How to Stop Skin Crawling Feeling – Treatment by Homeopathy

How to Stop Skin Crawling Feeling - Treatment by Homeopathy

This blog explains how to stop skin crawling feelings, its causes, symptoms, risk factors, management & the best homeopathic medicines for its cure.

The sensation of skin crawling, also known as formication or paresthesia, is a common experience that many people have at some point in their lives. It is characterized by a feeling of tingling, itching, or prickling on the skin as if something is crawling on or under the surface of the skin.

There are a variety of reasons why someone might experience skin-crawling sensations. One common cause is anxiety or stress. Other emotional or psychological conditions like depression, PTSD, or bipolar disorder may also trigger this sensation.

Certain medications or drugs, such as cocaine or amphetamines, can also cause skin-crawling sensations as a side effect. Additionally, some medical conditions, such as neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, or peripheral artery disease, can cause abnormal sensations in the skin.

Overall, skin crawling sensations can be distressing and uncomfortable, but they are usually not harmful. If you experience persistent or severe skin crawling sensations, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Table of Contents

Type of Skin Crawling Feeling

There are several different types of skin-crawling sensations that people may experience. These include:

1. Formication:

This is the sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin. It is often associated with drug use or withdrawal.

2. Paraesthesia:

This is a general term for abnormal sensations in the skin, such as tingling, burning, or numbness. It can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or nerve damage.

3. Psychogenic pruritus:

This is a type of itch that is caused by psychological factors, such as anxiety or depression. The itching may be localized or widespread and can be difficult to treat.

4. Delusional parasitosis:

This is a psychiatric condition in which people believe that they are infested with insects or parasites, even though there is no evidence to support this belief. This can cause intense itching and scratching, which can lead to skin damage.

5. Morgellons disease:

This is a controversial condition in which people believe that they have fibers or other materials coming out of their skin. It is not recognized as a legitimate medical condition by most healthcare professionals.

Causes Of Skin Crawling Feeling:

There are several potential causes of this sensation.

One of the most common causes of skin-crawling sensations is stress and anxiety. When the body is under stress, it releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause physical symptoms like skin crawling.

Other emotional or psychological conditions like depression, PTSD, or bipolar disorder may also trigger this sensation.

Certain medications or drugs can also cause skin crawling sensations as a side effect. For example, some medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease or restless leg syndrome may cause formication.

Stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines can also cause skin-crawling sensations, and withdrawal from these substances can produce similar symptoms.

Medical conditions can also cause skin-crawling sensations. Peripheral neuropathy, which is nerve damage that affects the arms and legs, can cause tingling or prickling sensations.

Multiple sclerosis, a condition that affects the central nervous system, can also cause abnormal sensations in the skin. Thyroid dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders may also cause skin crawling sensations.

In some cases, skin crawling sensations may be a symptom of an underlying mental health condition.

Delusional parasitosis is a psychiatric condition in which people believe that they are infested with insects or parasites, even though there is no evidence to support this belief. This can cause intense itching and scratching, which can lead to skin damage.

Overall, skin crawling sensations can be distressing and uncomfortable, but they are usually not harmful.

Symptoms Of Skin Crawling Feeling:

Symptoms of skin crawling can vary depending on the underlying cause of the sensation.

In cases where skin crawling is related to stress or anxiety, and symptoms may include feelings of tension, nervousness, or restlessness.

The skin-crawling sensation may be accompanied by other physical symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, or heart palpitations. People may also experience difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, or irritability.

In cases where skin crawling is related to medication or drug use, and symptoms may include changes in mood, behaviour, or cognition. People may experience hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. Other physical symptoms may include sweating, tremors, or muscle stiffness.

Medical conditions that cause skin crawling sensations may also produce a range of other symptoms. For example, peripheral neuropathy may cause weakness, numbness, or tingling in the arms and legs.

Multiple sclerosis may cause fatigue, dizziness, or vision problems. Autoimmune disorders may cause joint pain, skin rashes, or fevers.

In some cases, skin crawling sensations may be a symptom of an underlying mental health condition.

People with delusional parasitosis may experience intense itching and scratching, which can lead to skin damage. They may also develop other delusional beliefs, such as the belief that they are being watched or followed.

Risk Factors For Skin Crawling Feeling:

While the underlying causes of skin-crawling sensations can vary, several risk factors may increase the likelihood of experiencing this sensation.

