Lichen Amyloidosis – Causes & Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines

Lichen Amyloidosis - Causes and Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines

Lichen amyloidosis is a rare skin condition. It presents with severe itching, and brown patches with bumps on the skin. 

Though the name indicates amyloidosis which is a chronic systemic syndrome; this skin condition is limited to the shin and lower extremities. In rare cases only, it can spread to the trunk area. 

Lichen amyloidosis presents more in Asian countries and South American people. It affects males more than females and the age group between 50 and 60.

Amyloidosis is characterized by the deposition of extra protein in the skin known as amyloid fibril depositions. It does not associate with systemic amyloidosis disease, but it may present along with other systemic diseases like primary biliary cirrhosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Sjogren’s syndrome. 

Lichen amyloidosis is not a fatal disease. It is a rare, localized disease. Causes of lichen amyloidosis are either friction-related like scratching or idiopathic.

Types of Lichen Amyloidosis

Lichen amyloidosis is a part of primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis. This is characterized by the extracellular deposition of heterogenic amyloid proteins in the skin only. 

It is divided into 3 types depending on the presentation of eruption on the skin:

  1. Lichen Amyloidosis.
  2. Macular Amyloidosis.
  3. Nodular Amyloidosis. 

1. Lichen Amyloidosis:

It is characterized by reddish, brownish patches on the skin with bumps. It is associated with severe itching. It commonly occurs in the shin area and lower extremities.

Lichen amyloidosis is not associated with other systematic disease conditions. 

2. Macular Amyloidosis:

As the name indicates, this condition has macular brownish patches in the wavy form on the skin. 

It affects predominantly the trunk and extremities. It is a rare and harmless condition. Causative factors are unknown. If the patient avoids scratching, he may avoid macular amyloidosis condition. 

3. Nodular Amyloidosis:

It presents with raised bumps and nodules on the skin associated with macular and lichen amyloidosis. Nodular amyloidosis has red, brown, and pink nodules. 

These nodules appear on the face, upper and lower extremities, genital area, and trunk region. 

Nodular amyloidosis is not associated with pruritis. This condition may be fatal if it spreads to specific systems like the cardiac or urinary systems. 

Lichen Amyloidosis Causes

Lichen amyloidosis is a harmless skin condition. The most common causes are friction of skin and scratching conditions. But predominantly it has an idiopathic causative factor.


The causative factor of Lichen amyloidosis is unknown. A precise causative factor is not identified yet. 

The friction of skin:

In most cases continued scratching and friction of the skin leads to Lichen amyloidosis.


Most Lichen amyloidosis affects the middle-aged person, mostly the age group between 50-60years.


Lichen amyloidosis most commonly affects males than females.


Lichen amyloidosis appears in South Asia, China, and South America region. The reason behind this is yet not discovered. 

Chronic disease: 

Lichen amyloidosis is rarely associated with acute dermatitis, lichen planus, mycosis fungoides, and biliary cirrhosis.

The specific pathogenesis of lichen amyloidosis is unknown. 

Lichen Amyloidosis Symptoms

As discussed, Lichen amyloidosis is a harmless skin condition. It is a rare skin condition. The exact causative factor of lichen amyloidosis is unknown. 

It is a skin condition characterized by severe itching, scratching, and rashes on the tibia region. Red, brown popular rashes with skin bumps present on the anterior part of the leg region. In some cases, rashes are macular, or rashes present with nodules in the skin. 

Lichen amyloidosis affects the lower extremities. In rare cases, it can spread toward the trunk region, lower back region, and thigh region. A patient complains of severe itching.

Lichen amyloidosis is a primary stage. Macular amyloidosis and nodular amyloidosis are progressive stages of the skin condition. Nodular amyloidosis is a fatal condition. Nodular amyloidosis leads to systemic amyloidosis disease which is a severe chronic disease. 

Lichen amyloidosis affects males more than females. It predominantly occurs in the age group of 50-60 years old. People from south Asia, South America, and China are more susceptible to it.

