Carduus Marianus 30, 200, 1M – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Carduus Marianus 30, 200, 1M - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Carduus Marianus is one of the excellent remedies in homeopathy from the vegetable kingdom, mostly indicated in Liver and Spleen diseases. It belongs to the family Compositae.

It is commonly known as Silybum.

Trituration and solutions of the alkaloid of the seeds are used for the preparation of the mother tincture.

Tincture and trituration of the seeds are prepared and subsequent potencies are made.

It is the alkaloid content of Carduus Marianus seeds that possesses the medicinal effect when given in a crude form and is of great homeopathic therapeutic purpose when given in dynamic doses.

It is the most important remedy that has an action on the liver and Spleen disorders.

Carduus Marianus Constitution /Personality

Carduus Marianus is a remedy, best suited for patients with an earthy complexion, eyes dim, and hardness of hearing.

It is suited to a person of the bilious constitution and melancholic temperament, there is a mucous coating on the tongue, and a loss of appetite even for his favorite food and tobacco.

It is suited to people with tobacco eating habits, who have, great dyspnoea and palpitation on going uphill.

The skin is dry as if withered, with great weakness, the pulse is slow and weak.

It has been useful in people who get especially have the disposition of being formerly cheerful, and he is now joyless and apathetic.

Guiding symptoms of Carduus Marianus

Carduus Marianus is one of the best remedies for the liver enlargement of Carduus m. is in the transverse direction

It is useful in conditions of liver and spleen enlargement where the patient has had attacks of vomiting for three months, with pains in the abdomen.

The vomiting and pains in the abdomen associated with vomiting are relieved by Carduus Marianus.

It is indicated when the liver and spleen both are very much enlarged so that they seem to fill the abdomen.

Carduus Marianus has proven to be a remarkable remedy for individuals with varicose ulcers who also have a tobacco addiction.

This remedy is particularly effective for various conditions related to the gastrointestinal system, including gastrointestinal catarrh, epistaxis, metrorrhagia (abnormal uterine bleeding), and hemorrhoidal flux—all of which are linked to portal congestion.

For individuals experiencing tenderness of the liver, bilious fever, symptoms resembling peritonitis, and stitching pain in the sides of the abdomen, Carduus Marianus has demonstrated positive effects.

In cases of hepatitis, characterized by inflammation of the liver accompanied by stomach spasms, this remedy proves beneficial.

Symptoms may include contractive pains, vomiting, a rising cold sensation from the chest to the throat, and a feeling of spasmodic constriction in the throat. Additionally, there may be pressive, shooting pain on the right side of the abdomen spreading to the back or shoulder.

Carduus Marianus is also useful in addressing inflammation of the spleen, often accompanied by pain in the hepatic and splenic regions, hemoptysis, and evening fever.

Many homeopaths use this remedy to treat local muscular rheumatisms associated with liver diseases. It is indicated in cases of liver congestion, swollen leg veins, piles, and headaches.

For symptoms like giddiness with a tendency to fall forward and sudden, profuse epistaxis followed by relief, Carduus Marianus is effective.

In Miner’s Disease, characterized by dimming eyes, hearing difficulty, a coated tongue, loss of appetite (even for favorite foods and tobacco), this remedy has shown positive outcomes.

It is indicated in conditions with significant dyspnea and palpitation during uphill exertion. Symptoms may include distended spleen and stomach, excessive wind eructation, constant stomach rumbling, and alternating constipation with more frequent diarrhea.

Carduus Marianus is also beneficial for urinary complaints where there is the evacuation of gray, scanty, and pale urine.

In cases of alcohol abuse, especially beer, this remedy is considered one of the top choices for addressing the adverse effects on the liver, spleen, and kidneys. It is also effective in managing symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver and general dropsy.

For a relaxed state of the stomach’s mucous membrane causing flatulence and clay-colored diarrhea, Carduus Marianus is a recommended remedy.

Individuals experiencing a relaxed condition of the body, resulting in fatigue, weakness, and lethargy, especially after eating, riding, or waking up, may find relief with this remedy.

