes.

Navel Displacement Management

Certain management tips can help in managing navel pain. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Avoid heavy lifting:

Avoid lifting heavy objects as it may worsen the condition and cause a shift in the navel centre.

Eat a high-fibre diet:

Eat a diet high in fibre. It will help in proper digestion.

Increase water intake:

Increase the amount of daily intake of water. It will help to resolve indigestion issues.

Treat the underlying cause:

Treating underlying conditions is very important as the navel pain can be a symptom of other underlying diseases such as hernia, appendicitis, Crohn’s disease etc.

Best Homeopathic Medicines Navel Displacement

Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines helpful for patients of navel displacement or navel pain.

There are several wonderful homeopathic remedies capable of completely curing the case and preventing further complications.

Let’s take a look at them one by one in detail.

1. NUX VOMICA: For navel pain due to umbilical hernia


Nux Vomica is well known homeopathic medicine for the treatment of a wide range of disorders.

It is helpful for patients suffering from navel pain due to weak abdominal walls or hernia.

It can also be helpful for cases of navel pain due to strangulated hernia. 

There is a feeling of bruised soreness near the navel. There is gaseous colic with spasmodic pain.

It can be useful to treat cases of umbilical hernia in infants.

The pain and pressure in the abdomen become worse sometimes after meals. The patient wants to vomit but cannot.

Potency and dosage:

Nux Vomica 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Nux Vomica 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Nux Vomica in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

2. COLOCYNTH: For navel pain causing the patient to bend double


Colocynth is an excellent homeopathic medicine known for its beneficial effects on abdominal pain.

One of the characteristic features of this medicine is that the pain is so agonising that it causes the patient to bend over double.

There is pressing and cutting pain in the navel area. 

The patient experiences a sensation as if stones were being ground together in the abdomen and would burst.

Intestines feel bruised with cramps in calves. There is cutting pain in the abdomen, especially after anger.

Pain occurs in a small spot below the navel.

Potency and dosage:

Colocynth 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Colocynth 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Colocynth in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

3. DIOSCOREA: For navel pain which is worse bending forwards


Dioscorea is a wonderful medicine for the treatment of people suffering from navel pain due to indigestion.

The pain suddenly shifts to different parts. There is rumbling in the abdomen with much gas.

Griping and cutting pain occurs in the upper abdomen and intestines.

The navel pain is better by walking. Sharp pains occur in the navel area and below the breastbone.

Indigestion causes sour eructations and a bitter taste in the mouth.

The patient experiences sinking at the pit of the stomach along with navel pain. The navel pain is relieved by standing erect.

Potency and dosage:

Dioscorea 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Dioscorea 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Discorea in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

4. CHINA: For navel pain with pain in the whole abdomen


China is a very useful medicine for the treatment of navel pain due to pain in the whole abdomen.

There is pulling pain near the navel. The patient is relieved by bending double.

It is also helpful for patients who suffer from gallstone colic along with pain near the navel.

People with slow digestion can be benefitted from this medicine.

The navel pain becomes worse after eating fruits. The stomach is tender and cold with vomiting of undigested food.

The navel pain is worse from the slightest test and after eating.

Potency and dosage:

China 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. China 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

China in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

5. CINA: For twisting pain about the navel


Cina is a great homeopathic medicine for the treatment of twisting pain in the navel.

The patient complains that the abdomen is bloated and hard.

The patient has a tendency to get angry soon after a meal. 

There is pain in the navel and below the breastbone which is worse during the first walk in the morning and before meals.

There is vomiting and diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking.

The patient desires many things and craves sweets. It is helpful for children suffering from worms who experience twisting pains about the navel.

Potency and dosage:

Cina 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Cina 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Cina in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

6. CALCAREA PHOS: For soreness and burning around the navel


Calcarea phos is a great medicine in homeopathy for the treatment of soreness and burning pain around the navel.

There is great hunger with thirst and flatulence. The symptoms are temporarily relieved by sour eructations. 

Abdomen feels sunken and flabby. Colicky pain along with burning and soreness is present.

At every attempt to eat, there is a colicky pain in the abdomen.

The patient complains of pain below the breastbone along with pain around the navel.

There is easy vomiting in children. When these symptoms are present, Calcarea Phos can effectively manage the case.

Potency and dosage:

Calcarea Phos 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Calcarea Phos 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Calcarea Phos in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

7. IRIS VERSICOLOR: For navel pain with constipation


Iris Versicolor is a great medicine for the treatment of people suffering from navel pain with constipation.

Indicated in the patient having indigestion issues. There is burning of the whole alimentary canal.

The patient complains of sour and bloody vomiting. There is nausea with profuse saliva.

The patient is having deficient saliva. There is cutting pain around the navel with flatulent colic.

There is periodical night diarrhoea with pain and green discharge.

The symptoms are worse in the evening and at night and better by continued motion.

When these symptoms are present, Iris Versicolor is the most suitable choice of medicine.

Potency and dosage:

Iris Versicolor 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Iris Versicolor 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Iris Versicolor in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

8. PLUMBUM MET: For navel pain due to weak abdominal walls


Plumbum Met can effectively treat cases of navel pain due to weak abdominal walls and hernia.

The abdomen feels retracted towards the spine. There is a sensation of pressure, constriction and tightness in the abdomen.

There is excessive colic radiating to all parts of the body. The pain causes a desire to stretch.

The patient complains of obstructed gas with much colicky pain about the navel.

The symptoms are worse at night, by motion and better by rubbing, hard pressure and physical exertion.

Potency and dosage:

Plumbum Met 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Plumbum Met 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Plumbum Met in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

9. ALOE: For pulsating pain around the navel


Aloe is one of the best-indicated remedies for the treatment of navel pain.

There is fullness in the abdomen with pain below the breastbone.

The abdomen feels full, heavy, hot and bloated. The patient complains of pulsating pain around the navel.

The navel pain becomes worse with pressure. There is a weak feeling as if diarrhoea would come out.

There is a great accumulation of flatus pressing downwards. 

The patient is having aversion to meat and desire for juicy things.

There is nausea with headache and pain and irritation about the navel.

Potency and dosage:

Aloe 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Aloe 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Aloe in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

10. ARSENIC ALB: For navel pain which is worse by coughing


Arsenic Album is one of the top-indicated medicines for the treatment of navel pain in homeopathy.

This remedy is indicated when the patient experiences a sensation of anxiety in the pit of the stomach. The patient complains of burning pain with pain below the breastbone.

The patient suffers from ill effects of a vegetable diet, melons and watery fruits generally.

There are gnawing and burning pains around the navel like coals of fire which is better by heat.

The abdomen feels swollen and painful. There is pain sensation as if from a wound on coughing.

When these symptoms match, Arsenic Album is the best choice of medicine for treatment.

Potency and dosage:

Arsenic Alb 1M can be taken as four pills or drops once a week till improvement occurs. Arsenic Alb 200CH can be taken as four pills or drops once daily till improvement occurs.

Arsenic Alb in 30CH can be taken as four pills twice daily till improvement occurs.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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