In severe cases of lichen amyloidosis, a patient complains of severe scratching with bleeding, and papules come together to form plaques.

There is a hypothesis that ‘long term scratching and rubbing associated with chronic diseases like biliary cirrhosis produce keratinocyte degradation and formation of amyloid in the epidermis region of skin.’

Risk Factors for Lichen Amyloidosis

Continues scratching, age, regions, and chronic diseases are risk factors for Lichen amyloidosis condition. 

The Friction of skin: 

A patient who tends to scratch and rubbing is more susceptible to lichen planus in middle age. 


The age group of 50-60 years is more prone to lichen amyloidosis.

Family history: 

A person who has a family history of lichen amyloidosis and who has family origin in South Asia, South America, and China is more prone to lichen amyloidosis.

Chronic disease: 

Chronic diseases like biliary cirrhosis, atopic dermatitis, and systemic lupus erythematosus increases the susceptibility of the individual to develop Lichen Amyloidosis.

Diagnosis of Lichen Amyloidosis

Lichen amyloidosis is a harmless and rare skin condition. Diagnosis is depending on the clinical features, physical examination, family history, personal history, and skin tests. 

Clinical features are characterized by a specific pruritic eruption and popular-macular rashes on the skin which later collide to form a plaque. A patient has these rashes on the anterior part of the leg i.e., on the shin (tibia) region. 

Sometimes patient complains of spreading rashes on other parts of the lower extremities and trunk area. These rashes are associated with severe itching and scratching.

The reasons behind lichen amyloidosis are unknown but sometimes patient has a history of chronic diseases like atopic dermatitis, biliary cirrhosis, and other skin conditions. 

On physical examination, you can observe a white area at the center of skin rashes which are surrounded by brown dots, streaks, leaf-like projections, or bulbous projections. The central white area leads to a thickness of the skin in progressive cases. 

Many stain studies can help to diagnose lichen amyloidosis. Such stains are Condo-red stain, PAS, methyl violet, and crystal violet. Stain studies demonstrate amyloid deposition in the papillary dermis layer of the skin.

Skin biopsy is considered for progressive cases of lichen amyloidosis. 

Lichen amyloidosis is a harmless condition, and it does not involve any systemic dysfunction. 

Lichen Amyloidosis Management

Management of lichen amyloidosis depends on the severity of symptoms and associated diseases.

As chronic scratching and rubbing lead to lichen planus, preventive measures to avoid itching are considered an important part of treatment. Use of antihistamines, steroids, and external application of soothing agent help to reduce scratching and prevent damage to the skin. 

In chronic conditions, where plaques are formed in Lichen amyloidosis; surgical treatments are recommended. Laser vaporization, dermabrasion, and excision of the lesion are some options are there to treat chronic lesions of lichen amyloidosis.

Some studies reported that treatment with electrodesiccation and the use of Carbon dioxide laser is useful to treat lesions of lichen amyloidosis.

Lichen amyloidosis is a harmless condition, but a patient can feel uncomfortable with the look of the skin. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to avoid morbidity. 

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Lichen Amyloidosis

Homeopathy remedies are useful to treat acute or chronic skin conditions. Homeopathy treatment requires clinical features, physical examination, personal history, and family history of a patient.

Homeopathy treatment has two types of remedies, acute and chronic remedies. Acute homeopathy remedies help to reduce itching of the skin associated with chronic disease. A chronic homeopathy remedy is a constitutional remedy, which treats the patient as a whole.

A chronic remedy is useful to treat the tendency of lichen amyloidosis in a patient who has a family history of lichen amyloidosis. This remedy helps to reduce skin eruption and complications. 

If a patient is suffering from a chronic condition associated with pruritis, then homeopathy remedies will help to reduce itching without further complications. 

There are some homeopathy ointments are available that help to reduce itching and eruptions of the skin. 