In the context of fever, Carduus Marianus is indicated when chilliness is prominent upon waking or at night, aggravated by uncovering. Coldness of the knees, sensitivity of the head to cold, and sweating of the forehead and back after meals are common symptoms addressed by this remedy.

Typically, Carduus Marianus is recommended when pains are of a stitching type, accompanied by drawing pressure sensations, radiating pains, constriction, band-like sensations, and abdominal cramps.

Carduus Marianus Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the complaints body. And wherever the symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind symptoms 

The Carduus Marianus patient suffers from great dullness and weakness of memory leading to forgetfulness of things he had just intended to do.

There is a disposition to become angry.

It is indicated in the case of depression and melancholy with liver affections.

There is Joylessness and apathetic condition in the patient.

Head symptoms 

Carduus Marianus is a great remedy for Vertigo, there is great giddiness, with a tendency to fall forward, reduced by epistaxis.

This remedy is indicated for headaches when there is fulness in the head with a dull headache, especially in the forehead or temples, with confusion, and vertigo.

There is severe pressure on the forehead, over the eye, in the occiput with constriction around the skull; over the eyebrows with severe pain in the left parietal bone.

Eyes symptoms

Carduus Marianus is useful for treating congestion and redness of the eyes with burning and pressure on eyeballs and lids. There is pressure as if eyeballs were pressed against the side of orbits.

Nose symptoms

Carduus Marianus is a wonderful remedy for inflammation of nasal mucosa as occurs in cold, there is tickling first in the right and then in the left nostril with watery discharge from same.

It is an indicated remedy for epistaxis, there is burning in nostrils, with bleeding and epistaxis in young persons.

It is indicated when there is sudden profuse epistaxis that will relieve vertigo.

Mouth symptoms 

Carduus Marianus is indicated in complaints of loss of sensation of taste there is a yellow mucous coating on the tongue, due to lack of adequate air to breath the tongue is cold blue.

The tongue is white with a white center and red tip and edges at times there is a white-coated tongue on the side.

There is a collection of water in the mouth with a smooth sensation of the mucous membrane of the palate as though covered with fat.

Face symptom

Carduus Marianus is indicated when there is heat in the face with an earthy complexion, due to underlying liver illness the face is yellowish-grey, dirty, or florid complexion.

Throat symptom

Carduus Marianus is indicated in conditions of sore throat with a bitter taste in the mouth.

Repeated eructations of air with burning in the esophagus, and cold bile risings in the throat with a bitter taste.

It is an useful remedy for laryngitis with Irritation in the posterior part of the larynx causing cough and expectoration of pure blood and mucus mixed with blood.

Chest symptom

Carduus Marianus is highly regarded for its effectiveness in addressing cough and chest congestion. Doctors often recommend it as a respiratory tract stimulant and to help loosen chest congestion.

For individuals experiencing chest pains, especially with a drawing sensation along the left rib margin and pain during breathing, Carduus Marianus proves to be a valuable remedy.

It is particularly beneficial for cough accompanied by stitches on the sides of the chest and the presence of bloody sputum. Additionally, this remedy is effective for splenic or hepatic cough, where chest pains extend to the front, shoulders, back, loins, and abdomen, often accompanied by an urge to urinate.

Drawing pains through the left pectoral and left intercostal muscles below the armpits can be alleviated with Carduus Marianus. Stitches in the chest, extending from the left nipple to the right downward, causing difficulty in motion, are also effectively addressed by this remedy.

This remedy is especially useful when chest complaints arise from the enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Heart symptoms

Carduus Marianus can be given to the patient when there is pain pressure and stitches in the region of the heart; oppression of deep breathing is usually associated with enlargement and inflammation of the liver and spleen.

Stomach symptoms

Carduus Marianus is a great remedy for gastritis there is intense nausea, with painful retching and vomiting of some greenish fluid.

Also useful for acidity the contents of the stomach and intestines are sour.

There is pressure in the stomach with eructation of air at night on awakening and it will last all day; the eructations are coming and disappearing during the day.

