Hydrangea Arborescens 30, 200, 1M, Q – Uses & Side Effects

Hydrangea Arborescens 30, 200, 1M, Q - Uses and Side Effects

Hydrangea Arborescens is prepared from the “seven-barks” plant of the Hydrangeacaea or Saxiferagacaea family.

Hydrangea Arborescens is a shrub. It is usually grown in the north-central part of the united states.

It is found in moist soil under the hardwood forest canopy. It is also commonly found on woodland road banks and streams.

The flowering in the Hydrangea plant occurs from May to July. The fruits are like ripped-brown capsules and are produced in groups.

The leaves are large, opposite and serrated, and deciduous. The lower part of the leaves has fine hairs.

The stem bark is peeled in several successive thin layers. Each layer is of a different color.

Due to this property, Hydrangea Arborescens is also known as “seven-barks”.

The chemical in Hydrangea may increase the urine output.

The fluid extract is used to prepare the medicine from the tincture of fresh leaves and barks of the plant.

The roots and underground stems are also used to make medicines. There are chemicals in this plant that can increase the urine output and thereby relieve some urinary tract problems.

Hydrangea roots have been used for more than a hundred years to treat urinary tract infections and prostate enlargement, kidney and bladder diseases.

There are some compounds in the plant that are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Hydrangea Arborescens action is chiefly focused on the kidneys, bladder and renal stones, and urine incontinence.

Other spheres of action of this medicine are diabetes mellitus and prostatic affections.

Like the other plants of the Hydrangeacaea or Saxiferagacaea family, Hydrangea Arborescens has a reputation as a “stone-breaking” remedy.

It has been used for calculus or stones for many years.

Dr. Nottingham, of Lansing, said that if Hydrangea Arborescnes is used in physiological doses then it will produce symptoms such as giddiness, dizziness, and oppression of the chest.

It can create a state of emotional release, unconscious, excessive secretion of saliva.

Hydrangea Arborescens may have narcotic effects when taken in a physiological dose.

Hansen said that Hydrangea Arborescens is a great remedy for the treatment of white amorphous salts in the urine.

It is a helpful remedy to arrest the tendency of stone formation. It can relieve distress from renal stones with soreness in the region of kidneys and blood in the urine.

Hydrangea Arborescens is a beneficial remedy for patients suffering from hay fever.

Let’s take a look at the range of action of this remedy upon various complaints of the body.

Hydrangea Arborescens Constitution/Personality

Hydrangea Arborescens patient is tall. He is thin and slender. The patient may have a dark complexion.

This remedy is suited to persons who are having urinary tract-related problems.

The Hydrangea Arborescens patient is extremely thirsty. This remedy is said to be the thirstiest plant remedy in Homeopathic medicines.

Hydrangea Arborescens Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens patient is mentally irritated due to his illness. The patient experiences a lot of anger.

There are frequent paroxysms of violent anger several times a day. The patient may not think about the dangerous outcomes of abusing drugs and keep on overdosing on them.

Head Complaints

Headaches due to irritability and anger fits can be treated by this remedy.

The patient experiences pain in the head with mental irritation.

Fits of violent anger worsen the symptoms. Sinus headaches in hay fever can be treated by Hydrangea Arborescens.

The patient experiences pain in the temples and forehead.

Eyes Complaints

The patient may have eyesight problems due to uncontrolled diabetes Mellitus.

This remedy is helpful for eye complaints with urinary tract infections and diseases.

Itchy eyes due to hay fever can be treated by this medicine.

Ears Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is a helpful medicine for patients who suffer from earaches along with renal stones.

Mentally irritable patients who suffer from earaches can be benefitted from this medicine.

Nose Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is a good remedy to treat runny or blocked noses caused by hay fever.

It is indicated for sneezing and loss of smell. The patient may experience shortness of breath.

Mouth Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is a helpful medicine for itchy mouth during hay fever.

It is useful for the treatment of mouth complaints along with a tendency for stone formation in the body.