There are some homeopathy remedies useful to treat Lichen amyloidosis:

1. Alumina: Prevent scratching

Alumina is a good remedy for dry skin. A patient complains of severe itching in a warm bed. chapped dry tottery skin. A patient has skin complaints every winter season.

The patient scratches the skin until it bleeds. 

Dose and Potency:  

Alumina is useful in 6C and 30C potencies. Give 4 globules of Alumina 3 times per day for 10 days. Apply Alumina ointment externally 3 times a day. 

2. Arundo mauritanica: For a severe case of itching with swelling of the extremity

It is indicated for severe itching on extremities associated with swelling. A patient complains of a burning sensation on the skin. 

Dose and Potency:  

Arundo is useful in 3X and 6X potencies. 5 drops in oil and apply on the skin, 2 times a day. 

3. Bismuth: Acute specific remedy for itching erosions on the tibia

This is especially indicated for itching erosions on the tibia. A patient complains of a cold leg and severe itching in the tibia region.

Dose and Potency:

Bismuth is useful in 3X and 12X potencies. Give 4 globules of Bismuth 3 times per day for 7-10 days depending on the severity of symptoms.

4. Calcarea Carbonica: To reduce the tendency of lichen amyloidosis

Calcarea Carb is a constitutional remedy. It is indicated in unhealthy skin conditions. A patient complains of itching and scratching which leads to injury formations. 

A patient complains of petechial eruption and nettle rashes on the skin. The patient’s skin complaints are less in cold weather. 

Dose and Potency:

Calcarea carb is a useful remedy in 30C and 200C potency. Take 4 globules of Calcarea carb 30, 2 times a day for 15 days, or take 4

globules of Calcarea carb 200, once a day for 10 days. 

5. Crotalus-horridus: For petechial spots surrounded by a purplish-mottled rash 

Crotalus-H is indicated for dry and cold skin. A patient complains of pustular and petechial eruptions on extremities, surrounded by purplish-mottled skin. 

Skin complaints are associated with irregular action of the heart, dizziness, and faintness. 

Dose and Potency:

Crotalus-H is useful in 6C and 30C potencies. Give four globules of Crotalus-H 2 times per day for 15-20 days. 

6. Cornus-circinata: For scratching associated with liver disease

It is indicated for itching of the skin associated with vesicular eruption. A patient complains of chronic liver disease. 

It is preventive medicine for lichen amyloidosis. 

Dose and Potency: 

Cornus circinata is useful in 6X and mother tincture forms. 5 drops of Cornu’s mother tincture mixed with water to wash skin eruptions. 4 globules of Cornus 2 times a day for 3 days.

7. Juglans Cinerea: Useful for skin disease associated with liver disease

It is useful for skin eruptions associated with itching. A patient complains of redness and pustules on the lower extremities. A patient has a history of liver disease.

It is a good remedy for the primary stage of lichen amyloidosis.

Dose and Potency:

Juglans is useful in 3X and 6C potencies. Take 4 globules of Juglans, twice a day for 8 days. 

8. Mag carb: for skin eruption associated with nodules

This remedy is useful for sensitive and earthy skin. The patient is sensitive to colds. A patient complains of nodosities under the skin.

This is a good remedy for the primary stage of lichen amyloidosis and who have a family history of lichen amyloidosis

Dose and Potency:

Mag carb is useful in lower potencies like 3X and 30C. Give 4 globules of Mag carb, 2 times a day for 15 days.

9. Mag Phos: For the white scaly eruption on the tibia

It is useful for herpetic eruptions with white scales on the tibia region. A patient complains of neuralgic pain in the tibia region.

This is a useful remedy for an acute stage of lichen amyloidosis associated with neuralgic pain.

Dose and Potency:

Mag Phos 6C and 30C are useful potencies. Take 4 globules of Mag phos 2 times a day for 10 days.

10. Manganum aceticum: For voluptuous itching and burning on the tibia

 It works best for voluptuous itching on the tibia which is relieved after scratching. A patient complains of burning associated with the eruption.