It is indicated when there is the sensation of emptiness with a headache before dinner, the headache goes off after dinner. There is burning in the stomach as of acidity with transient pressure and stitches in the left stomach aggravation on inspiration.

Abdomen and Rectum symptoms

Carduus Marianus is an indicated remedy for Hepatitis, the Liver region is sensitive to pressure, there is pressure in the liver region, with tension, and stitches in the liver on lying on the left side.

There are stitches in spleen aggravation on inspiration and on stooping.

There is swelling, sensitiveness, and induration of the left lobe of the liver, which leads to compression respiratory embarrassment, and cough with thick expectoration.

This remedy is indicated for Liver diseases like cirrhosis of the liver affecting the lungs cause hemoptysis, there is drawing pain between the umbilicus and pit of the stomach, coming and going, in the peritoneum of the abdominal wall, from right to left side followed by pain and sensation of heat in spots as large as a hen’s egg between the umbilicus and inguinal region to left.

The sensation of motion in the intestines on expiration and extending the breadth of a hand around the umbilicus. There is gaseous distension; rumbling; cutting in the abdomen.

It is also indicated for constipation where the stools are very hard and knotty; insufficient they are like paste, clayey stool.

It is a great remedy for itching at the anus with hemorrhoids, there is burning pain in the rectum and anus that interferes with sitting, and the hemorrhoids are with the acidity of the stomach and distension of the bowels.

Urinary symptoms

Carduus Marianus is known for its remarkable impact on the urinary organs, particularly in cases where there is a frequent urge to urinate without the actual need to pass urine.

For individuals dealing with cystitis, this remedy proves beneficial. It addresses the condition characterized by pressure on the bladder, leading to dribbling of urine after unsuccessful attempts to have a bowel movement.

Carduus Marianus is also effective for symptoms like burning at the urinary meatus and in the urethra. In such cases, urine may appear turbid, have a golden-yellow color, and exhibit acidity.

Many homeopaths use this remedy for conditions involving strangury (painful, slow urination) and the presence of calculi (stones) in the urinary tract.

Male symptoms

The male patients of Carduus Marianus usually suffer from impotence in men due to excess alcohol consumption.

It is indicated when sexual complaints, are associated with liver and spleen disorders.

Female symptoms 

Carduus Marianus is recognized for its positive effects on the female reproductive system. It serves as an effective remedy for addressing menstrual issues, whether it be excessively heavy or abnormally light menstrual flow.

Furthermore, this remedy is indicated for the treatment of chronic uterine hemorrhage when there is an underlying issue of portal derangement.

Hand and Leg symptoms

Carduus Marianus is an effective remedy for rheumatism, particularly when there are intense rheumatic pains in the right deltoid muscle and the right arm.

This remedy is indicated when individuals experience drawing pain in the muscles covering the left radius, alternating with pain in the muscles on the right side.

In cases of cramp-like pain affecting the muscles of the arms, hands, fingers, calves, and feet, Carduus Marianus has proven beneficial.

It is especially useful for rheumatism associated with spasms in the extremities. Individuals may also encounter pain in the hip joints extending through the buttocks, making rising difficult, and worsening when stooping.

Carduus Marianus is a valuable remedy for rheumatism-related symptoms, including pain in the left tibia and dorsum of the foot, accompanied by pain in the muscles of the sole of the right foot and the lower part of the right heel.

For individuals dealing with varicose ulcers, this remedy provides relief, alleviating severe burning and cramps in the muscles of the legs.

Back symptoms

Carduus Marianus is indicated to treat backache with the stiffness of the neck and back, there is sensitiveness in dorsal and cervical vertebrae.

There is a drawing type of pain in the back; sometimes tearing; burning in the left shoulder blade.

The patient feels better by lying down and resting.

Fever symptoms

Carduus Marianus is a beneficial remedy for fever. Individuals may experience chilliness upon waking, accompanied by a strong urge to urinate.

This chilliness tends to worsen at night when uncovered. In the sweating stage of the fever, there is noticeable perspiration on the forehead and back, particularly after meals.

Skin symptoms

Carduus Marianus is a highly effective remedy for varicose ulcers on the legs, characterized by intense itching, burning sensations, and cramps.

