Echinacea Augustifolia 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Echinacea Augustifolia 30, 200, 1M Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

Echinacea Augustifolia is commonly known as purple coneflower. It is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower family Compositae. Echinacea 30 & Echinacea 200 are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines.

It is an invaluable remedy in treating diseases like Goiter and the tendency to form cancer.

It can be used in the last stages of cancer as a pain reliever and Cerebrospinal meningitis, typhoid fevers, and diseases or complaints associated with piles.

Echinacea Augustifolia constitution/personality

Echinacea Augustifolia is adapted to persons of the lymphatic constitution with frequent depression, dullness, and drowsiness.

The mind is confused with depression of spirit, confusion of thoughts. The Broken-down weak constitution with the weakened immune system after suffering from malaria/typhoid or cancerous affections.

Guiding Symptoms for Echinacea Augustifolia

Echinacea Augustifolia is an essential remedy in treating diseases associated with inflammation of the lymphatic system, causing foul-smelling discharges, with much weakness and fatigue of the person who is suffering.

There are foul-smelling discharges from the nose with ulceration in the nasal mucosa.

It helps treat dryness of the mouth by promoting saliva secretion and treating bleeding from gums; it is very effectively used in treating tonsils infection and conditions like fever, malaise, cold, nose block, throat pain, choking sensation.

Echinacea Augustifolia is also used in treating fevers with nausea, as it occurs in typhoid infections and fevers associated with malaria.

Echinacea Augustifolia is useful in symptoms of insect bites such as itchiness at the spot of insect bite, eruption, and lymphatic enlargement of the region surrounding insect bite.

It is used in treating stomach disorders like frequent nausea and heartburns within pectoral muscles that are muscles of the abdominal wall.

Echinacea Augustifolia is an invaluable remedy in treating Urinary tract infections with painful urination, frequent urging to urinate, burning in the urinary parts.

Echinacea Angustifolia has long been used in low typhoid conditions, diphtheria, malignant scarlatina, carbuncles, and boils, and as a remedy in snakebites. It has been used successfully in vaccinal poisoning, causing symptoms of vitality significantly reduced; a person becomes so weak he could not sit up; hair falls out.

It is used to erupt psoriasis appearing on extremities extending to the body.

The disease advances rapidly; the nails fall off.

Left iritis supervened, and then keratitis of the right eye. The report does not mention if the left eyesight was recovered.

Echinacea Angustifolia very successfully treats the symptoms related to anxiety.

Fever symptoms with a full head, flushed face, and accelerated pulse. It is helpful in neuralgic, sharp, darting, shifting pains. Catarrh of the digestive adds respiratory tracts. Griping pains, offensive flatus, and loose yellowish stool.

The symptoms were worse after eating in the evening, after physical or mental exertion, better by lying down, and by rest.

Echinacea Augustifolia Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating depression with dullness in the head with the cross, irritable feeling.

The person is so nervous could not study.

There is a confusing feeling in the brain.

The person feels depressed and much out of sorts. The feeling of mental depression is more in afternoons.

There is a sense of fear with pain in the heart and accelerated pulse.

After the continuous depression, there is a feeling that senses are numbed.

The person gets drowsy, cannot read, drowsy condition with yawning.

The person becomes angry when corrected, does not wish to be contradicted.

There is general depression with weakness.

There is general dullness and drowsiness, unable to apply the mind.

The patient does not want to think or study.

Head Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in vertigo occurring due to changing the position of the head.

There is a dull headache, a sensation as if the brain is too large, along with every beat of the heart.

There is a dull pain in the brain and a full feeling in the head. Dull frontal headache, over left eye, which is relieved in the open air. Echinacea Angustifolia is used in severe headaches in the vertex, throbbing headaches, worse through temples, occiput worse in the evening, better by rest and pressure.

Headache with sharp pain, full feeling in temples. Sudden pain in the left temple and occiput, and there is a cold sensation in the left occiput.

Along with dull headache, there is dizziness, constant soft pressing, shooting pain in both temples, better by rest and by pressure. Sensation as if the head is as big as a windmill, with mental depression.

Eyes Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in eye ache that occurs due to continuous reading.

Eyes tires dreadfully to hold a book and read it. There is eye pain when looking at an object, and eyes will fill with tears.

Eye aches are better by closing them.

There is a sleepy sensation in the eyes but cannot sleep. There is a sensation as if eyes feel brighter than natural.

There is pain in the Back of the right eye.

When closing them, there is a sense of heat in the eyes—dull pain in both eyes.

There is water from both eyes from cold air, with sharp pains in eyes and temples.