1.Stress and anxiety:

High levels of stress and anxiety can trigger skin crawling sensations. People who experience chronic stress or anxiety may be more likely to develop this symptom.

2.Medication or drug use:

Certain medications or drugs can cause skin crawling sensations as a side effect. Stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines can also cause this sensation, and withdrawal from these substances can produce similar symptoms.

3.Medical conditions:

Certain medical conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, or autoimmune disorders, can cause abnormal sensations in the skin that may feel like crawling or tingling.

4.Mental health conditions:

People with certain mental health conditions, such as delusional parasitosis, may be more likely to experience skin-crawling sensations. These sensations may be related to underlying psychological factors.


As people age, they may be more likely to experience skin crawling sensations due to changes in nerve function and circulation.


Women may be more likely than men to experience skin-crawling sensations. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause may contribute to this risk.

8.Environmental factors:

Exposure to certain environmental toxins or substances, such as pesticides or heavy metals, may increase the risk of skin-crawling sensations.

Diagnosis Of Skin Crawling Feeling:

Skin crawling is a sensation characterized by tingling, itching, or prickling on the skin as if something is crawling on or under the surface of the skin.

If you are experiencing skin crawling sensations, your healthcare provider may perform a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms.

The diagnostic process may begin with a physical exam, during which your healthcare provider will examine your skin and look for any signs of irritation or inflammation.

They may also ask you about your symptoms, medical history, and any medications you are taking. Depending on your symptoms, your healthcare provider may order additional tests or refer you to a specialist for further evaluation.

Some tests that may be used to diagnose skin crawling sensations include:

1.Blood tests:

Blood tests may be used to check for underlying medical conditions that may be causing your symptoms, such as thyroid dysfunction or vitamin deficiencies.

2.Imaging tests:

Imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scans, may be used to check for nerve damage or other structural abnormalities.

3.Skin biopsy:

In some cases, a skin biopsy may be performed to check for underlying skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis.

4.Allergy tests:

Allergy tests may be used to determine if your skin crawling sensations are related to an allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to certain substances.

5.Neuropsychological evaluation:

If your healthcare provider suspects that your skin crawling sensations are related to an underlying mental health condition, such as delusional parasitosis, they may refer you to a mental health professional for a neuropsychological evaluation.

Overall, the diagnostic process for skin crawling sensations will depend on the underlying cause of your symptoms. Treatment options may vary depending on the cause of your symptoms and may include medication, therapy, or lifestyle changes.

Treatment Of Skin Crawling Feeling:

While skin crawling sensations are usually not harmful, they can be distressing and uncomfortable.

The treatment options for skin crawling sensations will depend on the underlying cause of your symptoms.

1.Addressing underlying medical conditions:

If your skin crawling sensations are related to an underlying medical condition, such as peripheral neuropathy or multiple sclerosis, treating the underlying condition may help relieve your symptoms.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe medication or recommend lifestyle changes to manage your condition and improve your symptoms.


Several medications may be used to treat skin crawling sensations. Antihistamines, such as Benadryl, may be used to relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

Anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines or SSRIs, may be prescribed to reduce stress and anxiety, which can trigger skin-crawling sensations.

If your symptoms are related to nerve damage or neuropathic pain, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications such as gabapentin or pregabalin.

3.Topical treatments:

Topical treatments, such as creams or ointments, may be used to relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

Some topical treatments may contain ingredients such as menthol or camphor, which can produce a cooling sensation that may help relieve itching and discomfort.

4.Lifestyle changes:

Making changes to your diet, exercise routine, and sleep habits may help relieve skin crawling sensations.

Eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients and staying hydrated can help improve overall skin health.

Regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can trigger skin-crawling sensations. Getting enough sleep is also important, as sleep deprivation can increase stress and exacerbate symptoms.

5.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT):

If your skin crawling sensations are related to an underlying mental health condition, such as delusional parasitosis, CBT may be recommended. It may help you learn to manage stress and anxiety, which can trigger skin-crawling sensations, and develop coping strategies to reduce your symptoms.

Overall, the treatment options for skin crawling sensations will depend on the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Homeopathy Management Of Skin Crawling Feeling:

The selection of homeopathy remedies depends on the characteristic symptoms of a patient. Every patient can describe differently the feeling of crawling something under the skin. Depending on the individual experiences, a remedy will be selected.