It is particularly useful for ulcers on the skin that exhibit itching, especially when lying down at night.

Sleep symptoms

Carduus Marianus is also indicated in the patient to treat the restless sleep with frequent awakening and many dreams indicative of a disturbed mind.

It is useful for treating nightmares from lying on the back, there is fatigue from yawning, and at times there is uncontrollable yawning.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor improves the condition of the disease.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The condition of Carduus Marianus gets aggravated when after eating; when riding; on awaking; frequently accompanied by yawning.

Amelioration By

The conditions of Carduus Marianus get better when in motion or moving around.

The complaints of chilliness are prominent, on awaking; at night; amelioration on uncovering, and Coldness of knees.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

The remedies complementary to Carduus Marianus are Bryonia Alba.

Similar Medicines

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Remedies similar to Carduus Marianus are Merc solubilis.

It Antidotes 

Carduus Marianus antidotes the ill effects of excess alcohol.

Antidoted by 

The bad effects of Carduus Marianus is antidoted by Camphor.

Carduus Marianus Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Carduus Marianus 30 Uses

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms of the patient match with the medicine and help the doctor only to diagnose the disease condition. 

This potency requires frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen. 

Carduus Marianus 200 Uses

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Carduus Marianus match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

Carduus Marianus 1M Uses

This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Carduus Marianus and that given by the patient match perfectly. 

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Carduus Marianus Q (Mother Tincture) Uses

The mother tincture of Carduus Marianus is used by many homeopaths to relieve the symptoms associated with chronic respiratory failure.

It is mainly used to relieve asthma and chronic respiratory affections in patients and should only be given when all the symptoms of Carduus Marianus are matched with the patient’s symptoms.

Take 10 drops of mother tincture in half a cup of water three times a day till the improvement occurs. 

Carduus Marianus 3X/6X Uses

This lower potency of Carduus Marianus works well to treat the conditions like Cardiac asthma and has a therapeutic effect on patients suffering.

Take 2-3 drops of dilution directly on the tongue thrice a day for 3 months.

Clinical Indication of Carduus Marianus

  • Bronchitis
  • Dropsy
  • Epistaxis
  • Fever
  • Gall-stones
  • Haemoptysis
  • Haemorrhages
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Influenza
  • Intermittents
  • Jaundice
  • Liver affections
  • Metrorrhagia
  • Neuralgia
  • Phthisis
  • Pleurisy
  • Rheumatism
  • Sciatica
  • Spleen affections
  • Typhlitis
  • Varicose veins

Carduus Marianus Side Effects

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by potentization where the dynamic curative power of the medication is aroused, so homeopathic medicines produce negligible side effects.

If any side effects of Carduus Marianus are seen mostly like vomiting or skin rash, then it can be antidoted by Camphor.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on individual symptoms and characteristics. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath for proper evaluation and personalized treatment. Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole person, so a detailed case study is necessary to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self-medication may aggravate the original conditions.

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1 thought on “Carduus Marianus 30, 200, 1M – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects”

  1. Greetings, thank you for your post. Could you kindly could share your opinion on the use of Carduus Mariannus 1M dosis for the reversed sneezing on dogs? My 11 year old dog medium size 25 pounds has digestive issues plus reversed sneezing – does not appear to be kennel cough no bacterial infection in the lungs. The AST ALT liver enzymes are elevated and occasionally vomits food undigested. His reversed looks like an asthma attack every time he gets excited or goes to the lawn which perhaps triggers some allergic reaction. He is in good spirits, active and perhaps a bit overweight but not critical. He is hungry and his choices are quite limited since he does not like dog food. I cook for him special food with no fat content. I started cooking for him as a measure to help him with his apprehension to dog food and bile/digestive issues present whenever he would consume dog food. However, although less, he still has occasional digestive issues. He is currently taking Nux Vomica, Carbo Vegetabilis, Conium Maculatum, and Chelidonium Majus plus Pancreatrophin. That seems to help the digestive issues but the reverse sneezing continues. Thank you!

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