The skin is very susceptible to injuries after scratching. A patient complains that injuries do not heal immediately. Injury leads to ulceration of the skin.  

Dose and Potency:

Manganum is useful in 3X and 30C potencies. Give 4 globules of Manganum, 2 times a day for 10 days depending on the severity of symptoms. 

11. Nitric acid: For reddish, brown spots on the tibia

Nitric acid is indicated for dryness of skin and nettle rashes. A patient complains of severe itching.

On observation, a patient has brown spots, copper-colored spots, and reddish discoloration on the tibia. A patient has cold and painful legs. 

Every complaint arrives during a change of weather. It is a good remedy for the chronic condition of lichen amyloidosis. 

Dose and Potency:

Nitric acid is useful in 30C potency. Take 4 globules of Nitric acid two times a day for 7 days. Apply Nitric acid ointment externally on skin eruptions.  

12. Phosphoric acid: A good remedy for eruptions on the tibia with pain at night

Phosphoric acid is indicated for red and burning spots on the tibia. A patient complains of crawling and tingling under the skin. 

The eruption is characterized by a cluster of red pimples and miliary pimples. A patient complains of weakness and pain in the legs, especially at night. 

Eruption on the lower extremities is associated with swelling of legs and joints.

It is a good remedy for lichen amyloidosis associated with sensitive skin and leg pains at night.

Dose and Potency:

Phosphoric acid is useful in 6C and 30C potencies. Take 4 globules of Phosphoric acid, 3 times a day for 8-10 days.

13. Phosphorus: Useful for exostosis and ulcers on the tibia

Phosphorus is useful for exostosis on the tibia. A patient complains of an ulcer on the tibia surrounded by small pustules. A patient has small petechia in the leg region with stiffness in the legs. 

A patient complains of reddish, brown, and coppery spots on the tibia. A patient has a burning tingling sensation with nettle rashes on the shin region. 

This is a constitutional remedy useful to reduce the tendency of lichen amyloidosis. 

Dose and Potency:

Phosphorus is useful in 30C and 200C potencies. 4 globules of Phosphorus are once a day for 10-15 days.

14. Sepia: Useful for itching pimples on the tibia

Sepia is useful for itching pimples on the tibia associated with burning and pricking pain.

A patient complains of herpetic rashes and brown and reddish spots on the shin area.

This is a good chronic remedy. It is useful to prevent the progression of lichen amyloidosis.

Dose and Potency:

Sepia is useful in 6C and 30C potencies. 4 globules of Sepia 2 times a day for 10-15 days. 

15. Sulphuric acid: Useful for red itching spots on the tibia

Sulphuric acid is useful for red itching spots on the tibia. This is a good remedy for the primary stage of lichen amyloidosis.

A patient complains of ecchymosis and excoriation of the skin. The skin has bluish-red spots with itching.

Dose and Potency:

Sulphuric acid is useful in 6C and 30C potencies. 4 globules of Sulphuric acid are once a day for 8-10 days. 

16. Silicea: Useful for caries and ulcers on the tibia

Silicea is a good remedy for lichen amyloidosis. Silicea has a special affinity for skin eruptions in the tibia region. A patient complains of an ulcer on the shin associated with a burning sensation.

Silicea is indicated for unhealthy skin. Every little injury suppurates. A patient complains of aching pain in the legs. 

Dose and Potency:

Silicea is useful in 12X and 6C potencies. 4 globules of Silicea twice a day for 10-15 days. 

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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1 thought on “Lichen Amyloidosis – Causes & Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines”

  1. Anam Mahmud Khan

    This is Anam Mahmud Khan from Bangladesh , 47 years old ,Male , I am suffering form Amolodisis for last 8 to 10 years , pls let me know is there any homeopathic medicine or hospital where i can take proper treatment

    Anam Mahmud Khan
    Mob: +8801678115315

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