Face Complaints

The patient may experience itching in the face along with an increase in temperature with coughing and sneezing.

It can treat face-related complaints in patients with chronic kidney disease such as swelling in the face under the eyelids.

Throat Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is a good remedy for the itchy throat with cough and a tired feeling during hay fever.

The patient is extremely thirsty and wants to drink a large amount of water.

Chest Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is useful for the treatment of tight feelings in the chest.

The patient experiences tightness in the chest with shortness of breath and cough.

The chest feels oppressed making the patient uncomfortable, anxious, and irritable.

Heart Complaints

The Hydrangea Arborescens patient has chest tightness with anxiety.

The patient complains of chest uncomfort with violent paroxysms of anger and rage.

Stomach Complaints

Hydrangea Arborescens is helpful for patients who are suffering from pain in the stomach due to renal stones.

The pain radiates throughout the stomach making the patient anxious and irritable.

Abdomen Complaints

Abdominal complaints with an enlarged prostate can be treated with this remedy.

The patient experiences sharp cutting pains in the lower abdomen, flanks, and sides of the abdomen.

Rectum Complaints

Difficult bowel motions on the account of an enlarged prostate, renal stones, and other kidney diseases.

Patients who suffer from constipation or diarrhea along with a tendency of calculus formation can be treated with Hydrangea Arborescens.

Urinary Complaints

The patient complains of burning in the urethra with frequent desires. The urine is hard and difficult to start.

The patient complains of sharp pains in the loins, especially on the left side.

There is great thirst with abdominal complaints.

The prostate is enlarged. There are calculus deposits in the urine. The flow of urine is weak.

Hydrangea Arborescens is a helpful remedy for spasmodic strictures in the urinary passage.

The urine flows drop by drop with sharp cutting pain, rawness, and burning in the whole urinary passage.

There are profuse deposits of white amorphous salts. It is a very beneficial medicine for ureter problems, inflammation, and infections.

Hydrangea Arborescens is an infallible remedy for urinary tract infections and renal calculus.

It is a helpful medicine for urinary incontinence i.e., unknown leakage of urine.

Male Complaints

The prostate is enlarged. The patient experiences difficulty to start to pee.

The flow of urine is weak. There is a pattern of “stop-start” peeing due to an enlarged prostate.

The patient feels an urgent and sudden urge to urinate. He gets up frequently at the night to pee.

The patient suffers from accidental leakage of urine to the prostate enlargement.

Female Symptoms

Female patients who experience burning and cutting pain while urinating. The genital part burns and becomes irritable and itchy.

The patient experiences urgency and frequency of urination urge. It is a helpful remedy for female patients who have violent paroxysms of anger with irritability.

Hand Symptoms

Numbness and tingling in hands in diabetic patients can be treated with Hydrangea Aborescens.

Weakness and loss of sensation in hands in patients who suffer from diabetes can be treated by this medicine.

Legs Symptoms

There is numbness and tingling sensation in the feet. The patient experiences a loss of sensation in the lower part of the legs.

Itching and swelling in the legs in patients with kidney stones can be treated by this medicine.

Back Symptoms

There is pain in the back with irritability and anger paroxysms. The patient experiences weakness and numbness in the back.

Pain in the back with the oppression of the chest and cough can be treated by Hydrangea Arborescens.

Skin Symptoms

It is helpful for people with skin eruptions during calculus formation. It can treat itchy skin during hay fever.

Skin problems in people with diabetes can be treated by Hydrangea Arborescens.

Fever Symptoms

Hydrangea Arborescens is a useful medicine for symptoms of hay fever. The fever lasts for weeks or months.

The patient experiences an increased temperature with coughing and sneezing.

The nose can be runny or blocked. The eyes become itchy, red, and watery.

The mouth, nose, throat, and ears become itchy with mental irritability and anger.

The patient complains of pain around the temples and forehead with a loss of smell.