There are acute and chronic remedies available for formication. The dose and potency selection of homeopathy remedy depends on the severity of symptoms.

Here are homeopathic remedies that may be used to treat skin crawling sensations:







Phos acid


Sul acid

Zinc met



1. Aconite: Formication and numbness associated with chilliness

This is an acute medicine for formication and numbness. The patient complains of red, burning rashes and itching on the skin. The patient has numbness, tingling sensation with shooting pain, and coldness in hands and feet.

Dose and Potency: Aconite 30, 4 globules 3 times a day for 3-4 days.

2. Arundo: Eczema associated with itching and crawling sensation.

Arundo is indicated in patient when they complain of eczema associated with itching and a crawling feeling under the skin. It affects the chest and upper extremities.

Dose and Potency: Arundo 3X and 6C, 4 globules 3 times a day for 7-10 days.

3. Cocaine: Hallucination of small foreign bodies or bugs under the skin.

This is a remedy for hallucinations and insomnia. The patient feels small foreign bodies and worms crawling under the skin. The patient complains of formication and numbness in their hands and forearms.

Dose and Potency: Cocaine 30, 4 globules 2 times a day for 10-15 days.

4. Mezereum: Neuralgia in teeth and face area with chilliness.

The patient complains of neuralgia in the teeth and face region associated with chilliness. The patient is very sensitive to coldness. It affects long bones and joints.

The patient complains of rashes with intolerable itching.

Dose and Potency: Mezerium 30, 4 globules 3 times a day for 3 days in acute cases.

5. Morphin: Acute remedy for multiple neuritis.

This is a remedy for neuralgia. The patient complains of restlessness and hyperesthesia. Indicated in patients that suffers from extremely intolerable pain in the extremities. The patient is susceptible to pain. The patient has delirium and melancholic nature.

Dose and Potency: Morphin 3X and 6X in trituration. Give 5 drops of Morphin mix with 1 cup warm water 2 times a day for 6-8 days. Slowly reduce the doses.

6. Oleander: Very sensitive skin associated with formication sensation.

It is a great remedy for hemiplegia, heart problems, neuralgia, and skin problems. The patient complains of burning pain at night with numbness over the skin. The patient has constant feeling of weakness and numbness in lower limbs associated with cold skin of the feet region.

Dose and Potency: Oleander 30, 4 globules 3 times a day for 5-7 days.

7. Phos acid: It is useful for formication in different parts associated with mental debility.

This is a debility remedy. It is indicated for mental debility and physical debility. The patient complains of cramps in the upper arm and wrist regions with itching in between fingers. The patient has the feeling of crawling under the skin from different parts of the body due to physical weakness.

Dose and Potency: Phos acid 3X, 2 globules 2 times a day for 10-15 days.

8. Selenium: Formication after physical exertion in old people.

This is a great remedy for formication and itching in the hands and fingers region. The patient complains of weakness after physical exhaustion. Complaints aggravated after exposure to heat. This is a good remedy for old people who suffers from chronic diseases.

Dose and Potency: Selenium 6C and 30C; 4 globules 2 times a day for 5-7 days for old people.

9. Sul acid: Numbness and formication aftereffects of mechanical injuries.

This is a great remedy for mechanical injuries and wounds. The patient complains of paralytic sensation in hands, and fingers, especially during writing.

Dose and potency: Sulph acid 30; 4 globules at night for 5 days.

10. Staph: Formication under the skin associated with eczema.

It is a constitutional remedy for a patient who suffers from eczema. The patient feels something crawling under the skin which changes the location after scratching. It is useful for sad and hypochondriacal patients. The are very much sensitive to outer impressions.

Dose and Potency: Staphysagria 30, 4 globules every night for 10 days a week in chronic cases.

11. Zincum met: Sensation of something crawling over the skin associated with insomnia.

This is a great remedy for depression, over-sensitivity, and suppressed emotions. It is a remedy for eczema in anaemic and neurotic patients. The patient complains of itchiness on the thigh and in the hallow of the knee region.

The patient cannot sleep because of a formication sensation; he feels something crawling over the skin.

Dose and Potency: Zincum met 6C, 4 globules 2 times a day for 7-10 days depending on the severity of a patient.

Do not take any homeopathy medicines without consultation with a homeopathy physician.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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