Nose Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in common colds causing stuffiness of the nose, with mucus in the nares and pharynx.

There is a full feeling in the nose as if it would close up.

This complete feeling of the nose obliges the patient to blow the nose, but it does not relieve them.

The nostrils are sore.

There is mucous discharge from the right nostril leading to the rawness of the right nostril, sensitiveness to cold, which causes a nose flow of mucus.

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in bleeding from the right nostril. The right nostril is sore when picking causes hemorrhage.

There is a headache over the eyes, with sneezing.

Face Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in facial neuralgias caused by dental problems; there is darting pain in the teeth, worse on the right side.

Neuralgic pains in the superior and inferior maxilla cause swelling of the face.

There is dull aching of the teeth.

Mouth Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in conditions of the mouth where there is the thick white coating of tongue in the mornings, with frothy white mucus in the mouth.

There is slight burning of the tongue. There is a biting tingling sensation of the tongue, lips, and fauces—a typical whitish tongue coat with red edges and accumulation of sticky, white mucus.

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in the burning of the tongue, with increased saliva.

There is a dry sensation in the back part of the mouth; there is a burning peppery taste and bad taste in the mouth in the morning.

Sometimes a metallic taste and dryness of the mouth are also present.

Throat Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in the throat like laryngitis and pharyngitis with mucus accumulation.

There is raw sensation along with the accumulation of mucus in the throat.

There is biting tingling in fauces.

After vomiting sour mucus, my throat burns terribly.

There is soreness of the throat, worse on the left side.

Heart Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in conditions of the heart where there is pain over the heart.

Mostly the pain is Stitching pain in the left chest (apex of the heart).

There is the rapid beating of a heart.

The heart’s activity increases, the pulse is 80, full and robust, later decreased and increased.

Echinacea Angustifolia is used when the heart’s action is reduced, causing anxiety about the heart.

Stomach Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating acidity-related complaints.

After eating, the stomach and abdomen are full of gas. Belching tastes like food eaten a few minutes after eating.

Stomach distended with gas, not better by belching.

The belching is of tasteless gas along with belching of gas at the same time there is passing flatus.

There is nausea with eructation of gas; at times, there is sour eructation.

This sour eructation, which caused the burning of the throat. Distension of the stomach with gas causes a sensation as something large and hard in the stomach.

There is the sourness of the stomach, leading to heartburn, with belching of gas.

There is a relaxed feeling in the stomach.

There is pain in the abdomen, going down through the bowels, followed by diarrhea.

Before going to bed, there is a dull pain in the stomach, which is always better than lying down.

Abdomen Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating IBS-irritable bowel syndromes, in which there is belching of gas and at the same time passing flatus.

There is a pain in the right hypochondrium due to the accumulation of gas.

Full feeling in the abdomen, with borborygmus, intense rumbling in large intestines.

Distension of abdomen due to gas causes pain about umbilicus, better by bending double.

There is a pain in the abdomen, sharp cutting, coming and going suddenly.

There is a pain in the left iliac fossa.

Rectum Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating diarrhea in which there are griping pains followed by passing offensive flatus, or a loose yellowish stool, which always produces great exhaustion.

There is a pain in the stomach, going down through bowels better by bending double, followed by diarrhea.

Foul-smelling watery stools following pain in the stomach, going through bowels, there is a dull pain in the stomach, before going to bed, which is always better by lying down.

Urinary Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating frequent urinary tract infections occurring due to weak immunity, frequent urging for urination with dull pain in the urethra when urinating.

Involuntary urination despite trying hard to control.

There is a sense of heat while passing urine, indicating that the urine is hot; this leads to pain and burning on urination.

The Urine quantity is increased.

Urine is pale and copious, and the urine is scanty and dark in color.

Female Genital Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating infections of female genitals leading to foul offensive leucorrhea; there is mucus from the vagina in the evening.

There is a pain in the right iliac region, which seems deep, lasting short. It is helpful in pelvic inflammatory diseases in women who have a weak immune system.

Male Genital Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating diseases of male genitals.

There is impotence due to reduced sperms in individuals with frequent ill health due to weakened immune systems.

There is soreness in the perineum, pain across the perineum. The perineum seems stretched.

There is soreness and pain in the right spermatic cord.

The testicles are drawn up and sore.

There is a pain in the meatus while urinating.

Back Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating pains and stiffness in the Back of the neck.

Due to urinary tract infections, there is pain and soreness in the small of the Back over the kidneys.

Mostly right kidney is affected.

The patient has a dull ache in the small of the back, extending to the lumbar region, worsened from stooping, better by pressure and lying down.