The patient experiences an earache with a tired feeling.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

The symptoms of Hydrangea Arborescens patients are aggravated by mental irritability and violent paroxysms of anger.

Amelioration By-

The symptoms of Hydrangea Arborescens patients are better by drinking a large amount of water.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Hydrangea Arborescens is similar to the following medicines:

Berberis Vulgaris

Sabal Serrulata


Uva ursi

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Ocimum Can


Chimaphila Umvellata

Pareira Brava



Hydrangea Arborescens Dosage & Potencies

Hydrangea Arborescens 30 Uses-

Hydrangea Arborescens 30 is considered a mild potency. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Hydrangea Arborescens 30 should be used when the symptoms are mild and few.

It can be used for Head complaints, eyes complaints, ear complaints, nose complaints, and skin complaints.

Hydrangea Arborescens 30 can be used in liquid form, or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Hydrangea Arborescens 30 is four pills or drops thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Hydrangea Arborescens 200 Uses-

Hydrangea Arborescens 200 is considered a moderate potency. It is safe to be given to adolescent age groups, adult age groups, and older age groups people.

Hydrangea Arborescens 200 should be used when the symptoms are moderate in intensity.

It can be used for mouth complaints, face complaints, throat complaints, chest complaints, and Heart complaints.

Hydrangea Arborescens 200 can be used in liquid form, or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Hydrangea Arborescens 200 is four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Hydrangea Arborescens 1M Uses-

Hydrangea Arborescens 1M is considered a high potency. It is safe to be given to adults and older age groups people.

Hydrangea Arborescens 1M should be used when there are many symptoms, and the intensity of symptoms are severe.

It can be used for stomach complaints, abdomen complaints, rectum complaints, urinary complaints, and mental complaints.

Hydrangea Arborescens 1M can be used in liquid form or it can be mixed with globules.

The ideal dose of Hydrangea Arborescens 1M is four pills or drops once a week for two to three months.

Hydrangea Arborescens Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Hydrangea Arborescens Q (Mother Tincture) is considered a physiological dose. It is safe to be given to patients of any age and sex including small children, young adults, and older age groups people.

Hydrangea Arborescens Q (Mother Tincture) should be used when the symptoms cause changes in physiology i.e. when there is a structural change in the body.

Hydrangea Arborescens is used in Q (Mother Tincture) form when there is a requirement of physiological change such as dissolving of kidney stones and reversing prostate enlargement.

It can be used for urinary complaints, male complaints, female complaints, hand complaints, and leg complaints.

Hydrangea Arborescens Q (Mother Tincture) can be used in liquid form.

The ideal dose of Hydrangea Arborescens Q (Mother Tincture) is ten drops in half a cup of water twice daily till improvement occurs.

Hydrangea Arborescnes 3X/6X Uses-

Hydrangea Arborescens 3X/6X is considered a low potency. It is safe to be given to young and older people.

Hydrangea Arborescens 3X/6X should be used when the symptoms are mild and few.

It can be used for urinary complaints, back complaints, skin complaints, fever complaints, and chest complaints.

Hydrangea Arborescens 3X/6X can be used in tablet form.

The ideal dose of Hydrangea Arborescens 3X/6X is two tablets thrice daily for two to three months.

Hydrangea Arborescens Side Effects

A homeopathically prepared Hydrangea Arborescens has no side effects provided the doses and repetition are done in the right manner.

However, the slight intensification of the symptoms at the beginning of the administration of the medicine which is known as homeopathic aggravation might seem to be a side effect for common people.

This aggravation of symptoms subsides on its own quickly. Overdosing and unnecessarily taking higher doses of Hydrangea Arborescens can cause some symptoms such as urinary complaints, prostate complaints, and skin eruption.

These symptoms will go away when the medicines are stopped. So, the doses should be decided carefully, and the medicine should be selected after matching both the physical and mental symptoms.

Hydrangea Arborescens in its crude form can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea and chest tightness.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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