Hand Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating general weakness of limbs following typhoid and malaria fevers.

There is pain between the shoulders, extending to the axilla and down the arms.

Pain in the left shoulder is better by rest and warmth, covering. Pains in the shoulder, going down to fingers.

The pain is sharp in the arms, going down to fingers, losing muscular power, unable to pick or hold things.

There is acute pain in the elbow with cold hands.

The sharp pains extend from shoulder to wrists and fingers and further towards the thumbs.

Legs Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating pains in the lower limbs after suffering from typhoid and malarial fevers.

There is pain in the right thighs and pain in the Back of the left knee. There is sharp shooting pain in the legs.

The extremities are cold with chilliness in the right leg, hip pains—the pain in the right leg.

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating cold feet.

The limbs are exhausted, there is a tired feeling, with muscular weakness.

The patient feels as if I have been sick for a long time. There is general aching all over the body, with exhaustion.

Skin Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating symptoms related to skin, in which there is intense itching and burning of skin on the neck.

Tiny bumps form on the skin, with redness, feeling like nettles.

The skin is dry, with small red pimples on the neck and face.

It helps treat boils. It is used in treating psoriasis, eczema symptoms where thick plaques form on the skin surface.

Sleep Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating the general languor, sleepiness after suffering from fevers of typhoid and malaria or cancerous affections.

The sleep is disturbed, often wakes at night; in sleep, the sleep is full of dreams.

There are different dreams about exciting things all night, and there are dreams of dead relations.

Fever Symptoms

Echinacea Angustifolia is used in treating malarial and typhoid fevers.

It is used in fevers due to a reduction in red blood corpuscles.

The febrile symptoms are associated with fullness of the head and dull aching in the head, flushed face, and accelerated pulse.

There are chills, with coldness up the Back and extremities.

There is general chilliness with nausea, cold flashes all over the Back.

In the heat stage, the temperature is raised to a high degree, with flushed face and fulness of the head, accelerated full pulse causing anxiety.

There is sweat chiefly on the upper part of the body in the sweating stage.

Echinacea Augustifolia Modalities

Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravation by

After eating; in the evening; after physical or mental exertion

Amelioration by

By lying down, and by rest, by bending double.

Echinacea Augustifolia Remedy Relationship

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

Complementary to Echinacea augustifolia is – Baptisia

Similar Remedy

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is different.

Medicines similar to Echinacea Augustifolia are Calendula officinalis,Arnica Montanna,Bellis.

Followed Well By

These are medicines given after the first medicine finished its action.

Echinacea Augustifolia is followed well by Arnica, Calendula Officinalis.


When there appear of new symptoms, you should study the new symptoms combined with the old one, and a second remedy covering more of these new symptoms is given. This second remedy is the antidote.

Echinacea Augustifolia is antidoted by: Camphora.

Echinacea Augustifolia Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity, where the symptoms narrated by the patient are somewhat similar to the guiding symptoms of the medicine, a totality of symptoms is formed by your homeopathic doctor, and treatment identical to the disease condition is given, the more

Echinacea Augustifolia 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Echinacea Augustifolia works well as a therapeutic dose for fever.

Very useful in treating typhoid, malarial fever, and repeated intake 3-4 times a day is advised.

Echinacea Augustifolia 30C Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms match the medicine to that of the patient. T

These symptoms help doctors diagnose the disease condition only, and there are fewer symptoms of Echinacea Augustifolia.

Lower potencies require frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.

Echinacea Augustifolia 200C Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Echinacea Augustifolia match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

On giving 200C potency, it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside.

Echinacea Augustifolia 1M Uses

This is very high potency.

One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Echinacea Augustifolia and that given by the patient match perfectly.

one should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Echinacea Augustifolia Clinical Indication

  • Appendicitis.
  • Bites of rabid animals.
  • Blood-poisoning.
  • Carbuncles.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Enteric Fever.
  • Gangrene.
  • Poisoned wounds.
  • Pyemia.
  • Scarlatina.
  • Septicemia.
  • Snake-bites.
  • Syphilis
  • Typhoid.
  • Ulcers.
  • Vaccination, effects of.

Echinacea Augustifolia Side Effects

Clinically no significant side effect of Echinacea Augustifolia in homeopathic potentized form is noted.

If the patient is allergic to its ingredients, overuse in an external application can cause skin rashes or hay fever.

Excess intake can cause nausea, numbness, unpleasant taste in the tongue. In such a case, one should seek medical help.

Taking an antidote like Camphora is useful.

Remember that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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